Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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After prom, I went straight home and cried. I’ve never been brave in the guy department and the one time I take a chance, I completely humiliate myself. I know it's wrong to want Mr. Stone, but I can't help myself. When my head was on his chest, I feel safer than I have in years, I feel as if we belong together. I thought maybe there was some undeniable chemistry between him and I, but apparently I'm very wrong. He shut me down.

Deciding I need to get out of this motel and clear my head, I change into sweats and get ready to go to Olivia's. I grab my bag on my way out the door and the moment I step outside I get the uneasy feeling that I'm not alone out here. I look around the parking lot as someone steps from around the side of the dingy motel building. I lock eyes with one of the homeless men who have taken up residence in this dump recently. He gives me the creeps every time I see him. He stares in a way that makes me feel like going back inside and taking another shower. He has to know I'm alone; my car is the only one in this section of the parking lot. The moment I get close to my car he steps in front of me.

"Where are you going?" he asks, and it makes me cringe. I can see his yellow, rotten teeth when he smiles at me. He runs his tongue over his cracked lips as he eyes me up and down with a wicked grin, making my stomach turn.

"To a friend’s house," I reply quickly, not making eye contact, hoping he’ll move out of my way. He doesn't, he actually steps a little bit closer.

"I could be your friend." The putrid scent of stale cigarette smoke, body odor, and cheap liquor rolls off of his malnourished, pallid frame in waves and crashes unwelcomingly into my nose, making me queasy.

I don't answer; instead, I rush to squeeze past him, trying to hold my breath for fear of catching another whiff of his unmistakable stench. I get into my car, start it quickly and back up with his emaciated figure still looming in the beam of my headlights, his eyes continue gazing at me like
the meal he so desperately needs to make him healthy again. I turn with a spray of gravel and speed out of the parking lot with only one thought on my mind. Get the hell out of here!  

Hands shaking, I drive as fast as I can to Olivia's but my mind is going faster. That guy was scary. He had a look in his eyes that made me feel like packing my bags and leaving the motel for good. When I get to Olivia's, she’s sitting on her porch. I walk up the two concrete steps to her porch, still shaken from my encounter.

"Hey! Everything all right? You look like you've seen a ghost," she questions with a concerned look on her face. She can obviously tell I'm scared shitless.

"Yes. I will be. There’s this creep who moved in at the motel. He just really freaks me out is all."

"Did something happen?” She asks concerned.

"No. Well, he watches me a lot. The way he looks at me… it’s like he could eat me, it's weird. But it'll be ok. Usually people don't stay there long." I shrug it off, trying to change the subject. It's the truth, most people only come to cheat on their wives or get high. They never stay more than a few days I remind myself, hopefully.

"Just be careful, Mallory. Do you have mace?"

I can't help but smile at the note of concern in her voice; it reminds me that I’m not as alone as I feel sometimes. "No. But I'm sure he'll be gone tomorrow." I don't want to talk about it anymore so I ask, "How was prom? I didn't see you the entire night!"

"I know, I'm so sorry! I saw Sam sitting alone and I've been in love with him since the third grade. I didn't think he'd say yes when I asked him to dance. But I'm so glad he did!" she says cryptically, almost dancing in place as she tries to hide her excitement.

"Did he kiss you?" I question as a huge smile crosses her face.

"He did and it was amazing!" She bounces in her seat with excitement. I can't help but be a little jealous.


I'm headed to school, taking my time, secretly hoping to avoid Jill. She didn't take the break up well at all. I don't know why. I've made it crystal clear that we weren't exclusive from day one. She kept insisting I tell her who the other girl was. I kept insisting there was no one, but Jill’s smart.

How could I explain that I can’t be in a relationship because a student holds every bit of my attention? What sucks is knowing Mallory can never be mine. She couldn't go with me to Hansons to meet my family and have a few drinks. She still has to go to college, and she isn't exactly a lady. She shows her goods for just a few dollars and it makes me damn near violent to think about what she would do for more than a few dollars. I can't exactly blame her. I mean, I was lucky enough to have two parents who loved me. I can't imagine what she goes through on a daily basis, so I'm trying hard to not judge her based on her lifestyle.

Pulling into the parking lot, I turn off my Jeep and take a couple of deep breaths before getting out. I glance at my watch and realize I've wasted more time than I thought I had. I have just a few minutes to get into class, so I take off running. Shit! Mallory
a distraction. Good thing the school year is almost over.

When I get into the school, the halls are almost empty. I stop walking when I see Mallory and Olivia hugging by her locker. Mallory looks almost scared and it leaves me wanting answers. Worried something has happened, I start walking toward them when I see Olivia take out a brown paper sack and pass it quickly to Mallory. It's wadded up but you can tell something oval shaped is inside, almost like a pill bottle. Mallory takes a quick peek and closes it quickly, shoving it into her locker. I know Mallory needs money, but to have drugs on school property? I stalk towards them, pissed.

