Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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Our first football practice of the season is finally over and I'm anxious to get home. It’s been all hands off with Mallory and me, and it feels like we’re friends. Or close enough anyway. I’m constantly sexually frustrated and I need relief. My hand in the shower isn’t doing the job. As much as I want Mallory, I know I can’t have her yet. It’ll only complicate things even more than they already are. She’d mentioned dating other men before, so maybe I’ll open that topic up when I get home this evening. Annie’s still with my parents so it’ll give us time to talk without any interruption.

Walking up the long flight of stairs, I’m suddenly overcome with nerves. How do I ask the object of my obsession if she minds that I fuck other people? She couldn’t possibly think I would wait…. right?

“Hey!” I say as I walk in the front door, the tone of my voice defeating my attempt at being casual.

“Hey,” she huffs. I can see tonight isn’t the night to ask her; she already looks furious.

“Everything ok?” I ask.

“My sister’s still hopeful that Mom will get help...that we can go back to the way things were before she chose a needle over us…stupid,” she spits out.

“And you aren’t?”

“No, I’m realistic. I know that the person Amy thinks our mother is died in that car accident, even if she
still walking the streets.”

After a long pause, I look over to see her beautiful face wrought with pain. Her facade is crumbling; deep down she's just a girl who wants her mother, no matter what she says.

“Can we please talk about anything else? How was practice?”

I go over to the couch and flop down next to her. “It was good. I could possibly see state playoffs in our future.”

“Yeah? That’s good,” she says as she sinks a little further into the couch. I can tell she’s starting to relax a bit, which relaxes me.

“Do you have plans tonight?” I ask, not knowing what else to talk about.

“No. Just sweats and old re-runs. What about you?”

“Well, my brothers and Gavin left this morning to go camping. I was going to ask Eli if he maybe wanted to go out.”

“That’ll be nice. Take advantage of your first night off. No baby! Your parents really are amazing.” She replies, exactly like a friend. I decide to avoid putting it off and clear up the blurred lines.

“Mallory, we are friends right?”

“Of course, why?”

“I just wanted to make sure before I went out tonight... that we are really
friends.” I rush the words out nervously and close my eyes, waiting for her reaction.

“Oh,” is all she says as she looks back toward the TV.

“That’s it? Oh?”

“Are you asking my permission to have sex with someone?”

“I...I guess.” I reply, trying to gauge her real feelings about it from the way she’s responding.

In an instant, she gets up and storms out of the room and a moment later, I jump at the slamming of the bathroom door. What the fuck? I stomp to the bathroom door, confused, angry, and hopeful all at once. Her reaction doesn’t make sense. I don't bother to knock, and swing the door open.


“What, Lane?” she screams, I can see tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“What’s wrong? You were the one who brought up your dating rules the other day, and you’re the one who told me not to stake any sort of claim on you,” I remind her.

“Just go, Lane. Go have sex with whomever you’d like!” she spits her words at me hatefully.

“No. You tell me what’s going on. We’re supposed to be friends, right?”

“I know you aren’t the only person I’ll ever have sex with. I know I’ll eventually do it again, but
also know it’ll be awhile before that happens again for

“Please don’t talk about that. You know it drives me insane.”

“Exactly, Lane. I know you’re going to do it anyway, just don’t fucking tell me about it all right? Just do me a favor and go fuck whomever you’d like. Because now I’m frustrated, pissed, and horny as hell and I can’t do anything about it so why don’t you go get

Hearing Mallory say horny brings out the beast I’ve been working hard to keep in check. I have no second thoughts as I pull her up roughly from the position she’s taken on the floor, cupping her ass. She automatically wraps her slender, toned legs around my waist as I set her fine ass on the counter.

A small gasp escapes her lips and she whispers breathily in my ear, “Lane...”

My cock jumps right to attention when I feel the heat of her soaked panties pushing back against me. She makes no move to stop me so I let my dick take over. She’s wearing a long shirt that buttons down the front, and it's in my way. My hands find the collar and without thinking, I rip the front of it open, hearing the tiny plastic discs bounce off the tiles as the buttons scatter. She doesn't have a bra on underneath, but there’s no reason for one. Creamy swells of soft pale skin topped with perfect pink nipples have me salivating at the thought of how they would feel in my mouth. My animal instincts taking over, I move closer to her, pressing my face into the side her neck. Inhaling her soft, flowery scent, I move my mouth toward her perfect tits.

