L.A. Noir (69 page)

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Authors: John Buntin

BOOK: L.A. Noir
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Jerry Lewis, Skelton on Witness Stand.”
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Los Angeles Examiner
. “W H. Parker Heads Fire Police League.” January 7, 1949.

__________. “Grand Jury to Attack Police Trials System.” September 7, 1949.

____. “Law for Policemen Took,” editorial, November 14, 1949.

____. “Wild Party by 100 Police Described, Youth Tells of Beatings at Police Yule Party,” March 19, 1952.

____. “An Inadequate Answer,” editorial, May 2, 1952.

____. “Chief Parker Expected to Quit in Bowron Row,” May 27, 1952.

________. “Admits Slaying Bookie, Claims It Was ‘Self Defense,’” December 9, 1959.

____. “Yorty, Parker Clash: Chief Denies Charge of Ballot ‘Gestapo,’” June 9, 1961.

Los Angeles Herald
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Los Angeles Herald-Examiner
. “Bowron Denies Parker Ouster,” May 27, 1952.

____. “All Election Promises Kept, Yorty Asserts. But Black Leaders Flat Contradict His Claim That He Never Promised to Fire Chief Parker,” July 9, 1962.

____. “‘Pseudoleaders Who Can’t Lead,’ Blamed by Parker,” August 15, 1965.

____. “Riot Hearings Boil, Parker, Bradley in Row Over ‘Mystery Man,’” September 14, 1965.

____. “The Case of Earl Kynette,” July 8, 1966.

____. “Friends, Critics Praise Parker,” July 18, 1966.

____. “6000 Pay Last Tribute to Parker, Chief Eulogized in Congress,” July 21, 1966.

Los Angeles Herald-Express
. “Cohen ‘Safe’ in U.S. Cell, Moved to Federal Pen, Brutality by Police Told,” February 14, 1952.

____. “‘Cops So Drunk They Fought Each Other to Beat Us,’” March 19, 1952.

______ “Charge 750 Police in Office Jobs, Quiz Chief,” May 5, 1954.

_______ “Parker Hits Influx of Parolees to L.A.: Tells City Council of Huge Rise in Crime,” March 13, 1959.

____. “Parker Rejects Mr. K. Gripe, Russ Police OKd Ban on Disneyland Tour,” September 21, 1959.

____. “Chief Parker May Head US Crime Probers,” December 22, 1960.

Los Angeles Mirror
. “Mayor Investigates Honorary L.A.P.D. Badges,” October 28, 1938, via Larry Harnisch’s
Daily Mirror
blog (

____. “‘Innocent’ in Cussing, Says Mickey Cohen,” August 31, 1949.

____. “Worton ‘Man of the Year’ in
Mailbag Vote,” December 30, 1949.

____. “Full Story of Mob Shooting of Cohen.” July 20, 1949.

________. “Move for Action on L.A. Police Brutality Charges.” February 26, 1952.

____. “6 on Trial Tell More Police Brutalities.” March 6, 1952.

____. “Parker Clams Up on Jury Quiz.” March 27, 1952.

____. “Grand Jury Turns Heat on Parker, Report Hits Police Dept. Conditions.” April 29, 1952.

____. “Bare Yule Police Brutality Transcript.” May 13, 1952.

____. “Speaking of Snoopers.” January 19, 1953.

____. “Chief Shrugs at Claim of Cop Brutality, Police Brutality Gets Brush-off by Chief Parker,” February 27, 1952.

Cop Brutality Quiz Demanded by L.A. Judge.” March 13, 1952.

____. “Florabel Muir Reporting,” March 20, 1952.

____. “Bloody Christmas—One Year Later,” editorial, December 6, 1952.

____. “Chicago Hoodlum Chased by Cops, Goes to ‘Vegas,’” January 16, 1953.

____. “Give Police Board, Not the Chief, More Power.” July 2, 1953.

____. “Cal. Employe [sic] Accused as Bunco Go-Between.” September 2, 1953.

____. “Cohen Jailed for Failure to Register,” September 26, 1957, accessed via the
Los Angeles Times’s
Daily Mirror
blog (
), October 12, 2008.

____. “Brutal Tactics Told at Hearing,” January 26, 1960.

____. “Big Squeeze Boosts Police for Kennedy,” July 11, 1960.

____. “Criminals Laugh at LA Police, Says Chief. Underworld Rejoices in Ruling,” May 31, 1955.

Los Angeles Mirror-Daily News
. “Telephone Tap Defended by Chief Parker,” March 7, 1955.

