Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (16 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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“Sounds fun. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes to lend a hand.” She could hear the amusement in his voice. “I’ll let myself in.”

“Okay, but it’s probably still open. Beth already left and she always forgets to reset the alarm.” As soon as those words left her mouth, she wanted to press rewind and take them back.

“You are there by yourself with the doors unlocked? Go take care of that.”

“Okay, as soon as I—”

“No, put the phone down and do it now.” His voice was more than stern, it was unyielding.

She got up saying, “I’m going…” He’d really gotten into the dominance and control thing. Admittedly, he only played that card in their day-to-day life when it came to her welfare, so she gave him that. Engaging the locks and activating the security system took a few moments, then she was back to Ethan.

“All sealed up, safe and sound, honey.”

“I don’t want you there alone without the doors locked and the alarm on. I’ll have Steven talk to Beth about it too. I must have been nuts to let you talk me out of the security building two blocks over.”

“Ethan, the security deposit and monthly lease were insane. Beth and I would have been working eighty hour weeks instead of sixty to afford that.”

“You’re exaggerating, Lanie. Neither of you should be in a ground floor office with the doors unlocked. Any whack job could walk in. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Ethan,” she said, rolling her eyes at his overprotectiveness.

“I’m serious, so don’t roll those pretty blue eyes at me.”


“I know you better than anyone.” Again, he was right. “I’ll call Mariano’s for reservations. Be there soon.”

“I could meet you there.”

“No. I’ll swing by.”

“Okay. Love you, honey.”

“Love you too, that’s why I want you safe. See you in… thirteen.”

After shutting down her computer, she turned off all the lights except the one in the lobby. When she heard him deactivate the alarm on the front door, she glanced at the clock noticing he’d made it with thirty seconds to spare. Meeting him in the lobby, she admired how handsome he was in his dark navy suit. It fit him perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders, lean waist and hips. The sleek lines made him appear taller and the splash of color in his gray and sky blue tie was just right. She smelled the clean, fresh scent of Chrome, the cologne she liked on him the best, as she moved up next to him.

“My oh my, professor, you look and smell good enough to eat. Maybe we should skip dinner.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stood on her toes to kiss him, her lips brushing his jaw, which was all she could reach as he busied himself reactivating the alarm. When he was done, he slipped a strong arm around her waist and drew her in for a more substantial kiss. As always, it took her breath away. A rumbling of approval rose from his chest as he lifted his head, his eyes sparking with desire.

“Is that a yes to skipping dinner?”

“No, baby. Unfortunately, we have business.” Gaze locked on her mouth, his head dipped toward her, his intention clear. She leaned into him, lips parting eagerly, when the crinkling of a bag caught her attention. She pulled away, looking down at the Lord and Taylor bag he held.

“What do you have there?”

“A gift.”

She took it, eagerly peeking inside. “What’s the occasion?”

“Do I need one? You left before me this morning and I noticed you forgot your bag. So I went out at lunch and bought you a little something. Mind you, it’s not another suit.”

“Thank heaven for small favors. If you’re like me, wearing one every day gets very old.” She pulled out a handful of tissue paper and spied slinky pale purple fabric. “So this isn’t for play, it’s just because? That is so sweet, honey.”

“It’s both actually,” he said as he checked his watch. “Although it started out as just because, when I heard the edginess in your voice earlier I thought you might need a little anxiety reducer and came up with a little game.”

“In the thirteen minute rush hour drive over here? I’m impressed.”

He swatted her lightly. “Go change, smarty pants. Wear only what’s in the bag.”

The little reminder was unnecessary. After the taste of the cane in their first scene, she had never made that mistake again.

Her mind reeled with a mix of excitement and apprehension as she imagined all the naughty outfits Ethan might have come up with. None of which were appropriate for conducting an interview at a nice restaurant, however. “Ethan,” she began hesitantly.

“After all this time together, do you think I would dress you in something inappropriate or embarrassing?” His frown, as much as his words, spoke to his disappointment; never mind how he had known exactly what she was thinking, he’d never done anything that would expose her to scorn or ridicule. She felt two inches tall.

“Of course you wouldn’t, honey. What was I thinking?”

