Lady of Light (43 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Morgan

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Historical, #General, #Romance, #ebook

BOOK: Lady of Light
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1. Both Ian and Claire Sutherland carry secret pain, pain that keeps them from fully opening their hearts and submitting their lives and deepest needs to God. And until they do so, they will never awaken to their own unique purpose in the world or to God’s plan for them. Has anything like that ever happened to you? How did you come to that realization? What did you do to overcome an impediment that kept you closed off not only from the Lord’s healing love, but also from a humble submission to His will?
2. Pride and self-love can be some of the greatest stumbling blocks in our lives. The false belief that we know better than God, however, is not readily relinquished. Can you recall times in your life when your pride and self-love got in the way of your walk with God? What effect did it have on you—and others? How did you finally find your way out of that self-deception and back to the Lord?
3. Claire, which means “bright, illustrious, source of light,” is the heroine of
Lady of Light
. Like all of us, she was born to manifest the glory of God that is within her. In what ways do you try each day to let your light shine and, in doing so, mirror the light of Christ to others? What are some specific incidents when you feel you’ve been successful? When do you think you failed? What could you have done differently in those cases?
4. Ian has a tendency to run from his problems rather than staying and facing them. In doing so, he rarely finds resolution or achieves personal growth. Can you recall a time you were tempted to run when you should have stayed and fought your way through a problem? Did you call on the Lord to guide you through the difficult time? If so, what was the outcome? Did you learn anything from the experience that has aided you in similar situations? How?
5. Claire carries a terrible guilt over what her youthful impulsiveness brought about for her and her brother. That guilt causes her to overcompensate in her efforts to protect Ian, and as a result, she takes away his opportunity to grow. Have there been times when you, through fear, have tried to control a person or situation when you should have trusted more in the Lord instead? What did you learn from that experience?
6. Were there any other characters that touched or inspired you in
Lady of Light
? If so, which ones and in what ways?
7. What story themes, besides being a light to inspire and lead others through the darkness, did you discover while reading this book? Was there one theme in particular that struck home more forcibly? Why?
8. If you could ask the author any question, what would it be?

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by Kathleen Morgan

The Plains
East of Colorado Springs, Colorado
December 1903

Today was the worst day of her life. Today the world, as Beth MacKay had always known it and always expected it to be, had turned upside down and inside out. Today her heart would surely break, her romantic dreams would be permanently crushed, and her love at long last would shrivel and die.

Noah Starr was getting married. Dear, sweet, magnificently handsome Noah would plight his troth with another woman—another woman who would carry his name, bear his children, and be his lover and helpmate.

With a deep, despairing sigh, Beth turned over in bed and buried her face in her pillow. How in the world was she going to live through this miserable, heart-wrenching day?

Kathleen Morgan
has authored numerous novels for the general market and now focuses her writing on inspirational books. She has won many awards for her romance writing, including the 2002 Rose Award for Best Inspirational Romance. If you wish you contact Kathleen, look her up online or write to her at P.O. Box 62365, Colorado Springs, CO 80962.

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22


Discussion Questions for Lady of Light

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