Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini (51 page)

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The next is the swadhishthana which is situated in the genital region. It has six petals of vermilion colour. On the petals are the six letters from ba to la (that is, ba, bha, ma, ya, ra, la) which are of shining coral-red. In the pericarp of the chakra is (the ‘water’-region of) Waruna. Here lies the Power named Rakini. Concentration should be made on her. Here are also the centres of taste and sex principles.

The next chakra is the manipuraka. It has ten petals, dark blue in colour. The petals are ornamented with the letters from da to pha of lightning-like colour. In the pericarp of the chakra is the region of ‘Fire’. Here lies Deity Rudra, endowed with the power of destruction, and with him is Power Lakini. Concentration should be done on Rudra and Lakini. Here is the centre of the sight-principle.

The next chakra is anahata. It has twelve petals of deep red. The shining letters from ka to tha are on the petals. In the pericarp of the chakra is ‘air’. It is also the seat of Jiwatman. Here is a triangle in which are situated Banaliṅga. Power Kakini is also there. It is the centre of the touch principle.

The next is the wishuddha chakra situated in the neck region. It has sixteen petals which are smoke-coloured and contains the sixteen vowels (from a to ah) on its petals. In the pericarp of the chakra are the akasha (that is, the region of the void), and Deity Shiwa mounted on an elephant. It is the centre of the hearing and speech principles.

The next is the ajña chakra. It has two petals, white in colour, and ornamented with the letters ha and ksha. In the pericarp of this chakra is a triangle where lies Itara-liṅga. Power Hakini is situated here. Manas, buddhi, ahankara and prakriti are there (in separate chakras but closely connected with the ajña).

Then there is the great lotus sahasrara. This perpetual sahasrara is white and stands with its face turned downward. On its petals are the shining letters from a to ksha (that is, fifty letters). Connected with the pericarp of the chakra are the inmost spirit (antaraman) and Guru (in the twelve-petalled guru chakra which is the lower aspect of the sahasrara). (Below the guru chakra) there are the ‘sun’-sphere (suryamandala) (which appears to be the manas chakra, just above the ajña), and the ‘moon’ sphere (chandra-mandala) (that is, the indu chakra above the manas chakra). Then comes the mahanada-wayu (that is, the wayu in the form of mahanada—the great power of control) (that is, supremely controlled pranic power, effecting natural kumbhaka). And then (above the wayu) is the brahmarandhra (here is the terminal part of the brahmarandhra which bears also the same name; the chakra termed brahmarandhra or nirwana is here). Inside the (brahma) randhra (that is, the nirwana chakra) is the untinged and blissful Wisarga (that is, the Power which goes outside the brahmarandhra). Above it (that is above the sahasrara) is the divine Shaṅkhini (Supreme Power who is in the spiral form and supremely tranquil in nature), and who (in her power aspect) creates, maintains and destroys. Below Shaṅkhini is the ‘moon’ sphere (within the sahasrara proper) where lies a triangle which is the abode of Shiwa (Kailasa). Here is the perpetual and unchanging amakala (that is, the power which maintains consciousness in a state of samadhi). Within it is the nirwanakala (the power named nirwana) in coil. Within it (nirwanakala) is the nirodhika (power of supreme control) in the form of fire. There is the supreme Nirwanashakti (Kundalini in her all-absorbing power aspect), who is the source of all. In this power (Nirwanashakti) is immutable supreme Shiwa. At this point, Kundali-power goes through the brahmarandhra back to the muladhara lotus (—Kaṅkalamalinitantra, ch. 2, abridged).

System B

The brahma lotus (muladhara chakra), which stands with its face turned downward, has four petals. Inside the pericarp of the lotus lies the beautiful ‘earth’-region which is quadrangular and encircled by the seven ‘seas’. There is a triangle on the square region, which is the seat of ‘love-desire’. Inside the square region lies the bija (germ-mantra) ‘Lang’ which is in the form of Deity Indra, mounted on the king of elephants. Within the triangle is the great lord Shiwa in the liṅga form (a form suitable for concentration). The power, an aspect of which is maya (negato-positivity), in a coiled form like a serpent (that is, Kundali-power), encircles the liṅga by the three and a half coils, and she has kept the orificc of the liṅga closed by her mouth. The bija of Indra (that is, ‘Lang’) is situated on the left side of the liṅga. Above the nada of the bija (the crescent aspect of the ‘Lang’ bija) is the seat of Deity Brahma who is the creator and the lord of all created beings. On his left side is Goddess Sawitri who is the source of the Weda.

