Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (6 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“I want to take another shower, Jackson. Also, I’ve got to replace these sheets.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’ll dispose of them. I also know where Aunt Maude houses the clean linens.”

“Thank you.” She leaned up and tenderly kissed him.

“Let me take you to breakfast. My treat for your birthday. The diner’s King Cakes are awesome.”

“I forgot I told you it was my birthday.” She smiled. “What are King cakes?”

“Flapjacks, but no one calls them that here. Does warm syrup, whipped butter, a side of bacon, and hot coffee tempt you?”

“Sounds yummy.” Then she looked at the clock. “Damn it. I’m going to be late.”

His gut clenched. The ruse would be up soon, and then what would she think of him? She might get angry at first, but after having shared such an intimate moment together, surely she wouldn’t stay mad. “Let me go get you a breakfast burrito. You can eat it on the way to the mine.”

She tilted her head. “How did you know that I was going to the mine? I never said anything about that last night.”

He was walking a fine line. “Everyone knows, Jessie. This is a small town.”

Her mouth curled up into the prettiest smile, and she shrugged. “So much for surprising the mine's top brass.”

“Once they get a look at you, they’ll be really surprised.”
Especially Austin.
“Get ready. I'll be back in a flash. I'll drive you.”

“Thanks, but I have a rental car. I'll be fine.”

“You sure like to argue, don't you?”

“Do you think because you’re my first you get to be bossy with me?” She giggled.

“Yep. Especially in between the sheets, sweetheart.” He hopped out of bed and started putting on his clothes. “Enjoy your shower. I'll take you via a secret shortcut that’ll save you ten minutes, maybe more.”

She nodded, sitting up on the bed. Twisting around, her feet hit the floor. She stood up, giving his eyes a feast of her gorgeous naked behind. “I really like a spicy breakfast.”

“Me, too. Two sausage, egg, and cheese burritos with hot jalapeno peppers.”

“That sounds divine.” She sauntered into the bathroom, her perfect ass bouncing with each step. “Don’t be long, Jackson.”

“I won’t.” Being away from Jessie one second longer than necessary wasn’t something he would ever tolerate. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

* * * *

Jackson crossed Main Street and beelined to Norma’s Diner. He would bet Jessica would love their breakfast burritos. He pushed the glass door open, and the little bell above jingled.

Norma’s décor hadn’t changed in five decades. Two rows of booths ran the length of the place with a narrow path between them that Norma herself, her daughters, and now even her granddaughters could navigate with more plates than humanly possible. The pass-through to the kitchen was opposite the front of the diner where the manual cash register sat on the counter. Jackson loved the delicious smells that always filled the place.

The diner was unusually empty, except for one booth with three of his favorite people. Aunt Maude sat between her husbands, Greg and Grant Strong. Jackson had heard the story a dozen times how she’d followed her little sister, Jackson’s mom, to Wilde to try to beat some sense into her about how nuts it would be to marry his dads. She’d always finish the tale with a big grin and a final thought. “Didn’t work out quite the way I’d planned. Now, I’m stuck with these two washed-up cowboys.”

“Get over here, boy,” Uncle Greg ordered.

“Yes, sir.”

Jackson stepped up to the table but didn’t sit down. The three were sipping on coffee. Uncle Grant sat by Aunt Maude with his arm around her. Her other husband held her hand from across the table.

“We were about to order.” Uncle Greg shifted over in the booth and patted the seat. “Why don’t you join us?”

Jackson’s aunt tilted her head toward him. “I don’t think our nephew has time to eat with us, hun. I believe someone is waiting for a delivery of food. That right?”

“Are you some kind of mind reader now, Aunt Maude? Carlotta is going to be pissed that you’re moving in on her business.”

“Just one of my many gifts. Even so, I’ll leave the fortune telling to Carlotta.”

Grant leaned into her and kissed her cheek. “And so many gifts, too.”

“Stop it.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Jackson, I know how you are. That sweet girl is not from Wilde. She doesn’t know what a rascal you are. You’ve left enough broken hearts in this town.”

Uncle Greg grinned. “Not just Wilde. Hell, the whole county.”

“You forgot that girl from Vegas,” Uncle Grant chimed in. “I’d say all of Nevada.”

The two men chuckled, until they both saw their wife was frowning at them. They were instantly quieted.

She fixed Jackson with a stern stare. “If you’re still into sowing oats, do it with local girls who know what they’re getting into. Leave Miss Greene alone.”

He wanted to tell Aunt Maude that he knew Jessie was
the one
, but he couldn’t. First, he needed to talk to his brothers. Well, at least all but Austin.

Jackson felt a hand come down on his shoulder and squeeze painfully tight. He turned to find the last person he wanted to see this morning.

Austin’s eyes were dark and narrowed. “What the hell were you thinking? I told you to check out the new investigator, not screw her. As dumb as you can be at times, even I wouldn’t have guessed you could’ve fucked up so badly.”

“Austin, mind your tongue.” Aunt Maude’s tone was sharper than Jackson had heard in years.

“Don’t talk about Jessie like that, Austin, or so help me—”

“The dads left me in charge of the mine. I won’t back off. Think, Jackson. She has the authority to shut the mine down if she deems it necessary. Don’t you get it? We’ve been virtually incident free until last week. Now, we have three freak accidents in four days straight. This is a shit storm, and you’re sleeping with the enemy.”