“Lane, stop.”

I stop immediately, hoping I haven’t overstepped my bounds. “Why?” I question.

“I’m still nursing.” I understand what she’s saying, and knowing it makes her uncomfortable I gently swirl my tongue around each nipple before moving my lips back up to her throat. “Lane, we shouldn't,” she moans unconvincingly.

I graze my teeth on her earlobe; she shivers as I whisper to her between kisses, “You're right we shouldn't, but Mallory, we are.”

Placing my hands under her ass, I pick her up and make her stand as I drop to my knees and remove the sweats she's wearing. Not taking any time, she steps out of them quickly and I know it's only a matter of time before I sink my dick in her.

First, I start long, slow, soft kisses up her thighs. Her hands find my hair and she pulls it forcefully. I nearly cum knowing just how much she wants me. I place my hands inside the waistband of her panties and start to pull them off, but not before I take my finger and push inside her. Wanting to prepare Mallory for me this time, I gently insert a second finger and start scissoring them to try and open her up while my other hand is taking her panties to the floor. I want a quick taste of her so I lick her clit, taking in her taste, while my fingers continue working her pussy. It takes no time at all before I can sense she's about to cum, so I take my fingers out of her warm pussy and my tongue from her clit. Now I can really get to work.

“Don't stop, I was about to cum!” she whines.

“I know, and you will. Over and over,” I boast proudly as I start kissing her again. When I get to her stomach, I notice a few stretch marks. They’re proof that my child was inside her. It brings back the pain I had almost forgotten. Not wanting to spoil the mood I simply say, “I wish I could've been there.” I rub her belly and keep kissing my way up.

“Speaking of that. Do you have condoms? I’m on birth control now but I would feel safer if we use condoms too.”

To make light of the situation and not to reopen old wounds I say, “yeah, no more babies.”


I can't believe I'm doing this- using Lane for sex. But after I left Amy's, I was trying to distract myself and with no way to work out this frustration, I stupidly decided sleeping with Lane was the answer. And even though I know it's wrong, I want him. I want to be fucked senseless. Lane can do that; he can do it well.

As I watch Lane roll the condom over his cock, something takes over me. “Wait,” I call out. I smile when I see the irritated look cross his face.

“What now, Mallory?” he groans.

“I hope you like this. I've never done it, but I want to try,” I say as I drop to my knees. I watch as it dawns on him. He removes the condom and I take a deep breath, hoping I can deliver the same amount of pleasure he’s given me. Giving my lips a couple of good licks, I open my mouth and take what I can of his length.

“Fuck, Mallory.” I hesitate thinking I'm doing it wrong, but realize that I must be doing something right by the way his knees shake. Excited by the tone of his voice, I do long quick strokes. With each movement, he moans and it motivates me to try and take more in. Hitting my gag reflex, I pause for a moment until I’m able to find a way around it. Once I do, I realize I'm close to an orgasm just hearing the graveled moans leaving his gorgeous sweat-slicked body. “Babe, keep doing that and I'm going to cum,” he warns. I just keep going. I want to know I've satisfied him.

After a few moments, Lane fists my hair and takes control of my rhythm. He pushes my mouth deeper onto his cock, forcing me to take all of him. I love this dominance from him; I can feel my own wetness between my legs. His movements become quicker and before long he stills and a second later, I feel warm, salty liquid hit the back of my throat.

“Dammit!” he exclaims breathlessly and it excites me. He gently releases me and I sit back on my knees and raise my head to look at him. The lust in his eyes tells me what he wants as he pulls me from my knees and takes me to bed.


Incredible, is the only thought I can manage after spending several hours inside Mallory. She’s now resting, curled into my body with her head on my chest. I feel her deep steady breathing against my chest. Her heartbeat thumping in time with mine. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep.

The first time I had sex with Mallory it was hot, raw, and ended long before I wanted it to. This time, I took my time making love to her, taking her in every position possible. She was so responsive, and with every touch, a moan escaped her delicate pink lips. With every thrust I could feel her nails dig deeper into my back, and with every response I felt more and more inspired, more driven to give Mallory everything I had to give. I moved for her pleasure, not mine.

After her fourth orgasm, she collapsed on top of me and said she gave up. The pride I felt when she was flushed and glistening with a combination of our sweat is something I will never forget. I knew in that moment that I am forever in love with this girl, and that scares me.

