Lady Killer (Tangled Desires Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Lady Killer (Tangled Desires Book 2)
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“Not really,” I say. “Abstinence is the only certain method of birth control.”

“Apparently so, but I’d expected, no planned, to love the woman who’d have my child.” He squeezes my hand, as though he’s trying not to say too much, and wanting me to understand anyway. “So I made the decision to put my dick out of commission.”

“Until last night.”

“I didn’t plan for last night to happen. Not like that, anyway.” He touches me, his fingers travelling along my arm.

“You can’t take it back,” I say. That one night might end up being all we get. “You said so yourself.”

“I’m not interested in staying away from you, princess.” He pulls me on top of him, grasping my ass with both hands while he slides me over his hardness. “I just need to know if you’re going to stick around if it turns out I have a kid.”

Chapter Eleven



“That would be the last reason for me to leave you,” she says.

She owns me, completely, and she doesn’t even realize it. Her acceptance of who I am makes something explode in my chest, making it swell. Until it can barely contain everything I feel for her, but I can see the slight hint of sadness in her gaze, and I know she thinks she has to leave me anyway.

I’m not going to let that happen. I’ll find a way to deal with Santiago and anyone else after her, because I cannot lose her. In the meantime, at least right now I’ll make her forget. “I’m never going to deny you what you want.”

“Good.” She wiggles until her pussy is pressed to my hardness. “Because I want you inside me.”

Even through my boxers, I can feel how wet she is, always on edge for me. Curling up, I drag her tank up over her head so I can get my mouth on her sweet tits. I graze my teeth over each nipple, my tongue dancing across them until they’re hard little peaks. Her skin’s rosy from the attention.

Skating my hands down between her tits, I crawl my fingers over her belly and between her thighs. Her breath catches as I swipe gently over her clit. “You’re so fucking pretty like this.”

“Like what?” She bites her lip, and it tugs at my balls. She’s so strong, so able to take on the world, but she hides behind her walls. Except with me. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as this girl. It makes my chest ache for how sweet and utterly perfect she is.

Sitting up, I tangle my hand in her hair, and slant my lips across hers. “Like you’ve been thoroughly fucked, all dishevelled and sexy as hell.”

“I haven’t.” She winks, grinding onto me. “Not today.”

It’s all I can do to keep control when I want her so damn much, and then she asks for more and my brain stops working, all the blood rushing to my cock. “Then ride me, princess.”

Her eyes widen, her lips parting on a gasp, but she strips out of her shorts, while I drag mine down and kick them away. Then she straddles my thighs, snatching the foil packet from my hand. I wait for her to rip it open and roll it down over my cock. Instead, she dips her head and takes me in her mouth, and I have to grit my teeth while she slides those lips up and down until I’m hitting her throat, her tongue licking over the head with a satisfied hum.

I slide my fingers between her thighs, and I swear she gets wetter as she takes me all the way to the base. Like the thought of me cumming in her mouth turns her on far more than I would have expected.

“Fuck, your mouth is so hot, Gem.” I pull out of her, breathing hard. My fists tangled in the sheets, I’m rigid with how close she got me. “But I want to watch you cum on my cock. I want to feel your tight muscles squeezing me while you ride me.”

She rips the foil packet open with her teeth, and rolls it down over my shaft before guiding herself onto me. “Make me yours.”

Her palms pressed to my chest, she rocks, her eyes half closed. A secret little smile on her face. I grasp her hips, lifting her up and down and watch her breathing pick up with each slide of my cock into her tight, hot pussy. Pleasure curls in my balls, making them heavy. I take it slow, until she’s rocking her hips to hit her clit with each thrust. Then I fuck her the way she wants to be taken, until she’s piercing the quiet with her cries for more. Hard, and like she belongs with me.




We stay in bed until mid-morning, when hunger and other needs get in the way, and then I leave her to shower while I wander into the kitchen to pull together sustenance. The house is quiet, but I doubt anyone’s sleeping. I hope they were gone before she screamed the house down, or she’ll probably be embarrassed. Hearing her while she cums is music to my ears. It’s almost, if not equal to, the pleasure of watching her fall apart for me. Something I plan on enjoying as often as I can.