"Give me that bag. NOW!" I demand and both girls jump in surprise at the angry tone of my voice. They know they've been caught.

"Mr. Stone, I'm sorry. I’ll take it to my car. Just please don’t..."

"Give me the bag, Mallory.” I cut her off, “What are you girls thinking?"

"Mr. Stone, please don't tell on us. I was just trying to help," Olivia says.

"You have drugs on school grounds! I have no choice!"

"Drugs? You think we have drugs?" Mallory asks, eying me with a look of surprise.

"What else could be in the bag?" I question harshly, demanding an answer.

"It's just mace. I was worried for Mallory. Please, just don't tell on us." Olivia babbles and I immediately turn my attention to Mallory.

"Mallory, why would you possibly need mace?"

"It's nothing. Olivia is just a worry wart." Mallory says dismissing my question and again it pisses me off.

"You know mace is considered a weapon, and cause for expulsion. You better convince me, or I'm taking it to Mr. Stephens," I retort. If I have to bully her to find out who I need to beat the shit out of, well, then that's what I'll do. She sighs and then looks at me with a scared gaze and I almost stop breathing in anticipation of her reasoning.

"A man moved in next door to me. He's been watching me. The other day he...well, he scared me." If Olivia weren’t here with us, I would demand she take me to him. Mallory is such an easy target, she and her sister both are, two young girls living alone. My stomach dips a little just thinking about the danger she constantly faces.

Fuck! How can I protect her if she can't be mine? All I know is if someone lays one finger on Mallory Carter, I'll kill them myself.

Chapter 8

“Your speech was amazing!” Olivia squeals as she almost tackles me with a hug. I can’t believe I’m officially done with high school and my much brighter future is just over the horizon. In a way, it's bittersweet. Call me crazy, but I actually liked school for the most part.

“Thank you! I can’t believe it's over,” I reply excitedly.  

“Mallory, will you and your sister be joining us for dinner?” Olivia's mom asks with a sweet smile on her endearing face. I’ve grown very fond of that woman. She’s helped fill a void that my mother left by being absent, and I can never thank her enough.

“Not tonight. I’m sorry, we already made plans. Maybe I can stop by afterwards?”

“Sounds like a plan!” her mom says as she hugs me with the same pride and nurturing she uses with Olivia and it makes my heart leap in my chest a little bit. I watch as the two of them walk away, arm in arm and I smile to myself.

I’m happy watching my friend, knowing she has a loving mother at home. They're lucky to have each other. We, on the other hand, still haven’t heard from our mom. I don't expect to at this point. I accepted long ago that she deserted us. Amy and I decided to go visit our father's grave today. I want him to 'see' me in cap and gown. I know he’s just in the ground under my feet, but it makes me feel better. I wanted to let him know I was valedictorian, and that Amy and I are going to be just fine. For the first time in a while, I feel hopeful.

I rush through the enormous crowd in a hurry, trying to find my sister. This place is a madhouse; it's even more crowded than it was on the first day of school. This is one of the first times that my not having a cell phone has been a real problem. It would be so much easier to just call and ask where she is. Not knowing where to look, I decide it's best to just stand on the staircase and scan the crowd. As I reach the staircase, I feel a large hand on my arm. I don't need to turn around to know who it is; no other touch feels the way his does. I almost don't want to turn around because I can't stop thinking of how embarrassed I was on prom night. I obviously misread his intentions and I was left humiliated and, if I'm being honest, a little heartbroken. Thankfully, he never spoke of it again. I slowly turn to face him and as soon as my eyes meet his I’m completely awe struck at his effortless appeal. He was wearing a well-fitted black suit and tie earlier, but now his jacket is nowhere to be found, and his tie is lying lazily around the base of his now-exposed neck.

"Congratulations, Miss Carter," he says softly with a hand extended in my direction. The stare he has fixed on me keeps pulling me out of my fantasy and into the sad reality of me aching for his touch.

"Thanks, Mr. Stone," I say curtly, deciding to just leave it at that. I have no desire to embarrass myself any more than I already have. I walk away, getting lost in the mass of people again. Better to get lost in the crowd than lost in his eyes.


I've looked forward to graduation for the last five months. I've wanted her out of my class and life so the temptation would finally be gone. Trying to convince myself that it's a good thing, I take off out the door with my head down and drive home.

I've also been sexually frustrated since prom night. I ended things with Jill the day after and she hadn’t acknowledged me much since then. But my inner asshole takes over as I wonder to myself if she'd feel up to a quick booty call tonight? Or maybe I could pull an Eli. My cousin walks into a bar to simply pick up pussy. His motto is ‘hit it and quit it.’ I could do that. A quick fuck with no strings attached is exactly what I need right now.

Once I'm home, I take a quick shower and shave my face smooth. I feel like a horny frat boy with my cock practically busting the seam of my towel at the thought of ending this dry spell. I send Eli a text, asking him to meet me at Hansons. I mean, if there aren't any easy targets there, at least we can get wasted.

