Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (12 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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“If you were my daughter, you wouldn’t sit for a month. And if I was your father, I’d expect to be informed about all of this by your teacher.”

“Sir, I’m begging. I’ll do anything.”

That brought him up short and he paused briefly. “Anything?”

The ruler changed angles and moved inward. Lanie felt the flat of it rub along her slit. Brazenly, she responded by tilting her pelvis, the action needing no words to express her desire for more.

“Be specific, Miss Langston.” As he continued, the rubbing changed to a light tapping directly on her clit. “Ambiguity has no place in my class. Define ‘anything.’”

“I’ll suck you off, sir, and let you fuck me.”

The ruler returned to her thighs with a flurry of fire.

“There’s that mouth again. What did I say about profanity? And, if I wanted oral sex or intercourse from you, how would you stop me from taking it? You’re here alone, after hours, with no one around. Did you notice that this is the music room? It’s sound proof, so no one would hear you scream if I decided to take what your using as a bargaining chip. So, as the kids are saying these days, ‘what else ya got?’”

“Daddy has money.”

“Don’t insult me.” Dissatisfied with this latest ploy, the ruler steadily persisted.

“I don’t know what you want, sir. I was wrong and am terribly sorry. The only other thing I have to offer is my promise to be good and to never behave so recklessly again. I swear.”

Other than the sound of her ragged breathing, silence encompassed the room as he stopped. She hissed as his fingers moved over her hot flesh, soothing the burn left behind by both his hard hand and the rigid ruler. In a deliberate manner, following a horizontal path, he gradually moved from her outer thigh, up and over the hills of her bottom and then down the sensitive interior. He repeated the pattern on the other side.

“There she is, my star pupil. In my class, sexual favors and Daddy’s money don’t garner my respect, but sincere acknowledgment of wrongdoing, a degree of introspection, and a solemn promise to refrain from repeating mistakes goes far. We will have to wait and see if you can follow words with action.” He patted her tingling bottom as the cane slid from its resting place on the desk. She tensed, it wouldn’t be pleasant on an already well-punished behind.

Ethan noticed. “Now, now,” he assured, well aware of her dislike of the implement. “We’re in the home stretch here. Five more strokes. Not so much to bear for a brave girl like yourself. You’ve done well, Miss Langston. Other girls in your position would be sobbing and screaming down the walls.”

“You do this with your other students?”

“Usually a stern talking to will suffice. However, with a headstrong young miss, I have found more extreme measures are necessary to bring about the needed change.” A whoosh sounded followed by a stripe of fire blossoming over both her cheeks. Unable to help it, her hands flew back to soothe the burn. “Hands flat on the desk, young lady.”

She tried, but she couldn’t move them and tears filled her eyes.

“Now, or that one won’t count in your tally.”

Lanie slowly removed her hands from her blazing behind and brought them up by her head. Her body trembled in expectation of another stroke. Ethan set the cane on the desktop and leaned over her. His chest pressed her down until every inch of her upper body lay flush against the cool surface and his hands stroked over her shoulders. Slowly they ran over her arms moving them above her head until they were outstretched and her fingers could curl around the far end of the desk.

“Hold on here, my good girl,” he whispered in her ear. “Four more, unless there is something specific you’d like to say.”

Her safe word—he was reminding her it was there if she needed it. Did she? This scene was very intense and it blurred the lines between reality and fantasy for her. Ethan was punishing her for a real misdeed, but in the guise of a role-play with imaginary characters. He was once again, he allowed her to revel in her need for stern discipline, but the carefully constructed scene gave her a guilt free path toward absolution. Melanie Fischer, tough as nails defense attorney and feminist couldn’t possibly want her husband to take her in hand and spank her. But Miss Langston, the naughty schoolgirl needed it, and could shoulder any shame that Lanie couldn’t bear. It was a paradox, to need something so desperately, but resist that need just as fiercely. Ethan had found the perfect way to give her precisely what she craved.

“I’ll take my punishment, sir,” was her sniffling reply. “I want to show you I can be your good girl.”

“That’s my brave girl.” He kissed her ear, murmuring softly, “Hold on tight to the desk and don’t move. I wouldn’t want any injured fingers.”

“Yes, sir.”

