Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels) (16 page)

BOOK: Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels)
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She too ran her hands over him and he loved feeling her fingers run up and down his bare back and arms.


Pushing her up, she wrapped her other leg around his hip as he held her against the wall. He enjoyed the moans that escaped her lips. Walking them backwards a few steps to their room, he managed to turn their bodies and land on his back as they fell onto the bed. He ran his hands lower and quickly unsnapped her shorts, pulling them down and off in a fluid motion.


Then he rolled and reversed the position, losing his towel in the process. Now they were both naked and the skin-on-skin sensation was almost overwhelming. She was softer than he could have ever imagined. Her shorter frame was just right, her curves did nothing but cause him pleasure. Running his mouth down her long neck, he enjoyed the feel of her wrapping her legs around his hips so their cores touched.


“Let me,” he started to pull back, reaching over, he removed a condom from the night stand. He’d come prepared and was thankful.


Coming back down to her, she arched upwards, “Now – please…” She moved until he was poised at her entrance. “I need you now, Ric.” She wrapped a leg around his calf.


Looking down into her face as he entered her slowly, he saw her eyes cloud over. Her legs were wrapped around his hips and she was holding onto him tightly. He moved slowly at first, building the anticipation, then he’d lost track and lost himself in the feel of her. She was tight, warm, and wrapped around him perfectly. He tried everything to hold out, hold on until he heard her and felt her convulse around him. Then, he moved quicker, taking his pleasure. Harder and faster until he convulsed inside, then collapsed on top of her.


“I meant to go slower,” he chuckled into her hair a few minutes later.


“Why? I wouldn’t have changed a thing.” She was playing her hand over his back. “I really like your butt. I mean, most men have okay asses, but yours,” she ran her hand over him and squeezed a little. “I mean, how did you get such a fine backside?”


He pulled back and looked down at her with a grin. Her face was flushed, her hair was fanned out on the pillow, and her lips were swollen from his kisses. He could feel himself hardening inside her again. He could just imagine spending the next few weeks in this bed, with her.


She moved her hips and he closed his eyes on a moan. “You like that?” She whispered, “How about this?” She twisted a little and he swore his eyes crossed.


“Roberta,” he leaned down and kissed her mouth again, showing her the hunger that was in him.


The way he was holding himself above her, she had to do something quickly to get him moving. The fire he’d started had yet to be extinguished completely. Bending down, she rubbed her tongue over his flat nipple, and ran kisses along his collar bone. His chest was wide and covered in a light dusting of blond hair. His pecks were just as marvelous as his butt. His arms were strong and his lean muscles called to be licked. Pushing on his left shoulder, she forced him to reverse their positions.


Giving his body her full attention, she ran her hand and mouth over the length of his upper torso. Slowing only when he moaned did she give better attention to the areas she knew he enjoyed. She’d never seen a six pack on a man before. Sure, she’d been with other men over the years. She wasn’t one to deny her sexual desires. But, none of them had looked like Ric. Tall, lean, tan, and full of muscles. His thighs were spread wide as she sat between them, playing her hands up and down his lightly hairy legs.


“You must run a lot,” she said nibbling on his thigh causing him to moan again.


“I try to every…” she didn’t give him a chance to let him finish. Her tongue darted out and licked the length of him. He bucked and grabbed her head. Pulling her hair aside, he watched her as she lowered her head and took him fully into her mouth.


She was lost in the enjoyment of pleasing him. She watched him throw back his head and saw the veins in his neck bulge.


Sliding up his body, she rubbed her chest against his stomach and licked her way back up to his mouth. “You taste so good, mmm.”


She reached over and grabbed another condom, this time she took her time to put it on him herself. He watched her with desire in his eyes. She moved up to her knees and positioned him just right so when she slid down slowly, she was fully impaled and could feel him filling her completely. His hands came to her hips and he held her still. Then she moved a little and, throwing her head back, she grabbed his hands and held on until they were both breathless and sated.


Chapter Sixteen

he next day the Sheriff stopped by to visit them. Sheriff Robert Brogan was younger than she’d imagined and he had a very friendly face. He was tall and well built, and looked like he knew what he was doing. Most cops Rob could tell if they fit the job, Brogan fit.


