Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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This is going much better than I thought it would. I'm happy he changed his mind about fighting for Annie. As I'm watching him though, I see a world of hurt in his eyes. And I'm not talking about the black eye he’s sporting. I feel bad for punching him...almost.... I smile to myself. He deserved that black eye.

I break the silence because I do want a friendship with him, "You look like shit you know. Are you ok?"

He runs his hand over his face which now has a five o'clock shadow, "I'm good."

"How's your cousin?" I ask. Lane was uncontrollable last night, which has me concerned for that poor guy’s well being.

"We could be twins," he says pointing at his eye, "but he's good," he says smiling and there’s no doubt in my mind that all those big, muscular men are used to getting into random fights. It's really not fair that his entire family is
damn good-looking.

"Do you want me to drop Annie off tonight?" I ask, and immediately I see his jaw tighten.

"Mallory, please don't be a stripper," he pleads with me. I know he means well, but it doesn't matter. Although Lane will be lifting a lot of financial burden off of my shoulders, I still need the extra money so that Amy and I can get a better place soon.

I ignore his statement and instead keep rolling, "What time should I drop her off?"

"Whatever time works for you. I'm going shopping now to get the things she'll need. It shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours. So whenever is fine."

"Thank you. We should get going. She's going to want to nurse soon and I need a nap. I didn't sleep much last night."

"Ok. Give me your phone so I can put my number in," he says standing up from the table.

"I still don't have a phone," I reply.

He shakes his head but says nothing as he places Annie in her seat and carries her to my car. I watch him as he shakes his head again, but I'm not going to ask. Some things are better left unsaid.


I just got home from shopping for Annie. I called my sister Lacey to help and she was more excited than I thought she'd be. I have a feeling my apartment will feel a lot more feminine here in about ten minutes. I gave her my credit card to buy the bedding and decor and I split off to do the practical stuff. Diapers, wipes, and bottles now hang in bags on my arms. Although I don't know what kind of any of those things she uses, I bought three of everything. When it’s all said and done, Lacey and I have both of our cars loaded down. I knew we would need help so I also called Landon and picked him up on the way home. Everyone else is busy or working today or they would be here, I have no doubt in my mind.

"Alright, let's get the crib and changing table set up," my sister says, taking charge. Landon and I follow behind her obediently and start looking over the manual. We know better than to talk back to the women in our family.

I have a one-bedroom apartment so Annie will have to sleep in my room. Thank goodness, it's spacious. Who knew that babies required so much crap?

"Are you nervous?" Landon asks.

"Definitely. I have no clue what I'm doing, I think Google will become my new best friend." I chuckle.

"You're lucky," he says with an odd tone to his voice. If I didn’t know Landon, I would think there’s a hint of jealousy hidden in there somewhere.

"Do you want kids?" I question. This isn't a conversation that we’ve ever had before, but I can tell something’s up.

"Not yet. I'm ready to find someone and settle down, though. Tell me, were they right? Dad and the guys? Was it different with her? Obviously knocking her up the first time was definitely the truth. But is it really different?"

"They were absolutely right. I can't explain it, but I've obsessed about being inside her again and again ever since the first time. It's like she controls my every thought."

Landon lowers his head and I can't help but think maybe he's found his one person. I don't think he's ready to talk about her though and I won't push him. That's something he needs to figure out on his own.

Lacey made us leave so she could get the final decorations up. Landon decided to go home so I drove him and picked up dinner on my way back. When I walked into my home, it's obvious my manhood took a big hit while I was gone, courtesy of my sister.

"What the fuck, Lacey?" I ask, looking around my bedroom. There are pink, fluffy bunny rabbits everywhere. She didn't just get bedding--I have pink bunny curtains too.

"It's adorable, Lane. Annie will be in fluffy bunny heaven," she says with a scowl, noticing my obvious dislike of the situation.

"And I'm in bunny hell," I say with a heavy sigh. It
awfully cute. Damn it! Motherfucker...

"Can I stay and meet her?" Lacey asks, bouncing around like a kid at Christmas. I want to say no, but I’ve never been able to where Lacey is concerned.

"Sure. But you can't stay long."

"I won't. I'm so excited, I'm an aunt!" she squeals, clapping her hands. I'm thankful I have her support at least.


I can't believe I'm back in Lane's apartment, I never thought I’d be here again. My palms are sweating as I try to push the memories of the last time I was here to the back of my mind. I take Annie out of her car seat, swaddling her in one of her many soft, new and inevitably pink blankets. I plant a little kiss on her sweet cheek. I'm not lugging that thing up four flights of stairs. It's hard enough to get in and out of the car.

