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Authors: Penthouse International

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Letters to Penthouse VI (30 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse VI
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I couldn't hold back any longer and, keeping both hands on my bursting cock, ejaculated my first shot, which almost hit the ceiling. Mark watched as my rod kept jetting thick white sperm out of its tip.

After the deluge finally ceased, I sat up and looked at Mark, feeling embarrassed. There was come all over my hands, balls and belly. He smiled and asked, “Did it feel good?” I answered, “Yes,” and as we rolled over to go to sleep, Mark said, “Thanks a lot.”—
Name and address withheld


My name is Lynn, and I've been divorced for two years. I am an advertising executive for a large firm. My sexual experiences started when I was young. I got married when I was only nineteen. My husband was a lot older than I and showed me a lot of different things. I will not forget those experiences.

I am a practicing bisexual. I want to tell you about my sexual encounter with Eve, a beautiful blonde from Sweden who is working as a model in New York. Her 36-24-35 body would melt you on the spot.

I met her at a dinner party and we became close friends. We had a lot in common, and I found out it was her first time in our city.

The next night we hit the town and ended up at my place. I made a couple of drinks and put something nice on the stereo, then excused myself to change my clothes. I wore a T-shirt, no bra, and a tight pair of jeans that let her know I was no slouch myself when it came to having a good figure.

When I returned, Eve was staring at me. I lit up a joint and we got really high. I showed Eve my art collection, which included a nude portrait of me that was a birthday present from my ex-husband. She said she loved it. While we were standing there looking at it, I grabbed her hand and gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. For a split second my skin crawled with fear, as I didn't know how she was going to react. But then she put her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss, making all my fears dissipate. Our bodies were afire and they melded lovingly together. We must have French-kissed for about five minutes.

We made it to the bedroom and undressed. Naked, we embraced. Then I fell onto my water bed, pulling her down on top of me. Eve massaged my beautiful breasts, and in a flash her mouth was all over them, kissing, sucking, licking and nibbling me. Her hot lips slowly moved down my body until they were dancing over my thighs. She spread my legs and stared at my dripping-wet pussy. She started to play with my clit, driving me into ecstasy. Then she plunged her middle finger into me, and I started having orgasm after orgasm. She finally lowered her head to my love-button, making me orgasm so many times I almost passed out.

After I'd calmed down, Eve gave me a deep kiss and held me in her arms. Then it was my turn to please her. We were in bed for hours, but the highlight of our lovemaking was when we positioned ourselves in a 69 and started eating each other out.

The next day I woke up in Eve's arms. We made love in the shower that morning, and went at it again that night too. It was a long weekend I will never forget.

Eve and I keep in touch by phone. I know that when she comes back to our beautiful city we will be lovers again. I love my lifestyle.—
Name and address withheld


Last week I had an incredible experience that I'd like to share with you. I'm a married man in my early thirties. My wife and I enjoy sex and are fairly open sexually. We've discussed having another person or couple join us in bed, but for various reasons we've never acted on it.

Last summer a couple about our age purchased a home several houses down from ours that had been vacant for several months. We were glad to see someone finally moving in and taking care of the yard and so forth, bringing it back up to this neighborhood's high standards.

We met the couple briefly after they moved in, and would occasionally stop to chat with them if they were out when we took our evening walk. Fletcher and June are probably about a year or two younger than Naomi and I, and both of them are attractive and in good shape. Fletcher and I have both admired each other's wife with subtle, furtive glances.

Last fall I began thinking that Fletcher and June might be the perfect couple to join Naomi and I for an evening of unabashed fucking and sucking. I mentioned this to Naomi, and although she was receptive to the idea, she felt it might be prudent to get to know them a little better before proposing anything like that. She was afraid we would seriously alienate our neighbors if they weren't amenable to our proposition. I agreed that a little discretion was in order, and we should adopt a wait-and-see attitude. With our busy schedules and the colder weather, we didn't see much of Fletcher and June except an occasional wave as we were coming or going, so our plans were temporarily postponed.

