Languish for you (My soulmate) (26 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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“And we are going where?”

“You need to eat,” he said.

By golly! I said in my mind. He was so talkative today.

“You know what?” I asked him. He didn't even glance at me. That hurt my feelings a bit. “You should talk less, because otherwise you will break your tongue,” I mocked at him.

I noticed him rolling his eyes, but still, he kept his tongue locked into his mouth as it was a prisoner without right to see the sun again.

“Really? What have I done now?” I asked, toying with my lock of hair.

“I see you have recovered.”

“He speaks,” I bit my lip as lifted my hands up.

“And he bites,” he added annoyed. I frowned, dropping my hair form my fingers.

I didn't say a word to him. I just sat patiently, waiting for the car to pull into some kind of parking lot. My wish was fulfilled after long ten minutes in the same car with Christopher. He didn't even let me turn th
radio on that our tips would be jauntier, because I felt like he was taking me to the prison. Christopher was such a snob.
A r
eally old snob.

“Fast food restaurant?” I asked with narrowed eyes. “You know that I am vegetarian, yes?”

He rolled his eyes and then nodded.

“If you want, you can eat fried potatoes,” he said simply,” because I want something unhealthy and tasty at the same time.”

“Let me translate that. You want to look like a huge ball?” I frowned from disgust when the image of him being fat reached my mind.

He grinned.

“Well, we live only one time,” and he laugh. We both knew that we didn't have one life.

We entered into the building. I frowned as I smelled meat's sense. I almost puked right in front of Christopher and other people, who ate their food with appetite.

“You want to kill me,” I said, pulling my one hand to my mouth and another to my stomach. There was no doubt that something will come out from my mouth. Christopher realized the same fact.

“Okay, go to the car. I will buy the food to go, okay?” I nodded and grabbed the keys from his hand. Then, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I really had never thought that fresh air was such a good thing in my life. Really, what was he thinking by taking me into this place? And why did I react like this? After all, it wasn't my first time in these places.

I walked straight to the car and sat in it, but I didn't close the door. I wanted that fresh air could caress me longer. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then, I opened my eyes and stared to a playground. Next to the swings two people were standing and watching me. It was a woman and a man. The woman looked oddly familiar to me while the man was new to me. He seemed somewhere around the same age as the woman, although I could be mistaking. I didn't know if his hair was dyed white or it was really white. He was a strapping man, with cyan eyes. I had to admit, I saw this kind of eyes for the first time and I liked them.

The man said something to the woman. She nodded and grinned.

that I had seen her somewhere, but I couldn't remember where and when. Or maybe she just reminded me someone I knew.

I glanced at the building, trying to see where Christopher took so long. And when I returned my eyes back to that couple, they were gone. And than the truth hit me; I had seen that woman in the super mall with Agnes.

I quickly pulled myself into the car and closed the door. Then, I pushed the lock and scanned the area, searching for them. Lucky or not, I didn't see them. They were gone. It couldn't be coincidence that I saw that woman again, here.

They are watching me, I said in my mind. The only question was, why weren't they hiding, why did they let me notice them? What kind of plan did they have reserved for me?

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine that all this was just dream, that I didn't see the hunters, prowling around me like hungry animals.

Someone knocked on the window, stopping my heart literally in my chest. I opened my eyes and looked at the other side of the car. Christopher was standing, holding two bags of food in his hand. He seemed bored.

I removed my hand from my chest and unlocked the door. He sat on the seat calmly, giving me my bag with fried potatoes.

“So, where would you like to eat your potatoes?” he asked me, bringing the car to life. He still didn't notice how pale my face was or how quickly my chest move up and down.

I put the bag into my lap and turned my face to the window, putting a curtain of my hair on my face, to hide my eyes from him.

“I don't know,” I said quickly. “Maybe to the park?” I lifted my eyes up. The sky wasn't so scary as it was in the morning.

“Is everything okay?” he asked me as the car joined other vehicles in the street. Something in my voice let him become suspicious.

“I am just easy to scare,” I said honestly. “I saw a woman which I had seen before.”

I felt his eyes at me, but I didn't dare to turn and meet his stare.

“A woman?” his voice was cold. I nodded reluctantly. My motto was that the truth will save our world, but why was it so hard to say the truth?

“Yes. I saw her when I was with Agnes, and now here,” I hugged myself. “She didn't do anything suspicious,” I added quickly. I didn't need to be a mind-reader to have an idea what he could be thinking. After all, I had the same idea: the hunters.

“Can you describe me that woman?” he asked, controlling his voice now.

“In spirals falling short light hair. Middle- built. Quite attractive.”

“You saw only her?”

“Both times? No,” I shook my head.

“And with her? Was there someone with her?” he sounded impatient now.

“A man with white hair,” I replied, hugging myself only tighter.

Christopher looked at me, like he didn't believe my words. But instead of smile, which he hoped to see, Christopher was greeted by fear, which decided to take a visit. And how it looked, this emotion wasn't very eager to leave my life.

“No one else?”

I shook my head in slow manner. The shock
seeing the hunters, was fading, leaving emptiness in its place.

“Don't worry about that,” Christopher said after some minutes of silence. “Nothing...”

“Tell me something new,” I moaned. “I know that sentence by heart by now.”

“I just want to tell you that I won't let anything happen to you.”

