Read Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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“Baby, I want you to back away from the window. I’m going to break several windows to make a larger space for you to get out.”

Nodding in shock, she ran to the other side of the room. She watched in silent fear as Rob and another fireman on a separate ladder smashed several windows and the metal panes between them.

“Laurie, come on babe.”

She ran over to the window, dubiously looking at the shards of glass. Turning back to the classroom, she ran to the rubber mats in the reading corner. Grabbing a couple of them she ran back to the window.

“Good thinking, babe,” he said with pride as he watched her lay them over the window sill to protected herself from the broken glass. “I want you to get up on the bookcase and then stick one leg out of the window. I will get you and then we will slide you out.”

After assisting in the rescue of all of her children, she hesitated. Heart pounding, sweating, stomach churning. Rob looked up questioningly.

“I’m afraid. I’m afraid of heights,” she confessed tearfully.

He knew the adrenaline rush was fading, and exhaustion paired with fear was going to make her rescue more difficult. “Come on, baby. Just come to me.”

She focused on his beautiful face and just nodded. She climbed up on the mat covered bookcase and sat on the window sill, hiking her long skirt up as far as she could.

“Don’t look down, Laurie,” he ordered. “Keep your eyes on me.”

Breathing deeply, she swung her leg over the window sill and put her tiny hand in his much larger one. At his touch, she felt warmth slide over her skin, easing her fear. She felt his fierce grip holding firm as he gently attempted to pull her from the building.
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus. No! I can’t!

He could feel her body trembling and knew the instant that panic set in. Arms clawed their way toward him, grasping at air as her eyes were tightly shut.

“Babe, eyes on me. Eyes. On. Me,” he ordered. She snapped her eyes open wide, staring straight into his. “Just look at me. Only me.” Her body stilled as her eyes never left his.

Continuing to pull her away from the building, he cradled her body close to his, motioning for the truck lowering them.

The bulky fireman’s uniform kept Laurie from feeling his skin, but being nestled in his arms, she never felt more sheltered. What she couldn’t feel was how his arms were shaking. As they were lowered to the ground, she raised her head to look into his eyes. Seeing an emotion in them she could not identify, his piercing stare reached into her and wrapped around her heart as much as his arms surrounded her body.

Landing on the ground, the EMTs tried to take her from Rob, but he wouldn’t let go. Tugging on the hem of her skirt to make sure she was well covered, he carried her away from the building over to the waiting ambulance. Tossing his hat to the side, he set her carefully down on the edge of the ambulance. Jerking his coat off, he swept her back into his arms, firmly setting her in his lap while the EMTs came over to assess her injuries.

“I’m fine. Really, I’m fine,” she protested, trying weakly to push off of him. “I have to see about my kids.”

Rob, not yielding, barked orders to the EMTs before gently speaking to her. “Laurie, each of those kids are well taken care of now. You sit here and get checked out.” He felt the resistance leave her body, and he tightened his grip. Several minutes later, the EMTs declared that she did not need to go to the hospital. Ms. Darby came around to check on her, letting her know that she was released for the day, assuring her that all of the children had been picked up by their parents. The large fireman she had noticed earlier came around next. She looked up into the twinkling eyes of the fire chief, noting the resemblance to Rob.

“Well, Miss Dodd, you are the hero of the hour little missy,” he boomed. Eyes wide, she just smiled at his commanding voice. Mac looked at his son, holding her firmly in his arms. Grinning broadly, Mac clapped his hand on Rob’s back, “Looks like she is a keeper, son.”

Giving his dad a head nod, he just tightened his arms securely around her.

Chapter 8

riving home, Rob called Tom to fill him in, knowing Carol would be concerned. “Tell Carol she’s fine. She’s with me. Yeah, going home. Yeah. Will do. Later.”

Laurie looked wearily over at Rob, not understanding any of the conversation he just had with Tom. He had been so quiet since they left the school. Too tired to ask, too tired to care, she just laid her head back on the truck headrest. The truck came to a stop, and he walked around to help her out. Reaching in, he pulled her into his arms. She knew it was useless to protest and found that she really didn’t mind being pampered at the moment.

“Where are we?” she asked, realizing he had not taken her home.

“My apartment,” he answered. Looking down at her exhausted face, he kissed her forehead as he entered his place. Setting her feet gently down on the floor, he held her until he felt sure she was steady. Eyes reaching hers, he queried, “Hungry?”

“Kinda,” she answered back truthfully. “We didn’t get lunch. But I’m almost too tired to eat.”

Nodding, he led her to the kitchen, setting her on one of his stools. Getting out a couple of eggs and a frying pan, he quickly made scrambled eggs and toast. Serving it with a glass of milk, he set the plate in front of her.

She managed to get several bites of food in before the exhaustion overtook her. She could feel her chin begin to quiver. Eyes swimming in tears, she looked up at his strong profile. He circled around the kitchen bar and grasped her in his massive arms once again.

“Oh Rob, what if you weren’t there? What if I couldn’t have gotten the kids out?” She began to cry. “You saved me. You came for me.”

He held her closely, slowly rubbing circles on her back, kissing the top of her head, allowing her the release of pent up fear and anxiety. “Baby,” he said softly, “scared the shit out of me today. No lying. We got the call about the school, and my heart stopped. We pulled up outside, and I saw you hangin’ out of the window yellin’ – girl, I couldn’t breathe. The whole time all I wanted to do was get you in my arms.”

“But Rob, you’re a hero. You got all those kids out and saved all of us. What you are and what you do is amazing,” she said, looking up.

Leaning down so his lips were near hers, he could feel his breath mingling with hers. “Darlin’,
got those kids out.
kept calm, and
the reason every one of those families tonight can tuck their kids in bed knowin’ they are safe.”