I head to my bedroom and quickly put on a pair of jeans when I hear a light knock at the door. I let out a little laugh; Eli is always ready to go out. He lives in the apartment complex across from me so it takes him no time to get over here. Not bothering with any other clothes, I rush to open the door for my cousin and I immediately stop dead in my tracks. What the FUCK is Mallory Carter doing at my door? I glance down at my crotch and see that my months of celibacy are showing. My cock is getting hard and putting a strain on my zipper, trying it's hardest to make its presence known. Traitor. What the fuck am I going to do?


Oh. My. God. Mr. Stone is standing in front of me wearing a pair of jeans. That’s it. Embarrassed, I try to avoid eye contact with him. But what else can I look at? His chest? I wish! It's as sexy as I had imagined. Lower? God Mallory, get your mind off his dick, I chastise my wandering mind.  

He’d left his jacket at school. The crowd had completely disappeared before I found Amy. She must’ve had the same idea I did before I ran into Mr. Stone. I went to the stairs and saw the jacket lying on the railing. I tried taking it to the office, but there wasn't anyone there. I looked inside and found a wallet and, wouldn't you know, it belonged to Lane Stone, 4414 Coyote Rd, Apartment 4F. I felt obliged to hand deliver it and now I wish I’d left it at the door.

"Well don't just stand there Mallory. Tell me why you're here," he says to me in an irritated tone, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

I can't find the words to answer him; my entire mind is occupied with the way his olive colored skin ripples over the muscles that cover his chest and stomach. I haven't been able to break my focus long enough to give him an answer, and as I begin to try he jerks me quickly out of the hall and into his apartment. Deep inside a small voice is telling me to run, but an even deeper need is telling me to stay.

"Speak," he barks at me.

"I ah.. Well, you left your wallet at the school and well... I thought I could drop it off." The words rush out of my mouth faster than I can think about how stupid they sound. I know I'm turning ten shades of red. With a tinge of fear, I look up into his dark brown eyes and see the restraint in his crumpled brow and the way he’s biting down on his deliciously plump bottom lip.

"Well, where is it?" he questions quickly while looking at my empty hands. Shit. I forgot.

"It's in my car. In your jacket. In my car. My car… it’s outside," I stumble. His face finally starts to soften and I finally take a deep breath.

"Well, go get it," he says plainly, but my feet are plastered to the ground as I make a decision. If he rejects me-- no harm, no foul. I never have to see him again.

"Mr. Stone?"

"What?" he responds irritably, without looking me in the eye this time.

Calming my nerves I reply as confidently as I can: "I'm not your student anymore. I'm nineteen years old, and well aware of what I want.” Judging by the look on his, now almost purple, face he takes the hint.

"You ARE my student, Mallory. Go get my wallet and get the fuck out of here."

Finding bravery from God knows where, I walk towards him with every intention of feeling his body against my own. But as I get closer, he slowly retreats, walking backwards away from me until his back meets the wall and he has nowhere left to go.

"Mallory, please stop!" he begs quietly.

"Why? Please tell me why?"

"Because I'm dating Jill.... Err.... Miss Conley."

"No you're not. My sister overheard her talking tonight after graduation. Apparently she's already moved on with Coach Ward," I say confidently, exposing his lie. His face twists with anger as he grabs my wrist; swinging me around until my back is against the wall he was just pressed against.

His eyes are full of intent, but what his intent is I don’t know. It’s almost violent as he speaks, "Little girl, you have NO FUCKING IDEA what you’re doing." Slowly I feel fear rise inside me as that weak, little voice tries to tell me again that it’s best I leave. But deep in those brown eyes of his, a desire burns hot; I can feel it and it’s the only reason I haven’t run out screaming yet. He’s about eight inches taller than my 5'5 frame so he has to lean down when he wants to talk to me. With his face just inches from mine, I can feel the unevenness of his breathing as it cascades down my face and over my breasts as he speaks to me carefully.

"What do you want me to say Mallory? Do you want me to admit that I want to fuck my student? Do you want me to tell you I've wanted to fuck you since I saw you in the diner in that short little skirt?" His voice is almost a growl and his body is so close I can feel the vibration and heat coming from his chest as he speaks. Just as I'm about to ask a question, he starts talking again. "I want you to know something about me, Mallory. I don't give in to temptation. Go get my fucking wallet and leave it on my counter and then get the fuck out of my house."

After he finishes speaking, he locks eyes with me for a moment as he hesitantly backs up enough to release me. I walk quickly to the door but not before turning to get one more look at that magnificent man. There is an internal struggle. I can see it because it's written all over his tense body and lowered face. He wants me and I have to find a way to break his resolve, but how? I have no clue about all of this. I'm a virgin for Christ’s sake. I'm not exactly fuck buddy material. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do, but I only have a few minutes to figure it out.

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