“She’s not our enemy.”

“Boys, that’s enough. Seems to me you’ve got something to work out.” Uncle Grant motioned to the door. “Take it outside. I don’t want your aunt’s breakfast spoiled by some argument between two of our favorite nephews.”

“I have an order to place for Jessie before I leave.” Jackson waved Samantha, Norma’s youngest daughter, over. Then he turned to Austin. “I’ll meet you outside.”

“Make sure you do. I have much more to say about this matter.” Austin turned around and bolted out the door, just as Samantha stepped next to Jackson.

“What’s up with Austin? He’s more gloomy than normal, even for him.” Norma’s daughter had become quite the beauty since graduating high school. She placed her hip against his. Nineteen and quite the tease. Normally, he enjoyed her flirtations, but something about it now made him uncomfortable, knowing Jessie was waiting for him at the Hotel Cactus, he supposed.

He shuffled a couple of steps away from Samantha. “I’d like to get two sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast burritos and two cups of coffee.”

She scribbled down the order. “That for here, handsome?”

“Nope. To go, please.”

“I’ll have it for you in a flash.” Samantha sent him a naughty wink, then headed to the kitchen.

“Jackson Wilde, what is up with you and Miss Greene?” Aunt Maude asked softly.

“I have to talk to my brothers about that before I can say.”

“Uh-huh.” Her lips curled up into a wonderful smile. “I think I’m getting the picture pretty clear.”

“Can you fill me in then, honey?” Uncle Grant asked.

“Later, sweetheart. Go talk to Austin. That one will need some convincing.”

Jackson nodded and walked to face his eldest brother’s wrath. Aunt Maude was right about Austin. How in the hell would he ever be convinced that Jessie was the woman for him and his brothers? He needed to talk to Phoenix. Closest in age to Jackson, he had a better handle on how to deal with the other brothers, in particular Austin.

When Jackson stepped outside, Austin wasn’t alone. Thankfully, Phoenix stood next to him. No doubt, Austin had already grilled him about what had happened.

“Spill it, lil’ brother.” Austin looked as if he were ready to explode. Both his hands were curled into fists.

During Jackson’s teen years, his brother had punched him on several occasions for well-deserved infractions. The worst had been when Jackson had secretly smoked one of the dads’ pipes and had set an entire field of alfalfa on fire. Looking at Austin, Jackson thought his eldest brother was even angrier with him now.

Jackson took a deep breath, then began. “Jessie is amazing. I didn’t mean for anything to happen, but it did.”

“What the fuck do you mean by that? I know your rep. Love ‘em and leave ‘em, Jackson. You should’ve kept your dick in your pants. This is too important for you to get a cheap thrill from a big-town hussy.”

Rage poured into Jackson, and he charged Austin, slamming him against his pickup. “Fuck you! Never talk about Jessie that way.”

Phoenix grabbed him from behind. “Settle down, lil’ bro. Austin hasn’t met her. Besides, you know him.”

“Let him go, Phoenix. Let’s see if he can take me.” Austin glared at him. “You want to punch me, Jackson. Well, take your best shot, because that’s all you’ll get.”

Denver and Dallas pulled up in one of the mine’s trucks. They hopped out. “What the hell’s going on?” Dallas shouted.

“I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.” Austin growled. “You guys fucked up by going back to Miss Greene’s room. And Jackson took the cake by spending the night with her. Phoenix tells me that none of you told her that you were part of the Wilde family. That right?”

“True.” Denver stepped between Jackson and Austin. “She’s quite the woman.”

Austin rolled his eyes. “Stars in your eyes, too.”

“You haven’t met her.” Jackson’s pulse backed down. “You don’t know.”

“Lil’ bro, I can see that you think you can woo her to take the leap into our family’s unusual marriage arrangement.”

“What?” Denver turned to Jackson. “You’re that gone on her?”

Jackson nodded. Not the way he wanted the discussion to go down, but he was glad it was out in the open now.

“Miss Greene is great and all, but she’s not from around here.” Dallas shook his head.

Phoenix added, loosening his hold on him, “From what I saw last night, she’s not very experienced, either.”

Austin stepped up, and put his hand on Jackson’s shoulder. “A fool’s dream.” Then he smiled. “Fine. But do your charming after she finishes her investigation of the mine. I’ve left a message for her at the hotel that I’ve set up a tour for her with one of the supervisors. I’ll see her the next day in my office. I just hope I can clean up the mess you all have created before the dads get back.”

“You will, big bro. You always do.” Jackson loved Austin. He’d always idolized him. Once he met Jessie, Austin would know that she was for all of them, just like he did.

Chapter Five

Jessica looked at the clock. He should’ve been back by now. Then she checked herself. Grinning, she realized that time and schedules might be quite different in Wilde than Manhattan and DC. Still, she needed to get to the mine. That was why she was here.

She hummed one of her favorite songs as she finished putting on the last of her makeup. She’d never felt so alive in her whole life. Jackson had been amazing, perfect even. When she thought about the cowboy who had given her the best birthday present ever, little tingles spread through her body. She even imagined him coming to visit her back east, showing him off to Michael and her other friends.
God, that would be so great.

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