Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels) (13 page)

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I’ve seen photos of you, with the kind of women you find attractive, and none of them look like me. So the question is,” she took a bite of the grilled cheese, “why all the games with me?”


Looking into her eyes, he realized she was being honest. Standing up, he walked around the table and pulled her up into his arms.

“Maybe I should make myself perfectly clear,” he leaned down and claimed her mouth in a slow passionate kiss. He knew he had to be gentle, just holding her face in his hands he could see the pain there. As gently as he could, he ran his lips over hers and when she released her breath on a sigh, he dipped his tongue in for a taste and pulled her closer to him. Her hands came up and fisted in his hair, holding him to her. Running his hands down her sides, he enjoyed the contour of her hips and relished in the softness he found.


I’ve never desired someone as much as I desire you right now.” He looked into her eyes and then rested his forehead on hers lightly.


“Sit and eat, so you can take your pills. I can see the pain you’re in, I don’t like knowing you hurt.”


When he sat down again, he watched her eat the rest of the sandwich and soup. Then he hustled her off to his bed and checked on her every hour, each time, it almost killed him seeing her hair lying across his pillows. He wanted nothing more than to crawl in the big bed with her. But, he kept his distance and played doctor for the night.


He stayed up late and decided to run several searches on his computer, trying to track down the missing art. Looking for what set The Indian piece aside from the others. Around two in the morning, he finally gave up and tried to get some sleep in his guest room. Setting his alarm to wake him each hour, he knew it was going to be next to impossible to get any sleep.


Chapter Thirteen


he next day was a little blurry for her. Ric had persuaded her to stay at his place for the day. He’d called in and taken the day off himself. She’d spent most of the morning asleep and woke up just before noon. When she walked into his living room, he was sitting at the dining room table with a cup of coffee and he was staring at his laptop screen.


“Good morning,” she walked over and sat across from him. Her head still ached and her vision was totally messed up in her right eye.


“Morning, your partner called and wanted to me relay that he fed Jack this morning.” She almost laughed at the face he was making.


“I bet that was an awkward call.” When he just shrugged his shoulders she leaned back in the chair.


“Would you like something to eat?”


“I don’t expect you to wait on me, I can take care of…”


“Rob,” he interrupted, “It’s really not that big of a deal. I was about to fix myself a sandwich for lunch.”


Smiling and feeling a little embarrassed, she nodded her head.


After lunch, he forced another pain pill on her and tucked her back into bed where she remained until the whole scene was repeated around dinner time. This time, he’d ordered Chinese from the corner restaurant.


She’d taken another bath and sat up in his bed to watch the evening news, but must have ended up asleep. When she woke again, it was the next morning, and she was feeling almost like her old self. How had he recovered in only one day?


Ric couldn’t concentrate the next day. He had hardly gotten any sleep the last couple nights, which gave him such a lack of focus.


His early morning meeting with clients had gone smoothly, now as he sat behind his laptop he had a few other items he’d been trying to deal with. He’d been doing some more research on Dante Cardone and what he’d found he didn’t like.


He knew he had to make the call. But, he preferred to talk to her in person. Calling his mother was always an
. He’d promised Katie he’d get to the bottom of the mysterious man in their mother’s room. He just didn’t want to hear what he thought he was going to hear from her. He stood in his office and just as he was about to pick up his phone, Rob walked in. The bruises were even more colorful today. He knew she was on admin leave, so when he saw her partner trailing behind her, he frowned. He hadn’t really spoken to the man often and he’d actually forgotten his name.


“Mr. Derby,” she nodded her head and sat in his chair. He could see she was all business today. “You remember my partner Detective Thomas.” The tall man nodded and stood leaning against the door frame. Ric thought he looked like a guard dog watching over his pup. So, this was how she was going to play him today. Smiling he walked over and leaned on the front of his desk. “He’s taking lead on your case while I’m on leave.”


“What can I do for you today?” He crossed his ankles and arms.


“I’ve finally,” her partner cleared his throat, “
finally received word from Mr. Cardone’s secretary that Mr. Walker had been an employee less than a year ago at his company. He was actually still on the roster as a consultant. Did you know this when you hired him?” She looked at him.


Leaning over, he pulled Mark’s file from the top of his desk. “You can see for yourself. Every reference he gave me is there. I checked them all myself. He never mentioned he worked at New Edges.”


She looked over the paperwork. “Can I,” her partner coughed, “
keep these?”


He nodded his head. She handed the file over to her partner.


She started to get up.

“I’d like a moment with you, alone.” Ric said, looking towards the doorway, where her watch-guard was still standing, almost looking bored.


Tom, I’ll met you downstairs in a few.”


When her partner left, Ric asked. “His name is Tom Thomas?”


“Yes,” she said without any hint of humor. “What did you need to talk to me about.” She crossed her legs.

