Kya & Xavier: It's Always Been You (Life As We Know It Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Kya & Xavier: It's Always Been You (Life As We Know It Book 1)
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Chapter 15

Kya Renee

It was Monday afternoon and I hadn’t
seen Xavier since he brought me back to my dorm on Saturday when we returned
from our trip home to talk to his aunt about Johnny. We had a few phone and
text conversations but nothing really serious. After finding about his real
father, I tried to give him space figuring he needed some time to process
everything but I was supposed to stay with him tonight. He had an out of town
game that was only an hour away so asked me if I would stay and wait for him to
get back. Tuesday was the only day that neither of us had early class so we
usually alternated staying at each other’s dorms on Monday nights. Since they
had a game his coach wouldn’t have morning conditioning so we could actually
sleep in and not be stressed about class or practice. I figured that they were
either on the road already or close to leaving so I called to make sure he
hadn’t forgotten to leave his dorm key with Chaz so that I could get into his

“I’m not playing don’t eat my food.”
Xavier yelled to someone when he answered my call. It was loud, I could hear
music playing with a bunch of yelling and conversation in the background.

“Sorry about that, sup?”

“You must still be in the locker
room?” I asked after hearing all the noise in the background

“Yeah, we’re about to leave, you
still staying with me tonight right?”

“Nah, I got a better offer.” I teased.

“You got jokes.”

“Who says I’m joking.”

“You better be.” He said sounding
like a parent.


Xavier cut me off “Ethan, keep James
away from my food before I have to knock his childish ass out.”

“Sorry, let me go they’re acting
stupid in here right now, Chaz has my key. I’ll text you when I get on the

“Okay.” I said, there was no point in
trying to talk to him right now because I knew from experience that we would
keep getting interrupted. I ended the call and heard Toni come in so I decided
to go see what she was up to.

When I walked into the living room
Toni was standing in the doorway holding it open talking to Kelly who was in
the process of asking for a ride somewhere.

“Girl me and Ky are about to head to
the mall.” She glanced at me as if warning me to back her up. “I’m sorry girl.”

“Okay well let me know when you get
back then. I can go later.” Kelly said and then turned to walk away.

Toni let the door close, locked it
before she looked at me and rolled her eyes. “I swear, that girl needs to get a
car, quick and in a hurry.” She said then then dropped her purse, book bag and
oversized binder on the couch and then plopped down next to it.

“So you’re buying me pizza at the
mall?” I said and laughed. I fell back onto the sofa across from Toni, pulled
my legs up and let them fall to the side as I leaned back.

“Boo, I’ll buy you the whole dang
mall if it means that I don’t have to deal with her mooching behind.”

“What’s the move for tonight?”

“Depends on what kind of mood Ethan
is in when they get back tonight.”

“Yeah, I’m supposed to be staying
with Zay tonight.”

“Good then we can stay here. What’s
up with him anyway? Ethan said they haven’t talked much lately.”

“Girl you wouldn’t believe it if I
told you.”

“What’s up?” She asked now really

“Do not tell anyone, not even Ethan.
I don’t know if he wants anyone to know.” I glared at Toni with a treating

“Girl this is me.”


“I won’t tell, I promise.” She said
now eagerly awaiting my intel.

“Johnny is not his real dad.”

“Shut up for real?”

“For real.”

“Hell, he should be happy about that. If I was
him I’d want everybody to know.” Toni said because she knew all about Xavier’s

“I know right. He came to the game
Friday and was waiting for him when we walked out. They argued about something,
I’m not sure what because I was in the car but anyway it ended with Johnny
telling Zay that he wasn’t his real father.”

“What did Zay do?”

“Frist he tried to break his jaw.” I
laughed pleased at the memory of Xavier hitting Johnny. "Then we just
left, but you know we went home Saturday and his aunt told him the truth. His
mom left Johnny for a while got pregnant by another dude but when that dude
found out that she was married and pregnant with Zay and he left. So she went
back to Johnny.”

“He never knew that?”

