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Authors: J. A. Laraque

Life-After (23 page)

BOOK: Life-After
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Over the next year Lola and my wife completed their work on The Awakened Project. The government created a database containing the DNA of every living human on the planet. With the help of Randal Cyrus, a computer system was created to scan the DNA for any signs of life energy in any stage. The final result was that no other alien or awakened life energy was found. This applied to me as well.

My abilities were gone and my life energy had returned to a dormant state. Personally, I was relieved of this. Though the study of life energy was allowed to continue the government restricted the access and passed a law to never allow the artificial awakening of human life energy. There was no real protest about this as the people did not want to deal with the possibilities of super soldiers or everyday humans with superhuman abilities.

The final casualty count was over forty-eight percent of the world’s population. Sadly the extreme loss of life provided an opportunity for the government. The global protection initiative began in the fourth year after I awoke. There were remnants of the Federation and The Key that used the invasion to combine their forces. After the alien base ship was destroyed a group calling themselves The Exiled attacked the global command building in New Chicago.

It was at that battle that Jonathan Kane gave his life defending the president and putting an end to The Exile before it began. Once the G.P.I. began they were sent around the planet to eliminate the final members of The Federation and The Key. Olivia Shaw was the last to be found and rather than be captured she detonated a device killing herself and the twenty soldiers that had surrounded her.

With the last organized threat to peace gone the global government focused on rebuilding and selected key area’s to rebuild cities while others were converted for resource processing. By the fifth year since I awoke my role with the military and the government had come to an end. Sara and I moved back to New Chicago and planned to start a family, but my status as a hero to humanity continued to get in the way.

One thing Doctor Silva could not completely help me with was my relationship with Sara. To her I was the man who had been by her side through hell and high water for most of her adult life. At the time when I awoke she was nothing but another delusion or dream caused either by my own mind or external means. It was one thing to learn over years to accept my life and its history it is another to give her the love that I knew she deserved.

Initially I felt as if I was betraying Clara every time I would even look at Sara, but as I continued my treatment with Doctor Silva I had to accept that Clara was not real and had never been real. Even though I had never once had a dream of her I could still feel her presence in my mind as if an imprint was left by her to remind me that she was real. Lola told me one night as I recovered in the hospital that perhaps I created a substitute Clara and to me she was real.

There were similarities, but for the most part Sara was truly more tuned to my personality than Clara was. For many months after I awoke just considering that caused a pain in the pit of my stomach. Often during my recovery I would wake up calling Clara’s name or thinking about her when Sara visited. She took it in stride never letting me see that it hurt her, but I knew it did and it killed me inside that I was doing that to her.

As I came to accept the reality I had awoken too Doctor Silva suggested that Sara and I begin dating. I was placed in the Twin Drake Towers overlooking Lake Daily. Doctor Silver wanted me to live alone and because of my status and needed care the entire floor was mine and Sara lived one floor below. She wanted to do this so I could rebuild what I had with Sara as the days and weeks went by and so we did.

Sara and I went on our first date six months after I awoke. We had dinner at an upscale restaurant on the lake front. I was actually nervous sitting across from her looking into her eyes. Our conversation focused on her history and what she had done. As we talked I felt as if I could remember our time together. We continued going on dates and as time passed I began to feel as if Sara was the only woman I had ever known.

Before we began assisting the government in the wrap-up Sara and I moved in together. We had waited on being intimate because Sara felt it may be too much for me. When we finally made love there were no other thoughts in my head besides the love I felt for her. Doctor Silva felt I had been making great progress, but I soon learned it would not be that easy.

When I awoke one night in my bed I felt as if everything around me was wrong. I had not dreamt that night, at least not a dream that I remembered. What I did feel when I awoke was that I did not belong there. Everything felt foreign even Sara’s arm draped across my chest. I was in a panic, sweating and breathing heavily. I knew where I was and even felt the need to reach out to Doctor Silva.

Doctor Silva helped bring me down, but it would be several more months before I felt normal again. By then Sara and I were busy assisting the Global government and so we decided to focus on our work and that made it easier for me to heal. It was during that time I realized I wanted her and I believe that was the key. When I first awoke it was Sara who wanted nothing more than to have me back while I was just going through the motions doing what I believed I needed to do in order to get better.

Working side by side with Sara months on end made me realize that I wanted her now and so I perused her. I did not know at the time that Doctor Silva had asked Sara to not give into me so quickly and in a sense make me court her. Her reasoning was that if I had to work for it then I would know it would be real and it would fully be my decision. She was right. I came to realize that Sara was the only love of my life and though we were already married I wanted to do it again. When the government no longer needed our assistance that is exactly what we did.

I never wanted to be a celebrity. My goal in life was to help people, keep them safe and away from pain. Adoration was never what I was looking for. I knew what I was doing was right and no praise or complements were ever necessary. However, being known as the savior of humanity I had no choice but to accept that I would be an icon and as time went on my celebrity status did not diminish.

When I spoke to Sara about remarrying her we hoped it would be a small private gathering, but that was not to be the case. By then I had been assigned a manager. Ana Dering was in charge of everything relating to my public life. Between her and her assistant Angelica, they handled most of my public affairs. Tried as they did the word on the wedding hit the network in a flash and it was pretty much demanded that it be a spectacle.