____. “Police Instincts of Bill Parker Flourished Early,” June 18, 1957.

Los Angeles Mirror-News
, Cop Brutality Quiz Demanded by L.A. Judge,” March 13, 1952.

____. “Police Brutality Probe Is Overdue,” March 14, 1952.

____. “Lawmen Blast High Court Order to Identify Informants in Arrests: Ruling Termed Crippling in Drive on Dope,” October 2, 1958.

____. “Shooting Takes Place Six Feet From Mickey,” December 3, 1958.

____. “Keep Cool with Mr. K, Chief Parker tells L.A.,” September 7, 1959.

____. “Cohen Suspect in Slaying, Restaurant’s Guests Flee After Shooting,” December 3, 1959.

____. “Racial Bias Accusations False, Says Chief Parker. Explains Police Problem,” January 27, 1960.

Los Angeles Police Departments records, City Records Center (CRC), Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Sentinel
, May 17, 1962.

Los Angeles Times
. “Detective McAfee is Exonerated,” September 23, 1916.

____. “Plans Submitted for Fine Theater: Picture Palace to Follow Elaborate Spanish Architecture,” July 11, 1920.

____. “The White Spot Glistens Brightly,” July 17, 1921.

____. “The Soul of the City,” June 24, 1923.

____. “Oaks Names Kent Parrot, Charges Lawyer Interfered in Police Department, ‘Dictatorial and Threatening,’” July 29, 1923.

____. “Kent Parrot Accused by Richards as ‘Sinister,’ Retiring Harbor Commissioner Names Him as Would-Be Boss,” August 1, 1923.

____. “Dark Trails to City Hall are Uncovered: Now Negro Politicians Make and Unmake Police Vice Squad Told in Heath Case,” August 17, 1923.

____. “Shall We Re-Elect Kent Parrot?” April 23, 1925.

____. “Bledsoe Hurls Defy at Cryer, Challenges Parrot’s Status as De-Facto Mayor,” April 23, 1925.

____. “Champion ‘Ag-inner’ of Universe Is Shuler, Belligerent Local Pastor Holds All Records for Attacks Upon Everybody, Everything,” June 1, 1930.

____. “Crawford Career Hectic, Politician Gained Wide Notoriety as ‘Pay-Off Man’ in Morris Lavine Extortion Case,” May 21, 1931.

Police Officially Deny It; Admit Privately Facts,” March 29, 1931.

____. “Penny Money At Cafe: Clinton ‘Caveteria’ Caters to Customers of Lean Purse,” October 14, 1932.

____. “Complete Vote Received for Thursday’s Election,” September 30, 1934.

____. “Chief Shifts 28 Officers in New Shake-Up of Police,” March 9, 1939.

____. “Davis Defends Police Spying at Bombing Trial, Bitter Clashes Mark Chief’s Day on Stand,” April 27, 1939.

____. “Police Due for Shake-up Tomorrow, Chief Announces: New Divisions Will Be Organized and Shifts Made of Many Uniformed Officers in Sweeping Program,” November 30, 1939.

____. “Policewoman Implicates Sgt. Stoker in Burglary, Love for Vice Squad Man Admitted by Audrey [sic] Davis,” July 3, 1949.

____. “Murder Plot Story Filed: Testimony Transcript in Siegel Case Gives Gang,” August 31, 1940.

____. “Siegel Denies Buchalter Aid: Film Colony Figure Testifies on Removal Fight,” May 27, 1941.

____. “Plunge Fatal to Gangster, State Witness Against Buchalter and Others Attempts to Escape,” November 13, 1941.

____. “Japanese Aliens’ Roundup Starts: F.B.I. Hunting Down 300 Subversives and Plans to Hold 3000 Today,” December 8, 1941.

____. “Little Tokyo Banks and Concerns Shut, Even Saloons Padlocked; Extra Police on Duty to Prevent Riots,” December 9, 1941.

____. “Round Up of Japanese Aliens in Southland Now Totals 500: Officers, Working with F.B.I., Continue Hunt; Asiatic, Who Had Pledged Loyalty, Found with Guns,” December 9, 1941.

