Read Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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Turning around to look at her sitting on his sofa, he ran his hand down his face as though to clear his head.

“Babe, I’m not happy,” he stated plainly.

“Rob, I get that honey, but I don’t know why if you won’t tell me,” her voice rose in anger.

“Been lookin’ out my window for ten minutes waitin’ on you to drive up in your cute, little ass yellow bug. See you drive up, can’t wait to get you up here. I look down, and you’re barely able to get outta your car. I watch
woman, who never said shit to me about hurtin’ today, try to limp into my building.” His voice shook with anger.

She opened her mouth to retort, but he held up his hand, shaking his head.

“No secrets, babe. You don’t feel like comin’ here, I go to your place. You hurtin’, I should know about it. You are mine to take care of. A man like me, sees his woman barely able to walk, and he didn’t know about it, that shit doesn’t fly, babe.”

Eyes stinging, chin wobbling, she stared at her hands clasped in her lap. All she wanted was to be held, not scolded like a child. She could feel herself getting angry but couldn’t open her mouth or the tears would start to flow. So she just looked down.

He looked down at the tiny woman on his couch. The woman that represented forgiveness, repentance, understanding, care, love. The woman that held his heart. The woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Taking a deep breath, he squatted down by her, took her small pale hands into his, leaned over and kissed her forehead.

That was all it took for the tears to come. He carefully lifted her up just enough to slide in under her, settling her on his lap. Head tucked in under his chin, she gave in to the tears that had threatened all day. He hated to see her cry, but he knew from his sister that sometimes a woman just has to get it all out. Holding her gently, rubbing his hands comfortingly along her back and arms, he kissed the top of her head.

Finally, she was calm enough to speak through her tears. “I’m sorry, Rob. I called the doctor today and am going back tomorrow. I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you. I knew as soon as you saw me up here, you would know. I’m just so tired of hurting. I’m tired of not knowing why this is happening. I’m tired of not feeling good.” She paused for a moment. “I’m just plain sick and tired of being sick and tired!” she said on a sob.

He sat silently for a few minutes.
That’s it. I’m calling the private detective to find her dad. Gotta know if there is something we’re missin’. God, I just hope she forgives me.

As her sobs subsided, he continued to hold her gently. “Babe, I didn’t mean to take my frustration out on you.” Sighing heavily, he continued. “I just looked out the window, not believing my girl wouldn’t have called for my help. Babe, if you can’t walk, I’ll carry you.”

Tears over, he placed her in a kitchen chair and they had dinner. Having taken something for the pain, she was feeling better, and the steaks he cooked were fabulous. Sitting on the sofa watching TV after dinner, Rob with his beer and Laurie with her water made her feel almost normal again.

Snuggling into his side, she began to nuzzle his neck. Kissing her way up towards his jaw and then over to his ear, she nipped his earlobe with her teeth then sucked it into her mouth. Sliding her hand down to his crotch, she found his dick ready and waiting.

Pushing her back, he looked at her sternly. “Babe, if you don’t feel well, we don’t have to do anything.”

Grabbing his jaw in her hand, she pulled his face around to hers. “Rob, I’m not an invalid. The pain pill has kicked in and I. Need. My. Man.” Then she latched onto his lips as though her life depended on it.

Growling in response, he picked her up and headed back to the bedroom. Standing her gently on the floor, he took her face in his hands and kissed her softly at first, then with more possessiveness. His tongue plunged into her receptive mouth, searching out each crevice, memorizing her taste, texture, feel. She responded in kind, sucking his tongue into her mouth, her need to feel him inside overwhelming.

He grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head, their lips separating just long enough for the material to pass between them. Tossing it to the floor, he reached in front of her to unsnap her pink lacy bra, and it soon landed on top of the sweater. Now that she was standing topless, he palmed her heavy breasts, thumbing her nipples, eliciting the most delightful moans.

She reciprocated by pulling his T-shirt up, although she was too short to take it all the way off. She slid her hands over the muscles of his chest as he finished pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it on the pile of clothing in the floor. She loved the feel of his skin under her fingers. Tracing each bulge, she flicked his nipples as her fingers roved continuously up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his biceps. The sheer size and strength of his body never ceased to amaze her. Or turn her on.