Mallory and I need to have a talk. But what do I say? I’ve never been in love before, and Mallory has made it painfully clear that she isn’t interested in a relationship with me. She was actually talking about dating other men to me. Just thinking about it makes me jealous, and I’m afraid we’re just scratching the surface of my territorial side. All I know is, there’s no way another man will EVER be inside my Mallory. She's mine, especially now. I glance at her sleeping form and let out a sigh. I think to myself, ‘this girl has no idea what’s in store for her.’ I lean over and whisper softly in her ear, “You’re mine Mallory… Forever…..”

Pulling her closer, I wrap my arms around her small, warm body and fall fast asleep as she sighs lightly in her sleep and snuggles closer to my chest.


I’ve been awake for a few minutes trying to come up with a game plan. I woke in Lane’s arms, and as good as that may feel in this moment, I know it won’t last. Our night together was amazing, but it doesn’t change the fact I’m not ready for more. There’s still so much shit going on that I don’t have the time or energy to put into a real relationship.

Deciding a shower may help relieve the stress, I gently lift his arms and slip out of his heavy grasp. I tiptoe to the bathroom, trying not to wake him.

Turning on the water, I give it a little time to warm up while I look myself over in the mirror. Seeing my hair, I immediately start to laugh. It looks like a knotted, red halo. The memory of Lane grabbing my thighs and pulling me to the edge of the bed comes flooding back to my mind, making me long for more. He ate my pussy like he hadn’t had a meal in days. I moan at the memory, growing more hot and wet by the second. Even though I’m not experienced, I’m smart enough to know that any man after Lane will fail in comparison.

Finally, in the shower, I unsuccessfully attempt to block out any further thoughts of last night. I just cannot get the feeling of his body against me out of my mind; the way we fit perfectly together, the taste of his salty skin, slick with our sweat, the way his tongue felt as he teased me to one of my many orgasms. I snap back to reality when I feel my own fingers playing with my swollen pussy. The combination of feeling and memory is too much and I orgasm for the fifth time in the past 24 hours with my own hands. It feels forbidden with Lane in the next room, but my body has a mind of its own. Fuck, I hope he didn't hear me! I recover myself and finish my shower, letting the hot spray relax me and bring me back to reality.

be thinking about all the things I need to get done this week. Lane and I need to decide on childcare for Annie. We also need to talk about what I can contribute to our finances, and of course, there is the inevitable fight when I tell him I have to work tonight. Just thinking about it makes me want to stay in the shower; instead, I get out and decide to face him.

Shit, I didn’t bring clothes in with me. In case he is awake, I wrap the towel around me and head to the closet with water droplets still clinging to my warm skin.

“You look better without the towel,” I hear Lane call from the bed, his voice cocky. I immediately flush, shooting a glare in his direction. I know he’s trying to make me uncomfortable, and damn him, it's working. Asshole.

I turn around with the intent to smart off, and instead my mouth hits the floor. His dark, black hair is a disheveled mess and he’s running his hand through the thick, dark mass. He has that sexy five o’clock shadow, and he isn’t wearing a fucking shirt!

Knowing I can't even begin to have a smart comeback, I turn on my heels and go back to the closet. After selecting my outfit for the day, I head back to the bathroom and slam the door behind me. I hear him call out, “So you sat on my face just a few hours ago and now you’re hiding? It’s all right, my memory is impeccable,” he barks out with a bellowing laugh. God! I want to slap the shit out of him.

After putting on my clothes I go back out, determined to put him in his place. But I’m taken off guard again as I notice him standing in the same spot by the closet, but this time he’s bare-ass naked.

I’m not going to lie; it’s definitely a sight to see. His shoulders are broad and the ripple of his muscles is visible from across the room. I can see the damage my nails did to his back last night, there are scratch marks in different places, some deeper than others. Every time I dug my nails deep, Lane let me know he approved whether it was a moan, a tug of my hair or a deep, passionate kiss. It felt empowering knowing I could drive him wild. Before getting lost in those memories AGAIN, I gather my courage from God-knows-where, and decide to start talking.

“Put a towel on please…”

He turns around and gives me that cocky grin. Damn he’s sexy! “Nah,” is all he says as he winks at me before heading to the shower. I mentally add ‘no walking around naked’ to the list I’ve assembled of what we need to discus today.

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