Leave a Trail (49 page)

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Authors: Susan Fanetti

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, #Family Saga, #Mystery & Suspense, #Romance, #Sagas, #Suspense, #Genre Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

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Adrienne didn’t know whom to worry about more.

Badger was still thinking about Lilli. “She’s tough. She’ll be okay. She needs some time. They both do.” Badger squatted, and Hector—who never strayed far from the kitchen when food was happening—walked into his arms for a rough hug. “Hey, boy. Taking care of mama today?”

He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. “I’ve been thinking. We should buy a house. This place is too small for when the kid comes. And what if you have twins—they run in families, right?”

The thought scared the bejeezus out of Adrienne. “Don’t even joke. I love Millie and Joey, but watching Shannon and Show juggle two of everything is freaking exhausting. One baby at a time is just enough.”

He took a long swallow from his bottle and leaned against the counter near where she was working. The pasta was ready, and as Adrienne started to heft the pot of boiling water to the sink, he set his beer down. “Hey, I got that.” With a gentle push, he set her out of the way and poured the pasta and water into the colander she’d set in the sink. “I’m just saying that we need a bigger place. The extra room here is barely a closet.”

As she took over and returned the pasta to its pot, then poured the sauce over it, she said, “I have the rest of the money from my mom. We could use that as a down payment.”

“We don’t need to. I’ve got money saved up. You should keep your mom’s money.”

Adrienne wasn’t sure why, but that pissed her off a little. “No. I want to help. I’ve been saving that money for something big, and buying a house is a big thing. You’ve been supporting me for months. I don’t want you to buy a house for me, Badge. I want us to buy a house together.” Oh. That was why she was pissed.

But Badger wasn’t angry at all. He grinned. “Okay, okay. Between us, we probably have way more than we’d need for a down payment around here. Maybe we can buy something outright.” His grin faded. “I’d like that. Not having a bank hanging over us, threatening to take our home out from under us if we’re ever in trouble.” He got up and went to the cupboards, collecting plates and utensils to set the table. “You want juice?”

“Yes. Cranberry, please.”

He poured her a glass. When she turned with the pasta, now in a serving bowl, there was a little, light blue pouch on the table at her place.

“What’s that?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day. You made me supper. I got you something.”

“That’s a Tiffany’s bag.”


“How did you get a Tiffany’s bag?”

“Well, I went to Tiffany’s.”

“Where is there a Tiffany’s around here?”

“St. Louis. Last week, when we did that run for Tasha’s clinic?”

“You went to a Tiffany’s store?”

“Yeah. That’s where they keep their jewelry.” Smiling, he picked up the bag and brought it to her, where she was still standing, holding the bowl of pasta in béchamel sauce. “Babe, are you gonna see what’s in here, or are we playing Twenty Questions?”

Living in Signal Bend, married to a member of the Horde, surrounded by leather and metal, wild men and the women who could tame them, Adrienne had sort of forgotten that things like surprise gifts from swanky jewelers could ever happen. Even though their wedding had been elegant, by town standards, their reception had been at the rowdy saloon, where the bar and all the tables were all slightly, permanently damp feeling, from eons of spilled beer. Actually, when she thought about it more, it made perfect sense that her man would be standing there with his long hair and full beard, his flannel shirt and worn jeans, holding a Tiffany’s jewelry bag in his calloused hands. Her life was a riot of unexpected juxtapositions. There was grime around the beds of his fingernails.

“You need to wash your hands before we eat.”

“Take the bag, and I will.”

She set the bowl of pasta in the middle of the table and took the bag from him. He went immediately to the sink and washed his hands. Pulling open the satiny rope of the drawstrings, she turned the pouch over into the palm of her hand.

A silver necklace with the infinity symbol at the center. Simple and classic. “Oh, Badge. It’s beautiful.”

He came back to her and took the necklace out of her hands. Knowing what he intended, she pulled her fluffy ponytail over one shoulder, and he fastened the dainty chain around her neck. Then he pressed his lips to her nape. She loved the touch of his beard on her. So very much.

“I’m never leaving you, Adrienne. We are us forever.”




Adrienne knocked on Show’s office door. “Come,” he called, and she turned the knob and peeked in.

