Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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“Please open up, Jill?” I beg from my position outside of Jill's closed door.

“Go away, Lane!”

“Not until you hear me out. Please?” I'm usually not one to beg, but for my sake, she needs to hear me out. I can't let her go to school on Monday without hearing my version of the truth. I know she’s overreacting and I’m sure worst case scenario is the only thing playing out in her mind now.

When I hear nothing from her, I ask one more time. “Please, Jill?” and again only silence. Not knowing what else to do, I turn around to head back to my Jeep. It’s the only solution I can think of to keep from causing a scene, but as soon as I start to walk away, I hear the door unlock behind me. I turn quickly and begin to speak immediately, “Look Jill…. I know how I--”

But instead, I’m left speechless for a moment as I turn to face the swollen-eyed version of Jill with mascara running down her cheeks. I can see the devastation written all over her tear-streaked face. I don't know why it makes me feel so guilty, not about my relationship with Mallory, but because I’ve hurt her so deeply.

“You slept with a student, Lane. I can't keep that a secret, even if I wanted to,” she spits her words at me in a venomous tone, raw with anger and disdain as she continues to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“It's not like that, Jill. Can you please give me a chance to explain?”

“It's not like what Lane? She was your student and now she has your baby,” she shakes her head incredulously

“I know what it looks like, but she wasn't a student when we...” I clear my throat a few times because I'm just as uncomfortable sharing the sordid details with Jill as she is hearing them, “when we had sex.”

“I'm not stupid, Lane. I can do the math. That baby isn't more than six months old.”

“Fuck, can we please just talk inside? I can answer any questions you have in there.” I gesture towards the open doorway Jill is positioned in to block my entry. Thankfully, after a few moments she steps to the side. I let out a long relieved sigh and head inside. I’m grateful she’s at least willing to talk.

“Thank you Jill…”

“Don't thank me. I'm pissed, I'm hurt, and I’m going to the school board Monday morning regardless of what you say. I just need to hear it from you,” she says to me hatefully.

“I already have an appointment with the school board,” I respond with just as much hate in my voice. I know I should be more grateful, but she’s not calming down which is making it all the more difficult.

“Tell me everything, Lane. Everything. The when, the why, and the how,” she says, tapping her foot loudly in the way she would do a student who’d just cheated on a test.

I take a deep breath before I say as calmly as possible, “I can assure you she wasn't a student at the time. It happened shortly after graduation. She returned my wallet and one thing led to another.”

I hear Jill let out a dry, humorless laugh followed by a frustrated sigh as she looks straight into my eyes, ”How did ‘one thing lead to another,’” Jill asks, using my own words against me. “Did you seduce her? How did it happen?”

She knows just how to piss me off. “You want to hear how I fucked her? I mean that's what you're getting at. Am I right?”

“You're mad at me? Now?” She lets out the same laugh.

“Well, I've never lied to you. Not once. But I feel like you're pushing for a story that doesn't exist. Anything I say will be twisted around until you think you hear what you want to hear.”

“I want to know, why her? I mean...” Jill's voice trails off and she looks down at her hands, but I know what she's trying to get at.

“You want to know why it wasn't you?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I could understand if it were another woman. But she’s a young girl who probably fantasized about her teacher.”

At that moment, Jill’s eyes light up as if something has finally clicked in her head and for a second I’m hopeful that she’s coming to her senses. But instead, she says, “That's it, isn't it? She seduced you?”

Jill is clearly trying to turn this around in an attempt to rationalize me not choosing her. She doesn’t understand what I feel for Mallory. Not once did it feel the way it does with Mallory when I was with her. She couldn't even begin to understand, but how could she?

Even though what she’s saying is true, I can't give her any hope. “I love Mallory and I love my daughter.”

“I don't believe you,” she says as she stalks towards me seductively. “She trapped you Lane. You were her meal ticket. I'm guessing she came onto you too fast for you to respond, to protect yourself. That's how you got her pregnant. Isn't it?” Jill hurls the word ‘protect’ at me with a special type of revulsion but her eyes never waver from mine.

I feel her fingers run down my chest and I quickly push them off my skin. They don’t belong there anymore, and even she knows it. If she wants the details, well here goes, “No. I didn't want to protect myself. I wanted to feel myself inside of her… bare. I wanted her Jill. More than you. More than my next breath… I wanted her.”

In a split second, Jill goes from hopeful to crazy. Her eyes burn with hatred as I see her whole body recoil from my harsh words. Her right hand balls up into a fist, and I can feel it in the tension of the air that she's about to hit me. Not knowing what else to do, I duck as she lunges toward me with every intention of knocking me square in the jaw.


