Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (8 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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Jackson shook his head. “Jessie, please. We can’t leave it this way.”

“That’s exactly how we will leave it. I may have had poor judgment last night and this morning with you. I promise that won’t happen again.” She turned back to Phoenix. “I’m ready to go to the surface.”

The ground vibrated as a conveyor vehicle headed into the tunnel. She stepped back to the wall, when suddenly the operator slumped onto the wheel. The giant machine jerked straight for her. Jackson leapt to her, and slammed her to the ground out of the way. Her head and back banged against the floor, sending sharp pain up and down her spine.

“Fuck!” Jackson yelled.

She saw that his leg had been lacerated by a piece of the vehicle’s metal. “Jackson, don’t move.”

Phoenix rushed to them, his eyes wide. “Lil’ bro, you okay?”

“Yes. Jessie, are you hurt?”

“No. I’m fine.”

Jackson rolled off of her. “Check on the driver.”

Phoenix nodded, and moved to the unconscious man. She watched Phoenix put his fingers to the driver’s neck. “He’s got a pulse.”

“Thank God.” Jessica turned to Jackson. His leg was bleeding. “Where’s the closest emergency kit?”

“Far wall.”

“The com there, too?”


Jessica got the kit and rushed back to Jackson. He was sitting up.

“I’m all right, Jessie. Really.”

“Shut up, and let me do my job.”

Several mining personnel had shown up. The driver was still unconscious. Jessica looked at the scene. If Jackson hadn’t pushed her to the ground, she could’ve been impaled or crushed by the vehicle. She reached for Jackson’s hand, and a violent spasm shot up her back. Dizziness overtook her, and the tunnel seemed to spin.

Jackson stood up and put his arm around her waist. “Hang on, sweetheart.”

Phoenix got on the other side of her. “Let’s get her to the doc.”

Then, she passed out.

Chapter Six

Jessie woke up. It was night, and she realized that she wasn’t in the mine any longer. Instead, she was in a truck between Jackson and Phoenix. The vehicle’s headlights revealed that they were headed down a dirt road.

Holding the steering wheel, Phoenix looked over. “Looks like our girl is finally awake.”

Jackson squeezed her hand. “Jessie, you took quite a tumble. How do you feel?”

She jerked her hand free. “What’s going on? Where are you taking me?”

Phoenix patted her thigh. “Remember Doc said to check her pupils.”

“Right.” Jackson cupped her chin. “Open your eyes wide for me, sweetheart.”

“Answer my question first.” She felt groggy and very disoriented.

“Good enough. They look normal, bro.” He released her chin. “You passed out. Doc checked you over and said the only thing we had to worry about was a concussion. He didn’t think you had one, but you can’t be alone for awhile. So, we’re taking you to my place.”

“No. No way. Take me to the hotel.”

“We will. But Doc thought it best to get some food in you, and my house is closest to the mine.”

“We’re here,” Phoenix announced. “Château Jackson, if you please.”

The truck stopped. She looked out the windshield to what looked to be a mini-Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece. A sloping roof, clean lines, broad porch, and long windows created something that looked as if it belonged in nature.

“I never would’ve expected something like this out here. This is amazing.”

Jackson smiled. “Thank you. I’m very proud of it. I think it’s the best of the lot.”

“What do you mean?”

Phoenix smirked. “He thinks this dump is better than our brothers’ places or mine. Once you see my house, you’ll know he’s crazy. I’m a much better builder than he is.”

She turned to Jackson. “You built this?” Awe for his skill filled her up.

“With my own two hands. I’ve lived here for seven years. At sixteen, we each got to pick out a piece of land to build on. Our parents kicked us out of the big house when each of us turned eighteen. They said it built character. Well, after two years and a lot of hard work, this was the result. My house.”

“It’s beautiful.”

He smiled broadly. “Want to see inside?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t help herself. Jackson’s creativity and talent amazed her.

She got out of the truck with the help of Jackson’s steadying hands. He put his arm around her waist. Since her legs felt wobbly, she appreciated his help. Then they all stepped up to the front porch, complete with a swing built for two. She could imagine how wonderful it would be to sit there listening to the birds and watching the sun go down.

Jackson opened the door and motioned her inside. She stepped in, and he turned on a light. A beautiful living room welcomed her. It didn’t look like the home of a single man. Everything was so neat and orderly. Not a speck of dust could be seen on any surface, including the gorgeous oak floors. On the wall to the left, a large stone fireplace filled the space, perfect for cold winter nights. One comfy leather sofa faced it. Two upholstered chairs flanked the sofa. Instead of a coffee table, Jackson’s living room had end tables positioned between each arm of the sofa and the chairs, creating a u-shape seating area. On the floor in front of the sofa was a white plush rug. It looked so soft and inviting, she could see herself stretched out with a glass of wine, staring up into a roaring fire. Straight ahead was the kitchen, open to the living room. It had a raised bar, maple cabinets, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. To the right were two doors. One was closed, and the other was open. Through the one ajar, she could see a large bed with a blue spread.

