Let It Snow (63 page)

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Authors: Suzan Butler,Emily Ryan-Davis,Cari Quinn,Vivienne Westlake,Sadie Haller,Holley Trent

BOOK: Let It Snow
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"What kind of scene?"

"A slight variation on the one from last week. Either you take your spanking naked with Sully here, or you keep your bra and panties, but no Sully." It took Mac a few seconds to absorb what Finn was asking. Naked around Sully, or scene without him? What an impossible choice. "You have safewords, baby. They work anytime, including right now, but I'm going to change this one up a little. Yellow is only for more time, but you will have to choose one of the two options I gave you. Otherwise, you have to call red."


"Good girl. Give Sully a call and talk it through with him. I'm sure that'll help with your decision. I'm going to go get things organised in the playroom."




Mac absently stroked Gounod. "And now, I don't know what to do."

"Sweetie, what does your heart say?" Sully asked.

"lub-dub, you prick."

"Such a funny girl."

"My heart tells me I need to wean myself off of you."

"I knew you'd get there one day."

Macs chest tightened. "I'm sorry I've been such a burden."

"Stop it. You've never, ever been a burden. All I did was hold the back of the bike until you felt safe enough for me to let go. That's what love is, sweetheart. You'd do exactly the same for me."

"No question."

"So, will you tell me how the rest of my day is going, so I can plan accordingly."

Mac knew it was time to let Sully release the back of her bike. "You're off the hook. I'll see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you too."




At the sound of Mac on the stairs, Finn put down the chair he was carrying and sat in it while he waited for her to appear.

"There you are love. Did you talk to Sully?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the suggestion, it helped."

"And? Have you picked an option?"

"No Sully."

Finn decided not to give her a chance to over-think it. "In that case, there's no time like the present. Strip to your bra and panties or safeword."

Mac started with her shirt and made slow steady progress as Finn looked on in anticipation. As the last piece of clothing fell to the floor, he said, "You can leave them there, but in future, you will fold your clothes and set them down neatly when I tell you to strip."


"No need to apologise. It's not something we've discussed, so it's not something I would reasonably expect. Come here and position yourself exactly the way you were last time."

Mac crossed the floor and laid herself over Finn's lap without hesitation. Finn felt she wiggled a little too much as she settled into position. She was becoming quite a tease, but he didn't feel the need to correct her like he would any other sub. He found he really didn't care whether it was her past, or her personality that allowed him to tolerate behaviour bordering on bratty. There would still be consequences, but they would be the sort to limit the behaviour, not obliterate it.

"Are you quite settled, Mac?" She wiggled again, and Finn knew it was deliberate. He almost felt guilty at the pleasure he'd get from giving Mac her first real punishment. Putting his sadistic tendencies aside hadn't been much of a hardship, but the chance to explore Mac's pain threshold as a result of her own behaviour was too good to pass up. "Mac, I think you're wiggling around more you need to. Am I right?"


"I need a straight answer, love."

"Yes, but it was too tempting."

"There are many things about you I find too tempting, but I control myself. I think you purposely wiggled more than necessary when you first got yourself settled. I'll give you that one for free, but what came after, you'll have to pay for at the end of the scene. I'm feeling generous, so I will give you two options. You may either have two extra smacks with my hand on your bare bum, or five strokes with a tawse over your panties. Pick one."

"Bare bum."

Finn was relieved. While his intention was to give Mac options designed to help her work through issues stemming from the attack, he knew there was every possibility it could backfire. He never offered her a choice he wasn't prepared to follow through on, but so far, he'd been lucky. "Just like last time, I won't hold you down as long as you stay still. Clear?"



"Yellow to pause, red to bail."

"Here we go, then."

Finn rubbed, squeezed and kneaded Mac's ass, and the moment her glutes went slack, he brought his hand down once on each cheek and resumed his massage.


"Breathe through it, love. You've got a ways to go yet and I'm just getting warmed up."

"I don't like you any more. That nice massaginess doesn't feel so nice any more. You're mean."