When I get to the door, I knock and it’s not long before it quickly swings open. Immediately, I'm sick to my stomach. The beautiful girl who answered the door is smiling brightly like she has some claim over Lane or my daughter. I'm tempted to turn and leave but she yells over her shoulder and I hear Lane’s footsteps getting closer to the doorway I’m standing in.

"Lane, she's here," she shouts excitedly. "Oh my gosh she's gorgeous! Can I hold her?" she questions impatiently. I'm about to lose every ounce of patience I have when I hear his reply.

"Lacey, would you at least let them in?" Lane says grumpily. I smile, glad I didn't lose my temper. This must be his sister. Noah and Molly said Annie looked like her and I'm flattered. She really is beautiful.

"I'm so sorry. Please come in! I'm Lacey, this jackass’s sister!" she says elbowing him in the ribs. I can't help but laugh, I like her already. I walk in the front door and everything is the same as I remembered it to be. A big screen TV takes up half the wall and his leather sectional surrounds it. I could see him and his family watching football games here and having a good time and it warms my heart. Annie will have a wonderful family surrounding her.

"Thanks," I mumble as another wave of nerves hit.

"We went shopping today. I got Annie a gift. It's the first thing any new member of our family receives," she says handing me the bag. We do a trade off and I hand Annie to her gently. I peek inside and see a blue and orange onesie with the Chicago Bears logo.

I smile as I speak, "Oh. That's nice, but I already bought her Green Bay Packers stuff..." I say joking and like clockwork, Lane takes the bait and lets his temper gets the best of him.

"No fucking way will my daughter be a Packers fan. Burn that shit tonight!" he snaps without an ounce of humor in his voice. I laugh hysterically at his reaction before I speak.

"It's a joke. I don't even like football. If you want to dress her in Bears crap, go ahead." I reply smiling.

Both Lane and Lacey start laughing.

"I like her." Lacey says and my cheeks blush crimson. I think I like her, too. 


I had to practically toss my sister out of my apartment. I wanted some alone time with Mallory, and Lacey was having none of that. After I finally manage to push her out the door, Mallory nurses our daughter on the couch and I can't stop staring. Her tits have gotten huge.

"Do you want me to come back after work or do you think you can handle her tonight?" she asks nonchalantly as I try to remain focused on the question she asks me. How can I when Mallory's breasts are practically calling my name?

"I can keep her. Mallory, I got you something today," I say handing her a small gift bag once she's finished nursing Annie, the bag has a cell phone in it.

"Lane, you didn't need to do this. I've never had one and I've gotten by."

"I know, but anything could happen. You could get a flat or be running late. I just want to know that while my daughter is with you that you have a way to reach out if something happens. I programmed my entire family’s numbers in there. So, if you need anything, we have you covered. Doctors, lawyers, firemen, policemen," I say.

"What does Lacey do?"

"She graduated from nursing school a few weeks ago. She’s trying to do a mission trip with my Grandpa in the fall. Did you decide on a major?"

"I think so. I want to be a grief counselor. Mom, Amy and I didn't have anyone after Dad died. I think maybe if my mom had someone to talk to, she wouldn't have turned to drugs," she confesses with sadness, I can see her own grief in the way her head hangs.

"That's a good choice then. I think we should pick what calls to us. We should all have the life we want. I knew early on I wanted to be a teacher. In elementary school, I remember a kid being picked on because he couldn't read fast enough. I remember joining my class in laughing at him one day, and when I told my parents about it they explained to me, it wasn't funny. That maybe he didn't have parents to help him in the evenings or that he could be dyslexic. So, I went back to school the next day to apologize and found out he and his family were living in a homeless shelter. I didn't think it was fair for kids to fall through the cracks..." I realize I'm rambling so I stop and clear my throat, hoping she’ll change the subject.

"You're a good man, Lane. I should be going though," she says with a warm smile.

I stand up and ask her to wait while I lay Annie down. After I lay her down, I go back into the living room and Mallory is standing by the door. She's wearing yoga pants and a plain white t-shirt. My guess is her costumes are at the strip club. I walk over to her and place my hand on the doorjamb. Shit! I smell the vanilla coffee and I want so badly to kiss her. Instead, I beg, "Please don't do this."

"I have to Lane," she whispers.

"You don't!" I say and I'm unable to stop myself from leaning into her.

"Please, Lane. I need to go," she says, placing her arm on my chest to keep some distance. My whole body comes alive and instinctively I grab her hand and pull her in close, taking in a deep breath of her addictive scent. I feel her inhale fast but exhale slow as she’s pressed against my body for a moment.