“Is that bacon I smell?” Claire wanders in to refill her cup, her tablet perched under her nose, while I flip the last pancake and move the bacon to a plate.

“I’m starved.” I turn the burners off, giving the pancake a minute to cook from the heat of the pan.

“I bet Gem is, too. You might want to consider sound-proofing if you two are going to do that often.”

I can’t help the smirk that twitches on my lips. “A bit loud, huh?”

“Think about it this way.” She places the tablet on the bench and takes a sip of her coffee. “You want to hear about your little sister having sex about as much as I want to hear you doing it.”

I grimace. That’s probably about the worst way she could put it. “Where are the boys?”

“Raze and Mace went to the gym, and I’m going to head over to the hotel to see Mom and Dad. I just wanted to check and see if those photos have surfaced yet.”

“Anything?” Little Bit can handle herself, but I want to know whether they got a picture of Gem, and whether I need to worry about anyone finding her.

“Not yet.” She pats my arm. “I’ll let you know.”

Gem wanders into the kitchen and murmurs a quiet hello to my sister as she places her cup in the sink and picks up her bag.

“We’re all going to be out until dinner.” I watch Gem go pink as Claire winks at her on her way past, and I want to kiss the color right off her, but our stomachs growl in tandem, and I figure I better concentrate on feeding her first. So I add the last pancake onto the stack on the plate and drizzle syrup all over it before grabbing a fork and leading her to the table.

“Syrup and bacon?” She wrinkles her nose. “Is that normal?”

I cut off a bit and hold it in front of her. “No. It’s epic.”

“All right,” she says, opening her mouth to let me feed her. I watch her eyes widen then shut as she chews, humming her approval.

It’s almost as good as the way she looked with my cock in her mouth. I’m getting hard again, but she’s got to be sore. “We should do something,” I say. “Watch a movie? Take a walk down by the lake?”

I’m really not sure what to do, because the closest I’ve ever gotten to dating was in high school, and this is definitely not the same thing. I’ve never wanted to share my food, never wanted to cuddle up with a girl the way I want to with Gem. I cut a bite out of a pancake and watch her wrap her lips around it, tugging it off the fork. It tugs at my chest, a warmth I’m still unused to filling me.

A low whistle pierces the moment as Mace swaggers into the kitchen. “Well, shit just got real. Fucker’s fallen in love.”

Mace is right when he says I’m falling. That’s the only explanation for how much I’m enjoying watching her eat my food. Gem’s eyes go huge, like saucers. Her breath catches, and I think maybe she’s realizing that’s how I feel about her.

Ignoring his comment, I fire back. “Thought you weren’t going to be home until later.”

“Sorry to burst your noisy sex bubble, but I needed to come get a couple things.” He bends over me to snipe a piece of bacon off my plate.

“Get the hell away from my bacon, asshole.” I stab it with my fork and elbow him in the gut.

All he does is smirk at Gem, whose cheeks flame under his attention. “See, that’s fucking love right there. Won’t share his food with his brother, but lucky you gets hand fed.”

“Shut your mouth, dickhead.” I swear her eyes are fairly bugging out of her head. Any more, and she might bolt on me, and I’m not willing to give her the opportunity to slip away.

“All I’m saying, princess, is I hope you know what you’re doing, because once you’re in with the Hadleys, you aren’t ever going to get out again.”

It’s probably true. It seems to be the way we roll. First Razer, then Chelsea, now Gem. But I’m not quite ready to tell her that’s the case. I’ve only just convinced her to trust us enough not to run. Instead, I huff as I pick up the plate, ready to toss the rest in the trash since I’ve lost my appetite and she probably has, too. I won’t let Mace have the satisfaction of getting his mouth on my bacon even when I no longer want it.

But she grips the other side of the plate, gives me this smile that melts me like butter on a griddle, and snags another piece of bacon.



Claire and I are sitting on the couch like we’ve done every morning for the past three days. We’re scouring the Internet and newspapers for the photos from the other night, while Tom’s at the gym. I’m going fair out of my mind, holed up in the house, but I’m still worried those pictures will show up and lead Santiago and his friends here.

“I think I’ve found them,” Claire says, swivelling the laptop so I can see what she’s looking at.

