Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (17 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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“He’s kidding,” Lanie put in.

“I hope not,” Sarah Masterson replied. “I welcome a good grilling, and respect any employer who takes the time to be thorough.”

As she reached into her briefcase, Ethan glanced at Lanie who was fighting a smile. Gut instinct—she liked her as much as he did. She’d come prepared with a CV that detailed fifteen years of fraud, abuse, and embezzlement investigations in big corporations and small business in the Boston area. What followed was a spirited discussion about the practice and how Sarah might fit in with their team. She also shared some of her more interesting cases and how her input had helped earn convictions.

“Who knew there was so much corporate corruption in the area? No wonder Beth’s phone has been ringing off the hook.”

“You have no idea. Remember the Van Heusen case last year? I was in on that. The CFO managed to divert millions of dollars of insurance payments directly into his offshore bank account.”

“I remember him,” Ethan replied. “He got fifteen years in federal prison for Medicare fraud.”

“Yes,” Sarah’s eyes lit up with glee behind her glasses. “I was the expert witness in that case. I love to see embezzlers get their comeuppance.”

“She’s ruthless, Ethan.” Lanie said with a grin. “I like her.”

He chuckled, “Sounds like my wife is a fan already. That’s half the battle.”

“Would you be able to come to lunch tomorrow to meet my partner?”

“I’d be happy to. If Ms. Anderson is half as impressive as you are Lanie, I’d be thrilled to work with you both.”

The meeting ended with a firm handshake and a huge grin before she scurried off in her flat, nondescript brown shoes.”

“That woman is in dire need of a makeover.”

“Funny,” Ethan laughed, “I thought the exact same thing.”

Lanie’s eyes were glinting with excitement and Ethan predicted that if Ms. Masterson’s references checked out, she would soon be on the payroll.

“So, are you ready for dinner?”

“Yes, smelling the garlic bread for the last hour has been killing me.”

He retrieved a small gift bag from his briefcase and handed it to Lanie, hoping he contained the leer that threatened. “Happy secretaries day, Miss Langston.”

Almost afraid to open the bag, she murmured, “Let the games begin.”

On the way to dinner, Ethan had explained the game. He was a high-powered CEO, who was carrying on with his personal assistant. He was a “my way or the highway” kind of guy, so if she didn’t follow his orders without fail, she’d face disciplinary action. Like a fool, Lanie had fallen in love with her boss, and because she desperately needed to keep her job, she would do everything possible to please him.

She quickly fell into her part. “Why Mr. Fischer, you shouldn’t have.”

When she went to open it, he stayed her hand. “Not here, my dear. Take it to the ladies room and find someplace private before you open it. There are further directions inside.”

Brows arched in question, she reached for the tissue paper.

“No peeking!” he warned. His thumb and forefinger captured her chin and he gazed intently into her eyes. “Do not disappoint me, my dear. Get a move on while I flag down someone to see about our table.”

“Yes, sir,” was her soft reply as she slipped from the booth, a becoming blush gracing her delicate features, her eyes bright with curiosity. He noticed she bit her lower lip, a habit when she was feeling uncertain or anxious. She was dying to rip into that bag and he figured she’d be peeking as soon as she was out of sight. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the ladies room. Hopefully, she wouldn’t pull out the contents before she got into a private stall. Keeping her on her toes was a challenge that he found extremely gratifying.

He watched as she walked across the lounge. In her tight skirt, it appeared more like a strut and male heads whipped around noticeably as she passed. Who could resist ogling such a fabulous ass in form fitting material? Shifting in his seat, he tried to ease the strain in his snug pants, a near constant state whenever his lovely wife was around. Despite the discomfort, Ethan grinned as he surveyed the appreciative glances cast her way. A table of four men in suits, paid particular attention.
Enjoy the view fellas
, he thought smugly,
cause that’s all your gonna get. She’s all mine.

Ethan’s hand rose to signal a waiter as soon as she was out of sight.


* * *


Rushing into the ladies room, Lanie pulled out the tissue from the hot pink bag and peered inside. “Crap on a cracker,” she murmured, before clutching the bag closed in alarm, Ignoring the curious stares, she waited impatiently for the next empty stall.

