Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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Standing in front of the mirror at Olivia's house getting ready for prom, I look myself up and down-- not bad, Carter. Chad asked me, but I declined. I can’t have him pick me up at the motel; I refuse. I've done a good job of hiding where I live so far, but it hasn’t come without a price and it most definitely hasn’t been easy. I wanted to go to prom and Amy still had her prom dress, so I’m borrowing shoes from Olivia and I'm going to have an actual, normal teenage girl milestone. I'm going to my senior prom!

After I told Mr. Stone about my parents, I realized how therapeutic it was to let people in. So, I invited Olivia to work a couple of months ago for dinner and I spilled my guts to her. I learned I could trust her when my secrets didn’t spread around the school like wildfire. She was apologetic for my situation, but didn’t view me any differently which made me realize how good of a friend she really is. I’m happy I talked her into going tonight, because I sure as hell wasn't going alone. Plus, I didn't want either of us to someday regret missing our prom.

“You girls look beautiful!” Olivia's mom gushes as we walk, for me it’s more of a wobble, down the stairs. I giggle as I awkwardly take the last step. I told her I couldn't wear heels, but she insisted on a pair that, I have to admit, make my legs look hot in this mid-thigh length dress. “Here, come stand by the stairwell so I can take some pictures.”

“Mom,” Olivia whines and gives her mom an obvious eye roll.

“Hush, Olivia. It’s my right as a mother,” she scolds and I laugh. I was worried I might feel jealous being around Olivia and her over-excited mother, considering my mother is god-only-knows where. Instead, I feel at home because her mom is including me and it’s the closest thing I’ve had to a mother in almost 3 years.

After spending twenty minutes taking photos, we finally get into the car and are on our way to our last, and my very first, prom.

“Thank you so much for inviting me!” Olivia says excitedly, her eyes shining with excitement.

“Thank you for being you. I haven't had anyone besides Amy that I could trust in so long I almost forgot what it was like to have a real friend."

“Stop! I’m going to cry,” she says dabbing her eyes.

Olivia got her acceptance letter to UIC and I got mine to Loyola and a few others. I’ve also received a few academic scholarships and in just a few months, my life will FINALLY be making a turn. For the better this time.

“High school is almost over,” I say, trying to change the subject.

She laughs a little and then says, “Thank God for that. I’m surprised I’ll actually miss it. Actually, I’ll miss you. You’re the only friend I’ve ever had,” she admits with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Well, maybe we can room together in the dorms this fall,” I say with a grin, hoping she takes the hint that I’ll be joining her at UIC. Yes, I got into my top pick, but it meant leaving Amy behind and I can’t leave my sister. She’s all I've got.

“What happened to Loyola?” Olivia questions with a raised eyebrow.

“It doesn’t have the two most important people in my life there,” I explain with a wink. She starts bouncing in her seat and clapping like a kid at Christmas.

“I think we should decorate our room in an 80’s theme, and….” she gets excited and starts babbling about color schemes and curtains and other girly stuff.

“Whatever you want,” I say as I smile warmly at her and giggle in excitement.


Jill and I are chaperoning the prom tonight. She looks incredibly sexy in her short black dress and I keep visualizing the moment when I get to take it off later. I’ve also decided tonight's the night I’ll ask her to move in with me. I know Jill is the right choice, and she asked me to make a decision. I know my hang-up has been introducing her to my family, so I’ve asked her to Sunday breakfast with them. She was so excited, and it felt good to make her happy.

“Mr. Stone, would you like to dance?” Jill asks flirtatiously, batting her eyes at me.

“I sure would, Miss Conley.”

I walk into her open arms and we start slowly moving to the music. It's a high school prom so we’re obviously keeping it PG and dancing like cheesy old-timers, but she still feels nice in my arms.

Both of us are trying to keep an eye on the students. They seem to be having a good time, and believe it or not, they’re on their best behavior. The song is ending when something shiny catches my eye from over toward the door. When I see what it is, I have to keep my jaw from hitting the waxed floor of the gymnasium. Mallory looks flawless in a short purple sequined dress. It hugs the curves of her high, tight ass and the swell of her breasts so closely that I’m jealous of the fabric kissing her pale skin underneath. The dress stops at mid thigh, but my mind keeps going. I wonder if she’s wearing panties under all that shine, my dress pants tighten a little at the thought.

