Read Laying Claim to the Soul Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #ménage, #aliens, #erotic romance, #demons, #shape shifters, #wedding, #dragons

Laying Claim to the Soul (11 page)

BOOK: Laying Claim to the Soul
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Tonight they would come together as one and not one person, alien or animal would destroy their union or they would suffer long and hard before he allowed them to pass onto the next leg of their journey.

Taking one more dip into her pussy, Wol-itelm scooped out all he could with his tongue, enjoying the taste and all that was Tabatha. He slid his fingers free and rose to stare down at her. Her skin glistened with sweat, her color flushed, needing to come, but she wouldn’t until he was buried deep inside her pussy.

Using his hand, Wol-itelm slid his cock up and down her lips, coating it before inching into her tight pussy. He grabbed onto her hips, raising her butt higher as the bonds on her legs disappeared.

“Wrap those lovely legs around me,” he ordered and pushed another couple of inches inside her, feeling her walls squeeze his cock. Never taking his eyes off of her, Wol-itelm released her hips and slipped all the way into her.

The little sound of pain and pleasure escaped her full lips when she called out his name and wrapped her legs around him, trying to hold him still. He licked her lips. “I’ll never be alone again. You will be at my side always, little pet, mine!” he nipped her bottom lip just as she started to move her hips, telling him she was ready for him to continue.

He covered her mouth at the same time, withdrawing his cock from her pussy, only to push back in fast and hard, eating the gasp from her mouth. In and out his tongue and cock working to bring her body heat higher and higher.

Between their bodies, Wol-itelm cupped her sensitive breasts and squeezed, knowing soon she would be feeding their children there.

He picked up speed and pounded hard. This woman would want for nothing as long as Wol-itelm was around. She would be loved, pampered and cherished. Well, maybe spanked a few times too.

Wol-itelm broke the kiss and smiled, knowing his cock was heating inside her. Tabatha’s eyes grew large and she arched as he hit that special spot inside her. “Oh, there we are, now let’s see what I can do here.”

Moving his hips to the side and back and allowing the heat to rise up, his woman screamed under him, coming, squeezing his cock to the point he couldn’t hold off any more. His warm seed filling her, soaking into the skin of her pussy.

She was now truly his. He had claimed her like his ancestors of his kind long ago. His seed marked her in scent and smell. With two more thrusts he bit down onto her neck leaving a visual mark that no one could ignore.

With a glance at the bonds holding her hand, Wol-itelm released her arms at the same time Chax and Hoyt appeared in the room. He rolled, putting their woman on top of him. He brushed her hair back away from her sweaty face.

“Hmm, wow.” She glanced over to the side of the bed to see Chax and Hoyt standing there. She patted the empty spot beside her, rubbing her cheek against Wol-itelm’s chest.

“Sit up, please.” He lifted her up and off of the bed. “Kneel over there by the windows, Tabatha,” Wol-itelm ordered, looking at her, and noticing the confusion.

“No cuddling?” she pouted, but did as he asked.

“Little pet, we have just begun our night,” Wol-itelm rose and circled her. “Separate those legs, show Chax and Hoyt how wet and ready you are for all of us.”



Chapter Fourteen


The room was hot, either that or her body was still burning with need as Tabatha did as Wol-itelm asked. Even with the window open the breeze did nothing to cool her off and that fact that all three of her men now surrounded her, naked, had her nervous as could be.

Wol-itelm knelt in front of her, while Chax and Hoyt stood on either side. “Look up, little pet,” he said brushing the sweat off of her face with a cloth.

“You know I can’t and won’t ever be able to go to any clubs, or anything like that, right?” he asked her and she nodded.

“Yes, but I don’t need any club,” she said, watching as Wol-itelm held out his hand.

“But that does not mean we can’t give you what you crave. Chax and I made this for you. This is our way of committing to you. Even though our bodies are now one, this will show everyone our bond to you.” Wol-itelm opened the jewelry case and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

They were going to collar her, but she wasn’t a slave and he must have seen the question in her eyes. “We know you are no slave and that you’ll give us hell from time to time, but you are ours. Plus, we knew how much you wanted one and it was our way of claiming you instead of a ring.” Wol-itelm took the collar out of the box as Chax came around behind and held up her hair, nibbling her neck.

