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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (36 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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Ethan watched her. His eyes hungrily absorbing every detail of her exquisite body. He noted all the familiar signs of her arousal. A lovely pink blush spread over her cheeks, becoming a deeper rose as it crept slowly from her neck down to her chest. Her breasts were swelled and her chest rose more rapidly, the pulse in her throat raced visibly and he could see the rippling quivers that shook her body as she struggled to hold back the rising tide of her pleasure. So damn beautiful.

That she surrendered to him, willing and eager to explore all of his vivid fantasies, still astounded him. He wondered if she knew how much he enjoyed watching as she tried to control her passion. That was one of the reasons he often demanded she delay her satisfaction until she could bear it no more. The other was that good things—no, check that—fucking amazing things come to those who wait.

His eyes moved over her breasts where a few curls lay coiled over her breasts. Wanting no barriers between him and her bountiful breasts, not even the silky soft hair that he loved, he stepped behind her and pulled her hair over her shoulders, smoothing it down her back. The fragrance of her shampoo—cherry blossom and vanilla—wafted up to his nose. Too tempting to resist, he bent his head and breathed deep, lingering to lightly kiss her shoulder and along the gentle curve of her neck. With the tip of his tongue, he left a trace of moisture as he went.

“Are you ready to surrender to me, naughty spy?” His question was asked through teeth that had latched gently onto her earlobe. He nipped it and savored her groan.

“No, but I’m ready to come.”

“Excellent, go ahead. Tonight, is about your hedonistic pleasure remember?” With his front against her back, he leaned forward. As she connected more firmly with the wand, his hips held her there motionless. He felt her body shake and her cries filled the air as she came. “That’s one,” he murmured unnecessarily as she rode out the waves of her release. “I don’t suppose you’re ready to talk yet.”

She shook her head, unable to speak. He grinned, knowing why. The vibrator continued to tirelessly stimulate her. The first time he’d used it on her she’d climaxed six times. They were drawn out over a few hours, with fucking and heavy petting in between, but it was a high bar that had been set. Near impossible for mere mortals to achieve, the wand could go on all night, unlike the woman who stood writhing in his arms.

“I thought it might take several before you were ready to talk and for that I came prepared. Tonight you will gorge on arousal, coming over and over by my will and when your body becomes a writhing mass of jelly beneath my hands and your mind is numb from the glut of pleasure I have given you, then you’ll tell me. Of that, I have no doubt.”

Again, her voice rose as another climax gripped her. He was amazed the second came so quickly on the heels of the first. His hands curled around her, one cupping a breast the other gliding down her spasming belly until he found her sex. With his fingers, he parted her lips so that the head of the wand made direct contact with her clit. “That was number two—back to back—very impressive. Shall we crank it up to six thousand RPM’s and go for a trio?”

“No! Please.”

His hands left her and her sigh of relief was so loud it echoed through the room. He bit back a grin and picked up the flogger. If she thought she had earned a reprieve, she was sadly mistaken.

Standing where she could see him, Ethan deliberately drew the soft tails of the flogger through his fingers, hoping her tactile memory would recall all the wickedly delicious things he could make it do. He began by teasing her front as he trailed the leather tails up her belly. When he reached her breasts, he threaded the handle under the nipple chain and pulled it through, leaving the lightweight tails to slowly follow. Her already rosy nipples elongated as the tails pulled them down.

Her uncontrollable whimper ended with his name. “Ethan.”

His eyes rose to meet hers. In their depths, he saw raw desire. “Yes, Lanie?”

“Please end this torture and fuck me.”

Her words were raspy in her parched throat and he watched as her tongue slid out and licked her dry lips.

“I haven’t begun to torture you yet, but I might be convinced to give you a break from my partner in crime here.”

“Yes! Please. It is driving me mad.”

He nodded and reached down to switch off the vibe. The room fell silent except for her brisk panting. The drawbacks to the wand were the noise and if left too long in one place, the nerve endings went past aroused to numb. He didn’t want her pussy numb, he wanted her to feel all that he had planned.

“Your nipples, how are they doing?”

“They ache, sir.”

“A good ache or bad?”

She hesitated and he knew he had her caught—nipple play got her hot and very wet—every time.

“Never mind. The clamps have been on for a while, so I’ll give them a break too, but I feel compelled to replace these little motivators with something else. You might find the replacements better or worse. Time will tell, won’t it?”

He slipped in front of her again. As he released the first clamp Lanie squealed. He quickly moved to soothe her, his tongue laving her tender skin before he sucked lightly as the blood flow rushed back. Once she was no longer moaning aloud, he shifted to the other breast and repeated the process, spending more time stroking, suckling and tasting the sweet peak.

When he lifted his head, at long last, he asked benignly, “Better?”

“Yes, sir. I’m sore, but feel tingling and aware, all over, which is good.”

“There’s more of that if you cooperate, Lanie.”

“I can’t. I’d never be able to go home again.”

Good girl, he approved silently. She was softening a little, giving him an in. Even hazy with passion she played the game well.

“I could give you immunity for your information and testimony.”

“But I’d lose everything. What would I do? Where would I go?”

“I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry about that.”

“As your what? Mistress? Girlfriend? Sex Slave? Surely not your wife. I have some pride still, sir.”

