Read Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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That weekend, Laurie, Carol, and Jean were perched on the bar stools at Smokey’s waiting on their men. Carol, always smartly dressed, was in a silky blue dress that showcased her slim figure and blonde hair. Makeup done to perfection, she looked as though she stepped off a designer runway instead of out of her nursing scrubs. Jean, finally out of the clothes she normally wore working at an elementary school, was in black slacks with a green silky top that draped in front, showing a little cleavage. Laurie, deciding to dress to kill, wore a red dress that came to a respectable length and gave plenty of coverage in the front. The killer part of the dress was the back. There wasn’t one. Rob was going to flip. And Laurie was going to love it.

Several men were looking them over, making Smokey’s owner, Bill, nervous. He knew when his friends’ women were in the bar he was expected to watch how much they drank, keep an eye on any man looking at them, and be the bouncer if there were any problems.

Wendy looked over at her husband’s glowering face and then back over to the women. “Girls, I hope your men get here soon ‘cause my husband is not the most cheerful bartender under the best of circumstances, and when you’re here alone, he gets downright surly!”

Bill looked over, glaring at all four women. “I know how to take care of my woman. I work with her so I can keep my own eye on her. Your men don’t get here soon, I’m lockin’ up the joint.”

Right then the door to Smokey’s opened with a bang and in walked Tom, Rob, Jake, and Brock. Jake was alone, and Laurie thought once again how she would love to fix him up with her Aunt Emma.
Maybe, just maybe, if Emma moves here this summer…

Walking over, Tom lifted Carol off the bar-stool admiring the way she looked. “Damn, angel, you look gorgeous!”

Brock approached Jean, offering his hand to assist her off the stool, leaning in to privately complement the way she looked. Jean, blushing, took his hand, and Laurie noticed he didn’t let it go as they walked to the table.

Rob approached the bar, never taking his eyes off of his gorgeous woman. Fighting the urge to grab Laurie and carry her off, he decided to follow Brock’s example and offer his hand to assist her down from the high bar-stool.

“Your dress is beautiful, just like the woman in it,” he said gallantly.

Laurie’s eyes lit up. “You really like it? I wore it just for you.”

A mischievous twinkle in her eye had him wondering what she was up to. She moved to walk in front of him towards the table.

“What the fuck?” Rob growled as he jerked her backwards so that her back was pressed to his front. “Where the hell is the rest of your dress?”

Attempting without success to twist around in his arms to face him, Laurie sweetly said, “Why, darling, I thought you liked it.”

Walking, with her back still covered by his front, over to the table where the others had gathered, Rob spoke. “Booth.” The men stood, heading to a booth, taking Jean and Carol with them. Laurie could only imagine that was man-speak for “my woman is half dressed so we have to sit in a booth so no one else can see her naked back!”

“Babe, plant your ass in that booth.”

Glaring up at him, Laurie couldn’t help be ask, “Or what?”

Whispering in her ear, his breath barely grazing her skin, Rob answered, “Or you won’t be able to sit for a week.”

Eyes widening in shock, then narrowing in anger, she was about to retort when his large hand rested on her ass. More threatening than provocative, she still felt the flutter of desire. Her breathing hitched as her eyes widened in lust. He noticed and discretely adjusted his swollen dick in his jeans. She plopped down in the booth quickly, finding herself growing damp. Rob had insisted that she needed plenty of time to heal and rest after her ordeal. He had her move back into their apartment but had not attempted to have sex. After several days, she was ready to jump him, but he had been insistent on no sex. “I want you healed, both physically and mentally, when we come back together, babe.”

Squeezing her legs together, she spared a glance at Rob. He was staring at her, lust glowing in his blue eyes. Leaning forward ever so slightly, her lips grazed his. “I miss you,” she said on a whisper.

He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in tightly. “I miss you too, babe.”

Knowing that tonight she was going to have him in
ways in her bed, she smiled and joined in the fun.