He gave them his contact numbers for emergencies, and she realized she had actually liked the man. He appeared more relaxed than any other cops she’d ever worked with outside of Portland. He’d assured them he would call if he or anyone else saw anybody new in town.


They took a walk in the evening along the beach, then the next morning she jogged with Ric along the same path and quickly decided she needed to run more often with him. He pushed her to maintain her speed and she could tell he’d slowed down for her sake, which just made her want to get up to speed faster.


They’d maintained phone silence as per the commander’s requests, never answering any of his business and personal calls on their private phone. So far Katie hadn’t called, but still Rob knew that he’d watched for her call.


Ric looked and acted totally relaxed, putting his guard down. And she knew that she couldn’t afford to drop her guard. In fact she still carried her service weapon strapped to her back, everywhere they went.

They met Todd, Megan’s husband, when he delivered their dinner their second night there. He’d brought some more groceries that they’d requested as well.


Todd was as tall as Ric and had
dark brown wavy hair and silvery, blue eyes that matched his sons. Matthew had been a mini version of his father, right down to the small cleft in his chin. She had been instantly charmed by the pair.


The following night it was his brother, Iian, who had delivered their dinner from his restaurant, The Golden Oar. She could tell they were brothers instantly. Iian had half a foot of height on his brother, he also had a wider chest and arms. The silver eyes, dark curly hair, and a small cleft in his chin had also been present. She’d yet to meet their sister, Lacey, and wondered if she too had these traits.


Iian had been left deaf since a boat accident at eighteen, and since Rob had a limited knowledge of sign language, Ric had translated their conversations. She knew a little of the alphabet and a few cuss words she’d learned around the station. So for the most part, she had just sat back and watched the two men enjoy a quite conversation.


Iian had been eager to show off his new son, Conner. He told them that Allison had been working, she was an art teacher at the school, but assured them that she would stop by later the next evening for dinner at Megan’s. Lacey and Aaron were supposed to be there with their daughter Lilly, as well.


Roberta was curious to meet Allison and Lacey since she’d heard a lot about the two women since arriving.


She remembered seeing pictures of Ric and Allison together and tried to hide the jealousy that surfaced in her mind. She wasn’t a jealous type, at least she’d never had any cause to be so in the past.


Looking over at Ric as they walked along the shoreline now, she felt her hand in his and smiled.


He’d shown her such gentleness the last two days and she was beginning to relax. She’d never had a time in her life, like this, where she could release her guard a little. Her life with her father, then the gang, and finally with the police had always kept her on her toes. She could get used to the slower pace.


They reached a small bluff and he turned her to face him.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” He looked so serious. “I talked to my mother shortly before – well – everything exploded, so to speak.” He tried for a smile, but it hadn’t reached his eyes. She tilted her head and waited.


She confirmed that Dante is my half brother and that Katie is actually my half sister.” She saw the anger in his eyes, and the hurt.


Her mind was spinning in a new direction, “Ric, this changes things.”


“What do you mean?” he released her hand.

“You’re telling me Dante Cardone, owner of New Edges, one of the larges most influential and wealthy businesses in Portland
your half-brother.” He nodded his head, “Did it ever occur to you that he could be behind all this?” She started walking back towards the cabin and the phone.


“Hold on a second,” he spun her around, holding her shoulders so she would stay put. “I’ve checked the man out thoroughly and if he was behind this, I would know.”


“That’s bullshit,” she tried to pull away,
“This is a police matter, you should have told me the second you confirmed it. I know we talked about it, but you should have told me. At least you should have told me the night after you’re apartment blew in your face. I mean,” she pulled away and started to pace. “we knew he might be. But, this confirmation changes everything.” She started to walk to the cabin again. “I have to call it in.”


He followed her in silence as she marched back up the beach. She could tell he was mad, she didn’t care at this point. With something this big, Did he know that he’d kept them in danger? If Dante Cardone was behind this, he could have been put behind bars by now, releasing them of any danger.


Several hours later, she finally hung up the phone from the many calls she’d made. She itched to get back to Portland to be the one to interview the man.


They had brought Dante in for questioning and he’d immediately contacted his lawyers and had a team of them in the interview room. Apparently Ric’s mother, Kathleen, had been staying at his place and had followed him down to the station demanded to know what was going on with her son. Less than an hour later, they’d released Dante with no new answers. His lawyers had been that good.