As their kiss continued, her fingers found the button of his jeans and she quickly unbuttoned it. Sliding down the zipper over his considerable manhood, she managed to push his jeans down to his knees, and he pushed them further and slipped out of them. His erection was tenting his boxers and Laurie palmed him, starting to slide her hand down the waistband.

“Hold up, babe. I’m so hard for you, don’t want this to end before it gets started,” he rasped.

Laying her gently back onto the bed, he leaned over to undo her slacks. Sliding them down slowly, kissing the flesh of her hips, then her thighs, he reached her knees, and …

“What the hell?” he shouted.

Startled out of her sexual bliss, she jerked up in surprise at his exclamation. Looking down at his head and her body, she noticed that her left knee was huge with swelling.

“Jesus, Laurie,” he continued to rant. Standing up, staring down at his beautiful woman, his heart pounding. He knew she had a stiff knee but had no idea it was in this shape.

Looking back at her face, he saw silent tears trailing down her cheeks.
Fuck, now she’s more upset. Christ, what the hell is going on? Shit, man, pull it together.

Rubbing his hand on his face, he leaned back over and kissed her swollen knee. Crawling up her body, he reached her face and kissed the tears from her cheeks. Whispering softly against her mouth, “Babe, sorry. I just can’t stand to see you hurt.”

Continuing to kiss her gently, he felt her arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer. Aware of his large body, he wavered on how to make this work without causing her more pain.
Her riding me? No, she would have to be on her knee. From behind? No, that won’t work either, ‘cause she can’t stand up. Shit.

She felt the change in his kiss. His lips were against hers, but his mind was definitely
in the moment. Pulling away, she looked into his eyes, demanding that he look back at her.

“Rob, where’d you go, honey, ‘cause you are not here with me.”

He dropped his head, then looked back up. “Just tryin’ to make this work for you babe. Don’t wanna hurt your knee.”

Nodding in understanding and ever practical, she thought for a second. “I just can’t bend my knee or put pressure on it. If you can handle boring missionary, I should be good.”

Grinning down at her, he replied, “Babe, nothin’ boring about my dick being buried deep in you, in any position.”

At that, he captured her lips again in a dominating kiss, plundering, sucking, nipping.

Carefully sliding down the bed, he kissed her stomach again then continued his trail of kissed down to her slick folds. Licking her wetness he pulled her folds apart to allow his tongue deeper access.
God, I love the taste of her.

His tongue delving in and out of her pussy, he reached up with one hand to fondle her breast. Her hips rotated upwards pushing into his face.

She could feel the delicious pressure building in her core, smell the scent of sex in the air, desperately needed her release.

He moved his mouth up towards her swollen clit, sucking it into his mouth, allowing his tongue to swirl over it. At the same time, he pinched her nipple, and he felt her convulse against his face.

Her hips bucked as she begged for more. He added a finger deep into her pussy, and she exploded as waves of bliss pounded over and over. Throwing her head back, she allowed the sensations to carry her away. Away to a place where there was no pain. No worry. Just Rob. And her.

He watched her face carefully as the pleasure washed over her face, grateful to have been able to take her there.
Beautiful. Precious. Mine.

He watched as she slowly opened her eyes, smiling up at him. Raising her arms, beckoning him, she needed to feel his body on hers.

He moved back up her body and carefully lowered his hips between her legs, positioning his dick at her opening. Sliding his hand between them he guided himself in and in one thrust was fully seated.
Warm. Tight. Welcoming.

“Babe, I want you to feel every inch,” he whispered.

She felt stretched as his huge cock pushed all the way up into her. He began a slow thrusting, pulling almost all of the way out before pushing back in again. Rob, worried that his lower body would press against her swollen knee, raised himself up. Kneeling on the bed between her legs, he pulled her hips upwards toward his dick. Gently pushing her legs apart as wide as she was comfortable, he began his slow thrusting again. This angle produced a new sensation for her, and she began to moan as the friction deep in her pussy caused sparks to spread throughout her core.