I remembered one night lying in bed with Sara looking out across the night sky. I asked her if we could just run away together. She smiled noting that there was not a place in the world that I could go and not be found. I laughed, but inside I wished that was not her response. There is always a bad side to fame and reading tabloid articles about my wife and my friends sometimes made me wish I could just disappear.

Regardless of how I felt I knew my presence and actions were important. Having weekly chats with the president reminded me that no matter how much I wanted to withdraw I had to live up to a certain image and give the people what they wanted. While I did not want to give in regarding the wedding, in the end, I had no choice.

In the end it was better than I could have ever expected. Sara and I were remarried on a glass hover platform high above Lake Daily overlooking Lincoln Park East. Tens of thousands were in attendance with millions more watching over the network. The platform was specially created using technology from the aliens and allowed us the feeling of a small ceremony. The platform held our closest friends and when Sara and I turned and looked out across the lake we felt as if we were all alone. It was perfect.

It was after that day I began to embrace my status. Sara and I spent the next year traveling the world doing anything our hearts desired. I began to live up to my stature and made sure everything was perfect for us. It felt good to have that power, to be able to want something and then have it done. There was still something however that I did not have and finally after seven years together I felt it was finally time.



She did not notice me starting at her. Sara stood in the mirror slowly brushing her hair. She had recently changed it to brunette. It took some getting used to, but I enjoyed the change. Watching her sent a tingle throughout my body. I could have stood there watching her forever, but time was short.

I hope you are watching me because you are dressed and ready to go.” Sara said sternly but with a smile.

I was watching her because she was glowing brighter than ever before. Her eyes returned to her reflection as she stood. I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. It was amazing how her body fit so well in her black evening dress. Although it was custom made for her and specifically for her condition it was a thing of beauty.

As you can see I’m ready.” I responded. “However…”

The event had been planned every year since our victory over the aliens. It was to celebrate our continued existence, but lately it had become specifically about my own activities. With Sara and Lola’s help I wrote a novel to tell the story of my life. It was strange writing about something I could not fully remember, but it did not matter. It became an instant best seller. That was to be one of the main topics at the event. While true that I was reveling in my fame I had something far more important on the horizon.

That pause of yours and that look, what’s bothering you?” Sara asked. “Is it the color? I could change to the red one.”

No, it’s not that. You look wonderful.” I replied. “I just kind of wish we could skip this whole thing. I mean considering…”

Sara pulled me around to her kissing me. I must have kissed her a million times but the sweet taste of her lips surprised me every time. She smiled as her eyes scanned up and down my body. She always loved my black and white tuxedo. I only wore it on that anniversary.

It will still be three months before Chase is due.” Sara said. “Lola said everything is okay. Why are you worried?”

I’m not worried.” I answered. “Honestly, I just don’t want to do this anymore.”

Over the last year Sara and I had been trying to start a family. Even though we both were in perfect health nothing we tried worked. It had gotten to the point that I asked to see Doctor Silva. Something was eating me up inside and I felt that because of all that had happened to me and the changes in my body that I would not be able to give Sara a child. Doctor Silva told me the same thing Lola did, to just have fun trying and everything would work out.

Four months later she was pregnant. I thought I could never feel such joy as I did when Lola told us the news. Since then I chose to shy away from the spotlight which in turn just made the buzz grow. I knew besides my book the main discussion would be about our child and I did not want to share that with the world.

When we discovered our child would be female we agreed upon the name Chase. Sara and I felt that we had been chasing after our dream all our lives and Chase would continue the journey, running after her own. With a child on the way I hoped we could put an end to the fanfare and settle down as a real family.

We don’t do this for ourselves, David.” Sara explained. “We lost over half the world’s population. Billions were affected. We do this for those who are not here. Those who gave their lives so we could have days like this.”

All I could do was hold her tighter. She was my everything and I loved her. The sacrifice I had made was worth it to finally have peace. Because of all our sacrifices the future was brighter for all children. My goal was to give Chase everything she could ever want and to never see her hurt or in pain. I understood fully what Sara meant and dealing with questions and photographers was a small inconvenience compared to how many people had suffered.

What would I do without you?” I said. “I may have had the brawn, but you definitely have the brains.”

We’ll have to get that on tape.” Sara replied with a giggle. “We should go. The helicopter is waiting.”

As we walked out hand in hand it occurred to me that I no longer thought about an uncertain future. It was not the money or the fame that made me content. It was truly feeling safe and loved. There was nothing that would take away that happiness. I promised myself I would never allow that.

Less than thirty minutes later as the helicopter made its decent towards the Unity building I caught Sara’s attention and directed her view to a giant sign just below us.

The Jonathan Kane Building..?” Sara gasped. “You had it renamed?”

Two weeks before that event I received a call from the mayor of Maiden city. They were going to announce the renaming of the Unity building to the Zavior Building. I was about to graciously thank her for the kind gesture when I remembered sitting down with Lola as she told me what had happened to Jonathan.

She was so proud of him, but I could see the pain in her eyes. Lola missed him more than I could ever understand and I knew she would never love anyone else like that again. While it was true that Jonathan had been honored many times I knew how important the Unity building was to him. I just felt it was the right thing to do. I only told Lola a week before the event. She started crying and wanted to turn away. It felt good to make her happy. It would have done little for me, but it did so much for her.

BOOK: Life-After
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