Read Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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Laurie texted Emma and Carol in between contractions, knowing they would inform Jake and Tom. Emma had moved to Fairfield, and Laurie’s plan to get Jake and Emma together worked perfectly. They had married a year ago and already had a little boy.

Rob careened around a corner, his foot pressing on the accelerator in time with her contractions; the more she moaned, the faster he drove. Finally reaching the hospital, he came to a stop, hopping out to carry her inside. Carol met them inside, ushering them to the elevator. Since she was pre-registered, they were able to head up to labor and delivery.

Laurie, walking into the bathroom to change into the hospital gown, turned to look at her husband.
Rob. Tall, strong, pure alpha with a heart of gold. Her man. Her love. Her life. Working every day to prove he is worthy of her, when she knew he had always been more than worthy.

Her grey eyes captured his blue ones as they stood staring momentarily at each other in silence. The hustle and bustle of the hospital room all around, yet they stood, just the two of them, no words, just emotion between them.

Rob, seeing her look at him from across the room, stared at his wife.
Laurie. Beautiful, caring, all woman, all his. His love. His life. The mother of his child. She had saved him from himself, making him worthy of her.
He remembered seeing Brock walk her down the aisle a year ago, thinking he could never be happier than he was at that moment. But now, with their child ready to make an appearance, he felt emotions he never knew existed.

Smiling at each other, they prepared to greet their son.


The maternity waiting room filled with family and friends. Tom, Jake, and Emma were there. Mac, Bernie, and Suzy were waiting with them. Brock and Jean came in as soon as they received the call. Carol would come out every so often to update them on Laurie’s progress.

Finally, the doors opened and Rob came out, tired but smiling. Walking over, he spread his arms wide and announced, “You all want to come see my son?”

Everyone jumped up, congratulations flowing all around. They all went back to the room, quietly entering, seeing a tired but glowing Laurie sitting up in bed proudly holding her son. Rob walked over, sat on the bed next to her, and leaned over to kiss the tiny wrapped baby. She leaned back against him, as he wrapped his strong arms around his new family. Everyone crowded around, cooing, smiling, and taking pictures.

Mac leaned in, speaking in an uncharacteristic soft tone, “Welcome to the clan, little MacDonald.”

Emma, tears running down her face, asked, “Do you have a name picked out yet?”

Laurie, looking back at Rob, smiled. “Yes, we do.” Rob and she shared an intimate smile, before looking back at the group. “Say hello to Robert Brock MacDonald. We thought we would call him Bobby.”

Brock gasped, looking at his daughter and grandson.

“You missed my early years Dad, but I don’t want you to miss his,” Laurie said, looking up at Brock. Tears fell down his cheeks as he walked over and kissed first the top of her head and then his grandson. Walking back over, he held fast to Jean as she smiled at Laurie.

The celebration went on for the next hour until little Bobby decided he had enough attention and Laurie was quickly tiring. Everyone filed out with best wishes and promises to help out as soon as she was discharged the next day.

Rob and Laurie watched their beloved friends and family leave then settled in together on the bed once more. He brushed the damp hair from her face. “You okay, babe?” His eyes searched hers. Seeing her smile, he relaxed. “You did good, Laurie. He’s perfect.”

She snuggled deeper into his embrace, feeling more content than she ever had in her life. “I love you, Rob. With all my heart and soul, I love you.”

His arms tightened around her and Bobby once again. “Babe, you are my life. And this little boy here, he is my heart. You gave this to me, babe. I owe it all to you.”

He leaned in, kissing her sweet lips with all the tenderness he felt. A kiss full of hope, joy, promise, love, forever.

She smiled. Emma had been right. Laurie did find her time here in Fairfield. And now, she had a family. The three of them snuggled in the bed, knowing tomorrow would come with all its challenges. But for tonight, it was their time.

The End

The Fairfield Series continues with Carol and Tom’s Story. Here is the beginning of their story. (rough draft/unedited version)

Carol’s Image

Book Three of the Fairfield Series

Chapter 1

i Tommy,” came the giggling voice from the parking lot.

God, I hate being called Tommy. Especially by someone who giggles.
Tom Rivers looked over at the woman getting into her car, recognizing the voice as one of his past fuck buddies. She had that look…the ‘please won’t you come over here so we can start something up again’ look.
Not happening.
Tom threw up his hand in a half-hearted wave, and kept walking, not breathing easy until he saw her drive off.

Shaking his head, he wondered how old a man needed to be to learn that some decisions were just plain dumb. And hooking up in his hometown when he was a detective was dumb. Tom had now taken a page from his partner, Jake’s play book – no hometown hookups or fuck buddies. Too risky when investigating crimes in the area.
And there are plenty of women in the next town over,
he thought while remembering last weekend’s fun.
What was her name? Oh hell, it doesn’t matter. It was great for one night.

“Look out,” he heard someone scream, as the squeal of tires ended with a flash of pain and then blackness.