Laurie walked in front of Rob as they headed to their apartment. He insisted she walk in front – that gave him a chance to check out the non-existent back to her dress and how it curved around her ass. Walking became uncomfortable with his dick pressing in his jeans. The sex drought was finally going to end tonight.

She looked over her shoulder as she wiggled her ass, giggling as she made it to the door. A loud crack sounded as her ass was spanked, ending in a squeal. Once inside, she was determined to take care of him the way he often took care of her. Pushing his back up against the door, she unbuttoned his jeans, slowly sliding the zipper deliberately over his thick erection. Lowering his pants enough to allow his cock to spring forth, she grasped it in both hands, feeling the silky hardness as she stroked its length.

He started to take over, but she stopped him. “Oh no, honey. I’ve got something I want to try.”

Raising an eyebrow, he looked down at her as she lowered herself to her knees, taking his length into her slick mouth. The fleeting thought of past countless, nameless women on their knees mouth-fucking his dick passed through his mind.
Hell no. Not Laurie.
Grasping under her arms, he hauled her back to her feet. “No, babe.”

Embarrassed, she tried to pull back. She knew she was inexperienced at blow-jobs, but his rejection stung.

Rob, realizing her distress, spoke quickly. “Oh babe, you got me wrong. I’m not sayin’ no to this. In fact, the thought of your sweet mouth around my dick is makin’ me harder than I’ve ever been. What I’m sayin’ no to, is you bein’ on your knees. My woman will never be in front of me on her knees. We do this, babe, we do it where you can be comfortable.”

With that, he scooped her up, carrying her to the bedroom. Stripping quickly, they lay on the bed together, Laurie sliding down to his impressive cock. Nervousness took over as she tried to remember all that she had read in her romance novels. Fondling his balls with one hand, she used the other hand to stroke firmly, feeling the length and thickness. Still amazed at how it fit inside of her, she momentarily wondered how she would fit in her mouth.

Leaning forward, she swirled her tongue around the tip, moving her lips further down as she became bolder. Continuing to stroke him, she took him as deeply as she could, sucking gently as she continued to use her tongue to tease. Ever so slightly, she grazed her teeth over his shaft, drawing a hissing sound from his lips.

Rob fisted her hair, careful not to pull, but desiring to have his hands in her silky locks. The nameless, faceless fucks flew out of his mind as he realized this tiny woman with the power of her love chased his past away.

She continued her worship of his cock, moving faster and faster, taking him deeper. She barely felt him try to pull her away and say he was coming. Refusing to stop, she felt his salty semen hit the back of her throat as she swallowed every drop. As he was spent, she raised up on her arms, smugly looking down at his astonished face. Licking her lips, she grinned, feeling as though she had won the lottery.

Rob, never having felt that satisfied from a blow-job realized it was because of the emotion tied up in the act. Pride swelled in his chest looking at the pint-sized beauty lying beside him.
Mine. My woman. My love. My heart. My soul.

The sex drought over, he worshiped her body that night. His tongue slid over her smooth skin from her shins up to her dripping pussy. Licking her folds before pressing his tongue deep inside, he felt her hips rise, seeking more. With one hand fondling her breasts, he pulled her swollen clit into his mouth. Feeling her orgasm hit, he immediately forced two fingers into her pussy, feeling her walls clench around his fingers, coating them with her slickness.

Laurie, sated, barely able to raise her head, looked at him. “Hey,” she said softly.

Looking into her half-lidded gaze, he replied, “Hey back.” Laughing, he slid up her body, covering it with his own. His chest pressed against her breasts, his cock rested between her legs, as he kissed her deeply, his tongue probing every corner of her mouth.

She tasted herself on his tongue. Wanting more, she pulled him down, kissing him fiercely, tongues tangling stroke for stroke.

Rob, needing no more encouragement, found her entrance with his cock and slowly pressed inside, giving her time to adjust to his size again. Once seated, he rocked back and forth, loving the friction caused by skin on skin contact. His pumps became more forceful as he pounded into her willing body.