“Oh, I like that Mr. Stone, but you’ll have to wait 'til a little later.” Jill says, sneaking a feel of my bulging erection. Fuck... hanging my head in shame, I take my hands off her back and just let her believe what she’s already assumed to be the truth. Not knowing what to do with myself, I tell Jill that I’m going to make rounds to the bathroom and into some classrooms to make sure no one’s getting pregnant on school grounds. She grabs my hand and says she wants to go too, so we walk out. But my head, and my cock, are back in that gym.

Peeking into the classrooms along the way to the bathroom, so far all is clear. When I get into the boy's bathroom however, I smell cigarette smoke. I roll my eyes, if this is the worst thing these kids do tonight then we're golden. I make the boys put their cigarettes out and tell them to go back to the dance.

Deciding I need a few moments to clear my head, I stand at the sink and wash my hands way longer than needed. After a few moments, I decide to head back to the gymnasium and the moment I walk in, I want to walk back out. Mallory is draped in the arms of Chad, her head softly on his chest as they sway slowly to the music. I feel the heat of infuriation rise up from my toes, and I have to keep it from exploding out of my mouth. She’s fucking mine, and that little asshole has his hands all over her!

“All clear,” says Jill as she quietly sneaks up to stand next to me and makes me jump as I snap out of the rage I wanted to fly into. “You want to dance again?”

“Sure,” I say trying to hide the irritation in my voice. I must have done a good job because she just grabs me by the hand and leads me back on the dance floor, no questions asked.

This time, I can feel her trying to hold her body closer to mine. My guess is she’s trying to get my cock hard again but it’s not gonna work, not for her anyway. I am gently pushing her away from my body when she glances up at me with a smirk and in this moment I realize- I’m done with Jill. She’s too predictable; I didn’t realize what was holding me back until this point. But now isn't the time to have that conversation with her, so I play it cool for the time being.

“Miss Conley, would you care to dance with me?” Chad says as he puts his hand on my shoulder in a feeble attempt at a manly greeting like my father. I felt his hand sitting on my shoulder, the hand that was just on MY Mallory. 'Keep it fucking together, Stone' I think to myself.

“I can’t Chad, I’m sorry,” she says as she smiles sweetly, looking to me for a way out.

“Of course you can! Come on, Mr. Stone doesn’t mind, right?” he questions, almost charmingly.

“Not at all, go ahead,” I say with a chuckle. The look of aggravation and hopelessness on Jill's face makes me laugh even harder. But I straighten up as I realize that this is my chance to talk to Mallory. After all, Jill is now in the arms of a student, why can’t I do the same?

I walk up behind Mallory who is bobbing her head from side to side, standing alone at the punch bowl. Before I can stop myself, my voice rolls out, low and serious. “Well, your boyfriend took my date. Would you like to dance Mallory?” The sound of her name rolling off my tongue excites me in a way that I can feel in my dick.

“I. Ah... Well. I. Sure. Yeah, I guess.... ” Even stumbling over her words, she still excites me. I know I shouldn’t want to affect her like that, but I can’t help it.


I follow Mr. Stone out onto the dance floor as he takes my hand and leads me to an area that’s secluded from a large amount of people. My body is on high alert; I can feel the tension of this moment in every nerve of my body. I’ve never responded to anyone like this. My panties are embarrassingly wet just thinking about what it will feel like to have his body pressed against mine. I’m honest-to-God drooling. He’s probably laughing inside. I know he only asked me to dance because Chad is dancing with Miss Conley. He probably doesn’t realize Olivia is technically my date tonight, but in this instance, I’m grateful for that.

I find myself scanning the room looking for her, where
Olivia? I’ve barely seen her tonight. I think she’s been crushing on some boy from her creative writing class. He asked her to dance and I assume that’s where she’s been all night. At first, I felt a little silly standing around by myself, but Chad asked me to dance and then I actually started to have fun. Although I’m pretty sure the last hour has nothing on what the next couple of minutes will be. I know this for a fact as Mr. Stone pulls me in until I’m almost touching his skin. Our bodies aren’t actually against each other, but they don’t need to be for me to feel this moment in my panties. I can feel his breath on my forehead as he looks down at me with fire in his eyes. It's an electric current dancing over me. Closing my eyes, I inhale, breathing in what I’ve come to call ‘the Forbidden Stone cologne,’ it seems fitting to me. I feel his arm tighten around my back; it sits casually barely above my ass. My panties are soaked. Being this close, I need to cross my legs because all I can think about is how I want him between them.