His face sobered. “You were right. I’m amazed I didn’t see it myself. I was just about to call my mother to have her confirm what I think I’ve just found out myself.” He was pacing up and down in front of his desk.


You’ve lost me.” She un-crossed her legs and leaned forward.


“He’s my brother., well, half-brother, at least I think he is…” Ric sat in the chair next to hers and looked as if he’d been kicked.


Rob came and knelt in front of him.


“You think that Dante Cardone is your half-brother?”


“Yes,” he ran his hands through his hair.


“Do you want me to wait around while you make the call?”


He looked at her, she had knelt down in front of him. Her dark brown pants rested against his knees, and her hands were holding his. He unconsciously played with the gold ring on her finger.


“I don’t quite know how to ask her.”


“Sometimes these things need to be done in person. Where is she now?”


“Last time I heard, she was in Italy. Where Dante’s father runs the New Edges corporate office in Rome.”


“I’ll wait around if you want me to.”


He stood and pulled her into a light hug. “Thank you, no. I’ll call her myself. I’ve missed you today.” He enjoyed the spicy smell of her, the soft feel of her skin that was just under her ear, where he touched her.


She relaxed into the hug, “How’s the shoulder?”


“Fine. I’m fine. How’s the head?” He smiled as he reached up and pulled her hair off of her forehead and looked at it. Then, he kissed the bump there softly.


“I told myself I wasn’t going to do this,” she said against his chest. “What is it that keeps pulling me back to you?”


“You mean beside murder, millions of dollars worth of art missing, me being shot at, and you being attacked?” He smiled down at her.


She chuckled, “Yes, well there is that,” she tried to pull away.


“Not just yet,” he leaned down and took her face in his hands and kissed her slowly. “That might get me through the rest of the day.” He let her go and when she just stood there, he said. “Have dinner with me tonight.”


“I can’t. I have…” she was thinking.


“No good excuse?” he said as she laughed.


“Fine, your place around six?” When he nodded she said, “Good luck with your mother.”


After she walked out, he reached over and picked up the phone. On the third ring, he heard his mother’s voice.


“Mom, do you have a son named Dante Cardone?” He thought the best way to handle her was to rip the Band-Aide off quickly.


“Well,” she sounded like she was at a restaurant. He could hear the clatter and chatter in the background. “That’s a fine way to greet me.”


“Hello, Mother. Now, answer my question.” He waited as he heard her excuse herself from someone, then he listened to her breathing as she walked someplace more private. When there was silence on the other end, she answered. “Yes,” her voice sounded small.


“Why didn’t you tell us?” His heart sunk.


“It was so long ago. You were so young. It was when your father and I split up that year when you were five. I met Damiano Cardone, the week after I arrived in Italy to recover from the hardship your father caused me. I was so heartbroken and Damiano is quite charming.” Her slip caused him some alarm and he could hear her babbling on.


“Is quite charming, Mother?”


“Oh! Ric. I don’t know what to say to you.”


“Are you leaving Dad for this man?”


“No! Of course not! I didn’t leave your father twenty-five years ago, why would I leave him now.”


“Mother? You know what I’m asking.”


“Rodrick,” his mother’s use of his full name didn’t hinder him from getting the answers he needed. “This is really none of your business. It has nothing to do with you.”


“It has everything to do with me!” He was almost shouting at this point. “I’ve been doing business with this man for a few years. Does he know?”


“Dante knows who I am and that I have other children, yes. Does he know that I’m married? I don’t know. But, he’s a smart boy.”


“Did you know he’s in Portland?”


“Yes, of course. His father opened the branch there a few years back when…” She cut off.


“When I opened my gallery here?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she tried to evade him.


“Mother, I want the whole story now or I’m getting on the next plane to Italy and I will shake it out of you.”


He heard her take a large breath. “Fine. I’ve been leading a double life, alright! I’m married to your father that’s true.”


She let out another large breath, “But, I’m also married to Dante’s father, Damiano. Our marriage, I suppose, isn’t legal in the States. We were married in Italy shortly after I found out I was pregnant with Dante. When, I came back to divorce your father, we ended up making up instead and I’ve lead a double life ever since. I’ve been coming here to Damiano and Dante once a year for the last twenty-six years.”


He could hear her pacing and knew she had talked herself into telling him everything.


“I’ve helped raise my son, until he went away to college a few years back. I’ve also helped him start the branch of New Edges there in Portland. When I visited you a few months ago, I visited him as well. He knows about you and that is why he uses your gallery exclusively to purchase art for his clients. He’s dreamed of the day he could tell you who he is. Oh, Ric,” she sounded relieved and excited, “you’ll absolutely love him. He’s such a good person. He’ll be so happy that you’ve finally found out.”


His head was swimming, he sat down in his chair and put it in his hand.


“Does Katie or Dad know?” This question was met with silence. “Mother?”

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