She gulped. Was that what Jackson had in mind? Take her to bed again? Maybe he hadn’t been lying to her after all about being attracted to her. Or was this all just more of his attempt to influence her investigation?

“Jessie, would you like a bath?” Jackson asked, his tone so tender and sweet.

She inspected herself and found she was covered in muck from the fall at the mine. “Yes.” Instantly, she regretted what she’d said.
Here I go again, ready to shed my clothes at the drop of his cowboy hat.
“But I might wait until I get back to my hotel.”

“That’s ridiculous, darlin’. More than getting the mine’s dust off you, I’m sure that you’ll feel much better after a bath.”

“Jackson, you got something to eat?” Phoenix walked into the kitchen and opened one of the cabinet doors. “I think Jessie could use some food on her stomach.”

“I’ve got stuff to make a grilled cheese sandwich. I also think there’s a can of tomato soup in the pantry. That’s about it.” Jackson put his arm around her waist and led her to the closed door. He opened it, walking her into a pristine white bathroom with a pedestal sink, toilet, tall cabinet, and a claw-foot tub with a showerhead and curtain. “Sit on the toilet seat, Jessie.”

Unable to muster an argument, she complied.

He used an old-fashioned stopper on a chain to plug up the drain, then he turned the two faucets. “How hot do you like your bathwater, sweetheart?”

“Pretty hot.”

Jackson nodded and made an adjustment to the mix of hot and cold. She could see the steam floating on the rising water. He stood up. “Let me help you undress.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She folded her arms over her chest.

“Stop arguing. You’re exhausted. If you fall and bust your head in my bathroom, my insurance premiums will go up.” Jackson started undressing her by unbuttoning her blouse. “I’m not taking you back to town looking like you fell down a mine shaft. Besides, I want to wash your clothes for you while you bathe.”

She nodded her consent.

In a flash, he had her completely devoid of clothing. Naked, she trembled. Though her body was overly fatigued, she still felt a spark of desire in her core.

Jackson stared down at her and smiled. “Jessie, you are so beautiful.”

By his tone, she knew that he had been telling her the truth that morning about having real feelings for her. How could she stay angry with him? Appropriate or not, she liked his attention. What woman wouldn’t from such a sexy cowboy? She spotted the tear in his jeans and the dark stain. “I forgot you were hurt.” He’d been heroic with her in the mine.

“Just a scratch, sweetheart. Doc looked me over, too. Doesn’t even need stitches.”

Relief filled her up. “I’m a little cold. Can I get in the tub now, General Jackson?”

He nodded and lifted her up in his arms.

“I can walk, you know.” But she liked being held, leaning into his muscular chest.

He didn’t answer, and lowered her gently into the hot water. “How’s the temperature, Jessie?”

“Perfect.” She felt her aches began to melt away. “Thank you.”

Jackson smiled. “I don’t take baths, Jessie. I don’t have anything like bath salts or oils or whatever you women use.” He pointed to the metal caddy hanging on the lip of the tub. It held soap, shampoo, and conditioner. “Will those work for you?”

“Of course. They’ll be fine.”

He went to the cabinet and pulled out a white towel and washcloth. He placed them within easy reach for her. “Take all the time you need. I suck in the kitchen, but Phoenix is quite the chef. He can make a gourmet meal out of just about anything.”

“I’m not really hungry.”

“Darlin’, you haven’t eaten a bite all day.”

She’d forgotten about that. The sack he’d brought that morning probably still held the uneaten burritos. Her stomach growled.

Jackson pointed to the robe hanging from the hook on the back of the bathroom door. “Until I get your clothes dried, you can wear this.”

God, she could get used to this treatment. “Thank you.”

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Jessie.”

“You know I will have to investigate the accident that happened today along with the others.”

“Sweetheart, you do your job. I expect you to. You and me...let’s keep
separate from the mine. Seriously, I’ll help you in any way I can. If you find infractions, so be it.”

“What will your brother Austin think about that?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“We’ll see.”

“Jessie, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was at the Horseshoe.” His face showed honest repentance. “Please, forgive me.”

She couldn’t stay mad at him with those puppy dog eyes. “Okay. But we need to keep what happened at the hotel a secret.”

“Absolutely. Now, enjoy your bath.” He stepped through the door. “I’m going to leave the door cracked open just a bit. If you need me, just holler, okay?”

“I think I yelled enough this morning, don’t you?”

“I deserved it, sweetheart. Just let me know if you need anything.”

She brought her hand up to her forehead in a mock salute.

He nodded and, as promised, pulled the door to not quite closed.

Jessica closed her eyes and let herself drift off. She’d never been treated like a queen until Jackson.

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