“Always ours Tabby,” Chax reached around and pinched one of her nipples. “But not to worry, I think we can still visit Hoyt’s club on occasion. We know how much you crave to be in the spotlight.”

The collar in question was some kind of material she had never seen. It was like leather, but not. Softer, but fit around her neck like it was made to be there. On top of that, they had given her a pink collar with purple and diamond stones in it. In the middle were two charms, the black dragon and a miniature of Chax.

Neither man seemed to fasten the collar. “This will not come off of you. It’s there to stay, during your showers, swimming or whatever you do. No one expect Chax or I can remove it. This is for those times you doubt us, and there will be times like that. Everyone has them,” Wol-itelm said as he took her hand and placed it on the collar “All you have to do is touch it and we’ll know that you need us. We might not play like the humans on your world or know all the terms they create for it, but we will give you our kind of loving.”

Her heart swelled at the sincerity of his words, the deep love coming from both men. Her collar was one not only of ownership, but special in a sense it connected them all.

Both Wol-itelm and Chax stepped back, allowing Hoyt to move forward. He knelt before her. “Both Wol-itelm and Chax understand how much a human wedding would mean to you. I asked my grandmother if I could have her mother’s ring. Will you marry me, Tabby?” He popped open a ring box and she couldn’t believe how beautiful the ring was.

In the middle of a gold band was the most beautiful Amethyst stone, shaped with three points on it. She had never seen something so unusual. It was stunning, surrounded by diamonds. “This has been in our family for years. My great, great grandmother actually found the stone and her husband made it into this ring for her. Well, will you marry me?” he asked again making her jump hearing the little snarl in it.

She threw her arms around his neck and cried. “I saw this ring in my dream! Yes, I’ll marry you.” Tabatha had gone from having the worst day in her life to it ending in one of the best nights of her life.

With his arms around her, Hoyt kissed the top of her head and stood, pulling her up. “Chax is waiting for you baby,” Hoyt said and turned her to face the bed.

Chax lay there stroking his cock and watching as she climbed up on the bed and lowered herself onto his cock, moaning. “I’ve missed you Tabby baby, so much,” Chax pulled her down, covering her mouth in a fierce kiss. He broke the kiss and stared at her. “Be warned. We’re not going to allow you out of our sight for a long time,” he mumbled, but she could see the tears in his eyes and that just brought hers to the fore front.

“And I couldn’t agree more, because I don’t want to be alone,” a small tremor skated through her and she wrapped her arms around his neck holding on tight. “I have a feeling you three might get sick of holding me, because I have a feeling I’m going to be crawling into your laps a lot more. I just hope the pack doesn’t see it as if I’m weak.”

Behind her Wol-itelm squeezed her butt cheeks, opening them, his cock rubbed against her ass. “No one will see you as weak. You survived, and all of us will have moments. Relax for me, little pet.” He slid into her in one push. So full and surrounded, protected, loved.

A knot formed in her throat as all three of her men seemed to know, Tabatha was having a leaky moment as they each ran their hands over her, whispering to her words of love and comforting her till it passed.

Her nails were now digging into Chax’s shoulders and her forehead lay against his. “Wol-itelm,” Tabatha took a deep breath, trying to relax as he started to move back and forth, the pain slowly going away and pleasure replacing it.

With one hand around his cock and the other grabbing hold of a handful of her hair, Hoyt guided her head towards him. “Wrap those hot lips around me, Tabby. Let’s end this day on a happy note,” he said knowing what she had been thinking.

She leaned over and kissed the head of his cock, letting go of everything except the love of her men. Each man guided her as she put her trust in them. She licked the head of his cock before taking him fully into her mouth as far as she could go.

“That’s it, little pet, let us take you there. Feel the three of us inside of you, needing and caring for you,” Wol-itelm almost purred his hands on her hips his cock moving in and out of her, syncing with Chax.

So full, but the feeling was like Tabby had come home. There was no way to explain it to anyone, something inside her seemed to click they were part of her in every sense. She looked up meeting Hoyt’s gaze. His eyes were glazed over a soft yellow haze seemed to surround his body while he pumped in and out of her mouth.