This is bad, I scoot until I feel my rigid spine hit the corner, that way at least one angle is protected. I need to come up with a game plan and fast, and I’m not sure if it’s the searing pain in my temple or the thought of leaving my daughter without a mother but I can’t bring myself to think straight.

With everything I’ve been through in the past few years, you would think I’ve become accustomed to handling high-pressure situations. But I’m not handling it, I’m breaking down inside. I want to scream out in pain, fear, or frustration, but I know it’ll only make it worse.

I recognize my attackers face; he’s that Fred Harvey man. The same man who attacked Amy and made me want to kill him. But what I can’t to figure out is what he could be after from me. Although I desperately want answers, I know I’m not really in a position to ask any questions with no weapon and no phone close by. I’m completely at his mercy and I’m gonna have to try and wait it out. After what seems like an eternity, he finally speaks to me.

“Bet you’re wondering what I want?” He says with a malicious grin on his face that tells me what he
wants to do with me.

I want to revolt against him, call him a lowlife pig, but I hold my tongue for the time being and instead I say timidly, “yes…”

He begins to let out what sounds like a chuckle, but a deep smokers cough interrupts him. “I bet now you’re wishing you hadn’t ignored me all those months ago.”

Unable to contain the fear that’s rising in my gut, I blurt out. “What do you want?”

“Oh Red, what does every junkie want?” Fred questions with a sarcastic laugh, not acknowledging my outburst in the least.

“Drugs?” I ask, only mildly offended that he would think I’m a junkie or a dealer.

He slides his tongue over those cracked lips and paces the floor like a hungry lion awaiting its next meal. He’s clearly agitated and obviously high on something. My heart is beating rapidly and my palms start to sweat.

Why isn’t he telling me what he wants? Not knowing the outcome is more frightening than being able to expect it. I can feel myself falling apart as images of sweet little Annie play out in my mind.

Just thinking about my sweet baby opens the floodgates of emotions. I’m terrified of not walking out of here alive. I’m pissed at myself for not listening to Eli when he told me not to come here without telling him. I’m sad that I never got the chance to tell Lane I love him and most of all, I’m shattered I won’t get to watch my daughter grow.

“You look like her, ya know,” Fred says, interrupting my internal meltdown with a few quick words.

Confused, I ask, “I look like who?”

“Sherry.” He says her name and my heart sinks with realization.

Amy and I are paying for the sins of our mother.

“How do you know my mother?”

“Everyone knows Sherry! That stupid whore would drop to her knees and give any man a blowjob just for a hit. Just one measly hit. She worked hard just to get high.” He explains with a laugh while adjusting the tiny bulge in his pants. Again, my skin crawls and I’m even more confused. Is this about sex? Drugs? Money? Or revenge?

“Where is she?” I question, hoping to buy a little time. Someone has to be looking for me by now, right? My only defense is to try to keep him talking. I at least have that small glimmer of hope. Thinking of my daughter, and my sister and Lane, my only goal is to make it out of here. As I attempt to gather my wits, my last thoughts are jumbled as I search the room for an opening. Anywhere. I have to do whatever is necessary to survive. No matter what.


My big plan to smooth things over with Jill kind of backfired. Thinking about it on my drive back to the apartment, I realize that Jill wasn’t going to be happy with anything that didn’t involve us getting back together in the end. Honestly, her batshit crazy reaction only further confirmed she wasn’t the girl for me, not that I needed that confirmation. I’m in love with Mallory and all I want to do is get home and finally let her know. I hope she loves me enough to stay beside me in what I’m certain will turn into a scandal. With any luck I won’t be fired, after all, Mallory
nineteen and no longer a student at Lakemont.

As I pull into our apartment complex, I feel my stomach in my throat as I notice that Mallory’s car isn’t there. Where the fuck would she be?  What time is it anyway? I look at the clock on the dashboard and see that it’s 12:45 in the morning. I grab my phone and start trying to reach her. After several unanswered texts and calls, I decide to wake my parents. Maybe she went over there and fell asleep.

“Lane, is everything alright?” Mom questions me. I can tell that she’s been asleep.

“Is Mallory with you?”

“No…” her voice trails off and I hear her trying to wake Dad. He grumbles a few words and she comes back on the line. “Your dad doesn’t know where she is either. We dropped her off hours ago.”

I hang up the phone without another word. I can’t waste time. The only other place I can think of is the motel, but Mallory and I both know her sister is working tonight, plus she promised she would never go there alone. Maybe she left a note inside; though I know I’m relying on false hope for thinking she left a note without a text. While I head up the stairs I send a text out to my brothers and cousins, hoping one of them might know but one by one they all respond with the inevitable, no.