He fought the urge to begin pounding, knowing that this needed to be about Laurie, about her comfort, her pleasure.
Never felt that way about a woman before he met her. Never gave a shit about the woman except to make her come first.
Now it was already second nature to put her needs before his.

Feeling his own release coming soon, he leaned down to grasp her nipple in his mouth. Sucking it deeply, he nipped at the hardened bud with his teeth.

“Babe, come for me,” he ordered. Right on cue, she felt herself lost once again in her release. The walls of her pussy grabbing his cock tightly, she felt wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her. Rob, losing control, pounded the last few thrusts deep inside, allowing her contracting muscles to milk him. Leaning back up with her hips tightly held in his strong grip, he threw his head back, neck straining as his release poured deeply inside. Continuing to pump until the last drop was gone, he slowly pulled out. Gently moving to the side opposite of her injured knee, he lay down beside her, pulling her tightly into his embrace.

They lay together, sated, and he pushed her hair from her face. Staring down into her eyes that looked back at him with love, he kissed her lips with the soft promise of forever.

Untangling himself from her, he rose from the bed. She watched as his muscular back and tight ass walked towards the bathroom. In a moment the sound of water running in the bathtub could be heard. When he walked back in he looked at her knee carefully. Having been around numerous sports injuries and trained as an EMT, he tried to ascertain exactly what was going on.

She held her breath, afraid that he was going to explode in frustration again. But he just gently probed the swollen flesh and then gently lifted her and walked to the bathroom.

“I could get used to being carried around by a handsome, well-built, naked man,” she murmured in his ear.

Eyebrow cocked, he growled, “Just any naked man, darlin’?”

Laughing, she replied, “No, not just
naked man. At least as long as you are around.”

Pretending to drop her in the tub, she screamed and held on to his neck tightly. Laughing, he lowered her gently into the hot water. “I want you to soak for a while, babe. The warm water will help with the knee. Should have iced it earlier in the day, but the warmth will make it feel better now.”

Still kneeling beside the bathtub, he looked at her beautiful face, kissed her forehead and said, “Babe, we gotta think about where you live.”

She looked up at him, confusion showing on her face.

“Laurie, Carol is spending most nights with Tom, and in a couple of months they will be married. No sense in you trying to find a new roommate when you and I spend most of our time together and we can stay here. Right now, you need help with stairs, and babe, I’ve got an elevator.”

She looked up, a smile lighting her whole face. “Is that your romantic way of asking me to move in with you?” she teased.

He looked down, with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I want you in my home, in my bed, and in my life. Now’s as good a time as any!”

He stood and started to leave the bathroom. Turning back around, he asked, “Laurie, when is your appointment tomorrow?”

Looking up into his now serious face, she answered, “Three o’clock.”

Nodding, he walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him to keep the warmth of the tub from cooling too quickly. Sliding down into the deep warm water, letting her cares seep away, she felt his love surround her, keeping her safe.

Chapter 14

he next day as Rob arrived at the fire station he immediately headed to the chief’s office. Mac always had an open-door policy, and as usual, his door was standing wide open. Rob walked in, knocking on the door frame as he entered.

“Chief,” he greeted.

“Son, what can I do for you?” Mac answered in his usual booming voice.

Rob looked down momentarily then focused back on Mac’s blue eyes that seemed to notice everyone and everything around him. “I’m going to be takin’ some time off occasionally and may need to ask some of the others to cover for me.”

Mac put down his pen and pulled his reading glasses off of his face. “You all right, Rob?”

Rob realized that right now he needed to talk to his dad, not the chief, a distinction that he was always careful to keep. “Dad, Laurie’s not well. Don’t know what’s wrong, but she’s got a bunch of doctor appointments, and I wanna be there when she goes.”

Mac immediately stood up from his desk and walked around to stand in front of his son, pulling him in for a hug. Rob felt a lump in his throat as his father’s large embrace encompassed him. Taking a shaky breath, he stood stoically for a moment, allowing his father to express his love and concern through the hug. Stepping back, Mac ushered Rob into one of the office chairs as he lowered himself down into the one next to it.

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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