"I don't want anyone else seeing you, Mallory. I'm not judging what you feel like you have to do. I hate myself for making you feel like you couldn't come to me, and because eleven months ago I was a coward. But hear me Mallory, you're mine, I'll be patient but I'm not ever going to be ok with another man seeing what belongs to me." I confess before I lean down and kiss the top of her head. She doesn't say anything before turning around and walking out the door.


God, Lane just laid claim on me. It makes me both happy and completely fucking irritated. I gave him a chance to claim me months ago but he wanted nothing to do with me then and it hurt me so deeply. I can't just forgive that. Well, I can forgive his behavior, but I can't ever forget it. The whole time I was pregnant, I didn't even think about crossing paths with him again. And that's how I know he isn't for me; I think I would've wanted something more if it was supposed to happen.

I'll need to let him know soon that it isn't going to happen between us and I hope he understands why. Even though I don't see a future between us his words ring in my ear, 'I don't want you to be a stripper. I don't want another man to see what's mine.' But I bury those words deep down and continue to get ready for the first show.

I'm surprised I'm not as nervous as I was yesterday. Maybe I feel more determined to get Amy, Annie, and I out of that shit hole. Or maybe it's because Lane apologized and said he didn't think I was trash, those words meant so much, because I’ve honestly felt like trash since that day.

"We're not expecting any trouble tonight are we?" Thom barks and I jump.

"No. Sorry about that. It won't happen again."

"It better not. You're up in five," he says before turning to leave.

All right. I can do this.
I've got to do this
. I think as I head onto the tiny stage. The music starts and I transform.


Heading home from work for the night, I can't help but think this job is much easier than I thought. The no-touch policy makes baring it all so much easier. That, and I made one hundred and ten dollars for only three hours of work. I need to have a talk with Amy; we need to get our shit together and move out of the motel for good. We can finally afford something better, we just have to start saving to make the deposits. Two thousand is a lot to save, but it’s doable.

I pull into the motel and immediately get a bad feeling. I don't know why, but it's late and our lights are still on. It's two in the morning and Amy is typically in bed at this time if she doesn’t have to work. I put my car in park and grab the can of mace that Olivia bought me a while back and then put my phone in the other hand before quickly making my way into the room. I don't see Amy, and immediately I'm scared. Something isn't right. Where is she? This place is tiny; the only other place I can look is the bathroom. I run over and open the door.

"Oh my God, Amy!" I scream, kneeling beside my unrecognizable sister. Her face looks like something out of a horror movie, like someone took a baseball bat to it. I start sobbing and I try to hold onto her, "What happened?"

She mumbles a few words through swollen, bloodied lips as I reach for my phone. I know I should probably call 9-1-1, but Lane's cousin Gavin is a cop. That counts, right? I hope he doesn't hold a grudge. He's the one that Lane fought with at the club. Thankful that Lane thought to program his number in my phone, I push the call button and it rings several times before I hear a groggy Gavin answer, "H-Hello?"

In a panicked tone I say, "Gavin, I'm sorry to bother you. It's me Mallory. We met last night."

"Yeah?" he questions, clearly trying to figure out why I'm calling him at this hour.

"My sister’s been attacked. I didn't know who else to call."

"You should start with an ambulance then."

Dammit! He’s obviously the wrong person to call.

"Alright. Sorry to bother you. I was worried whoever it was would come back," I say as I hit the end button abruptly. 

"Amy, put your arm around my shoulder. We’re going to the hospital."

She remains in the fetal position on the floor and that's when I realize how bad it is. I am trying to call an ambulance when my phone rings, scaring the shit out of me.


"Where are you?" Gavin asks. How do I explain to Lane's family that I've been living in a motel? Tears are running down my face and I sob softly as I tell him the address.

"What the fuck are you doing there?" is his reply.

"Are you coming or not? My sister needs help!" I plead.

"Yeah, I'm on my way. I'll call Lane and have him meet me there."

"Please don't do that! He's keeping Annie tonight and I know he has to be exhausted."

I hear him grumble before saying, "Alright, stay on the phone with me then."

"Ok. Who would do this to her?" I ask, trying to make small talk. I know he doesn't have the answer, but knowing someone is listening truly helps.

"I don't know honey. I've called Eli who’s on duty tonight. He’ll be meeting me there."

"Fine. Just hurry."

I sit and wait, stroking Amy's hair while humming the song Mom used to sing to us as children. I MUST find a way to comfort her, "Amy. Talk to me please?"

She is still mumbling incoherently, but keeps repeating, "Don't meet him."

"Meet who Amy?"

She doesn't say anything but she closes her eyes and starts making a low humming sound.

"I'm pulling in now, Mallory. Meet me at the door and let me in," Gavin says. I hurry to the front door and nearly jump into his arms. I'm so relieved someone is here to help.

"Thank you for coming," I grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom hurriedly.