“Nope his mom never told him.”

“So what about his real dad? Does he
know who he is?”

“Yeah, his aunt gave him a picture
with his name and an old address on the back and some other stuff.”

“So is he going to try and find him?”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t really said
anything about it since he found out.”

“He should, anybody has to be better
than that jerk he thought was his dad all these years.”

“I know, that’s what I was thinking
but I don’t want to push. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“Girl, that’s some Lifetime Movie kind
of stuff.” Toni said and laughed.

“You’re dumb.” I said and laughed

“So are we hitting the mall up for
real or not?”

“I guess so, since you made me an
accessory to your lie.” I said.

“You’re changing right?” Toni said
and checked out my outfit. I was currently wearing a pair of Xavier’s dorm
pants that literally swallowed, a sweatshirt and knitted slippers.

“Nope, take me as I am.”

“Or not.” Toni said with a grin.

“No love.” I said and stood up. “No

“It’s all love, that’s why I’m not
letting you leave here looking homeless.”

“Give me a minute to change and then
we can go.” I said and then disappeared into my room.



When I
pulled up at Xavier’s dorm the parking lot was pretty full so I had to park a
few rows out. I decided to leave my clothes in the car and just took my laptop
and book bag so that I could try to get some work done while I was waiting on
him to get back. It was just after eight and I wasn’t expecting him to get
there before ten which meant that I had a few hours to work on my research

As soon
as I reached to the entrance and pulled the door and it was locked so I peered inside
to see if I could find someone to let me in but the security station was empty
and there were only two people in the lobby. They were on the sofa watching TV
which was so far from door that I didn’t think they would hear me knocking and
their backs were too me. I pulled out my phone not sure why because everyone I
knew was on the basketball team and I just realized that I didn’t have Chaz’s
I was stuck and didn’t
have anybody to call. I turned to head back to my car not really sure what I
was going to do until I heard someone open the door. I turned to see a girl I
didn’t know coming out.

“Hey will you hold that door for me.”
I yelled and then quickly moved in her direction.

She smiled, caught the door and
waited for me to get to it.

“Thanks.” I said and returned a

“No prob.” She said and then walked
towards the parking lot.

My book bag was heavy so I decided to
take the elevator and when I got to Xavier’s dorm room the door was propped
open with all the lights on. There was no sign of Chaz so I placed my laptop on
the kitchen counter and then dumped my purse and book bag on the sofa before I
went to check Chaz’s room to see if he was in there.

I knocked but didn’t get an answer
and it was quite so I figured that he was out. Since the main door was propped
open so I figured that he was probably in someone else’s room. I grabbed my
laptop, turned on the TV, got comfortable on the sofa and started working on my
research paper. About forty five minutes later I could hear voices in the hallway
moving towards Xavier’s dorm.

“What’s up? How long have you been
here?” Chaz asked when he stepped inside, his cubby face hidden with his long
wavy jet black hair which he pulled back and tucked behind his ear.

“Not long.” I smiled.

“This is Charity.” He said nodding to
the short thin girl that was standing next to him.
She gave me a fake smile and then looked down
at her phone. She didn’t seem happy that I was there.

“This is Xavier’s girlfriend.” Chaz
explained sensing the tension and assuming that it was from the fact that
Charity didn’t know why another girl was waiting in his dorm room.

Her mood changed immediately and she
smiled this time a little more friendly, “So you’re Kya?” she asked and then
walked over to sit on the sofa opposite of me.

I gave Chaz a strange look wondering
why she felt the need to express that she had heard about me which forced him
to explain again but this time to me, “I told her I had to get back to give you
Zay’s key.” He pulled Xavier’s lanyard from around his neck and handed it to

“Thanks, I’m going to get out of your
way.” I closed my laptop and stood up.

“What time is he supposed to be
back?” Chaz asked and then plopped down on the sofa next to Charity which made
her fall into him because he was almost three times her size.

“Like ten something,” I said and then
picked up my book bag off the floor and pulled the strap up over my shoulder.