Grabbing her and deftly rolling over, she landed on top. “Ride me, baby,” he ordered, his hands on her full breasts.

She rocked, riding his cock, the friction tingling from her pussy out to her womb. His hands, pinching her nipples, built the fire inside until she could feel her eruption close at hand. Head thrown back, she screamed his name as she exploded around his dick.

Rob, grabbing her hips, lifted her slightly while he continued to pound up in her until his own release poured into her. Neck straining, he pumped several more times until he was completely emptied.

She collapsed on top of his chest, panting as she attempted to catch her breath. Realizing she was dead weight on top of him, she attempted to move to the side.

He stilled her. “No babe, stay right where you are.” Wrapping his mighty arms around her body, he held her, heart to heart.

Exhausted, sated, complete. They fell asleep, Laurie still on top wrapped in his protective embrace.

Chapter 21

ead on her feet, Laurie was ecstatic that it was Friday. Knowing Rob was working tonight made it easier; she wouldn’t have to deal with his phone calls and texts.
I know he loves me, but I am feeling smothered. He is constantly checking up on me. How do I feel
Did I take my medicine this morning?

Mind swirling, Laurie plopped down at her desk and put her head in her hands.
But I love him. When all is said and done, I love him. And what he did, he did out of love for me. Not to hurt me. But to help me. And now…now…I have a dad. And I have Rob to thank for that.

She thought back to what Brock had said to her the other evening. He told her that Sarah obviously fell in love and so did he, but they never got their time. That was why she knew she wouldn’t throw away her chance with Rob. Forgiving him gave her a sense of peace. Dealing with his constant concern was taking away her peace!

Grabbing her phone from her pocket, she quickly called Rob’s cell. It immediately went to voice mail.
Not wanting to leave a voice-mail, she hung up and decided to drive over to the fire station to talk to Rob in person.

“Ms. Dodd?” Ms. Darby called from the doorway. “I’m glad you’re still here. We have a little problem.” Cindy was standing next to the principal, looking forlorn.

Laurie opened her arms, and Cindy ran to her, getting scooped into a huge hug. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

Looking over Cindy’s head to Laurie, the principal told her that Mrs. Carlson had been delayed in a minor car accident and wasn’t here to pick up Cindy yet.

Mouthing “
Is she okay?”
Ms. Darby nodded. “Yes, it seems that she was on her way here when she was sideswiped by a hit-and-run. She was wondering if you could drive Cindy over to Mr. Carlson at the middle school since Cindy is so comfortable with you.”

“Sure, I’d be glad to.” Looking down at the little girl in her arms, she gave her a squeeze. “Hey Cindy Loo, how’d you like to ride in my yellow bug car?”

Grinning her reply, the two got ready to leave. Cindy’s grin got even bigger when she laid eyes on Laurie’s VW bug.

“Ever ride in a yellow bug before?” Laurie asked, laughing. At Cindy’s shake of her head, Laurie unlocked the passenger door and told her to hop in. Throwing Cindy’s book bag in the back, she grabbed her cell phone before tossing her purse into the back seat as well. Leaning across to make sure Cindy was buckled safely, she started her car. She was just pulling out of her parking space when Ms. Darby came running out of the front door waving her hands frantically.

Leaving the car running, she opened the door, stepping out to hear her better. “What’s up?” she yelled.

“The police just called. Mrs. Carlson was hit by a white minivan with darkened windows. They think it may have been purposeful. You need to…”

The squealing of tires had both women looking toward the area where the buses were normally parked.
Oh my god – the white van – it’s headed this way!
She stood rooted to the pavement, stunned into disbelief as the van careened toward her bug as though in a movie’s slow-motion scene.

Jolted by Cindy’s scream, she jumped in, slammed the door, and stepped on the gas. The bug jumped into action, Laurie turning sharply to the right as the van barely missed them. Heart pounding, she floored it again, shooting out into the street.

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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