A few minutes later, she rushed inside and locked door. Reaching past Ethan’s little—okay, maybe not so little—surprise, she pulled out a small piece of folded paper from the bottom of the bag.


Ms. Langston,

Your work this week has been subpar to say the least.

You double booked two important clients, were late with important correspondence and my cleaning was not picked up on time. For a highly recommended executive assistant, I am gravely disappointed.

As such, I am placing you on probation and we will begin a corrective action tonight. The item in the bag will remind you of your need for improvement. Failure to please me in every way this evening will result in further disciplinary action.

You have five minutes to insert the device and return to me. At that point, you will hand me your panties as a sign of your willingness to accept my discipline. If you do not, I will assume you have chosen to pursue other employment—possibly at some other Mickey Mouse organization that will accept substandard work.

The decision, as always, is yours, Ms. Langston.



As she read, she felt a rush of heat and moisture collected between her thighs. Her panties became soaked as she imagined sitting across from him, eating dinner—sans panties—while trying to maintain an appearance of normalcy with that device, as he called it, up her ass. Peeking back into the bag, she blinked. It was a butt plug—holy crap! Hot pink, about four-inches long, maybe an inch and a half at its widest point, with a flared base.

Good heavens, he had a wicked mind, but she wasn’t all that surprised, he’d been building up to this for a while. Taking a deep breath, she pulled up her skirt and off came her panties. Her hands shook as she applied a small drop of clear gel on the end and spread it all around the tip with her finger. She would have used more, but was afraid too much would leave a wet spot on her skirt. Or worse would have it sliding out as she walked across the restaurant.

To see the hot pink sex toy rolling on the floor at her feet, well, her mortification would be so utterly complete that she’d have no qualms about becoming a recluse. Or she could hide in plain sight by buying a new identity, face transplant included. At the very least, she’d sell her half of the practice and move to some remote location like Nome, Alaska—no, too cold. Maybe, Eureka, Nevada. Located in the middle of nowhere, she’d once read it was the last town at the beginning, or was it the end, of the ‘loneliest road in America.’ If she could get internet access through satellite, she could do online work, like wills, quickie divorces and estate planning. Wait… Nevada was too close. She’d need to be on the other end of the planet, in Australia perhaps. The Cape York, Peninsula, yeah, that would do. The aboriginal tribes needed legal representation, she was sure of it.

Unexpectedly, Ethan intruded into her wandering thoughts. He seemed to whisper in her ear. “Quit stalling, baby.” That was exactly what she was doing: delaying, dithering, playing for time. Who wouldn’t? Eyeing the glistening plug, she noticed it seemed larger in her hands and the pink silicone contrasting with her pale skin appeared obscene.

“The things I do for this man.”

Closing her eyes, she slid the slick tip between her cheeks and across her delicate pucker several times, before pressing it inward. Her anal experience was very limited. He’d inserted a finger occasionally, once stretching her with two, but he’d never used a toy on her or taken her there, mostly because of her reluctance—and because he was big—really big. Thankfully, the plug was smaller. Still, he was definitely pushing a control limit with her, going where no man—or toy—had gone before. Having her do it herself tested her submission, she couldn’t put the onus solely on him. And he’d given her an out, as always. The comment about seeking employment at some other Mickey Mouse organization was his reminder that she could use her safe word if needed, making it entirely her choice.

As she pushed, the rounded end of the plug slid farther inside. Breathing deeply, she determined to get on with it when the bathroom door opened. High heels clicking on tile combined with the chatter of female voices and she froze, not blinking or moving an inch. She listened as they babbled about some upcoming event or another. They seemed in no hurry.

Five minutes had long since passed and she needed to get on with it. Biting her lip, she concentrated on keeping quiet as she slid the plug back out and then pushed it gradually back in, hoping to spread the lube around more. It worked, and she repeated the in and out motion until it was at the fullest point. Her chest rose and fell more rapidly as the plug, which seemed the size of a baseball bat, stretched her near-virgin ass until it burned. She was seriously considering backing out, but his words came to her, ‘do not disappoint me.’ She was determined not to.