At those words, tears began to fall freely and sobs began to shake her whole body. He scooped her up and carried her back to his bedroom, crossing through it towards the bathroom. He set her down gently and turned on the water in the bathtub.

“Baby, you’re exhausted. I want you to take a hot bath and relax. I’ll be back with something for you to wear.”

Pulling off her sooty, sweaty clothes, she climbed into the tub. Sinking into the water, she allowed the soothing warmth to lull her to sleep. Waking as the water cooled, she got out, cracking open the door to the bedroom, seeing clean boxers and an FFD T-shirt lying on the bed. Quickly snatching them, she ran back to the bathroom and put them on. Self-conscious, she didn’t know what she was supposed to do. Sneaking back out into the bedroom, she heard noises coming from the kitchen. She walked to the door and looked down the hall, just as he was coming around the corner.

He halted in mid-step, his eyes doing a body sweep then coming back to settle on her eyes.
Never wanted a woman in my shirt before. Jesus, I want her in nothing but my shirts!

“Thanks for the clothes,” she said, not knowing what else to say.

He took three steps to get to her, took her face in his large hands and brought his lips down on hers. The kiss seared her down to her toes. She immediately threw her arms around his neck to pull him down closer. He responded by lifting her up, never releasing the torturous kiss. She granted him access on a moan, and he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Desperate, needy, his tongue plundered every crevice of her mouth as though longing to memorize the feelings.

Laurie, emotionally drained from the day’s traumatic events, no longer cared if she was going to be his next conquest. She only cared that his mouth never leave hers, his body stay pressed up to her breasts, his hand continue to knead her ass. To hell with guarding her heart, she wanted all that he had to give at that moment.

He slowly let her body slip down his until she could reach the floor, while continuing to keep his arms wound tightly around her. He began to lift his head, separating their lips. She felt the loss immediately and tried to reach back up to pull him in. He continued to lean away from her, and the realization that he was distancing himself finally made its way through her lust filled mind.

“Babe, we can’t,” he said with such regret she could have sworn there were tears in his words. “We have to stop now.”

“Why?” she asked, not understanding his rejection.

He looked into her expressive eyes, seeing her pain. “No, babe. I’m not sayin’ no to us. I’m sayin’ no to us
.” Seeing the confusion in her expression, he continued. “Laurie, you’ve had an ass kickin’ day. You’re tired and vulnerable right now. When we do this, it’s gonna mean something to me. And when we do, you’re gonna know exactly what it means to me, so you don’t walk away with any doubts about us.”

Placing his hand on the back of her head, he pulled her back against his chest. She felt his heart beating next to her face, its tempo, keeping time with hers.
Care. He’s taking care of me. He cares for me.
Closing her eyes, doubts slipping away, she gave in to the moment. Feeling herself being picked up, cradled in his arms, she was carried over to the turned-down bed, and tucked in.

He leaned down to place a light kiss on her lips before backing out of the room.

“Rob,” she called softly. She lifted the covers next to her, eyes beckoning. Grinning, he dropped his jeans and slid under the covers next to her. Pulling her back up against his chest, he blanketed her with his embrace. Secure, safe, protected, cared for. Laurie had never slept with a man, but was totally at ease with Rob. Eyes heavy, she drifted off to sleep, resting in the arms of the man she was falling in love with.

He lay there watching her sleep for hours. Her beauty and courage seeped through him, slipping into the cracks of his soul. Thoughts racing, he knew this was different. She was different. For a moment, he allowed a parade of faceless fucks to pass through his mind. He had never brought a woman to his apartment. He never slept through the night with a woman. He always made sure they knew the score. Once the deed was done and both were satisfied, he left with a smile, thinking how great it was to be free.

Now, he saw that freedom as a chain, one that kept him from experiencing feelings of care, support, trust, love.
Love? Is that what is happening?
Funny, he thought – that word no longer frightened him. Pulling her in closer, he slept.


Laurie began to awaken, but was disoriented and felt immobile. Glancing down, she recognized the large arm wrapped around her chest and the muscular leg thrown over hers.
Smiling, she snuggled her back deeper into his chest, feeling his deep breathing.

Eyes popping open, she realized that she was feeling more than his deep breathing if the bulge pressing into her ass was any indication.
Oh my.
She may have been innocent, but she was not ignorant, and the size of the bulge made her wonder how that would ever fit. The light of day made her choice clear. No fear. No second guessing. No turning back.

She wiggled around to face him, his eyes now open wide, taking her in. Her sleep tousled hair, pale complexion, grey expressive eyes. Eyes looking directly at him. She leaned over placing her lips on his. Gently at first, she moved her lips over his, as though exploring the texture, the feel, the movement of them together. The kiss became deeper, giving in to more longing, holding more promise. He rolled so that his large body completely covered hers, holding his torso up by his arms while allowing his erection to continue to press into her.

The kiss, having a life force of its own, consumed them as their tongues began to move together, twirling around each other in an erotic dance. She could feel her hips rising to press harder against his, searching for….something. Something she needed, wanted, desired.

He raised his head from her lips, questioning, “Are you sure, baby? You better be sure ‘cause this is no fuck. This happens, you’re mine. No turnin’ back, no regrets. I don’t deserve you, but I’ll sure as shit work every day to be the man you deserve to have.”

Her eyes held warmth as she stared into the handsome face that rested only a few inches from hers.

“You got me, Laurie?” he asked once more.
Please baby, be sure. Please let me love you. Please let me work every day for the rest of my life deserving you.

Speaking on a whisper she answered, “I get you, Rob. I want this. I want you. No turning back. No regrets.”

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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