“Sir, sir…can you hear me?”

Tom opened his eyes, a blurry vision of an angel leaning over him filled his sight. Yellow gold hair, waving all about, framing porcelain skin with faintly pink tinged cheeks. Sky blue eyes, rosy mouth, perfect features.
I must have died. Is this what heaven’s angels look like?
“Angel? Are you an angel?” he asked, his voice slurring in confusion.

He felt the angel holding his hand, gently rubbing her other cool hand over his brow. He heard her soft voice, pulling him back from the darkness. “Stay with me. Keep your eyes on me. I’ll help you.”

Oh yeah, angel. I’ll stay with you. Forever.

The sound of a siren encroached on his angel’s voice, and he wanted to rail against the intrusion. Slowly the blackness began to take over again, but he forced his eyes open one more time, searching for her face. Yeah, she was still there. Smiling down at him. Ethereal, beautiful, glowing. He knew she had to be an angel. There was no other explanation.


Tom’s eyes opened, this time to harsh lights. Jerking his head to the right, he felt the flash of pain. Squinting his eyes, he willed the pain to lessen.

“What the hell you doin’, getting’ hit by a car goin’ into the fuckin’ grocery store?”

Tom reopened his eyes, recognizing the voice of his childhood friend and partner, Jake Campbell. “Where is she?” he croaked out.

Jake’s eyebrow raised in confusion. “Who?” he asked.

“The angel. She was there,” Tom answered back, rubbing his hand over his face.

“What the hell is he talkin’ about?” Rob MacDonald asked as he walked into the ER room. Rob and Jake were Tom’s oldest friends. Having grown up on the same street, the three of them became best friends in preschool. They played high school football, then college football, then all three moved back to their hometown to settle as adults. Tom and Jake, were detectives with the Fairfield police department and Rob with the Fairfield fire department.

Jake, smirking, said, “He’s asking for an angel.”

Laughing, Rob couldn’t help but join in the harassment. “Well, hell Tom, if you find an angel, be sure to share her with us.”

Struggling to sit up, Tom glared at his friends. “I’m telling you, she was there. I saw her. Jesus, I thought I’d died and all I could think about, was how great it was to be greeted by her.” Wincing, he rubbed his head, feeling the knot on the back.

A nurse walked into the room, stopping short when she saw the three men in the small room, taking up all of the space. All three were over six feet tall, muscular, well built, and gorgeous. Seeing the immediate interested look of the dark haired one with the panty melting smile, she flashed her wedding ring as she walked over to Tom still in the bed. “The doctor says you have a concussion from hitting your head on the pavement. Other than that you are fine. You will need someone to drive you home and I have your discharge information for you here.”

While Tom dealt with the nurse, Jake and Rob walked outside of the room to confer. Rob leaned up against the wall, looked over at Jake and asked, “What the hell happened?”

Jake replied, “According to bystanders, he was just walking across the parking lot and an elderly woman stepped on the gas instead of the brake. The car wasn’t going fast, but it knocked him down and he slammed his head on the concrete.”

“What about the angel he was talkin about?” Tom asked.

Jake answered. “He must have been dreaming about his last fuck… or his dream fuck. Who the hell knows?” He laughed momentarily, then sobered. “But I gotta confess, he looked so serious when he was aksin’ where she was, like she should’ve been right there.”

The nurse walked out of the room with Tom and he went to stand between his two friends. She looked at the wall of masculinity standing before her, feeling dwarfed. “Gentlemen, I trust you will see to your friend,” she said with efficiency.

Rob, smiling as he turned on his charm, answered, “Yeah, I’m a paramedic.”

Looking up, she smiled. “Keep your charm, mister,” waving her wedding ring in his face again as she walked away.

Jake laughed, knowing that Rob would bang anything, anywhere. “That reputation is gonna kick your ass one day.” Turning to Tom, he said, “Let’s go, angel hunter. Gotta get you home.”

Rob jogged off to get the car as Jake walked slower with Tom. Halfway down the hall, Tom stopped, turning toward his friend. “Jake, no shit man, she was there. I don’t know if she was real or not, but she was there. And if she was real, I’m gonna find her.” With that, the two friends walked out of the hospital.

Information on Lupus

From the Lupus Foundation of America

“Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). In lupus, something goes wrong with the immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs. Autoimmune means that the immune system cannot tell the difference between those foreign invaders and the body’s healthy tissues and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. This causes pain, inflammation, and damage in various parts of the body.

Lupus can range from mild to life threatening and should always be treated by a doctor. With good medical care, most people with lupus can lead a full life.

Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age (15-44).”

Autoimmune diseases have struck both me and one of my daughters. For those of us with autoimmune diseases, please be aware that we strive for a normal, healthy life, living with the challenges it may bring. If you are interested in more information, please visit the Lupus Foundation of America website.

BOOK: Laurie's Time (The Fairfield Series)
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