He stood and again took up the cane. Whoosh and fire. It was repeated every few minutes until he had applied five scorching lines from the crest of her full cheeks to an inch above where her ass met her thigh. She was sobbing by the time it was over. To top it all off, she thanked him. Ordinarily, giving thanks for a sound spanking seemed ludicrous. For Lanie it made sense as a feeling of calm washed over her.

He didn’t ask why on earth she thanked him for setting her ass ablaze. He knew. It wasn’t the pain or the pleasure, or even the game she was grateful for, but the release of emotions that, without her conscious knowledge, had been building to a breaking point inside her.

“Anything for you, baby.” Ethan murmured. He had known, recognizing the signs better than she did herself. He’d planned this scene all along, and the weekend to follow was to be an outlet for her stress. The texting incident was merely coincidental.

Behind her, she heard a clatter—the cane hitting the floor, she assumed—because the next instant Ethan was kneeling behind her and both of his big hands were filled with her fiery cheeks as he soothed her, rubbing gently. His breath brushed over her inflamed skin as his mouth lessened the burn with soft, tender kisses, his tongue lovingly laving away the sting. As this went on for several minutes, her tearful emotional cries became moans of pure pleasure. His care for her in the aftermath was demonstratively thorough as he traced every square inch and trailed along every stripe.

Lanie had calmed considerably, her sniffles interspersed with sighs when she felt his fingers spread her cleft and his tongue delve between her lips. He licked her slowly, his tongue circling around her clit, dipping and swirling inside her, continuing upward along the cleft between her cheeks. The flat of his tongue found the small, much tighter hole and the tip probed gently. A quiver set off in her stomach at the intimate touch, and she stiffened with uncertainty. He’d never taken her ass before. A finger dipped inside a few times in the past, but when she’d tensed, he’d moved on. It seemed wickedly naughty, but she’d always wondered.

He lifted his head, although his fingers remained, keeping her spread and open. She closed her eyes and imagined him gazing at her most private place, taking it all in. His tongue returned, gliding and teasing, and she felt his whisper warm against her pussy. “So beautiful, baby.”

“Ethan, please,” she begged, “you’re driving me insane.”

“Shh, I want to taste and savor this sweet ass and pussy for a few more minutes before I let you come.” He punctuated his words with a lick or a suckle, which felt so divine, it was almost too much to bear. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to leave you hanging.”

“Can’t I come while you savor, sir?”

“Hmm,” his hum of consideration buzzed right against her clit. Permission or not, if he did that again she was a goner. “A reward for a bad girl? Do you think you deserve one?”

“After the cane, I think I’ve paid my debt, sir. That thing is wicked nasty and I’d be happy to never see it again.”

A soft laugh replaced the hum, not helping her situation one little bit. His mouth was replaced by a finger, then two, as they slid slowly inside her while his tongue dipped to her clit. “You may come, but we’ll wait to see how effective the cane is before we throw it in the wood chipper. If it is a deterrent for your recklessness behind the wheel and keeps you from an accident or worse, you’ll just have to deal with it. Understood?”

“Yes, sir, but please stop talking against me. Your low rumbly voice feels like the world’s greatest vibe set on high. I can’t take it.”

“I said you could come, Lanie. Let go.” He finished his statement with another hum, his lips vibrating against her clit. “Afterward, I’ll give you another while I’m hard and deep inside you. And if we’re still hungry for more, yet another, as many as it takes until you’re worn out and thoroughly satisfied.”

His words tormented her more than she could stand and she felt her climax spill over. She cried out to him as the sensations overwhelmed her. All her internal muscles pulsing and clenching around his fingers as she came in a bone shaking convulsion of ecstasy. He kept it up, laving and twirling her clit from one release and spurring on another, or maybe it was one long mind-blowing orgasm that seemed to go on forever. At long last, he rose and plunged into her from behind. Her pussy greedily welcomed him, seeking more as she clamped down around him, sucking him in deeper, quivering around his hard shaft as he rode her hard and fast. She reveled in the way he stretched and filled her, and how his fingers dug into her hips as he drove her further. Soon, she felt another climax building and she called to him. Spurred on by her passion, he pounded into her, answering her throaty cries with a shout of his own as they came together.