____. “Widow of Victim Heard at Murder Trial of Siegel: Heard Shots Killing Mate,” January 27, 1942.

____. “Siegel and Carbo Identified as Murder Aides, Tannenbaum Tells Killing,” January 28, 1942.

____. “Siegel’s Attic Capture Told, Witnesses at Death Trial Describe Hunt in Suspect’s Mansion,” January 31, 1942.

____. “Police Officer Keyes Resigns Under Attack,” July 26, 1942.

____. “Warren Picks First of Crime Commissions: Jeffers and Mudd Among Those Named Under New State Law,” October 22, 1947.

____. “Year Passes but Murder Not Solved: Search for Woman’s Slayer Recalls Other Mysteries,” February 14, 1949.

____. “Bowron Asks Grand Jury Action in Police Scandal, Two Officers Suspended; Cohen Posts $100,000 Bail,” March 23, 1949.

____. “Cohen Introduces Sound Recorder,” May 6, 1949.

____. “Cohen to Testify in Partner’s Case: Deputy Sheriff Denies Policeman’s Story That Meltzer Displayed Gun at Arrest,” May 10, 1949.

____. “New Police Chief on Job, to Tell Program in Week,” July 1, 1949.

____. “Chief Names Staff Inspector in Top Level Police Changes: Parker Given Number Two Post,” July 15, 1949.

____. “Worton Shifts 33 in Police Shake-Up: Top Flight Officer Named Intelligence Aide to Chief in Reorganization Move,” August 4, 1949.

____. “Hidden Microphones Hear Cohen Secrets, Police Device Records Intimate Talks in Home,” August 16, 1949.

____. “Police Shift Offices Due to City Hall Jam,” August 19, 1949.

____. “Parker Appointed New Police Chief Head, Patrol Division Head Promoted in Climax to Hot Battle Over Worton’s Successor,” August 3, 1950.

____. “Parker Declares City Is White Spot of Nation,” August 9, 1950.

____. “Mad Gunman Captured, Mickey Cohen Tells Inside Story of L.A.,” November 18, 1950.

____. “Cohen Deals Going Before Jury Today, Federal Inquirers Expected to Hear of Borrowings,” February 9, 1951.

____. “Truman Speeds War on Crime; Mickey Cohen Pay-off Charged, Racketeers’ Tax Returns to Be Eyed,” June 2, 1951.

____. “Cohen Profits Told as Tax Case Opens, Federal Prosecutor Attacks Gangster’s Story of Loans,” June 5, 1951.

____. “Mickey Cohen Gets 5 Years, $10,000 Fine,” July 10, 1951.

____. “Newman and Worton Quit Police Board,” July 18, 1951.

____. “Chief Parker Hits Brutality Stories,” February 28, 1952.

____. “F.B.I. Probing L.A. Police Brutality,” March 14, 1952.

____. “Under Table, Didn’t See Slayer, Cohen Says,” March 29, 1952, 30.

____. “Grand Jury Indicts Eight Officers in Beating Case,” April 23, 1952.

____. “36 L.A. Policemen Face Discipline for Brutality,” June 17, 1952.

____. “Verbal Battles by Lawyers Rock Public Housing Quiz,” May 21, 1953.

____. “Poulson Pledges War on Gangsters: Mayor-Elect Maps Plans with Parker; Shake-Up of Police Commission Indicated,” June 17, 1953.

____. “Police Warned on Secret Wire Taps, Officers Subject to Liability for Illegal Entry, Brown Says,” September 4, 1954.

____. “‘Planted’ Fur Story Acquits Malouf in Theft,” April 7, 1955.

____. “Judge Rules He Cannot Stop Police Microphones, Lacks Jurisdiction on Use of Public Funds for Installation, McCoy Says,” July 1, 1955.

____. “Mickey Cohen Sees Billy Graham, Talks on Religion, Former Mobster Goes to N.Y. for Conference,” March 2, 1957.

____. “Parker Seeks Grand Jury Action Over Cohen Blast,” May 21, 1957.

____. “Cohen Attends Graham Rally in New York,” May 22, 1957.

____. “Cohen Booked for Not Signing Traffic Ticket,” May 26, 1957.

____. “Mickey Cohen’s Traffic Trial Off to Salty Start, Policemen Who Made Arrest Testify that Defendant Delayed Autos at Intersection,” July 11, 1957.

____. “Mickey Cohen Takes Manuscript to Author,” August 4, 1957.

____. “Cohen Found Guilty, Gets $11 Traffic Fine,” November 12, 1957.

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