Perspiration beaded on her upper lip as she gave a final push. A whimper escaped as her muscles closed around the narrow end, sealing the plug inside. She tensed. Had the others heard? She listened to the rush of water in the sinks as the women, three or four of them at least, rattled on, oblivious to the erotic insertion going on in the stall behind them. At last, they left and Lanie breathed easier.

After wiping away the excess gel, Lanie awkwardly exited the stall. She washed her hands and hurried carefully back to Ethan, attempting not to waddle despite the Louisville Slugger jammed up her butt. She arrived at their table, a little shaken but with a self-satisfied smile on her lips. She was ready to tell him how evil he was when she stopped, staring in disbelief when she found the table empty.

No way! He hadn’t really left her. It had taken her at least fifteen minutes, but surely this was part of his game. Her eyes flew around the bar, searching for him. The tables were filled with couples and several of the men eyed her curiously. Could they tell she was frantic? Was it obvious that her evil husband had ordered her to put a ginormous sex toy up her ass? Damn! Where in the hell was Ethan?

Her eyes swept the bar, up one side and down the other and then she saw him. Near the entrance, he stood with an elbow propped nonchalantly against the bar, watching her. As she took a step toward him, he lifted his wrist, with his other hand tapping the face of his watch, he slowly shook his head. This time she heard his tsk, tsk, tsk in her ear.

Shooting for graceful, but settling for stilted, she walked across the crowded room to join him. When she stood in front of him, she caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror behind the bar. A third degree sunburn wouldn’t have been as red. Her eyes flicked to his and she saw amusement shining in their warm brown depths.

“You are a very evil man.”

“So you’ve said—and frequently. You are late, Miss Langston, by several minutes—twelve to be exact.”

“Are you going to fire me?”

“Sir. I believe the CEO of the company deserves some respect.”

Authority resounded clearly in his voice. Hollywood missed out on something big the day he chose law instead of drama.

“Are you going to fire me, sir?”

“That depends on whether you have something for me or not.” He held out his hand, an imperious eyebrow arched as he waited. He wanted her panties.

Reaching into the pink bag where she had stuffed them, she wadded the lace up in as small a ball as she could get. Rather than pressing them into his hand, she decided to be a little evil herself. Grasping his hand tightly with her free hand, she gave a tug, pulling herself up on her toes. The hand holding her panties slid into his suit coat and slipped down his side to his hip and into his trouser pocket. As she relinquished her panties, she rotated her empty hand and palmed his muscled thigh, slowly rubbing the edge of her hand along the length of his hard cock.

“Lanie,” was growled against her ear.

“My panties, sir,” she whispered. “You didn’t tell me where to stick them. So I improvised.”

His free hand grabbed her wrist and he claimed her hand, moving it to a safe location. He then slipped his arm around her waist and tucked her against his side. Positioning her so her back was to the bar, his hand dipped low over her ass and along the center split. His fingers grazed the end of the plug. Bending his head, he caught her earlobe between his teeth and bit gently before releasing it.

“Mm, at least you stuck something where it belonged.” Tapping her bottom with his fingers, she gasped as the plug shifted. “Brave girl. I am pleased.”

A throat clearing behind them had Ethan straightening and offering his arm. “Our table is ready, gorgeous. Let’s go.”

Guiding her with a hand at her lower back, they followed the host to a dimly lit corner booth. Standing aside, he waited for her to take her seat. Lanie hesitated. Sitting with the plug would be yet another new experience, and a challenge.

“Something wrong, Lanie?”

“Um, no… sir.” She closed her eyes briefly, preparing herself, then slid into the booth. Leaning to her side, she slid in on one cheek. She thought she had accomplished it without too much trauma and was reaching for her napkin, but Ethan waved her farther down the booth. She frowned at him. He rarely sat on the same side, unless…

“Slide over, baby,” he ordered.

She had thought he was evil, but she was wrong. He was diabolical and fully cognizant of what the plug was doing to her. Moving along the padded bench was difficult and she let out a little yelp as the plug suddenly shifted. She yelped again when he settled beside her and his weight displaced the cushion beneath her.

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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