Ric had quietly sat and listened to her side of the conversations. She could see he was keeping his temper at bay. When he’d heard his mother’s name he had gone pale. Now, however, he walked over and picked up the cell phone and punched in a number.


“Hi, yeah. I know. Yeah,” he listened and Roberta could hear a woman’s voice on the other end. “I know, Mom.” He turned his back on her and walked out the front door and shut it behind him. When she heard the door click shut, a little part of her closed.


She was a fool! What was she doing? Getting involved with a case. She closed her eyes and let out a breath, not realizing the tears which slid down her face. Walking into the restroom, she closed the door and looked at herself in the mirror.


What did he see in her? She was short, plain looking. Her hair hung in long curls down her back, she thought it had always been her best feature. When she was younger, her father had always made her wear it short, in-case it should get caught on something during a get-a-way. After becoming a detective, she’d grown it out and had enjoyed it ever since. Her nose was a little crooked from one of the many blows by her father. The hazel in her eyes were, well, she thought ordinary.


She knew Ric’s type, tall, blond, gorgeous. Now, she’d gone and messed everything up, she knew she was a little rough around the edges. Most of the men she’d dated had complained that she’d been emotionless. Watching the light tears seep down her cheeks, she dashed them away quickly. Why did it matter so much to her what Ric thought of her? She had never cried over someone before.


This was her job, and she had done the right thing. He’d hindered her investigation by not providing the necessary information. Her job was to protect him. Period. Not sleep with him.


Taking a large cleansing breath, she dashed cold water on her face and tied her hair back in her standard braid. Stepping back into her professional mind set, she walked back out and felt almost under control again.


Later, they walked to Megan’s house in silence and upon arriving she was introduced to everyone else. Allison Jordan had surprised her, she’d seen pictures of the woman and had thought she’d been beautiful then. Nothing compared to the fit of jealousy she felt when she saw Ric kiss and hug the woman. Then she noticed Iian, Allison’s husband, standing back, he was smiling at her and she felt embarrassed, knowing he had seen what was in her eyes.


Lacey had been delightful, she was a perfect package and looked a lot like one of Allison’s paintings that hung in their cabin. She carried the family eyes that seemed to see right through Roberta’s shield. Her husband Aaron, had made her feel welcomed, he had blond hair and warm eyes and had held on tight to their daughter Lilly, who looked to be a great mix between the couple. She had to admit, being in a room full of truly beautiful people made her feel dull and plain.

She was still so charmed by little Matthew with his dark messy hair and the cleft in his chin, which had melted her heart earlier. Oh, the little girls in their little dresses were adorable, but something about seeing the little man in his school uniform and shirt tie did something to her.


Everyone had talked loudly and sat comfortably at the table like they did this every day. She realized she was so out of her league, and knew that she’d never even sat down for a family dinner before in her life. Did they notice that she didn’t know how to act? Looking over at Ric, she saw him looking right at home bouncing little Sara on his knee. He belonged here, she didn’t.


Ric sat at Megan’s large dining room table across from Rob and wondered what she was thinking. The place was filled with people and was very noisy. Yet, she sat there and had her “cop” mask on. She smiled at everyone and made small talk, but he could see the dullness in her eyes. The sparkle he’d seen in them the last couple of days was gone and he wanted nothing more than to see it there again.


The conversation with his mother had been hard. The call he’d received from his father had been even harder. He still hadn’t talked to his sister and wondered where she was. He’d tried several times to call her, before coming to dinner, with no success. He was beginning to worry.


It felt like his family was falling apart. Yet, he sat here in the large room filled with people he liked and respected and tried to enjoy their company.


Allison and Iian’s son, Conner was a gem. Less than a year old the little guy would laugh and smile when he held him and tickled his chubby cheeks. Lacey and Aaron’s little girl was beyond cute as she walked around, falling on her padded bottom a lot. Then, there were Megan’s two kids. Being surrounded by all the kids really made him realize what he’d been missing. Not only did he want what they had, he knew who he wanted it with. And, right now, she didn’t look too pleased with him.


After dinner, they walked back to the cabin in silence. He’d reached for her hand only to have her pull it away a few steps later.


When they reached the cabin, he watched her walk towards the second bedroom. He followed her and was amused as she tried to shut the door behind her. He flung it open before she could flip the small lock on the handle.

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