“So have you decided on college yet?” Mr. Stone questions and I want to kick myself for being so turned on right now. Of course, he’s my teacher and only cares about my future.

“Yes, actually. I’ll be attending UIC. Olivia and I are rooming together.”

“I heard you got into Loyola. You said at the beginning of the year that was your top pick, why the sudden change?”

“My sister and Olivia are here. It just makes more sense to me, plus, UIC isn’t a college just anyone gets into.”

“True. It’s where my brother went,” he says.

“What are your plans for the summer, Mr. Stone?” I ask to try and keep my mind off the sexual tension that has taken root in my core. I’m dancing with my thighs clenched shut as a gentle reminder to myself. It’s difficult, but not impossible.

“I don’t know. My brothers and I usually go camping in Kentucky with my grandfather. It’s been a yearly ritual for as long as I can remember. So I assume we will do the same this summer too. Other than that, no plans. What about you?” he asks.

“I’ll be working and saving every dime. I don’t think I will be able to work full-time and go to school full-time, so my summer will be dedicated to work. It’s alright though, I honestly don’t mind.” I explain, realizing with a tinge of embarrassment how quickly I’m speaking. I don’t know if he meant to, but he pulled me in closer while I was talking and our bodies are now touching. Every nerve ending, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, is on high alert. It feels so good to know my body can react to someone in this way. If only it weren’t


I’m flirting with trouble here. Big trouble, but I can’t resist the temptation to touch her, even if only for a moment. The smell of Mallory is like sugar and I want a taste so badly; I can feel her heart beating out of her chest and onto mine as she rests for a moment against me. I need to stop this... soon.

Regrettably, I have to be the one to remind myself and Mallory that this moment is inappropriate as I reposition her at an arm's length, even though my entire being, especially my hardening cock, is longing to have her body pressed to mine. She looks up into my eyes with that same big, doe-eyed gaze she had on the first day of school; my resolve is quickly fading. I see unfiltered desire in her grey-blue eyes, they’re pleading with me to bend down and kiss her. I know that look well.

As much as my lips are longing to touch hers, I have to convince myself it’s best to just look away. I
it’s best to just look away. I’m praying that every other person in this room can’t feel or see the sexual chemistry that is bouncing between Mallory and I because I sure as hell feel it.

As my eyes scan the room, I realize that thankfully everyone is off in their own little world. Even Jill is laughing and seems to be having a good time dancing with Chad. Even with all these people around, I can only feel Mallory’s presence and no matter how wrong it may be, I selfishly want this private little moment to last forever. I risk looking at her again. As I do, she clears her throat nervously. I can see she’s trying to work up the nerve to say something.

“Mr. Stone?” she asks quizzically.

“Yeah?” I reply, afraid of what she’s about to ask me. She moves herself closer and this driving force that seems to pull us closer to one another once again holds our bodies together.  

“Do you think I’m pretty?” she asks quietly as she looks away from me, red faced. Fuck me! 'Of course!' I want to scream, knowing I have to end this moment before I end up saying what I really mean for a change.

“I think you’re a student, Mallory.” I chastise her, quickly pulling away. I can't afford to take any more chances.

“I’m sorry,” she says, shifting her gaze away from me. She clears her throat and walks off quickly, I have to let her go. I have to stay where I am, no matter how much my heart and my dick are screaming for me to follow her.

I start to make rounds through the crowd of students dancing, although I can’t bring myself to pay them any attention. My mind is still lingering on what it felt like to have her body pressed against mine. After about 10 minutes have passed with nothing noteworthy in the gym, I decide to head back into the bathroom to make sure no one else has decided to start smoking.

I walk in quietly and I hear Chad talking to his buddies, “Tonight's the night. T- Minus two hours and Mallory is finally riding me.” They all laugh and I rush out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I go out to my car. I’m seeing red as I sit down in the driver's seat of the Jeep and slam its door hard enough that the thing lurches a little from side to side. Chad shouldn’t get to feel her, she's MINE! Then one sickening little thought enters my mind, a thought that manages to quiet all of my irate reasoning: He’s her age.

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