“You sound like you need more convincing.” His lips brushed over her nipple one last time, then he licked his way up her chest to her throat where he pressed open mouthed kisses. As she angled her head to the side, he moved upward, grazing her jaw and finding her mouth. She opened eagerly for his tongue. He swept inside and the taste of her, sweet like the champagne and berries they’d had for dessert, made him voracious. The game had become torturous, as much for him as for her, and the insistent throbbing of his cock was proof of that. His kiss turned insatiable as he greedily claimed her and fed from her sweet lips.

“Need more persuading?” he asked against her lips.

“Yes… please,” she murmured.

“Very nice. It seems my kisses make you much more amenable. Let’s see how you respond to my seducer.”

As he moved away, he longed to open his pants, but with her bare pussy spread wide it would be too much. Instead, he moved his painful erection away from the metal teeth of his zipper and out of harm’s way. Focusing once again on Lanie, he brushed the soft leather tails along her belly, the hard tips of her breasts, and over her shoulder. Teasing the thongs down her back, he watched her tremble as he reached the curve of her ass. He flicked the tails lightly. The rush of air from her lungs came out in shuddering moan.

He flipped the flogger again, a bit harder. She began to pant. He set up a rhythm of light controlled slaps, concentrating his efforts on her backside and thighs until he brought a blush of color to her fair skin. Moving on, he stood to the side and flogged her breasts, applying the tails in an upward stroke.

Lost in her pleasure, her head rolled back on her shoulders, her hair brushing the length of her back. So fucking beautiful, his Lanie. With her eyes closed, her lashes became a dark silky fan of black against her creamy smooth skin. Her face and neck were flushed. The tip of her pink tongue peeked out to glide along her lips, leaving a trail of glistening moisture. Imagining that pink tip, moving as lightly along his cock had him close to coming in his pants.

He growled suddenly, unable to fight it any longer. “I can’t wait another minute to have you.” With an arm around her waist as support, he untied her wrists. Once free, Lanie’s hand reached up and clasped his neck. As he entered her in one long thrust, he stilled, savoring the feel of her heat, the gripping squeeze of her internal muscles. His hand rose to twist in her hair and angle her head for his kiss.

Before he lost himself in her, he reached down and switched on the wand. This time up to full speed. Her nails curled into his neck, holding on. He didn’t give a fuck, nothing mattered except being inside her. Ethan pumped into her long and hard, vaguely registering the small hand that found his ass and clamped down, holding on as he took her in a frenzied outpouring of all consuming need.

“Sir,” she cried out. “Say I can be yours and I’ll tell you all my secrets.”

“You’re mine, with or without the secrets. After this, have no doubt.”

He pumped faster, every forward thrust pressing her against the wand. Her scream rent the air. A moment later, so did his shout as they came forcefully, one after the other. Lanie’s vise like muscles clenched tightly around him, almost painful in their intensity, as he rode out his orgasm spilling deep and hot inside her.

In the aftermath, as his tensions eased, the rhythmic contractions inside her continued. A protracted shudder swept through him as he savored the rippling squeeze of her muscles while still imbedded in her heat.

“Ethan,” she suddenly cried. “For the love of Mike, turn the damn thing off before I come again.”

He pulled her away and with a flick of his thumb switched it off. Shoving it out of the way, he enfolded her trembling body in his arms and eased them both forward enough to collapse on the mattress. They lay there for a while in recovery, limp against each other as their breathing and heart rates eased back to normal. Ethan was the first to move, peeling his wet skin from hers and then releasing her ankles. Gathering her limp body into his arms, he laid her on the bed, propped her head on the pillows, and climbed in after.

“Four in an hour, sir, you’ve set a new record.”

“Hmm,” he sighed against her damp neck. “Two of those I’m not sure I can take credit for.”

“Ridiculous. You can take credit for all of them, Ethan.” Her hand touched his cheek, the tips trailing down his jaw where she scraped her nails along his day’s growth of beard. “With you it’s sexy and fun, and incredibly hot. Take that out of the equation and it would be lonely, routine, mechanical—basic masturbation.”

He chuckled, “You make masturbation sound unpleasant.”

“No, it’s just that after you, flying solo holds no appeal. You’re a tough act to follow, honey.”

He kissed her, glad that their play pleased her so much. “You must not be doing it right. I’ll plan a lesson and we’ll work on your technique. While I watch, I can give you some pointers. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“Yes, sir! I love when you play the teacher. I’ll make sure my plaid skirt is clean and pressed.”

“Good girl. When we’re done with that lesson, we’ll work on your Russian accent.”

With an offended grunt, she smacked his arm lightly. After a moment, she snickered. “It was awful, wasn’t it?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I kind of liked the ‘nyet.’”

“You’re incorrigible, but I love you anyway.”

He pulled her close and whispered against her ear. “I love you too. And I’m incorrigible because you love me, sweet Lanie. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“You’re very perceptive, Chief Special Agent.” Snuggling against him, she began to drift toward sleep. “Tomorrow, we can negotiate the terms of my surrender.”

“Funny,” Ethan deadpanned, “After four orgasms in an hour, I thought we already had.”



The End

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When Janelle Prescott is thrown from her car as it careens off of a slippery road, she expects to wake up in a hospital. Instead, to her utter disbelief, she wakes up in a jail cell which looks like something from an old western movie set. It is there, hurt and alone, with no idea what happened or how she will get back home, that Janelle first meets Aaron Jackson. As she regains her wits, however, Janelle realizes that something is terribly amiss, and her worst fears are confirmed when she learns that Aaron is the marshal of Cheyenne County, Wyoming… and the year is 1878.

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BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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