Read Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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“What’s going on, son?”

“Don’t know, Dad. She’s got all these weird symptoms. Tired all the time, neck so stiff she can’t hardly turn it, knee stiff and swollen, a slight rash across her face. Jesus, even her toes turn blue when her feet get cold.”

Rob rubbed his face in frustration, sighing as he looked out of the window. Looking back at his dad’s kind face, he said, “I just want to be available to go with her to the doc appointments when she goes.”

“Son, you’ve stepped in for years, taking shifts for every one of these men here. You have covered for them at holidays, family events, when their kids were sick or just graduating from kindergarten. I think you deserve to be able to ask the same of them. You take what you need when you need it.”

The two men sat quietly for a moment, Mac allowing his son a chance to get ahold of his emotions.

“What can we do, your mother and I?”

Rob looked up gratefully, knowing his parents would move heaven and earth to help him or his sister, and now Laurie. “Nothing right now, but thanks, Dad.”

Rob and Mac headed out to the main area where a large group of firefighters and EMTs were working on the equipment.

Mac boomed, “Listen up!” The crew immediately gave their full attention to their chief. “Rob here has a personal problem where his Laurie needs to make some doctor’s appointments. And no, she’s not pregnant,” he added, eliciting a few smiles from those who knew the chief was looking forward to grandchildren.

Rob continued the speech to his fellow firefighters. “What the chief means is that Laurie does have some doctor appointments comin’ up, and I want to be there. Don’t know what is goin’ on, but I take care of what is mine.”

Immediately the others in the group clamored to assure Rob that they would cover any shifts he needed. Rob felt the emotion in the room, touched by the camaraderie. Mac clapped his son on the shoulder, and for once without booming, he whispered to his son, “You need us, you got us.”

Nodding, Rob headed out to talk to Tom and Jake. He knew what he had to do. He just prayed that Laurie would see it that way.


Tom and Jake agreed to meet Rob at the diner for lunch and when he pulled into the parking lot, he was not surprised to see them already there. Walking inside, he waved to the owner and then headed over to their table.

Not one for small talk, Jake immediately asked, “Laurie?”

Rob nodded. “It’s gettin’ bad. Last night I lost my shit ‘cause I look outside my window and her knee is so swollen she can barely get out of the car and walk inside. She’s got another appointment this afternoon, and I’m goin’ too.” Shaking his head, he pushed his plate back in frustration. “Man, I’m a fuckin’ mess worryin’ about her.”

“Hate to have a Hallmark moment, bro, but that’s what love’ll do to you,” Tom replied.

“Tom, I talked to her last night about movin’ in with me. Carol is over at your place most nights, and if I am workin’, Laurie will have a place with an elevator.”

Tom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Carol was gonna help Laurie find a new roommate since we will be married this spring, but she just said the other day that she wondered if you all would want to move in together. The lease is up for renewal next month anyway, so it’s a perfect time to let it go.”

Rob, relieved that one problem was taken care of, heaved a sigh of relief.

Jake, watching his friend carefully, noted, “You’ve decided to find Laurie’s father, haven’t you?”

Rob looked at his two oldest friends, knowing they understood him more than almost anyone.

“Right now, I just wanna find out if this man exists and is still alive. I know his first and last name and middle initial. I know he was in the Army about twenty-five years ago and was stationed near the Richland base. Not gonna let Laurie know about this right now. The PI reports only to me. As soon as I find out more info, then I’ll tell her.”

Jake and Tom both nodded in agreement, knowing that Rob would support them anytime they needed it. Lunch finished, the friends shook hands as Rob headed down the street. Deciding to pop into Bernie’s Bakery, he thought his mom could pick out the perfect item for Laurie to have before they headed to the doctor’s office.

Opening the door to the familiar smells of the bakery, he was greeted by his mom flying across the room to pull him for a hug. Standing about eight inches shorter than her son, Bernie could still engulf him in a mother’s hug. She had the ability to make anyone feel as though they were the center of her concern, especially her family.

He quickly recognized that his mother’s greeting was more than her usual enthusiasm. “Dad call?” he questioned.

His mom raised her face to his, tears in her eyes. “Oh, Rob, I’m so sorry that Laurie is not well. Please,” she begged, “if there is anything you or she need, let me know.” Suddenly straightening up, she immediately declared, “You two need to come to dinner tonight. There is no sense in her trying to cook right now.”

He chuckled. His mom was convinced that good food could make any situation better. Now that he thought about it, maybe she was right.
Good god, I’ve hit the age where I now think like my parents.

“I did actually come in here to see if I can get somethin’ for Laurie to eat before we go to the doctor this afternoon.”

Her eyes lit up, and she scurried off to the kitchen. In just a couple of minutes, she was back with a bag much bigger than Rob thought would hold one treat.

