Like a Bird (24 page)

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Authors: Laurie Varga

BOOK: Like a Bird
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“Oh, because, you should be a model. I mean, I’m a photographer, I should know. I mean, I work with a lot of models, and, uh . . . Do you want me to take some pictures for you? It would be much easier.”

“Yeah, sure! That would be great.”

“Let me just, uh, tie up my dog so he doesn’t get in the way.”

When Baxter was tied to a tree, Kitty held out her hand to the friendly stranger.

“I’m Kitty.”

“Oh, I’m Darren,” he said, wiping his palms on his jeans before he returned her greeting. He removed the camera from the tripod. He played with a few of the settings and looked over the pictures Kitty had taken. “These are not bad. I can get some better angles for you. Why don’t you stand right here and pose the way you have been, and we’ll do a few test shots. I think this light is good. Great little spot you found here, it makes a nice backdrop with the white suit and pink hair.”

Kitty grinned as she got into position.

Darren took a few shots and turned the camera around to show Kitty how they looked.

“Oh, I like! They look great,” she said, leaning close to him and inhaling the spicy scent of his cologne.

This time, Darren asked her to move around slowly and try some other poses. She put her head down, held her head back, stood with her legs crossed, and lay down in the grass with little white flowers around her like points of starlight. After a hundred shots or so the sun shifted and they lost their good lighting. Darren took a few final shots in the shade with the tripod.

Kitty covered her mouth as she yawned. “I guess I’d better get going,” she said. “Thank you so much, these are going to be amazing. Better than anything I could have done.” She started dressing as Darren untied Baxter from the tree.

“I can tell you’re a real pro and I wish I could pay you, but I’m just starting out . . .” Kitty said, exploiting her poor kitten gaze.

Darren shook his head. “No, no. It’s not a problem. I’m happy to help. I’d love to have some swimsuit shots in my portfolio. You have a really interesting look. Maybe you can send me a few?” Darren took his wallet out of his back pocket. “Here, take my card.”

She thanked him and examined the crisp, white card. It was stark and simple with just a few lines of gray text. “I like your card,” she said.

“Thanks. My girlfriend is a designer, she made them for me,” Darren said, running his fingers through his hair.

“Oh,” Kitty said, trying to conceal her disappointment. She gave him a final weak smile before she tucked the card in her bag.

They shook hands and Darren ran off with Baxter bouncing along next to him. Kitty watched them disappear between the trees and then turned in the other direction toward home.

Chapter 18


A thin gray cloud cover blocked the sun and dampened the bright green of the woods. Sky stood on the master bedroom balcony and leaned on the railing with her chin resting heavily in her hand. She stared out at the vast forest, her eyes unblinking, not really seeing anything.

Gareth stood behind the glass door and watched her. He reached for the handle but pulled back, waiting a few moments longer. Three breaths more and he stepped out onto the balcony. Resting both of his arms on the railing beside her, he turned to look into her eyes.

“How are you doing?” he asked as softly as his gruff voice could manage.

“Fine,” she replied in a despondent whisper, the answer he both expected and hoped not to hear.

Gareth rubbed his fingers along the scruff on this chin and sighed. He pushed back from the railing and turned to go inside, glancing back at her just before he closed the door, hopeful she might offer a delayed response. Sky remained in the same position like a piece of furniture with only her hair moving gently about in the breeze. He slid the door shut, almost catching Annihilator’s tail as he snuck out at the last moment like a furry black Indiana Jones.

Anni wound himself around Sky’s bare ankles, tickling her legs with his tail. She remained still. He meowed at her as he continued his rounds, bumping against her and announcing his presence with a loud purr. She bent down and scooped him up, returning to her post as he snuggled into her chest.

Gareth returned to his office and dropped into one of the large leather chairs by the fireplace. He dialed his sister.

“Hey, what can I do for you?” Elise said.

“I need to talk to someone about women stuff. You’re the first person who came to mind.”

“I’m touched. What seems to be the matter?”

“It’s Sky, she’s been rather distant lately. I think she’s upset about something.”

“Did you ask her about it?”

“Um, yeah. Sort of.”

Elise sighed. “Well that’s definitely not going to cut it. Besides, maybe she won’t talk to you because the problem

“You think she’s mad at me?”

“Gare, I don’t know, I haven’t talked to her. But what else could possibly be the problem? Who else is there?”

“Mm,” Gareth frowned in thought.

“Any sane person would need a break from isolation from time to time. Maybe she needs a change from the desolate woods. When was the last time she’s been out in the real world?”

Gareth opened his mouth but didn’t answer.

“Do you trust her enough to let her go?” Elise asked.

“Yes . . . Though I’m not worried about her taking off. I have that taken care of.”

“Well then, what’s the problem? Let her go.”

Gareth sighed and nodded to himself. “All right. I’ll give that a try. Thanks.”

“No problem. If you have any other girl predicaments, you know where to reach me.”

“Yeah, take care Ellie.”

“Bye, Gare.”

Gareth rested his elbows on his knees and stared at his blank phone. He slid his phone back in his pocket and went to the kitchen where Takao was chopping vegetables.

“Can you make something special for dinner tonight?” Gareth asked.

“Yes, of course,” Takao smiled.

“Thank you.” Gareth went to the storage room and found a large candelabra, with unused candles, covered neatly in plastic. He carried it upstairs to place it on the bare dining-room table. Rose walked into the room with a feather duster as he was unwrapping the protective cover, and she went straight to the centerpiece to remove invisible specks of dust.

“Tell Sky to dress up for dinner tonight.”

