Leather and Lace: Part 1 "Have Another Serving of BDSM Bondage" (BDSM Discoveries Series)

BOOK: Leather and Lace: Part 1 "Have Another Serving of BDSM Bondage" (BDSM Discoveries Series)
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Leather and Lace: Part I (BDSM Discoveries Series)

...By Jason Walker

Published by WickedPleasure.net


All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

This book is for sale to
. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

Copyright © 2012 Jason Walker

Books by Author

Leather and Lace: Complete Series (BDSM Discoveries Series)

Short Tales of Thrilling Exhibitionism (Voyeurs & Exhibitionists Series)

The Secret is out: Complete Series (BDSM Discoveries Series)

The Biggest Jackpot: Complete Series (Voyeurs & Exhibitionists Series)

Exposed to Something Different: Complete Series (Voyeurs & Exhibitionists Series)

A Different Encounter: Complete Series (Steamy Escapades Series)

Table of Contents


er eyes darted from side to side as she walked into the room. She did not know where he was hiding, but she felt he was nearby.

He had told her earlier in the day to be on guard when she got home, he had a surprise for her. 

"I know you are here."

Diane whispered, hoping he would hear. The darkened house was familiar, but strange to her now. She knew where everything was. The chair in the living room, the ugly lamp on the large stone table, the soft carpet beneath her feet, it was all familiar, but did not matter now. It was hard to see in the muted light, and the unknown was what she felt the strongest now. Her breath was ragged; she felt the dampness of perspiration on her upper lip from the tension.
Where is he and what is he up to?
Her steps were tentative, and gentle. She felt if she made too much noise she might startle herself, and bring forth something unknown.
This is silly
Diane giggled to herself. She was getting giddy from the nervousness, and it was expressing itself beyond her control. She wondered if she was going to break out into laughter, but knew she shouldn't.

"It would give me away."

Sounds that in the past were common, now rang in her hears. Creaking floors, the fridge humming in the distance, the outdoor sounds of the wood filtered through closed windows seemed as foreign and frightening as the roar of a lion in this dim mystery she found herself exploring. As she rounded the corner she saw a single lit candle flickering in the darkness of the dining room. Beneath it, covered in drops of dark red wax was a simple note.

"My dearest, this is the evening, tonight is the time, remember last night and the conversation we had, and this morning, the last words I said before I left for work. Follow the clues for the night of your life. Go to the garage. Love, Mark"

Chapter I

"How do you want your eggs?"

Diane shouted upstairs to Mark. There was no response.

Probably still in the shower
she thought.

"Scrambled it is then"

Diane spoke into the room as she broke the eggs, and watched them plop into the hot pan. While she stirred them into morning froth, she mused about last night. She never expected him to just come out and ask. After nine years of marriage, she thought they had a fairly normal sex life, but she did fantasize, and she knew he did too. He just came out and asked, and threw her for a loop.

"What's your number one fantasy? I mean the big one, deep down inside, the things you think about that you have never told me."

Mark asked while scrubbing his hair dry. It was so nonchalant' Diane almost did not think he had said it.
Maybe I just think that's what he said
she thought, but he repeated it as he walked into the bedroom to get dressed for the party. She wondered if she should answer him truthfully, or give one of the standard answers she had always said, which were basically things he wanted to hear, and he wanted to do.

"You are my fantasy sweetheart!"

Diane offered breathlessly, almost comically.

"I know better.  Fine, if you don't want to tell me, I will find out some other way"

Mark tossed off, almost in a passing fashion. Diane really wondered what brought it up, but wasn't about to ask.

Diane had been a
for the last few years. She had been working as the administrator and office manager for a local Doctor's group, but when Mark was promoted to full partner in the law firm, she left the stress and hassle behind. Diane loved their life. For the first time since college they didn't have to worry about money. Diane kept the house immaculate. She volunteered a little. They had even built a small three room guest house at the back of the yard as a place for her parents to stay when they visited, because Mark and her Dad didn't see eye to eye on much.  Mark had finally reached a position where he could pick and choose the cases he worked on and as Diane expected, he tended to choose the most challenging ones. Every aspect of their lives seemed to fall into place. There were times Diane longed for a little more excitement in their lives. She would try and spice things up with an unexpected vacation to the shore, or by buying Mark some present but she really wanted some real excitement.

Bill and Ashley threw a great party. There was everything you would expect from a great party. Lots of great food and drink, there was a three piece combo playing on a stage in the back yard and tons of people. After a couple of hours of doing the
couple thing
Mark was standing near the pool talking football with a group of guys and Diane found herself, as she usually does, sitting with her best friend Lia talking quietly about the other people at the party, and laughing about the gossip of who is sleeping with whom, and griping about their husbands.

"He just came out and asked?"

Lia spoke a little too loud.

"Lower your voice! Yes, he just asked, and acted as if I was just going to answer."

"Well, did you?"

Diane paused a long moment.


Lia took a deep drink from the Manhattan she had been nursing.

"Why didn't you?"

Diane as she looked towards the open patio doors.

"I don't know, maybe I don't want him to think he isn't making me happy"

"Is he? Making you happy"

"Of course! He is great to me."

"That's not what I meant Di and you know it!"

Diane flushed a little, knowing what she meant. It wasn't as if they hadn't talked about each other's sex lives before, but Diane felt as if she was going somewhere she hadn't before with her friend.

"Things are great in the bedroom, if that's what you mean."

Diane's voice was a whisper. Lia wasn't stopping there.

"You told me once you wanted things to spice up a little did not you? And you had bought some new outfits you might try out on him sometime. Have you yet?"

"Not yet."

Diane's eyes fell to her lap and she fidgeted a little.

"You looked great in them! Why haven't you?"

Lia was a little frustrated with her friend.

"Mark is so….so…"

"So what?"

"So normal. I don't want him to think I wasn't the person he married."

"Do you think he is the same person you married? Hell Di, people change. There's nothing wrong with that. If you want to try something different, let him know, Mark loves you and I bet he would like it too."

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