I wanted, really wanted to believe in his words, but he was only a human. Super human, but still, only a
and they always do mistakes. So, I didn't have a doubt that Christopher could fail.

“Don't give my promises,” I leaned deeper in the seat, touching the bag's top. Although the fired potatoes smelled nicely, I didn't want to eat.


Tobias sent me many messages, asking what I am doing, what kind of flowers I liked, which countries I would like to visit and so on. He was stealing my attention, when I had to learn some new English words for the test. It was nice that he wanted to know me better, but at the same time I had to be cautious. I needed to change my likes that he wouldn't get to suspicious how similar I was with his dead

In the end I just turned my phone down and spent an hour only for learning. Then, it was time to go sleep. But tried every tricked in a book in order to close my eyes, but every time I closed my eyes in my bed, I could hear imagined sounds around me and when I opened my eyes, shadows on the roof. I knew that the windows couldn't be broken. Avery ha
d demonstrated me that; she thre
w a brick to them. A really heavy brick. But even knowing that, I still felt unsafe.

I glanced at the clock
on the nightstand. It was 1 am
and I was still fully awake. Hurrah!

I stood up and slowly walked to the table, but I didn't want to write. I just wanted to have some rest, but how I could see, I won't be able to do that in my own room. At least for couple of days until I will feel safe again in my own room.

I crept out from my room to the corridor. Here I stood and looked around. I had to confess, I had never liked to sleep with someone, who wasn't an animal, but right now I just wanted to sleep with someone, who could protect me, hold me. In other words, to be with someone.

I started pondering, which room I should burst into. Avery? Yea, it could be nice to sleep with her, but she was still that person, who I didn't trust enough to give my beating heart into her protection. Christopher? Well, he was my protector and I spent previous night in his room. I even managed to sleep. Plus, I trusted him more than Avery. But really not because of that one kiss we had.

I bit my lip and walked straight to Christopher's room. I didn't know if I should knock or just enter. I decided to enter. I was surprised to see my protector sitting in his bed, his back leaned against the wall. He was dressed as usually, but not that stole my attention.

“Jane Eir? Really?” I asked with opened mouth.

“Well, it is really interesting book,” he said in cold tone and closed the book. Then he lifted his eyes to meet mine. He didn't seem to be surprise to see me here, in his room, at 1 am. I could even bet that he was waiting for me. “You should read it.”

I rolled my eyes. I liked to be in fantasy world, not in reality.

“Maybe when there wouldn't be hunters, who chase me. I can't sleep,” I said quickly before he would decide to ask me, why I was standing in his room at this hour.

“And? You want me to hit you that you could lose your consciousness and take a nap?” he was rude. I couldn't find a reason, why he should be like this. I didn't do anything bad if didn't count the fact that the hunters wouldn't be interested in me if I had made love with Tobias.

“Can I sleep with you or no?” I folded my arms over my chest irritated.

He heaved a sight and patted on his bed.

I lifted my chin up and walked to the bed. It was hard to believe that he actually let me sleep in his room, with him and without arguing for long.

He wants to sleep with me, too, the thought crossed my mind. I flushed. Lucky for me, at that time when I realized that, I had turned my back to him.

I quickly slipped under the sheets and put my head on the pillow. He also hid under them, put his head, turned the light off. But the room wasn't in the darkness possession. I could see some night lamps, spreading dark blue light around the room.

He didn't say a word and I did the same thing. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Although I felt safer, but not relaxed. My thoughts drifted over and over to him and me, together in his bed, at night... Maybe it was wrong idea to come here.

“Why did you come here?” I heard him asking me after some really long minutes.

I turned to another side, facing him. He was lying on the back, his eyes staring at the selling while his hands rested on his stomach.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound sleepy.

“Well, there is Avery in this flat,” he said casually.
”Why did you come here?”

“You are my protector,” I said simply, like this fact explained everything what he needed to know.

“Ah,” he sounded ...strange. Was he happy? Sad? Confused? What did that

Stop, I ordered myself in my mind. Christopher is only a protector. When will you finally realize that?

I put my hands closer to my chest. He didn't do anything incredible, but still, my heart tried to escape from my chest.

He didn't say anything more and I didn't dare to force him do that. So, I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Somehow I managed to leave the reality and visit the dreamland.


The last night's event did its dirty job; Christopher was on a high alert. He couldn't even force himself to take a nap, although he knew that the hunters were very patient and they won't do anything today, or tomorrow. But still, he was worried. And now Trinity's words about the woman and the man?

He shook his head and took a book which Avery had given him a few years ago. She asked him to read it and tell what he thought about it. But he didn't like to read during their missions and always delayed to take that book into his hands. He had even forgotten that he had it until this evening, when he needed something to occupy his mind.

But every time he tried to read at least a page, he soon found himself thinking about Trinity and how he had his heart in his mouth when he heard a broken glass last night. A few times he noticed some strange people staring at Trinity, but they just did that; only stared. Nothing special and worth to pay attention. After all, many people stared at him, but that didn't mean they were all hunters.

He had to admit himself, he liked to see her in his bed last night, curled into a ball. A few times he didn't found enough strength to resist temptation to touch her. He let his fingers travel along her face, than her arm. She didn't
her body to drop his fingers. No, she even leaned a bit closer to him in her sleep.

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