Afterward, as she lay beneath him, once again pinned to the desk, she opened her eyes and stared vaguely ahead. When her heart rate had slowed to a more sedate beat and her numbed brain had cleared somewhat, her gaze focused on a portrait on the opposite wall. A bewigged man stood in front of a backdrop of handwritten sheet music. As she recalled she was in the music room, she assumed he was one of the great composers—Beethoven, maybe? His eyes seemed to be watching them, his lips bowed up slightly into a roguish smirk, as if he’d observed it all and enjoyed every moment.

Lanie giggled, which caused Ethan to stir and ask, “What’s funny?”

“I feel like we’re being watched.” She pointed to the portrait when he lifted his head.

He studied it for a moment, then chuckled aloud. “So it appears. Amadeus, you naughty boy.”

“Mozart? I thought it was Beethoven.”

“Not even close babe,” he said as he pushed off and slowly eased out. Helping her stand, he turned her toward the poster-sized frame, his arms coming around her, as he pulled her back to lean against his chest. “See the sheet music in the background. It’s the score from Don Giovanni.”

“I’m not familiar with the piece.”

“A theater buff who doesn’t know her opera?” While he spoke, Ethan’s hands stroked over her belly, one moving higher to cup the breast peeking out through her open blouse. “Let me educate you, my dear Miss Langston. Don Giovanni, one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s most famous works, is based on the legendary character, Don Juan—philanderer, rake, seducer of women and unrepentant lech. It’s widely known that Amadeus was quite the ladies’ man himself. That smirk seems to say he enjoyed our little interlude, don’t you think?”

“My thoughts exactly. So Mozart was a Lothario, and in repose a perverted voyeur.” Lanie giggled as she realized she was speaking in a whisper as if he could hear. “It’s kind of creepy the way his eyes seem to follow us around the room.”

Ethan’s hands rose and brushed back the open panels of her shirt, baring her body to the portrait. His hands cupped both breasts, lightly pinching and rolling her nipples as his lips found her neck. “Eat your heart out, buddy,” he murmured with a sexy growl beside her ear. “She’s all mine.”

One of Lanie’s hands rose and wrapped around his neck, holding him close as she angled her head to his mouth.

“I want to fuck you again, Miss Langston.” He tugged on the aching tips as he nipped her neck with his teeth, and then with a groan, Ethan set her away. “That will have to wait until we reach our destination, unfortunately. We’ve got a two hour ride ahead of us.”

Turning her, he bent his head and drew a taut pink tip into his mouth. Too short-lived by Lanie’s standards, she whimpered when he released her and began buttoning her shirt for her.

“I have got to put these away. You’re too much temptation.” Stepping back, he tucked himself into his jeans and zipped up. Bending to collect her skirt, he pocketed the panties. “Get dressed, before I spank you again for being a tease, naughty girl.”

“Hey,” she protested as she pulled up her skirt. “I’m just standing here. You’re the one acting like Don Giovanni.”

He extended his arm toward the steps. As she passed, she teasingly rubbed her hip against his obviously bulging zipper. That earned her a swat on her skirted ass, which hastened her step to a run as she quickly climbed the wide steps. At the top, she paused and peered down at him. He hadn’t moved and Lanie noticed his gaze was glued to the pleated hem that barely covered her front. She imagined from his vantage point he’d gotten an eyeful during her ascent. She couldn’t contain the grin that spread across her face, loving that she could make him respond so easily.

He growled, giving his jeans a tug in front, before following her up the steps. “I’m not quite Don Juan, being a one woman man. I’ll attest to being an unrepentant lech, but only with you.”

“Don’t forget a seducer of women.”

“No. A seducer of woman, my woman.” As he came level with her, he captured her lips with a brief but thorough kiss before opening the door and tugging her through by the hand. “Do me a favor though, baby, don’t run in that damn skirt. You’re killing me.”

Chapter Ten



As good as his word, Ethan made her ride with her skirt up and her burning behind pressed against his leather seat. When she grumbled her complaints with each passing car and truck for the first several miles, he shushed her, pointing out his tinted windows. His patience soon changed to promises of another twenty swats at the next exit if she kept it up. Wisely, she settled and they drove in comfortable silence for about an hour. As they traveled south out of the city, the traffic grew lighter and rush hour passed into evening.

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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