"I know." Finn continued massaging. He waited until her ass-cheeks relaxed, before giving her another two hard smacks and more massage.


"Breathe, baby. Just breathe. One more of these, then we'll get your punishment out of the way. After that, we can go have a snuggle, and you can have some chocolate from your favourite shop."

"I don't care. I hate you and I hate chocolate."

"I know, sweetheart."

"Don't feckin' patronise me"

"Enough, Mac. I'll tolerate some rudeness because you are taking pain for me, and if that's what it takes to get you through it, then I'll go with it for now. But you took it too far. Now you know where the line is, cross it, and there will be consequences. Clear?"


Finn rubbed Mac's ass gently, but he only gave her a few seconds before he nailed her in her sit-spot.


"I know, honey, but now you've got two more and these ones are punishment."

"I'm really sorry I wiggled to tease you."

"I believe you. That doesn't get you out of it, though. I'll always give you any punishment you earn. There might be times when I will defer it, but I promise I'll always give it to you."

"That's one promise I would be perfectly happy if you didn't keep."

"Enough stalling. Let's get this over with, I want to snuggle with you."


"Good girl. Now stay still, I'm going to slip your panties down just enough so they don't block where I'll be spanking. Colour?"

"I'm green."

"Good girl." Finn shifted and caught hold of the sides of Mac's panties. He wiggled and pulled until they were completely clear of her ass. The crotch was soaked. This counted for multiple points in favour of going ahead with his after party plans.

Normally, he would let some tension mount, but Mac was at green and with this being her first punishment, he wanted to keep things as positive as he could. He hauled his arm back and smacked her full-force on the sit-spot of her left side, and before she had a chance to register the pain, he did the same to her right, then pulled up her panties. Her deep intake of breath told him, it was going to be one long, loud scream.

He waited patiently until her lungs were empty before speaking. "All done, baby, but you need to breathe through the pain. Now up we get. I've got a nice cosy blanket just for you. We'll go have a snuggle on the sofa and you can have some water and chocolate."

Finn wrapped Mac in her blanket, and carried her across to the sofa, careful of her sore ass as he settled her on his lap. He reached for a bottle of water and lifted it to her lips. It was then, he finally got a good look at her face. Tears streamed, but her eyes twinkled and relief washed over him. He hadn't totally fucked up.

He let Mac suck back water until she pulled away from the bottle on her own. He smirked a little when she looked at him, her eyes expectant and her mouth open. "Oh honey, right now, looking at your mouth open like that makes me want to feed my cock to you one inch at a time."

"Chocolate. You promised chocolate, and you said you always keep your promises."

"Cock? Yes, I would happily give you cock."

"Finn, please don't tease me. You promised me good chocolate."

"Yes, I did, and you told me you hate chocolate. I should deprive you and feed you cock instead for uttering such a blatant untruth, but I'll accept that it falls within acceptable boundaries when you're taking pain for me." Finn slid a square of chocolate into his mouth, and slipped it into Mac's with his tongue as he kissed her.

"Mmmm, best chocolate delivery method ever."

"I'm looking forward to showing you all of my chocolate delivery methods. When your ready for more, just wiggle your bum."




Mac was startled out of her reverie by Sully's voice. "You're looking a little dreamy, Mac"

"Hey, you're kind of early, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I may have let go of the back of your bike, but that doesn't mean I didn't need to check up on you in case you fell off."

"Thanks. You are a sweet man. If only we could find you a nice subby-type who likes having her feet played with."

"Let's keep that on hold until my ribs are better."

"I'm just poking. I would beat you myself if you tried to play while you're messed up."

"Enough about me and not playing. I want to know all about how it went with you today?"

"Actually, it was good. I didn't freak out and I didn't safeword. Not even yellow. Not only that, I earned a punishment and I took it."

"Oh Mac, I'm so proud of you. Hang on, punishment? What punishment?"