The kiss he pressed to her forehead told her she was forgiven. “We’re supposed to be there in thirty minutes. Get dressed.”

In the private lavatory in her office, she removed all of her clothes—to be sure history did not repeat itself—and took out each item one by one. Finding a sleeveless silk turtleneck in a lovely soft lavender, she slipped it on. The narrow band at her throat gathered the material in soft drapes at both front and back, but the shoulders cut in, exposing a lot of skin. This ruled out a bra. She dug through the bag. A strapless would have worked, but she didn’t find one. Critically, she looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced. Braless was not a good look for a girl with nearly double D measurements.

Lack of support was one concern, the outline of her hard nipples was clearly visible beneath the thin silk was the other. They were set on high beam, as the joke went. She’d always thought it crude but now saw how perfectly it fit her situation. She rubbed them until they softened.

Next, she pulled on the high waisted black pencil skirt. Made of a stretch blend, it fit the contours of her body like a second skin. Although of conservative length, hitting slightly above the knee, there was a slit in the back that reached to mid thigh. Poking around in the bag she found a pair of black stilettos and surprisingly, a skimpy black lace thong. Would wonders never cease?

Ethan liked skirts, but was definitely anti-panty, although she doubted the barely there scrap of lace would qualify as such. Unsure what he was up to, she slipped on the skimpy underwear adjusting it in the back. The lace was rough and she’d have much preferred commando to having the uncomfortable, scratchy string going the one place she most wanted it not to go. Ugh! She was so not a thong girl and was convinced a man had come up with the idea. Personally, she tried to keep her panties out of the crack of her ass, in fact, she’d made it one of her missions in life. But because she loved him, in it went for the time being.

Last came the shoes. Black with curvy s-shaped straps that kissed at the top of her foot, a thin strap across the base of her toes and another encircling her ankle. Ethan loved strappy sandals and a significant heel. These were fuck me shoes if she’d ever seen them.

Gathering her discarded clothes, she began putting them in the bag when she heard several pings as hair pins hit the tile floor. He thought of everything—except a bra. With a few practiced motions, she soon had her hair pinned up in a French twist. The whole time, her big boobs jiggled, bobbed and pretty much flopped around. Hands on her hips, she stared at her chest in the mirror, feeling very uncomfortable.

“Ready to go, babe?”

She hadn’t heard him come in. Her eyes met his in the mirror as he came up behind her, then pointedly looked at her chest.

“It’s very pretty, but I can’t wear a bra with this top, Ethan.”

“You don’t need one, Lanie. That’s why I didn’t put one in the bag.”

“But I’m too big. I’ll shake and wobble all over the place. My nipples are hard and poking through the silk.”


“It’s indecent, Ethan,” she cut in. “If it’s the least bit cold in the restaurant, I’ll be practically X-rated.”

“Nonsense, you look gorgeous.” Moving in behind her, his eyes met hers in the mirror. His hands grazed up her arms until they cupped her shoulders. He bent his head and nuzzled her neck, his lips softly brushing her skin. “This is another control issue, Lanie. I thought you trusted me.”

“Yes, but—”

“But not completely. You have nothing to be worried about. Your breasts are exquisite. They’re nicely rounded, soft yet firm. You don’t need a bra.”

“I do, Ethan. I want to be taken seriously by this applicant. She comes highly recommended.”

His hands moved around to cup her breasts and his thumbs swept over the hard buds. “It’s a crime to restrain these beauties.”

“I’m bringing a sweater.” She declared. “If the A/C is on or people start to stare, I’m wearing it.”

“If they stare, it’s because you are the hottest, sexiest woman they’ve ever seen.”

Leaning back against him, she rubbed her ass against the insistent erection pressing against her. When his fingers pinched her nipples, she reached back and stroked his hard length.

“Baby,” he growled, turning her in his arms.

She angled her head, looking up at him with an impish grin. “Hey, fair’s fair. If I have to walk around with twin lady boners, the least you could do is show your support with a chubby.”