“We’re catching a midnight movie if
you guys wanna hang.” Chaz said.

“I doubt it. I’m sure he’s not going to
feel like leaving when he gets here but thanks anyway.” I smiled at Charity. “It
was nice to meet you.”
And your girl
definitely does not want us to join you.

“Same here.” She mumbled. I could
tell she was glad that I was leaving them.

“Zay asked me to make sure you were
straight so we’ll hang around here until he gets back.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”

“And he’ll kill me if something
happens so, we’ll just hang around here. You know how he is.” Chaz smiled at me
and I knew that he wasn’t going to budge. I was his priority until Xavier
Great, now this girl is really
going to hate me.

I unlocked Xavier’s door and put my
laptop on his desk, dropped my purse and book bag on the floor next to it
before I flipped the switch to turn the lights on. His room was neater than it
usually was which I contributed to the fact that he had prepared for me being
alone in it.

I kicked my shoes off and they landed in the center
of the floor. His remote was already on the bed so I picked it up and turned
the TV on, turned the light back off and flipped through the channels trying to
find something to watch before I settled on a Cosby Show marathon.
I guess this would have to keep me occupied
until he got back so I balled up on my side and got comfortable. My body guard
and his date were keeping watch in the living so I settled in prepared to wait
for Xavier.

Xavier Lee

The dorms were quiet which was
unusual even at 11 o'clock at night and I was sure that Kya was sleep by now
since I was supposed to be back an hour ago. We won our game but coach decided
to have a forty five minute speech about responsibilities and priorities which
was pointless because the team was so hype after the win that nobody was
listening which pissed him off even more. I'm pretty sure he just did stuff
like that to find reasons to make us run at practice.

The main door was locked and Chaz met
me in the living room along with his new girl to report that Ky was safe and
sound. I had asked him to hang around until I got back because I didn’t want
her to be alone in our dorm. There had been a lot of talk about a few girls
being assaulted around campus and I didn’t want her there by herself. There
were always too many people in and out and I needed to make sure that she was
good until I got there.

It was dark inside but my door was
cracked so I could hear the TV and see the light flickering from it. When I
pushed my door open I found Kya balled up on my bed hugging one of my pillows
so I dropped my game bag on the floor and crawled over her with one arm on each
side of her body before leaned down and kissed her face to wake her up.

“What time is it?” She mumbled.

“Eleven something.” I laid down next
to her.

“You smell.”

“You do realize that I just played a
game right.” I slide my finger down her nose which made her frown.

“Why didn’t you shower already?”

“Coach had us hemmed up so I decided
to wait until I got back.”

“Did you win?”


“What was the score?”


“How’d you do?”

“Alright I guess.”

“You guess? Did have a bad game?”

“It was alright, my shot was just off
a little.”

“You still sore?” She asked and then
placed her hand on my chest.

“Lil bit.”

“Are they sure it's not broken?”

“Yep, just a deep tissue bruise.” I kissed her
again, stood up and reached behind me to grab the back of my hoodie, pulled it
over my head which sent a flash of pain through me so I paused for a second and
then did the same with my shirt.
about to shower.”

“Yeah you do that.” Kya held her nose

I walked into my bathroom and turned
the water on. “You’re not going to sleep.” I yelled from the bathroom.

“I’ll do what I can.” She yelled back.

I stuck my head out. “You’re not
going to sleep Ky.” I held up my arm and looked in the mirror but couldn’t see
any visible signs of an injury but it sure hurt like hell. My ribs were so sore
I could barely lift my arm without flinching. This was one of the worst parts
about basketball. I forever had some kind of injury but unfortunately I didn’t
get the luxury of letting anything heal the way that it was truly supposed to.
They just patched you up enough for you to hit the floor while you prayed that
you didn't get hit in the same spot again.

“I need to get my bag out the car.”
Kya was standing in the doorway of the bathroom watching me.

“I’ll get it when I’m done, I don’t
want you out there this late by yourself.” I said. “Let me shower first.”