I burst through my apartment doors and quickly search the table and counters. FUCK!! Where is she? Why the fuck wouldn’t she let me know where she was? Why would she just up and leave and not take a damn thing? Her clothes still line the closet and all of her shit still clutters my bathroom sink. Taking in a few deep breaths, I try to come up with possible ideas. Maybe she was hungry and went to a drive-thru, maybe she went to a pharmacy to get God-knows-what. Maybe I’m overreacting. I decide to sit down and give her some time to come home before I hit the road. I’ll search every street in Chicago if I have to.

I’m sitting on my couch, trying to calm myself when the phone starts ringing and I pick it up immediately, “Mallory!” but I’m disappointed when I hear Gavin’s voice on the other end. While I had him on the phone, I figured I’d ask, “Have you seen Mallory?”

“No. But I’m on duty and so is Lucas. He’s out on a call but he’ll meet me at the motel.”

Confused as to why he would want Lucas to meet him I say, “She wouldn’t be at the motel. She promised me. She even promised Eli she wouldn’t go back without letting one of us know. Besides, Amy is at work so I know without a doubt she wouldn’t go there alone. Especially without a reason.”

“Are you guys fighting?” he asks.

“No,” I reply

“When is the last time you saw her?”

“At the game. We had a big night planned, but it was interrupted when I ran into Jill. I… Oh fuck!”

“What?” he probes.

“I handed Annie to Mallory and took off after Jill. I didn’t have time to explain,” I tell him. The realization hit me that I probably hurt Mallory tonight; leaving so abruptly and without explanation couldn’t have made sense to her. Surely, she knows things are over with Jill.

“I’m on my way to the motel,” he says irritated. I’m not sure if the irritation is directed at Mallory or me.

“Ok, I’m leaving my apartment now.”

“No, stay there. If she comes back please let me know. I’ll text you if I see her car.”

“All right. Please find her man. I’m begging you,” I plead with him. I'm not a religious man, but I find myself praying. For a phone call, a text message…. for anything….


Fred is pacing the floor, and he isn’t speaking. I’m only feet away from the door but I don’t have the guts to make a run for it. As I watch him walk around the room, I notice he won’t take his hand from his left hip, which tells me he is possibly carrying a gun. I can’t see it, but I feel that it’s there. The longer I sit in silence, the more hopeless I feel. No one has come for me yet. I guess the good thing about being held hostage is the limitless amount of time it allows me to think about Lane. Why hasn’t he come for me yet? And why did he leave in the first place?

Finding bravery, I decide to try to get answers. If I’m going to die tonight, I at least want to know who my mother is now. “You…” I begin to speak and Fred freezes. I watch his busted knuckles tighten on his hip but I continue despite the quiver in my voice, “you didn’t answer me. Where is my mom?”

I can tell I’ve triggered a memory for him as his eyes glass over and his face takes on what I would describe as serenity. My blood runs cold at what that could possibly mean. He stumbles over to the seat that’s just inches from the door and sits down, blocking my closest escape route. Shit!

“Don’t worry, my beautiful Red. You’ll be reunited soon,” he responds vaguely, hardening his face once again.

“Where will we be reunited?” I ask, feeling the worst in my gut.

“Well, that’s a surprise. I’d hate ruining a good surprise before your sister shows up.”

No! I catch myself before I scream out loud. I have to think quickly; act quickly. He can’t hurt Amy, not again.

“If you’re waiting on Amy, she won’t be coming home tonight. She’s staying with her boyfriend. I’m only here because she asked me to swing by and grab her some clothes for tomorrow.” My words flow this time without breaking, and I hope he believes the lie. It came across surprisingly convincing. Judging by his arched brow and less than satisfied grin, I think he did.

“So, I should just get this show on the road, I suppose,” he says, void of any emotion, while keeping his eyes locked to mine in a hateful glare. I nod in agreement because the sooner he finishes up whatever
is, the sooner he’ll be out of here.

Amy can’t come home while he’s still in the room, he can’t have both of us. I have no other option at this point. “Get up and walk towards me slowly.” He demands and I do as I’m told. I’m relieved to know his plan doesn’t just involve pointing a loaded gun at my head and firing straight away. I can’t fight a bullet. I can fight him, at least a little bit. So, I take small steady steps toward him, dragging them out as long as I possibly can. He demands I stop just a few inches away from him.

“Are we going somewhere?” I question.