Last week, though, I was off from work for a few days. One morning I decided to go rent a couple of adult videos for Naomi and me to enjoy that evening. One of the local video stores has a separate room filled with nothing but X-rated movies of all varieties, so I went there. As I wandered from one aisle to another, who did I run into but Fletcher. At first we were both a little embarrassed by being caught red-handed renting fuck films, but we soon overcame it and admitted to doing so once or twice a month. Fletcher told me he was also off for the day, and invited me down to his house to watch a couple of the films we were renting. I accepted his invitation, in the back of my mind thinking that it might be a perfect opportunity for me to bring up the idea of a threesome or foursome.

After Fletcher left, I made a few more selections, then headed home. I parked in our driveway and walked down to Fletcher and June's house, bringing the videos I had rented along with me. When I arrived, Fletcher was dressed in a pair of cutoff sweats and a T-shirt, and was drinking a beer. He offered me a cold one, and even though it was only eleven in the morning, I accepted. What the hell, I was on vacation, right?

He popped one of my tapes into the VCR and fast-forwarded to the opening scene. A busty blonde was taking on two guys at once. The rest of the movie was filled with hot, steamy sex, and I had to discreetly reposition my uncomfortably hard cock a couple of times. I began to regret the fact that I hadn't changed into shorts or something more comfortable. I noticed that Fletcher's cock was also obviously erect, but the loose-fitting shorts he wore weren't nearly as constricting.

I don't know if Fletcher noticed me checking out his bulge, but shortly thereafter he repositioned his cock so that his shaft rested along his leg with the head almost peeking out the leg hole of his shorts. I couldn't help but notice from the size of the bulge in Fletcher's shorts that his cock was considerably larger than mine. I made a mental note to mention that to Naomi!

When the video ended, Fletcher ejected it and popped in one that he had rented. We discussed the obvious enthusiasm the star of the previous film had for sucking cock as he fast-forwarded through the opening credits. The film opened with an attractive blonde licking another blonde's pink pussy. I've always been immensely turned on by the sight of two beautiful women enjoying each other's body, and I hoped I'd get to see Naomi and June do so. As the scene progressed, the second blonde rolled the first one over and began sucking her gorgeous tits before heading down toward her pussy. Both Fletcher and I had gotten to the point where we were giving our cocks gentle rubs through our pants from time to time. The sight of these two babes going at each other was really something. But just as the second blonde got to what should have been the first blonde's pussy, she wrapped her fingers around a cock and began sucking for all she was worth! The first blonde was a she-male, and a gorgeous one at that.

Fletcher commented that he had always wanted to see a she-male. I agreed that the she-male sure had me fooled. As the movie progressed, so did our horniness. Fletcher's cockhead was now protruding from the leg of his shorts, and I could hardly keep my hand off my own bulge. Fletcher pulled the leg of his shorts back and began to openly fondle and stroke his cock. Seeing this, I unzipped my pants and freed my own stiff dick.

The two blondes on-screen had been joined by a guy who was having his substantial rod licked by both of them. The combination of the video, my hand massaging my own hard-on and the sight of Fletcher stroking his was an incredible turn-on. Fletcher's cock was not only larger than mine, but had a perfectly smooth shaft with not a single vein protruding. He was undoubtedly enjoying this whole incredible scenario as much as I was.

As the guy on-screen began fucking the second blonde's pussy, the she-male positioned her cock so that both the girl and the guy were able to lick and suck it. Just then, Fletcher reached over and replaced my hand with his.

The sight and feel of his hand on my cock was wonderful. Without hesitation I reached over and began to stroke his big cock, reaching into his shorts to cup his balls with my other hand.

From this point on, things got wild! Fletcher leaned over and began kissing me. He sucked my tongue deep into his mouth, then pulled away and let go of my cock. He slipped off his shirt before standing up and dropping his shorts, fully exposing himself for the first time. His balls were absolutely hairless, and his cock was thick and perfectly smooth, with a slight upward curve. It wasn't really much longer than mine as I had originally thought, but it was considerably thicker.