Bending his knees until his cock lined up with her pussy, he palmed her ass in the tight skirt. He pulled her hips into his and proceeded to grind against her. After a few moments, when things started to get out of control, he growled and set her away. Lanie looked down and saw that he had an impressive bulge in his suddenly too tight trousers. She hid a smirk when he stuck his hand in his waistband to reposition himself.

“Chubby my ass,” he grumbled. “What you’ve given me is a full on stiffy.”

Lanie giggled at the uncouth expression from her upper crust law professor’s lips. “Not much fun when you’re on your way to a restaurant, is it?”

“One more thing before we go. Lift your top.”


“Do it. Lift your blouse and show me the jiggling, wobbly tits you’re so worried about.”

“Ethan!” She cried, surprised by his language. Sure, during a scene while their passions flared, he let loose some f-bombs and descriptively crude words about body parts, but ordinarily he was very well-mannered. She was shocked.

“Your words, not mine. Your blouse, Lanie. Now, please.”

A polite order, but an order all the same. It seemed playtime was starting early. Unsure of her role just yet, she decided compliance might be in her best interest.

“Yes, sir.”

She slid the silk up to her shoulders and stilled. A wave of heat swept through her as his eyes tipped down. Gently, he cupped her, molding and weighing both breasts before moving to her nipples. He pinched them firmly, rolling each tip between his thumb and forefinger, increasing the pressure until she arched and gasped in delight.

“This isn’t helping my cause, honey.”

He arched a brow at her, then released her to reach under the bunched up material and pull down a thin piece of stretchy fabric which he slid over her breasts. It was a built in shelf bra and gave her the support she needed. She hadn’t noticed it.

Ethan pulled the hem down and tucked it back into her waistband. Turning her to face the mirror, he kissed her ear while gazing at their reflection. “It’s eighty degrees out there, beautiful. Still need a sweater?”

“I feel like an idiot. I’m so sorry, honey.” Her eyes filled with tears, ashamed for not trusting him. “I should have known better.”

“Yes, you should have. You underestimate me, Lanie. My intention is to love and cherish you, not embarrass you. Never that. So it seems we have more lessons to learn. Some are much harder than others, hmm? I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself later tonight.”

Chapter Thirteen



When they arrived at Mariano’s, a popular Italian restaurant in nearby Brighton, Ethan valet parked, grabbed his briefcase and escorted Lanie into the lounge where Sarah Masterson was waiting. Over cocktails they waited for Beth and Steven to arrive.

Though the women were the active partners in the firm, they welcomed the input of their spouses, not only because of the half million dollar investment but for Ethan’s business savvy and Steven’s excellent observation and people skills. Neither man had required they have a hand in the business, it was Beth and Lanie who insisted they stay involved, and the two men had turned out to be an integral part of their team.

After about twenty minutes, Lanie’s cell phone buzzed and she excused herself to read the text message.

“Mm, it seems Beth had a fender bender on the way home and she and Steven aren’t going to be able to make it. They’re still dealing with police and tow trucks.”

“No one was injured, I hope,” the dowdily dressed brunette asked. Sarah also had badly permed hair and dark rimmed glasses, she embodied the clichéd image of an accountant and was in dire need of a stylist. Ethan could easily imagine her pouring over piles of spreadsheets and ledgers in a dimly lit room somewhere with her fingers flying over an old fashioned adding machine.

“No injuries,” Lanie said with a wince, angling her screen toward Ethan, “except for Beth’s Mercedes.”

Ethan grimaced at the sight of the crumpled front end. “Looks like more than a fender bender to me.” He regarded both women thoughtfully. “Why don’t we go ahead without them. Beth is very interested in contracting this position as soon as possible. I’m familiar with the basics of forensic accounting and Lanie is aware of the particulars about the firm’s needs.”

“Are you also a partner, Mr. Fischer?”

“I’m an investor and have been consulting with the partners as they get their practice organized this first year.”

“My husband is being modest, Sarah. I’m sorry, may I call you Sarah?” Receiving a nod of approval, Lanie continued. “Ethan is a law professor at BC and has years of practice, so his expertise is invaluable to us.”

“Thank you, Lanie,” he said, nudging her thigh with his beneath the table. To Sarah he said, “I do have a few questions, before Lanie rakes you over the coals.”

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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