“So protective.” She said with a
smirk, stepped back and pulled the door closed.

When I finished my shower Ky was
sitting at my desk typing something on her laptop, she had her glasses on which
she rarely ever wore because she said they made her look mousy but she actually
looked cute in them.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Research paper.”

“You wanna work on mine when you’re

“That would be a definite no.” She
said and smiled “I hate research papers. Too much work.”

“But I’m worth it.”


I looked in my closet found a pair of
shoes and a fleece jacket so that I could get Ky’s bag out of her car.

“Where’s your key.” I asked after I
had my jacket and shoes on.

Ky turned in my computer chair and
looked around my room scanning for her key and then jumped up and grabbed her
purse. She dug inside and pulled out a floral printed wallet with her car key
attached and handed it to me.

“I’ll be right back.”

“It’s in the backseat she said,”
without looking at me because she was pecking away at her laptop again.

I left my room and headed out the
dorm. It was after midnight so it was pretty quiet aside from a few TVs and
radios there wasn’t much going on. This time of night mostly everyone was in
the game room, watching movies in the lobby or shacked up in their rooms so the
halls were quite. I decided to take the stairs and use the side entrance
instead of going through the lobby so that I wouldn’t get held up by anybody.
When I pushed the door open the cold air hit my face and sent a chill through
me so I shoved my hands in my pockets and jogged towards Kya’s car. I had seen
it when Ethan and I pulled up at the dorms after the game and she was parked
out near the perimeter of the parking lot which I was currently regretting
because the cold air was killing me. My hair was still partially wet from my

A car
was pulling out of the parking lot and I thought about moving her car closer
but decided it wasn’t worth it so I just unlocked the doors and grabbed her bag
and threw it over my shoulder and locked it again. The way Ky packed you’d
think that she had planned on staying for weeks instead of one night. I made my
way back to the side entrance, swiped my id card, opened the door and jogged up
the stairs until I reached my floor.

“You got
a call.” Kya said the second I walked in my room. She was sitting on the edge
of my bed looking angry.


“She called
three times you might want to call her back, could be important.” She said and
then cut her eyes at me.

“Who is
she?” I asked not really sure why.


Damn, not a good time for this
. I really
wasn’t in the mood to have an argument with her about somebody I had not given
a second thought to. I dropped Ky’s bag on the bed, pulled off my jacket and
when I didn’t respond it pissed her off even more.

“So who
is she?’

Please not tonight.

must be somebody if she’s calling.” Kya said, grabbed her bag and started
pulling stuff out of it but I’m sure she was doing it because she was mad and
wasn’t really looking for anything.

“Are we
really gonna do this right now?”

“Nope, if
you don’t care, then I don’t care.” She said sarcastically.


worries, I’m good.” She starred at me as if waiting for me to say something,
but what, I don’t know.

I picked
up my phone off the dresser and tossed it to her. “You know the password. I
don’t have anything to hide.”

“I'm not
calling her, but I do wanna know why she’s calling you and this time a night there’s
really only one reason.”

right, but just because she calls doesn’t mean that I answer.” I was praying
that she didn’t look at my call log from the last time that Tamara called.
Please lord don’t let her go through my
“Don’t act like you don’t know that I had other people in my life
and don’t act like you don’t know that they’re not gonna just magically
disappear. Girls call, text and hell they might even show up here and there’s
nothing I can do about it. Eventually they’ll get the message and stop but
until then I can’t control what they do. The only thing I can control is what I
do. You know that.”

“And you
don’t need to act like I don’t have the right to be mad about that.” I could
tell that she was hurt.

I sat down next to her. “I made a lot
of mistakes and I know you don’t trust me but this isn’t going to work if you
don’t try. I’m with you. Just you.” I leaned over and kissed her neck.

trying but stuff like this makes it really hard Zay.”

“I know,
just promise me you’ll try.”

“I am, it’s
just hard.”

I knew
it was hard for her to trust me. I had been caught out there too many times
before and if she had done the same thing to me I knew that I would have been
gone a long time ago.

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