“Hi. Do you have a minute?”

She’d never been in this room when it had been Isaac’s office, so it wasn’t hard for her to think of it as Show’s. Badger, on the other hand, had described a keen sense of dislocation, even though nothing had apparently changed in the room since Isaac had gone away. With a wide smile, Show pushed away from the desk and stood.

“Hey, little one.” In one long stride, he was at her side, bending down to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad to see you. Surprised, though. I thought you’d be with Shannon and Lilli, talking to the contractor again. There something wrong?”

“We’re done with that. Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

He cocked his head. “Of course. Come sit.” Taking her hand in his, he led her to the sofa against the far wall and sat down with her. “You sure there’s nothing wrong?” He looked at her belly. “You feelin’ alright?”

If Show and Badger could take turns carrying her around on a satin pillow for the next seven months, Adrienne was sure that they would. She’d seen Show’s tender care of Shannon while she was pregnant, but it had still been something of a surprise—and not always a great thing—when he’d turned the same concerned eyes and hands on her. Everywhere she turned, somebody was fussing over her. Most of the time, though, she liked it, inconvenient as it was. And always she felt loved.

“I’m good. The past couple of days, I’ve felt pretty normal.”

“Good. Good.” He lifted her new necklace from her throat. “Pretty. Suits you.”

“Did you know he bought it?”

“Yep. I went with him. That’s where I bought Shannon’s rings. Got her a bracelet this time.”

“I can’t even imagine what they thought when the two of you came into the store.”

“We gave ‘em a shock, I’m sure. But Badge and I married fancy women and dropped ‘em into a shit life. You deserve some fancy every now and then.”

“I’m not fancy.”

Show chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea.”

A little offended, she made a face. He brushed his fingers over her brow and nose with a smile. “Easy, now. I meant it as a compliment. You and your m—Shannon—you class up the joint. She classes the fuck out of me.” He winked, and she rolled her eyes. “What d’you want to talk about?”

“Badge. I’m a little worried.”

Show’s face darkened with concern almost instantly. “What’s up? He’s not back on—”

“No. No. I’m sure he’s not. That’s not what I mean. But he’s different. Distracted a lot.”

“Well, you’re making him a father. That shuffles a man’s thinking. Trust me.”

“It’s more than that. Usually I can get him to talk, but he won’t.” She looked into Show’s light blue eyes. “You’re different, too.”

His expression shifted to a sort of tired understanding. “Ah. Did Shannon ask you to say something?”

They’d talked about it, how Show and Badger both seemed weighed down since the new year, but no, Shannon hadn’t asked her to say anything. She shook her head.

He lifted her hand and brought it to his lips. “You are a sweet little thing. I’m alright. If you’re worried about Badge for the same reason, then he’ll be alright, too. Things are different. It’s taking some time to get right with that. Isaac left a big hole. Len, too.”

“Can they have visitors?”

“Yeah. Eventually. There’s paperwork, and the Feds aren’t in any rush, I guess, to process it. But in a couple of weeks, I hope, I’ll ride Lilli, Tasha, and the kids up there for the weekend. That’ll help some. Seeing they’re doin’ okay.”

Adrienne nodded and sat back, thinking again about what Lilli and Tasha were giving up. It made her feel a crushing loneliness. At the meeting today, Lilli had seemed fairly normal, focused on the swatches and sketches of the designer’s proposal. But afterward, when Shannon had suggested they go to lunch to debrief, she’d refused—just said, “No. See you,” and gotten into her truck.

After a minute or two of silence, Show’s eyes on her the whole time, he asked, “What’s really got you sideways, little one? You know Badge is gonna be okay. Me, too. What’s goin’ on?”

She shrugged. “I don’t like people going away.” Suddenly, her head was full of tears. She looked down and blinked until the threat that they would spill out had passed.

“If you miss him, you should call him.”

She looked up. “What?”

“Your dad. You could call him. It’s been months. He’s had time to feel what he’s lost by now. He lost a lot. So did you.”