“Nah. I had planned to take your sister away. You haven’t been by in awhile, so imagine my excitement when I caught you here all alone. Your sister and her security detail are hard to shake, but I’ve been watching and sometimes she arrives home just a few minutes before her guards arrive. I thought I would have to work quickly. But now I have all night to relish this moment. If she won’t be here, neither will her security.”

Oh my God. Help is coming. I make sure my face doesn’t give anything away but inside I’m rejoicing. One of the Stone men will be here shortly; they have to be. My excitement is replaced with fear and disgust when I hear him say the word undress. I back up, my feelings evident on my face. Before I can retreat, he’s out of the chair and has the gun pointed in my face.

“What are you… Why?” I mumble, unsure of what my next move is.

“Oh honey, you know what I want,” he says, as his free hand starts to unbutton his dirt stained pants. I take a quick peek at the clock and my heart sinks. No one will be here for at least another hour. I make the decision that he will not rape me. I’m NOT meeting his demands. A bullet to the head is a far better fate.

I make a mad dash for the door, hoping to catch him off guard. Faster than I can blink, Fred has my face shoved against the door. He pushes his small package against my denim-covered ass and says, “I didn’t take you for a girl who likes it rough, but if that’s the way you want to play, I can do that.”

With that, his arms wrap around me. I can smell the stale, disgusting scent of cigarette smoke and body odor creeping around my head and it makes me sick. I can feel the cold, heavy barrel of the gun against my chin and think to myself, this is it. I close my eyes and try to fill my mind with visions of happier times. Times when my family was whole. Times of Lane and I on the floor doting over our beautiful daughter. Only the shot doesn’t come, instead he removes his arms from around me and my t-shirt is ripped from my body, leaving me in just my bra. I feel the gun move to the back of my head as he uses his empty hand to remove the only piece of fabric that kept my breasts covered.

“Turn around,” he barks out loudly, making me jump.

“No.” I say defiantly. I continue bravely, “I know you’re going to kill me, and while that sucks, what would suck more is having your hands on me. I welcome death over you, you pathetic, disgusting fuck!”

I can hear him laugh behind me. “You’re right on one thing. You are dying today. See, it didn’t have to be this way. I only wanted the money your mother stole from me. But you run, just like your bitch of a mother.”

“I have money. How much do you want?” I question hopefully, if that’s all he wants- gladly.

“None. I’ll be taking your car and selling it. So all I need from you is for you to remove those pants and turn around.”

“Can I make you a deal? Tell me where my mom is and I’ll turn around.”

“I like that deal, I mean it’s not like you’ll be spilling my secrets.” He states with that slimy chuckle. He continues, “It took awhile for me to find her. I knew she’d been staying here some, which is why I started coming around. But then she stopped coming, so I went to some of the places she hung around. I found her squatting in that old fire station on Dixon Street. She was so strung out she agreed to come with me for another high. If it makes you feel better, she didn’t struggle as I choked the life out of her.”  

His confession hits me straight in the heart. There’s no doubt about the truth of his story, it fits. My mother had given up years ago- on herself, on us. But to have it confirmed snuffs out the small flame of hope I had that she was in rehab somewhere getting help.

“Ok, turn around.”

“No!” I scream. Then all of the sudden, I hear urgent pounding on the other side of the door.

“MALLORY!” I hear my name being called and my heart leaps. It’s Gavin. Just inches away on the other side of the door I’m hugging.

I feel Fred on my backside in an instant, “Tell him to leave. Because if this door opens, I will fire. Not at you, I’ll kill whoever is on the other side. That’s on you.”

Debating for a split second, I know the right thing to do is to tell Gavin to go. To get him out of here.

“RUN! Gavin RUN!” I scream and the pounding stops for a few moments.

Fred is dragging me backwards just as Gavin busts in through the door despite my warning. This is my moment to break free. I twist and force my way out of Fred's hold.

Twice in my lifetime, I’ve had a slow moving dream turn into a fast paced nightmare. I see Gavin raise his gun with one hand and his other hand reaches for me. My fingers grab for his as I hear gunshots ring out. I didn’t mean to drop to the floor like a coward, but that’s what I did. Dropped to the floor and covered my head. Moments later the gunfire stops and I hear a thud behind me and one in front of me and everything went silent for a moment.

I look in front of me through my fingers in disbelief and I see Gavin's blue police uniform shirt turning red as the blood spills from his wounds.

No no no no no no no. I quickly crawl to Gavin and place my hand over his visibly pumping heart. I hear a loud despair-filled scream coming from somewhere in the room and I look frantically around only to realize it's coming from me. I pull myself together quickly and try to get Gavin talking.

“Gavin, please. Please stay with me. Gavin, please. SOMEONE HELP!” I scream, praying someone, anyone can hear me.

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