“I know she likes the strawberry cheesecake tarts, but I also wanted something that would not be messy before the doctor’s appointment, so I included a bear claw pastry. So you don’t have to worry about anything for breakfast, I included three different types of muffins.”

“Mom,” he started to speak.

“Now if you come over for dinner, I will make sure to have some cake for dessert. And if there is anything you can think of that she also likes, just give me a call, and I will bring it home.”

“Mom!” he interrupted. She looked up in surprise. Rob laughed and pulled his mom into a huge hug. “I think you’ve got us covered. We’re good.”

Looking up into her son’s eyes, she wrapped her arms around his waist, giving into the hug. “Son, your father and I have always been proud of you. We worried when it seemed like you were never going to find someone special, but I kept praying that one day you would know what your dad and I have. Honey, we love Laurie. She is so good for you, and you are such a wonderful man for her. If there is anything we can do, you must let us know.”

Rob held his mom closely for a few minutes, knowing she needed comforting as much he did.
I have this. A mom and a dad who have raised me, stood by me, and are still with me as an adult. Laurie never had this.

Dropping a kiss on his mother’s cheek, he took the large package from her and headed out of the door.


Laurie and Jean were standing on the playground watching the children. Jean had finished talking with Cindy and had brought her out to play. The other first graders ran up, grabbed Cindy’s hand, and pulled her off towards the swings.

“Isn’t it great how children are so accepting of new people and new experiences?” Laurie observed.

Jean agreed. “Yes, it’s us adults that are afraid to step into unknown territory.”

Laurie looked sideways at her friend. “You afraid? What are you afraid of?”

“Oh, I think there are probably lots of things I’m afraid of. I would love to meet someone and have a real relationship again, but every time I do, it just never goes to the next level. Maybe it’s the unknown that holds me back.”

“That’s very profound,” Laurie admitted. Before she could continue the conversation, the same minivan that she had seen before drove slowly by again. Stopping by the fence that surrounded the school’s property, it sat for a while. Laurie moved away from the wall she was leaning against and started limping towards the van. Suddenly, the van began moving down the street again. Still too far away to see a license plate, she watched it disappear.

“What’s up?” Jean asked as Laurie made her way back.

“I know I’m being paranoid, but there’s a minivan with dark windows that I keep seeing around here, right after you told me about Cindy’s parents.” Laurie looked into Jean’s worried face. “I know I may be paranoid, after all this
an elementary school and minivans are always around here.”

“Do you think we should let the authorities know?” Jean asked.

“I told the principal, and I also called the Carlsons. They said they would be diligent, and of course, they always come into the school to pick her up. I just wish I could get a license number, but with this damn limp, I’m not good for much,” she said in frustration.

Jean leaned over and touched her arm. “I’m praying for you Laurie. I know this is hard for you.”

Laurie appreciated the sentiment and concern. Looking at her watch, she blew her whistle and called the children back inside. Several of the boys fought over who would get to hold the door for her.

“Why thank you, gentlemen,” Laurie exclaimed as she went inside. The boys laughed and continued to hold the doors for the rest of the class.


Rob wanted to make sure he was at the school to help Laurie, so he got there early. Signing in at the office, he went to her room. As he entered, chaos erupted. “The fireman, the fireman,” the children yelled. Rob laughed as he entered, standing as the children swarmed around him.

“Is there another fire?” one little girl asked.

“No, no,” he quickly assured her. “I’m just here to say hello to your teacher and to check up on all of you.”

His eyes sought Laurie’s and her smile dazzled him.

“Okay, children, we have five minutes to get ready. Find your red homework folders and make sure to put them in your backpacks. Tommy, I want your mom to send in a note if you are going on the art field trip. Josie, don’t forget your hat and gloves today.”

He noticed that the children immediately listened to their teacher and began to gather their materials. He looked over at a small girl who was standing very still staring up at him with huge eyes. Not afraid, but definitely wary.
That must be Cindy.

Knowing his size made him too imposing, he squatted down so that he would be less frightening. Cindy watched him carefully as Ms. Dodd walked over to him saying hello.

“Cindy, would you like to meet the fireman that helped the children earlier this year?” Laurie asked.

Cindy walked over to Laurie and stood by her side, still staring at Rob.

Rob softly greeted Cindy, being careful not to reach out to her. Cindy stayed next to Laurie, but smiled shyly at him.

“Run get ready to go home, sweetie,” Laurie told her, and Cindy ran to get her coat.

He stood and looked at his beautiful girlfriend. Her hair, pulled back away from her face, hung long down her back. Her red sweater, modest in appearance, could not hide her figure from his perusal. Wearing black slacks again, he noticed that she was wearing black tennis shoes. Cocking his eyebrow as he looked down, she just shrugged and explained, “I’m steadier with these shoes, and I can’t wear heels and limp around all day.”

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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