Until Show had brought her ex-father up, Adrienne had had no inkling he was in her thoughts at all, but once the idea was out, she knew it was true. Charles Renard had been standing in the corner of her mind, leaving a shadow of loss and discontent. But Show was wrong. “No. I don’t want him back. I’ll never want him back.” She would never forgive him for erasing her from his life and driving away in an empty U-Haul. There was no coming back from that. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t forget him; she would never forgive him.

“But you miss him?”

She shook her head. “I miss my mom. I miss the way things were before she got sick. But maybe that’s not even true. If she hadn’t died, I wouldn’t know you or Shannon or anybody here. I wouldn’t have Badge. I don’t think I’d give Signal Bend up even if it meant I could have my mom back.” The horror of that thought brought her tears up and over, and she put her hand to her mouth to hold back the sobs.

Show pulled her into a sheltering embrace, and she cried against his dense chest, tucked into the leather of his kutte. “Shhh, little one. I understand. Doesn’t mean you love her less. No matter how bad things get, it’s good we can’t go backwards. We deal with what life throws at us and find strength in what we live through. We make what comes next the best we can. If there’s no place for your father in your future, then that’s the way it is.”

Sniffling, she sat back and looked up into Show’s kind, handsome face. “I have my father in my future. I have you.”

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Well, you know I’m glad to have the job. I sure love you. Lookin’ forward to spoiling that grandbaby you’re makin’ me, too.”

“You were wrong about me and Badge, you know. About him being wrong for me.”

“Wondered if you were ever gonna get around to tryin’ to make me eat that. But no, I don’t think I was. I think you were right for Badge, and that made him right for you. He’s a strong guy, been through more than most. But he needed a special person to show him his balance. That was you. Sometimes I look in your eyes and think I see something in you that’s older than time. You are something special. You look for the good in people. You bring it out of them. Badge is a lucky son of a bitch.”

With a bittersweet sigh, Adrienne leaned into his hold again, resting on his chest, letting the deep, steady thump of his strong heart settle her body and mind.




Generally, presenting a Prospect with his new kutte was a matter of handing it to him with a handshake. Prospects were grunts, sentenced to a least a year of being the members’ bitch and doing the shittiest work they could find. The celebration came afterwards, if they made it through a patch vote.

But Nolan signing on as Prospect was something else entirely. On his eighteenth birthday, on a sunny day in late April, the Horde threw him a party. He was still in high school, having promised his mother he’d graduate. There had been a lively discussion in the Keep about whether to wait until he graduated before they let him wear a kutte. A few of the Horde—Zeke was the most vocal—had trouble with the thought of a high school kid, even one with only a month left to graduation, wearing a kutte.

But Badger, his sponsor, had argued hard, stressing the ways Nolan was already acting as a Prospect, the responsibilities he’d already taken on, his already tight bond to the club, and the vote had gone his way. He’d obviously not be allowed to wear his new kutte at school, but he was prospecting before he’d even graduated. Badger thought he might have to pay extra hard for that privilege. He’d seen the intent in Zeke’s normally inscrutable face: Nolan would be put to the test before he was brought up for a patch vote. Badger thought he’d do some testing himself. He was glad the kid was prospecting. He knew Havoc would be busting his seams with pride. But getting that kutte so early would be the last special consideration Nolan would get. He’d have to sweat to earn his patch, prove he was worthy of it. There was no pride or glory in being handed an honor like that.

Cory seemed conflicted, proud and happy for Nolan, but worried. Things had changed so much since the fall, though, that Badger thought she could take some ease. Signal Bend was quiet. The Horde’s work was entirely focused on the town—getting the B&B going again, as it had been now for a few weeks, running Valhalla Vin, taking care of folks’ troubles and disagreements, keeping order. The only ways they were crossing the line now were a few protection runs that might not be entirely squeaky clean and some black market runs for Tasha. The Horde made sure she had the resources to care for people the way they needed care.

But even those were infrequent occurrences. They were running more legit than Badger had ever known them to be. Moreover, the new Sheriff had been close with Keith Tyler, and had taken on his mentor’s friendly feelings toward the club. So long as Signal Bend stayed off their dispatch, the Horde would not be harassed. So Nolan was coming into the club at a time when Cory could relax a little and feel as assured as anyone could ever be, regular citizen or outlaw, that her boy would be okay.

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