Above this is a shining lotus called bhima (swadhishthana). It has six petals of vermilion colour. Inside the pericarp of the lotus is a circular region with four doors, wherein lies the bhuwar-word. Here lies Deity Wishnu with Shri (Goddess Lakshmi) on his left side, and Wani (Goddess Saraswati) on his right side. Wishnu is dressed in yellow raiment and is ornamented with a garland of flowers of all seasons (wanamala), and tranquil in appearance. He is the maintainer of the universe. His abode is called the waikuntha-world. On the right side of it is the goloka (a world) where Deity Krishna, holding a flute in his two hands, and Goddess Radhika are situated.

Above it is a great lotus (manipura) which has ten petals of black colour like rain clouds. On the petals are the letters from
to pha (ten letters) with nada-bindu (that is, matrika-letters). Inside the pericarp of the lotus is a triangle of red colour like the rising sun, and is ornamented with the swastika marks on its three sides. Inside the triangle is the wahni-bija (the ‘fire’-germ mantra ‘Rang’), seated on a ram. Here lies the abode of Rudra. Deity Rudra and Goddess Bhadrakali are here. This lotus is called the swar-world.

Above it, there is the beautiful wimala (pure) lotus (that is, the anahata chakra). It has twelve petals of deep red colour on which (are twelve letters from ka to
) of the colour of pure vermilion. Inside the pericarp of the lotus is a shining hexagonal region where lies the beautiful wayu-bija (‘Yang’). Here are Deity Ishwara and Goddess Bhuwaneshi (the mother of the universe), lying on his left side. This chakra is called the mahar-world.

Above it, there is the fascinating nirmala (free from impurities) lotus (that is, the wishuddha chakra). It has sixteen petals. In the pericarp of the lotus is the ‘moon’-sphere (a circular region), where lies a hexagonal region. Inside it are (Power) Goun and on her right side Deity Sadashiwa, seated on a bull-lion (one half bull and the other half lion). Sadashiwa has five faces and each face has three eyes. He is like a mountain of silver (that is, of white colour and motionless), and his body is smeared with ashes. He is clothed in a tiger skin and is ornamented with a garland of gems. He is in the form of the united Power-Consciousness (arddhanarishwara, that is, Power Goun is the half of Sadashiwa’s body). Sometimes he is only of lustre, and sometimes he is without any form. This chakra is called the jana-world.

Above it is the jñana (ajña) lotus. It has two petals. It includes the ‘full-moon’-sphere (purnachandra-mandala, that is, the indu chakra) within which is a nine-cornered region, made of wishing-gem (chintamani). Here lies Shambhu-bija (that is, the germ-mantra of the God Shiwa—’Hang’) which is in the form of a swan (hangsah). The ‘swan’ (the bija mantra) is Supreme Brahman (without any form) and also in the form of Shiwa (that is, wachaka-shakti—power-in-sound-form, of the mantra ‘Hang’ is Shiwa in divine form, and the wachya-shakti—power as Consciousness, of the mantra is Supreme Brahman). In the internal aspect of the ‘swan’ (that is, in the bindu of ‘Hang’) is Deity Para Shiwa and on his left is the all blissfull Goddess Siddhakali. This chakra (jñana) is called the tapas-world.

Above the jñana lotus is the sahasradala (thousand-petalled) lotus. It stands with its face downward and is situated in relation to the head (just beyond it). The petals of the lotus are endowed with all power. They are diversified and variegated, presenting white, red, yellow, black and green colours. Now they appear as white, the next moment they are red, and then yellow, and again white and then green. The lotus is called the satya-world. Inside the pericarp of the lotus, there is a vast ocean of nectar wherein lies the isle of gems (manidwipa). There is a wishing-tree (kalpadruma) where is situated a lustrous temple with four doors. Inside the temple is an altar made of fifty matrika-letters. On it lies a jewelled throne on which is seated Mahakab (Supreme Power) united with Maharudra (Supreme Consciousness) as one. He who is Maharudra is Mahawishnu and Mahabrahma. The three are the one, only there is the difference in name (—Nirwanatantra, ch. 4–10, abridged).

System C

Muladhara. In the muladhara, there is a triangle called tripura which is in the nature of will, knowledge and action. Inside the triangle lies Swayambhu-liṅga shining like ten-million suns. Concentration should be done on his fourth aspect (turiya, that is, the concentration aspect) which is deep red. Above it is Kundali as his crest, and of red colour. Kundali is supremely subtle. She is the Supreme Power as Goddess Mahatriparasundari. She is the sentience principle in all beings. She is Shabdabrahman. She is splendorous and is in the nature of being-consciousness-bliss and eternal. She is within all beings in a coiled form. The lotus has four petals of red colour, and on the petals are the letters from wa to sa (four letters) of shining golden colour. It is the root and support of all chakras.

Above it is the lotus called swadhishthana which has six petals of fire-like red. On the petals are the letters from ba to la (six letters) of diamond-colour (that is, shining white). The name swadhishthana is derived from swa to mean supreme liṅga.

