Languish for you (My soulmate) (30 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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But before I could say something more, Tobias came back with our drinks. He didn't look happy to find me in someone's company. To be honest, right now I wanted to be far away from those two.

I took my glass of water and took some slow sips, buying some time for myself to understand this situation better.

“We will go. Dances will start soon,” Ashley said. Christopher nodded reluctantly and walked with at her.

“Who was that?” Tobias asked me, snaking his free arm around me.

“Trouble,” I said without intending to use this word.

Tobias lifted his eyebrows up questionably, but I didn't intend to answer. I just took another sip and scanned the area. My protector and that woman didn't go far. They were standing in the centre of the room, where a few couples were slowly dancing according to a calm music. I could see how Ashley's arms found their way around his neck, while her lips were working to touch his. Jealousy was the first thing which hit me.

I turned my eyes away, but that didn't actually help me to calm myself, because now I saw Eduard, who intend to chat with me this time.

Tobias noticed a man coming closer to us. His body tensed a bit when he realized that we were his destination. I didn't get why his body reacted like this. Did his soul give him warnings about him? After all, Eduard was one of the
, and how I understood, they were those who sign souls to their new bodies.

“It is nice to see you here, Vanessa,” he took my hand and kiss it, proving us all, who were observing him, that he wasn't a tramp from the street. “And this might be your soulmate,” he said with a grin on his face.

Tobias's body tensed even more after hearing the

“Who are you?” I asked, pretending that I didn't know him.

Eduard didn't seem surprise by my question. It even seemed that he was expecting something like this.

“Oh, my apologies. We have never been properly introduced. I am Eduard Fuchs. I knew your parents. It's so sad to know that they are not with us anymore.”

I forced a smile on my face and glanced at Tobias, who was staring at Eduard, like he was intending to jump on that guy and cut his neck widely for everyone to see red blood and meat.

“Oh,” I said. “It's nice to meet you. This is my boyfriend, Tobias,” it was really strange to say boyfriend instead of cousin. And what was even
, that Tobias pulled me closer to his body. I felt how his heart pounded in his chest like it wanted to escape from his body. He was really angry or really scared.

“It is an honor to meet you, young man,” Eduard said kindly.

All this situation seemed awkward for me. Why was Eduard here, taking with us? What did he want? But I wasn't about to stick long enough to find that out. I put my glass on the the tray when the waitress walked pass us. Then, I grabbed Tobias's hand and pull him after me.

“It was nice to meet you, but I think my aunt is waving for us to come to her,” I lied. I knew I was doing a bad thing, but all my senses told me to walked away from Eduard as quickly as possible.

“Of course. We wouldn't like to annoy Avery,” he nodded and moved away, giving us some space to walk forward. I didn't give a second thought for that. I walked away from Eduard, who was standing calmly and just watching me and Tobias.

Only when Eduard disappeared in that sea of people, I stopped and looked at Tobias, who still seemed intense, his eyes running around, searching for something.

“I don't like him,” he said without hiding anything. He was annoyed, alarmed and disgusted. I had to admit, I had the same feelings for
, too.

“Me, too,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Would you like to dance?” I asked. I needed to do something, what could occupy my mind.

Tobias nodded, forcing a smile on his face. He needed also a distraction.

We danced with other couples in the middle of the room. I quite liked to be with Tobias, dance with him, but still, knowing who he was to me, nagged me better fear to get a bad score from an exam.

I put my head on his shoulder, turning out my brain and just enjoying the atmosphere, which would be magical if my eyes hadn't seen Christopher with that woman. Who was she for real? The hunter? The protector? The tutor? Or maybe really, an old friend of his?

Ashley noticed where my eyes were turned and grinned. Without missing a beat, she leaned closer to him and crashed her lips to his. For my surprise, he kissed her back, his arms snaked around her.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember myself that he wasn't mine to want and I wouldn't care with whom he wanted to be.

Tobias phone rang in his pocket. We stopped dancing. He pulled his phone out and looked at the screen. The name on it erased the smile from his face.

“I need to take this call,” he said quickly and walked away from me. Whatever was in
side, was important for Tobias. I nodded and he quickly was gone. But he didn't let me be alone for long. Tobias soon was back on my side, leaning closer to me, but not to tasting me lips.

“Do you trust me?” he asked in a whisper.

I looked at him with a question in my eyes. Why did he ask this?

I nodded.

He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. Without saying anything, he pulled me quickly to walk after him. I tried to
him and force to explain me, what was going on, but then a loud explosion echoed in the room. The lamps burst, people started shouting, running to the exist. The room soon was in the dark.

“Come!” Tobias yelled and pulled me to him. I noticed a flashlight in his hand, directed to the ground.

He was prepared, the thought hit me, but I was to shocked to do anything except be an obedient girl, although I knew that I should stop and find my protector in this mess.

But when my brain worked enough to be able to command my body, I tried to save my hand from Tobias's grip. But for my luck, he only tightened firmer his lock and started running quicker.

I glanced over my shoulder, hoping to see someone. I knew it was dark. Even if there was someone, who I knew, I couldn't recognize him.

Soon we were out from the building, but we weren't in the main entrance, where many policemen and paramedic where standing, helping people. No, we were in the other side of the building, were a black van was standing peacefully and waiting for someone.

Tobias stopped and turned to face my scared and white face. Hi
s hand touched my cheek, comfort
me. Strange, but I felt better when I felt his touch.

“Trust me,” he said quickly and kissed me, before the van door opened and he pulled me inside.


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