Under her Chax nipped her neck and played with her nipples. “There is no more waiting, we are claiming you here and now, Tabby. There will be no more questions.” Chax explained partly shifting under her, his cock growing larger inside her and that is when she felt it.

Blinding electrical heat pushed down her head to her toes. Hormones and muscles were doing the tango twist inside her, the wolf/demon part of her now rushed forward inside her. The orgasm took her like a tsunami wiping anything in its path.

To have an orgasm hurt, but give her the most intense pleasure is something Tabby had never experienced and it seemed neither had Chax and Hoyt, because both of them howled, releasing their selves into her as did Wol-itelm behind her.

“Mine! All of you are mine!” Wol-itelm shouted as the room started to darken.

She stiffened, terrified someone was doing something to her, but all three of her men spoke to her in her head. 
“It’s okay, we have you. Sleep, it’s the claiming. You are exhausted.

Trusting her men, Tabatha closed her eyes, “
Love you all so, so much.”
She released Hoyt’s cock, swallowing his seed and resting her head onto Chax’s chest still a little scared to sleep, but her body gave her no choice, as her eyes once more closed.




Wol-itelm pulled out of their woman and off of the bed allowing Hoyt and Chax to take care of her. He moved to the window and stared out toward Erole’s home, he could see an outline in the window facing him. The hatred coming from that home surprised Wol-itelm so much that he stumbled back.

“Take her back to the house, I’ll be along in a few minutes,” Wol-itelm glanced over at the bed and clothed her in the garment she preferred to wear before calling Therbelenth, the Anasazi’s enforcer to his side.

“You rang.” Therbelenth appeared next to him, half lion and half wolf, shocking Hoyt. He smiled. “My friend here has many forms, no one knows his true form, but this, I think, is close to the real thing.” Wol-itelm nodded to his friend. “I have business and I need you to watch them while I’m here. I know it’s not in your job description.” Wol-itelm held up his hand and turned once more to stare out at Erole’s home.

The man stood outside now talking with someone but he had no idea who. “Trouble is coming and it’s going to rock everyone. Even you, my friend, will feel its force soon, so be prepared,” Wol-itelm stretched and turned his attention to Therbelenth. “Even the 
might be pulled into the trouble coming.”

His friend hissed. “Then know this, I stand beside you. You of all have never judged me or my kind. You have my promise to protect what is yours.” Therbelenth glanced towards Erole’s home. “Why do I get the feeling he is in the center of this ring?”

“You have the same gut reaction as I do, so be careful. You know how he plays.” Wol-itelm turned and went to Chax. “I’ll be there soon, but I need to see who is going to stand behind us. I hate to say it, but whoever has been trying to tear us apart has come from up here and it’s not going to go over well. We’ll talk tomorrow, but we might want to speed up transferring belongings and such to our planet.”

Chax reached out, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Do not allow this to destroy the night we have had. Tabatha would be hurt to know it ended with us upset or hurt. Let’s give her this one night, we’ll figure things out tomorrow.”

Wol-itelm nodded, looking down at Tabatha sleeping soundly. “I’ll be five minutes, not even that. I just need to speak with Cywdyn-qua.”

Hoyt disappeared from the room with Tabatha followed by Chax, before Wol-itelm moved to the living area to meet Cywdyn-qua.

“What is wrong? I thought we discussed everything before?” she asked, her pet griffin next to her.

“It seems not all of us up here are pleased with the way events in my life are playing out. I want you to be careful, everyone knows you and I are friends,” he said moving towards the open door looking out over their homes.

She hissed behind him. “Who would dare turn on you? Do they have a death wish?” His friend said, her griffin snarling, sensing his master’s moods.

He nodded towards the man in question. “Don’t trust him for a minute. Something is not right with him. You remember what happened last time when the Zeasters were supposed to be woken? He ignored the call thinking he could handle it and we’re still cleaning up the mess on planet 
” Wol-itelm snapped, but soon calmed, thinking of the woman waiting for him.

“I have to leave, but I need to know what is going on here when I’m gone.” He glanced down at her pet. “I know he will only listen to you, but if he could keep his ears open?” Wol-itelm asked.

The little griffin could also shift to the form of a man when it wanted and Wol-itelm was hoping he could count on them both. Cywdyn-qua ran her long nails over her pet’s head.

BOOK: Laying Claim to the Soul
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