This incredible sausage was no more than a foot from my face. Without the slightest hesitation, I reached out and pulled it into my mouth. The warm, fleshy texture on my lips and the musky aroma in my nostrils were unbelievable. I couldn't get enough as I sucked and slurped hungrily at his cock. As my enthusiasm calmed, I began to instinctively suck it the way I liked Naomi to suck mine. Fletcher was enjoying it as well, and as I worked my tongue around the sensitive underside of his cockhead, he moaned in pleasure and told me how good it felt. When he placed his hands on either side of my face and began to slowly fuck my mouth, I could tell that he was approaching orgasm. I wrapped one hand around his shaft and cupped his hairless balls in the other as I continued to hungrily suck his cock. I felt him tense and spasm, and then his hot, thick come flooded my mouth. I continued to suck and swallow as he shot at least seven or eight spurts into my mouth, not allowing a single drop to escape. When he was through coming, I continued to suck his cock, releasing it from my mouth only after I had licked it clean.

As soon as I released his shrinking organ, he leaned down and kissed me, tonguing me deeply as he unbuttoned my shirt. We separated to finish undressing me, and I was soon as naked as he. He positioned me in one corner of the sofa, cupped my balls in one hand and guided my raging erection to his mouth with the other. He sucked me deep into his mouth, almost burying his nose in my pubic hair as he gently rolled my balls in his hand. I couldn't hold back, and held his head, my cock deep in his mouth, as I pumped out what felt like gallons of come.

As my erection subsided and slipped from his mouth, he looked up and told me how fantastic the whole episode had been for him. I agreed, and we began to talk about it. He told me he had experienced one other homosexual encounter while he was in the navy, and he commended me on my performance, which of course had been my first. We sat around in the nude, and began to openly discuss how nice it would be to do this again with our wives. I mentioned that Naomi and I had discussed the possibility of swinging with them, and he was ecstatic. He thought his wife might need some convincing, but said that he would begin subtly working on her. He pulled out some nude photos that they had taken of each other, and I was pleased to see that June was even better-looking than I had imagined. She had pert breasts with upturned nipples, a nicely trimmed bush and a beautiful round ass. He explained that she liked his balls to be hairless when she sucked them into her mouth, so for this reason he kept them shaved.

The erotic conversation and nude photos soon had both of us hard again, and he leaned over to French kiss me. Then, moving downward, he licked and sucked at my nipples before heading for my stiff dick. He gently sucked one ball into his mouth, and then the other. Suddenly he was sucking my dick deep into his mouth. I turned and positioned myself so that his cock was directly above my mouth. I pulled downward on his butt, burying his dick in my mouth, sucking sloppily on it as my own orgasm erupted in his mouth. It was incredible!

Fletcher and I have talked several times since then, and we fully intend to get our wives involved in our fun if at all possible. But even if they can't be persuaded to join us, I know that Fletcher and I will somehow find a way to repeat our afternoon.—
N.R., Butte, Montana


It all started when I went to visit my girlfriend Peggy. Peggy is a very attractive black woman with an extraordinary body and a dynamite personality. I myself am a single, twenty-three-year-old black female of average height who has been blessed with a perfect 36-24-36 figure.

Well, I got to her place, and after the formalities, a few joints and a few glasses of champagne, we decided to go to a local bar to find a couple of eligible young men to round out the evening. So, dressed to kill, we began the hunt.

As we sat in the bar, getting more tipsy and very itchy for some excitement, I noticed two young ladies in a nearby booth, obviously also on the prowl. One was an attractive redhead with beautiful green eyes. Her brunette friend was equally attractive, with a bulging set of tits that almost spilled through the V-neck of her blouse. This made me giggle. I pointed them out to Peggy, and a smile crossed her lips. “Angie!” she exclaimed. She jumped off the bar stool and ran to the two girls, hugging the brunette first and then the redhead. Peggy then introduced them to me as Angie and Laura, friends from college.

We joined them and the four of us sat there drinking and giggling until the bar closed down, at which point Peggy invited us all back to her place. We got back to the apartment, quite loaded, laughing and carrying on like a bunch of schoolgirls. Peggy turned on some music and lit up a joint. We talked and partied for the next hour and eventually got around to men and sex. As the conversation got more involved, I found myself getting excited, and I could tell the girls were too. At that point I excused myself to go to the bathroom to freshen up. While inside the bathroom, I found myself fantasizing about the redhead and her beautiful body.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse VI
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