I exhale. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding my breath until I scan them. There are shots of all the Hadleys, but only one of me, and I’m not sure I would have recognized myself if I hadn’t been searching. The picture’s fuzzy, my face half-turned into Tom’s chest as he leans over to whisper in my ear. It’s probably not clear enough for most people to work out who I am, but I can’t be sure. There’s still a chance I’m recognizable.

“Look at that caption.” Claire chuckles. “Oh, that’s hilarious.”

Has Tom ‘Harbinger’ Hadley, A.K.A. The Lady Killer, Finally Been Bagged and Tagged by Mystery Woman?

It really isn’t as funny as she thinks it is. Not after what Mace said about Tom sharing his food with me. It’s scary to think these feelings could grow so fast, when I don’t know how much longer I can stay. I guess it’s the same for him because he ignored Mace and hasn’t said a word about it. Instead, we’ve hidden away the last few days, pretending we’re normal, and that he isn’t supposed to be searching for the girl his family refers to as pee-stick Cindy, or that I’m not making a mistake staying here. We’ve watched movies and eaten popcorn, cuddled on the couch. Mostly action films, but a couple of chick flicks, too, that Claire loaned me, because I haven’t seen any movies in years. We’ve sparred both in and out of the bedroom. Each moment makes it harder for me to let go.

“You’re infatuated with my brother.” Claire smiles. “I can see it all over your face.”

“I’m just worried,” I say. “Do you think they’ll dig for information?”

“Maybe.” She presses her lips together.

We both know the answer is, if the story is interesting enough they’ll keep going until they hit pay dirt. But how long will that take? How long do I have until I no longer have any choice but to disappear again?

My foot taps, that itchy, restless feeling spreading up my calves. I can’t stay in this oasis much longer. Can’t believe in unicorns and fairytales. Darting up, I gather my things. “I have to go to work.”

I have to prepare for the inevitable. I need money, and a plan for my next steps. Because, if I stay, it’s only a matter of time before they find me. I’ve already watched Tom almost die because of me. I can’t do it again. Leaving keeps him safe. Santiago won’t come after him if I’m not here. He won’t expect me to have told Tom why I’m running, or even who I’m running from, because I know what will happen to anyone I tell. Which is why I’ve kept it to myself for so long. Not trusting anyone. Trying to keep those I care about safe. If I have to lose Tom, the least I can do is keep him from getting hurt.

I’m barely out the front door when a sob escapes me. The twitching in my legs is nothing compared to the weight in my chest, my stomach clenched tight. I’m not ready. I am so not ready to leave him.

I slam into a hard wall of chest, before I hit the bottom step. Beefy arms wrap around me, but his scent is all wrong. It doesn’t calm me. Instead I sob more.

“Hold up, princess,” Mace says. “Where are you running to?”

I push him away and he lets me go, but keeps a firm grip on my arm.

“Work. I’ll be late.” I dash my free hand across both cheeks.

“Are you sure you’re not planning on going further? Because it looks to me like something’s got you spooked.”

“The photos.” I wince.

“I’ve seen them. They’re not clear. There’s a good chance no one would recognize you.”

“Mystery woman bags and tags the Lady Killer. You don’t think the media won’t want that story?” I can hear how shaky I am, the way my voice breaks despite the irritation behind it.

“Fuck ‘em,” he says. As if it’s that easy. As though I can make the kind of decision to not care who knows where I am.

I try to shove past him, but he won’t let go of me, bringing me back next to him. I steal a glance at him, but he keeps his gaze glued to the spot in front of him. “What are you willing to do for my brother?”

“Anything.” At some point I stopped running for him. “That’s why I have to go.”

“No, princess.” His fingers bite into my elbow. “It’s time to man up, grow some balls and stay. No matter how scared you are, how worried you are about these assholes looking for you, you have to plant your feet.”

“I can’t.” My whole body feels like one giant ache at the idea of leaving. “You don’t understand.”

“Don’t I? You think I don’t know everything there is to know about you? About that thumb drive you keep hidden in your purse? The guys that are after you and why?”

“What?” I dart a glance at his face, so serious and intense. I rifle through my bag, breathing again when my fingers close around the thin device. “You went through my things?”

“Want to hit me?” He yanks me in front of him and drops my arm. “I’ll give you a free pass. You had to know I was going to do everything to protect my family.”

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