"What the fuck?" he barks as he sees Amy's condition for himself, "She needs an ambulance now," he states firmly as he calls Eli to tell him to have the squad meet us at the hotel.

"Is she going to be ok?" I question hysterically.

"Help me get her laid flat," he says, maneuvering her body on the floor. I grab her head and gently slide her so it's through the bathroom door. She whimpers as she tries to curl herself up into the fetal position again.

"Stop, its hurting her!" I cry out.

"Amy! Can you hear me?" he asks. When she doesn't answer he says, "Mallory, do you have any idea who would do this?"

"No. Not a clue. But this place has a bad reputation," and then it hits me, "Well, maybe. A guy moved in around a year ago, and he's been watching me. He told me to meet him..." oh my God. That's what Amy meant when she said don't meet him.

Taking in my expression, Gavin asks "What?"

"I was meeting Lane today and as I was leaving here to go that guy stopped me. I told him I was in a hurry, that I had a meeting; he said to come find him after I was done. Amy said earlier, 'Don't meet him', I think that's who she was talking about."

"Why is she even here?"

"We live here."

I watch as he raises his eyebrow but says nothing.

"Gavin, you in here?" Eli calls out.


"What do we have?" Eli asks as he approaches, trying to assess the situation.

"Twenty-one year old female. She's been assaulted."

"Sexually?" Eli questions and my heart drops. No! No! Please no!

"It doesn't look like it. But I can't lay her down to check. Her shorts seem to be intact and I didn't notice any bruising or blood down there when we moved her."

"Ok. I called Dad and Uncle Noah. They're on their way down," Eli says.

"She needs a hospital, dumbass."

"Well this is family business. I didn't want to get anyone else involved if they didn't need to be." Eli explains. My heart burst open at the word family. I've known them two days and they consider me family? I feel the tears thickening, threatening to fall from my eyes. They think of me as family.... Amy as family....

"Go look for evidence in the room. If you don't see any we will move her to the bed," Gavin demands. Eli walks away and several minutes later comes back in.

"I don't see anything. My guess is she was attacked here in the bathroom."

"How would he get in here?" I question.

"Honey, this place isn't safe. At all. The locks on those doors are so easy to pick you might as well not even bother taking the time to lock them. One swipe of a flimsy credit card and it's open!" Gavin explains. The color drains from my face at my next thought. What if Annie had been here?

"Amy, I'm going to pick you up," Gavin says softly. The gentle tone of his voice comforts me, and when Amy doesn't respond, he picks her up as gently as possible. Almost as if he were picking up a newborn, he lays her softly on the bed and says, "Eli, go grab some ice."

A few minutes later Eli returns with an ice bucket and is followed in by Noah and I'm assuming the other man is their father. I know it's weird, but good Lord their father is smoking hot, too. He must’ve noticed me hold my breath because he smiles and says "Hi, I'm Maddox. Eli and Gavin's father. I'm also the Police Commissioner for the Chicago PD. Do you mind retelling your story to me while Noah checks on your sister?"

I nod my head and start explaining everything all over again. Just when I'm about to finish the story Lane comes busting through the door and his face alone tells me how angry he is.

"What the fuck is going on?" he demands angrily and everyone freezes.

"I swear your mother can't keep a secret," Noah says resigned.

"Well why would she if my girl is in trouble?" he spits out.

"Lane, I'm fine. It's Amy. Where is Annie?"

"Lacey’s with her, and by the way, she doesn't sleep like you say she does. Seems her fingers are really entertaining, so much so that she refuses to sleep," he says with mock sarcasm but I can hear the love in his voice.

"Well I usually don't give her a bottle if I'm trying to put her down. I just let her fall asleep on my chest."

"Why are you girls here?" Lane asks.

"We live here." I reply shamefully.

"You live here? With my daughter? Mallory!?"

"That's why I need to keep my job... We’re trying to save enough to put a deposit on a new place."

I can tell Lane is angry, but I’m thankful he doesn't say anything because now isn't the time for us to talk about this. I walk over to Noah and Amy.

"How is she?" I ask.

"She's lucky. No facial bones are broken. Not even her nose which is surprising." Noah informs me.

"Was she? You know… Did he rape her?" I ask.

"No honey. He didn't."

"Good. That's good!" I reply. I’m so relieved that I break down crying. It’s so therapeutic after such an overwhelming day. Relieved to know she’ll be okay and that whoever did this didn't rape her, I let the tears flow unabashed. Within seconds, I feel Lane’s strong arms wrap around my sobbing frame. I snuggle my head into his chest and listen to the beat of his strong heart. Hearing the perpetual beat calms me down and makes me realize how exhausted I am.

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