Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (35 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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He stood and stepped away, although she heard him moving around behind her for several minutes. She twisted around, trying to see, but the room was in shadows and she couldn’t see clearly. Returning, he crouched behind her, his warm fingers brushing her ankles as he bound her legs to the posts. When he was done, Lanie found herself spread eagled and upright, at his mercy.

Ethan appeared on her periphery a moment before he ducked under her arm. Seating himself on the end of the bed in front of her, he held her, powerless and immobilized, and she felt vulnerable as a tremor of fear shook her, even though she knew it was a game. His hands ran over the silk of her blouse before he began undoing her buttons.

“Anything to say? Regrets, maybe, for professing your undying love for me while you stole state secrets and sold them behind my back.”


“Who are you working for?”

She said nothing, turning her head away.

“Who leaked the mission plans to the enemy?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Release me.”

“You’re being stubborn, that’s good. I love a challenge.” He eased her blouse open and ran his hands over her belly. Her muscles twitched and contracted at his touch. Fingers in constant motion, they drew up along her sides, moving over her narrow waist and her ribs. Traveling up and over the cups of her bra, he gave each breast a firm squeeze simultaneously.

She gasped when he pulled out a knife and opened it with a flick of his wrist. The four inch blade gleamed in the low light, looking sharp and deadly.

“You should really start wearing front hook bras or nothing, Lanie. I hope this isn’t one of your favorites.”

He sliced between the cups first, then severed both straps. Closing the knife, he set it safely away from him on the bed, but still within reach. His hands returned to slowly peel the clingy cups away from her breasts.

“I remember these pretty nipples, rosy pink and hard as bullets. I thought of them often after you left me. Let’s see if I recalled their taste correctly.”

Lanie trembled in her four-inch pumps as his lips sucked on her nipple—hard. Using lips, teeth and tongue, he tormented the peak until it had doubled in size.

“Delicious. Berry sweet, my memory is quite accurate. I also remember them being very sensitive to clamps. Let’s begin with these.”

He held up his hands and dangled a pair of wicked looking nipple clamps from his outstretched forefinger. The alligator clips on each end of the foot inch long chain looked painful. Still, she didn’t believe for a minute he’d hurt her. She decided to follow his lead and up her resistance. She was the enemy, after all. If he loved a challenge so much, she’d happily give it to him.

With a taunting smile, Lanie laughed in his face. “Is that all you’ve got? Bring it on.”

Ethan’s fingers pinched and tugged on her already hard nipple, while his warm lips captured the other. Soon he had both nipples prepared. “

Let’s see how these berries respond to a little bite.” His teeth clamped down. Not too hard, but enough to pinch and hold the nub in place. He flicked the end with his tongue and then sucked once more and released her. He applied the rubber tipped metal clip, smiling as she drew air sharply into her lungs as they clamped down on her already sensitized flesh.

“Too much? Or do you want me to tighten it more and really ‘bring it on?’”

“Were you always such a bastard, or did you save it up just for me?”

A slap fell against her clamped breast. Holy crap! He’d never done that before. She didn’t know how to react. It didn’t hurt, but to say it was shocking would be a major understatement. When her eyes shifted to his, she saw he was watching her closely. A totally wicked thought popped in her head. What did she have to do to get him to do it again?

“I believe respect is in order, especially from a traitor. You may address me as sir, or by my title, Chief Special Agent.”

“Right. That’s going to come out of my mouth.”

Another smack fell on the other breast, striking in an upward motion and landing on the full underside making it jiggle obscenely. Still no pain, but it was damn hot. She arched her back, lifting her breasts until they stood out farther, as if begging for another slap from his hand. He noticed of course and his hands came up to play with them. Okay, so he’d answered her question about how to get him to do it again—pure sass.

With his forefingers he lightly brushed over the pinched skin that peaked out between the black rubber tips of the clamps. Then he flicked it. Lanie cried out. He flicked the other, his eyes never leaving hers.

“You are enjoying this. I hope you won’t disappoint and spill your secrets too soon. I’d like to draw this out for a few hours at least.”

Her face flushed. He was good at the game, knowing exactly what to say and do to get a rise out of her. He’d win, the outcome was always certain, but she was determined to make the lead up well worth his while.