Above it is the great chakra—manipura, situated in the navel region. This centre is like mani (jewel), so it is called manipura. The lotus has ten petals of golden colour which shine like lightning. The petals have the letters from da to pha (ten letters) on them. (Deity) Wishnu is established in this lotus.

Above it is the anahata lotus which has twelve petals of red colour like the rising sun. The petals are ornamented with the letters from ka to tha (twelve letters) of red colour. Inside the lotus (in the pericarp) is Bana-liṅga (Shiwa in the liṅga-form named Bana), shining like 10,000 suns. The anahata-sound (non-sensory suprasound) arises in this lotus, so it is called by the yogis anahata. It is the abode of bliss where lies the divine spirit (parapurusha).

Above it is the lotus termed wishuddha which has sixteen smoke-coloured petals on which are placed the shining sixteen letters (from a to
). In this lotus, the embodied being (jiwa) is purified because of his realization of Hangsah (Supreme Being), so it is called wishuddha. It is also called akasha (because it is the seat of akasha—the ‘void’-principle).

Above it is the ajña chakra where lies the Supreme Spirit. The lotus has two petals on which are the letters ha and ksha. They are moonlike white. The transference of divine knowledge (Guru’s ajña) occurs here, so the lotus is called ajña.

Above it is the kailasa (chakra), and above the kailasa is the bodhini (chakra). Above the bodhini is the sahasrara (having 1000 petals) lotus which is the centre of Bindu (bindusthana) (—Gandharwatantra, ch. 5, abridged).

System D

The basic lotus is the muladhara which has four petals of deep red colour. On the petals are the matrika-letters from wa to sa. There is a beautiful bright triangle inside (the pericarp of) the lotus where lies the ‘earth’-germ mantra (Lang). Within the triangle is situated Shiwa (in liṅga-form) of a dark-green (shyamala) colour. Concentration should be done on him. Here (inside the triangle), lies Kundalini who is Supreme Power. The divine Kundalini, who is (Shabda-) Brahman, is splendorous like ten million lightnings and in a latent form, and in coils like a serpent around Shiwa.

The next is the swadhishthana, which is the seat of the ‘water’ (-germ-mantra). It has six petals of lightning-like colour, and on the petals are the letters from ba to la which are white in colour. Here lies omniscient Shiwa who is to be concentrated upon.

The next is the manipura, which has ten petals of black colour. On the petals are the ten black-coloured letters from
to pha with nada-bindu. Here lies Shiwa-liṅga (Shiwa in liṅga-form) of black colour like clouds

Then, there is the anahata-puri (-chakra). It has twelve petals and on the petals are twelve letters from ka to
. The colour of the petals and letters is white. This is (also called) hrit-padma (heart-lotus) which is in the nature of pure sentience (sattwa). There, in front, lies jiwa (the embodied being) in its divine aspect, like the flame of a lamp, in the form of consciousness and power, quiescent, pure and of golden colour.

The next is the smoke-coloured wishuddha with sixteen vowels (letters from
on its sixteen petals). Inside it lies akasha (void) which is in the form of power.

Thereafter is the ajña-puri (-chakra). It has two petals on which are two letters (ha and ksha). They (petals and letters) are white in colour. Here, divine knowledge (Guru’s ajña) is imparted (to disciples), so it is called ajña.

Next is the sahasrara. It lies in connection with (but beyond) brahmarandhra where is situated Sadashiwa. The Supreme Power (as Mahakundalini) is in union with Sadashiwa. This lotus has 1000 petals. Within the lotus is the region of power where lies Sadashiwa, who is pure consciousness and motionless like a corpse (—Bhutashuddhitantra, ch. 1–3, abridged).

System E

The muladhara, swadhishthana, manipuraka, anahata, wishuddha and ajña are the six chakras which are situated in the anal, genital, navel, heart, throat and eyebrow regions respectively. The basic chakra (adhara paṅkaja) which is the muladhara is above, but linked to the kanda, with its face upwards. The muladhara has four petals of red colour. On the petals are the letters wa, sha,
and sa, ornamented with filaments. There is the ‘earth’-region which is quadrangular. Here is situated (the deity) Indra mounted on an elephant named Airawata. In the lap of the ‘earth’-seed mantra (that is, within the bindu of the mantra ‘Lang’) is the child creator (Brahma). Above it is a triangle composed of wama, jyeshtha and roudri lines. This triangle is the seat of Power (Kundalini-power). Inside the triangle is the tremulous kama-wayu (desire-radiating power) in seed-form (that is, the kama-bija mantra ‘Kling’). Here is Swayambhu-liṅga (Shiwa in the liṅga-form named Swayambhu) with his face downwards. Divine Kundali is of conch-shell colour (white), and like a creeper she is in three and a half coils around Swayambhu-liṅga and covers the face of the liṅga. Here also lies (Power) Dakini with instruments in her hands as the doorkeeper (that is, the presiding Divinity of the chakra).

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