"I teased Finn by being wigglier than I should when I was settling in for our scene and he called me on it. I had the choice between two with his hand on my bare ass, or five with a tawse over my panties. I went with the bare ass."

Sully chuckled. "Very, very wise choice, sweetheart. Your panties wouldn't have provided any protection from a tawse, and trust me, whatever you got from Finn's hand wasn't anything close to the pain you'd have felt from the tawse. And, you'd have felt that pain five times, not two."

"I kind of figured."

"Are you really okay, though?"

"Yeah, I am. I know you're going to shower me with smuggery and 'I told you so,' but you were right. The more scary things I do, the less scary the next one seems."

"Sweetie, my pride in you is boundless. You are amazing, and you deserve to break free of the box you built around yourself. Now, enough sap. It's supper-time, and I brought your favourite."


Chapter Twelve



Finn never got tired of seeing Mac in his bed, waiting for him to join her. He smiled and slipped in beside her. "How would you like an orgasm tonight?"

"I would kill for an orgasm tonight."

"No need to go that far, although, you may come to regret your decision."

"No, I really want an orgasm, and I'll do pretty much anything to get one."

"I noticed when I pulled your panties down for your last two spanks this afternoon, they were very, very wet. What do you think caused that?"

"I don't know."

"Don't know, or don't want to say?"

"Don't want to say."

"Fair enough. How about I make a little guess and you nod if I get it right?"

"I can do that."

"I think your panties were soaking wet because that spanking made you horny. Is that true?" Mac nodded and Finn continued. "What I didn't get an opportunity to assess, was whether those last two smacks killed your horniness, increased your horniness, or had no effect. So, just nod when I get to the right answer. More horny?" Mac gave another nod. "This makes things interesting. Here's the plan. I will let you have an orgasm and you will even get to choose the method — the catch is, you may only choose from the options I give you. Still want an orgasm?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."


"yellow to pause, red to bail."

"Good. Here are your options, you may have one orgasm from my mouth while I inflict all manner of pain, or you may have three orgasms from a vibrator while I have my cock buried deep inside you."

Mac groaned. "You're enjoying this way too much."

Finn grinned. "Of course. I'm a sadist. I'm waiting."

"Jeez. I don't know. One orgasm if I take pain, or three orgasms if I let you fuck me."

"I never said anything about fucking you. I said you'd have them with my cock inside you."

"You would just leave it there without moving?"

"That's exactly what I'd do. I'm betting your vibrator sees more action than I'm proposing for my cock."

"That doesn't make it any less terrifying."

"I know, love. Either way, you'll get at least one orgasm, but you have to work for it."

"What if I can't do it?"

"You have safewords."

"But if I call red, I won't get my orgasm."

"Correct. However, you can call yellow and try your other option first."

"So, if I try one option, but end up not being able to deal, I still have a chance to get my orgasm if I call yellow and switch options?"

"That's precisely what I'm saying. If, however, you can't deal with the other option either, you will have to wait until I offer you another opportunity to earn an orgasm."

"You are diabolical."

"And your point is?"

There was a long silence before Mac finally spoke, her voice, shaky. "I'm sorry, Finn. I can't do it. Red."

Finn wasn't surprised, more relieved. He'd been pushing her so hard, he had concerns over whether he could trust her to know when to call red. He smiled and stroked her hair."Good for you."

Mac's eyes went wide in confusion. "You aren't mad?"

He kissed the tip of her nose. "Of course not. You have the power, love. It's yours to give, and yours to take back. Right now it's all yours. It's been a pretty heavy day for you, sweetheart. Are you ready to get some sleep?"

"You are mad."

"No, I'm not mad at all. I'm adjusting tonight's plans, nothing more. Is there something else you want to do before we go to sleep?"

"Can we cuddle?"

Finn pulled Mac into his side and held her close as he gently stroked her face. "Always."




It was still dark when Finn woke to a hand snaking its way down his torso. He grabbed it before it reached his navel. He reached over and switched on the light. "It's the middle of the night. What's going on, love?"

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