“A few hours, huh?” She faked an exaggerated yawn. “Good. I’ll have time for a nap. Wake me when you’re done, won’t you?”

His lips twitched as he held back a grin, his twinkling eyes, speaking volumes. He was amused and enjoying every minute

Looking down, she followed his fingers as they played from one reddened tip along the chain to the other clamped peak. As the ache in her nipples grew, another similar desire began to build between her legs. Every action he made spurred an intense reaction in her.

He gave the chain inks a little tug. The pull was a mix of burning pleasure and biting pain. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as she held back a moan, which led to another harder tug. Her lips parted and she gasp for air, her eyes lifting to meet his. They were burning with intensity and locked onto her face, He’d been watching her, the whole time, reading her every emotion and response.

“It seems my little spy likes more than a little pain.” He pulled on the chain, but this time, instead of a quick release, it was a sustained, steady drag on both nipples. Lanie arched her back trying to ease the pull, as he lifted the chain higher she went up on her toes. Like a lead for a dog, or reins for a horse, she was tied to him and under his command. He eased off the pressure, letting the chain go to gently sway between her breasts again.

Lanie sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit down, trying to contain cries. Unsure whether she wanted to thank him for ending the slight torture, or beg for more of the same.

“Maybe tonight we’ll test your limits and see how much.”

Ethan’s fingers dropped to her pussy and without preliminaries, two fingers drove up inside. His smug look told her what she already knew; she was soaking wet.

“Mm… I remember this too. Always so wet and eager.” Rotating his hand, he began to drive into her faster, the heel of his palm smacking against her clit with every plunge. The wet slapping noise filled the room as did the sound of her cries, no longer able to remain silent.

“Talk to me. It’s inevitable. When you do, I’ll let you come.”

A long drawn out groan was her answer.

“So be it,” he murmured, as fingers withdrew. She closed her eyes with her disappointment.

“Don’t hide like a coward, little spy. Open your eyes.”

Her heavy lids open and she glared up at him. He was holding up his glistening fingers. In the low light, she could see her abundant juices had soaked his skin. As she watched, a pearly drop of her cream rolled down his long middle finger. Her mouth went dry when he brought it to his mouth and lapped at it slowly, as if licking dripping ice cream from a cone. He seemed to enjoy it as much too.

“Mm, mm. I always did love your sweet, sweet honey.” His eyes dropped to her mouth. His cheek dimpled as the corners of his mouth rose into a sinfully sexy smile. It was also a sneaky smile that she recognized all too well. It didn’t bode well for her and usually preceded a spanking or something equally as wicked. This time, his hand rose to her lips and he painted them with her own moisture.

“Taste yourself,” he whispered.

Mindless with need, she obeyed. As she parted her lips, his fingers slipped inside. Without being told she sucked them, enjoying the taste of herself on his skin.

Abruptly his hand was gone. He stood up, his body forcing hers back as much as the restraints would allow. He speared his fingers into her hair and pulled her head back. He did this often in their play. The simple act, so sensual, the feel of his hand in her hair, so intimate and arousing. It was a pure act of possession, of dominant control and she loved it. So much that she cried out his name, unable to stop herself, her voice quivering with the intensity of her need.

He tugged her head back until she gazed directly up at him, then he claimed her mouth. No, he ravaged it. There was no other way to describe how his hungry mouth stole the breath from her lungs and robbed her mind of what little sense she had left. She surrendered to his mastery. Had she been a real spy it would have been over, she would have caved beneath the onslaught and would have willingly spilled her guts.

His cock pressed insistent and hard against her belly by the time he ended the kiss. “You, little spy, are dangerous. This calls for unusual measures.”

“More torture?” she asked helplessly.

“Yes. Did you expect anything less?” He slipped out from between her body and the bed and again moved away. She heard him rummaging around behind her. The reprieve gave her body time to cool. Still aroused, the rising tide of her approaching orgasm receded. She concentrated on her breathing, slowing it, trying to regain her composure. She was enjoying the game too much for it to end so soon. ‘Hours’ he had said. If he was serious, she needed to pace herself somehow.

His voice in her ear interrupted her silent planning. “The torture I have in mind for you will be different. Since you seem to enjoy erotic pain a tad too much, adjustments have to be made. We’ll see how you stand up against unrelenting pleasure.”

She laughed softly in his face, “You obviously don’t know who you’re dealing with. I am a hedonist of the first order. Do your worst, Special Agent.”

“That’s Chief Special Agent, and it won’t be me alone who will torture you with pleasure. I’m enlisting some help for this.”

The smile left her face abruptly. Her eyes searched the room, her head twisting as much as it could. What did he mean he wasn’t alone? Surely he hadn’t invited someone else into their scene. Never… He wouldn’t. It was marked off their list long ago. No, she assured herself. She trusted him. He was mind fucking her again. She wouldn’t freak out and let her overactive imagination ruin their scene.

“Bring on the whole damn team, you bastard. I’m not talking.”

“Your bravado is impressive, my dear. But I saw that look of panic, or was that eager anticipation. Hmm, the former I think. Relax, however while I introduce you to my partner tonight. Not a team, mind you. It’s only me and my friend, Mr. Hitachi.”

Holy crap! Her relief was overshadowed by her dread. Not because she didn’t enjoy it, but because she was screwed—figuratively this time. He’d used the magic wand on her once before and she’d had multiple orgasms so extreme that she’d actually cried for mercy, begging him to stop teasing and fuck her already. The supercharged vibrator was powerful it was overwhelming and the loss of control was unnerving. This time, while in restraints, she would have far less control.

Swallowing a protest, she watched as he attached the wand firmly to the footboard with some kind of clamp. Hands free, he could easily adjust the position with a touch of the hand, aligning it with her pussy with ease. And that is exactly what he did. Ethan pressed the broad head of the vibe to the top of her slit and turned it on.

“Five thousand RPM’s, baby, and that’s on low. Just think, we’ll have something to look forward to later when we crank up the speed.”

Ethan stepped away and left Lanie to the sensations of the Hitachi alone. Her head fell back as the powerful vibrations concentrated on her clit. But they didn’t end there; the tremors expanded outwardly from the epicenter in waves of sensation, like ripples from a stone in a pond. She tried to move to ease the intensity, but Ethan had made sure she couldn’t get away. A fraction of an inch front and back was all she could manage, not enough to displace it from that one agonizing spot.

He reappeared at her side, a hand placed low on her back. “Ready to talk?”

Lanie lifted her head and nodded. “I have one thing to say.”

“So easy. You’ve caved before the first orgasm. What a disappointment.”

He’d called her stubborn, but he really had no idea how stubborn she could be. She softly called to him with a whispered, “Sir?” When he bent his head to hear her, she pressed her lips to his ear. “What I wanted to say was…” She paused for dramatic effect and to breathe him in. He always smelled so good. The lure of his earlobe so close to her lips was too much temptation and she couldn’t resist, licking it slowly before blowing softly in his ear. He shuddered, his arm snaking around her waist as he held on. Turning the tables on his torment was fun. In her sexiest most seductive voice, she gave him her answer. “Fuck you, Chief Special Agent. You’re wasting your time.”

His head whipped back and the shocked look on his face was priceless. She gave him an outrageous wink despite her predicament, adding, “You’ll have to do better than a high priced vibrator, you evil bastard.”

Grinning broadly, his eyes gleamed with pleasure at their game. “Oh yeah?” He raised his hand, royal blue strands of leather wrapped around his fist—it was ‘the seducer.’ “How about this. Is this

Lanie’s joy in the moment faded a little as her mouth went dry. She thought the Hitachi was his worst; she now stood corrected.

Although she’d selected it to be mild, in his hands the flogger was pure torment. After a few experimental attempts, he’d soon become proficient using it masterfully on her ass and tits, and incredibly, when he’d flogged her pussy. It had rocked her world because Ethan had discovered he could hold her on the edge of ecstasy for long periods until she begged him for release. Those nights she’d had the most powerful orgasms—yes, plural, as in multiple. Combining it with the wand, she couldn’t imagine how hard she would come, but knew she was about to find out.

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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