“Yes sir, of course.” Rose looked up at him and grinned before she returned to her dusting, the smile lingering on her face.

Gareth headed upstairs. As he placed his hand on the railing, he noticed a slight tremor and his palms were damp with sweat. He changed course and headed for the pool instead. There he donned his swimsuit and dove into the still water, leaving only a ripple behind him. He plowed through his lengths without counting the laps, flipping quickly at every turn and launching off the wall like a rocket piercing blue water.

When he was out of breath, he clung to the edge and closed his eye, letting his legs drift gently behind him. With a final deep breath he pulled in his legs and pushed off the wall, pounding out laps until he had nothing left in him. His arms trembled as he pushed himself up onto the deck and then stumbled toward a white towel hanging on the wall.


- -


The dining room was lit by the warm glow of candles and the silverware glistened in the flickering flame light. Gareth sat in his usual seat in the middle of the table with his back to the wall. He wore a real shirt, a shirt with buttons, which Denise had ordered custom-made for him, though it was the first time he had ever worn it. He looked at the doorway for a sign of Sky. He tugged at the cuffs, finally unbuttoning them and rolling up his sleeves. With a sigh of relief he placed his hands on the table and began to drum the surface with his fingers. He looked expectantly at the empty doorway.

Takao silently entered through the kitchen door and approached Gareth with a sweating silver pitcher of ice water. Gareth simply nodded for Takao to fill his glass before he returned to the kitchen. Gareth glanced at the still empty entrance to the foyer and then scanned the table, looking for something to occupy the excruciating minutes. He carefully aligned the cutlery and noticed the flat blade of the knife reflected his face. Gareth paused to glare at his distorted image.

Sky, who had appeared in the doorway like a black-and-white ghost, watched him. She leaned on the frame with her left hand while her prosthetic arm hung at her side. Gareth put the knife down and when he rechecked the doorway, he straightened when he saw her standing there.

Sky wore a fitted black dress with long sheer sleeves and a deep neckline that accentuated the fullness of her breasts. Gareth wiped his palms on his pants and motioned for her to sit across from him. The skirt of her dress was made of material scraps that resembled layers of feathers, and as she cautiously sauntered toward the table in her stilettos Gareth thought she might float away.

Sky ran a finger through the smooth, dark hair that framed her face to move it out of her eye. She glanced up at Gareth then looked down at the table.

He cleared his throat. “You look . . . beautiful.”

Sky smiled, tilted her head up, and pulled her shoulders back. Silver and black earrings glistened from behind strands of her hair as she moved her head. She looked at the candles, fixing her gaze on the dancing flames.

“Would you like some water?” Gareth asked.

Sky noticed a wine glass sitting next to her empty water glass. “Yes, please.”

Gareth stared at the kitchen door for a few moments, and when Takao did not appear he went into the kitchen himself. Sky could hear Takao apologizing profusely. It was Gareth who emerged seconds later with a silver jug in his hand. He filled her glass and the scent of his cologne swirled around her for the first time. One ice cube tumbled out of the pitcher and onto the table. Gareth snatched it up then smiled, his face obscured by his hair hanging between him and Sky.

He set the water on the table and sat down as Takao entered with the first course.

“Is it your birthday?” Sky asked, her eyes sparkling but confused.

Gareth chuckled lightly. “No,” he said smiling.

Sky looked down at her platter and waited for Gareth to pick up his fork before she reached for hers.

After a quiet and awkward first course, Takao emerged with a bottle of wine and poured a little for each of them. Sky watched him pour and looked over at Gareth, questioning him with her glance, though he only stared at her and lifted his glass for a toast.

“To Wisdom,” Gareth said and he touched the rim of her glass with a gentle clink.

“To Wisdom,” Sky said in a whisper, then glanced into Gareth’s eye.

He took a sip of his wine, but Sky held hers in front of her face. “I’m not sure I should have this,” she said.

“It’s fine,” Gareth assured her.

Sky held his encouraging gaze and brought the glass to her lips. She tilted it slowly until the red liquid hit her burgundy lipstick but allowed just a drop to touch her tongue. She set the glass back on the table and licked her lips. Gareth smiled broadly before he dug into his entrée with his knife and fork. Sky picked up her fork and speared a juicy piece of steak that Takao had cut into neat little pieces.

When they had finished their dessert, and Gareth had finished his wine, he stood and held out his hand to her. Sky gave him her new right hand and his lip curled up as he guided her out of the room. They went upstairs to his bedroom where a fire lit the room and a breeze billowed the curtains. The blinds had been rolled up and Sky could see the stars begin to glisten as the sun slid down past the horizon on the other side of the mountain.

Gareth stood behind her and inhaled the familiar fresh scent of her hair. Sky closed her eyes as he slipped his thumbs under the shoulders of her dress and inched the bodice down over her arms, his skin skimming hers, sending a shock through her spine. Her exposed breasts responded to the cool breeze through the open window and Gareth pulled her hair aside to decorate her neck with the lightest touch of his lips. His hair grazed her shoulder, his pants ruffled the feather-like overlay of her skirt as he let it fall to the floor. She felt so light she feared she might drift out of her shoes and up toward the ceiling.

The gentle breeze through the window swirled around her and picked her up on tendrils of air. With her eyes still closed, she floated toward the bed and hovered over it on outstretched wings. Slowly, she lowered down, down, toward the satin sheets. She kept sinking deeper until she was consumed by the plush mattress that folded in around her and swallowed her like cotton quicksand.

Her breath was heavy as Gareth moved in and out from behind her, his arms around her, feeling like a warmer version of her own. She brought his arm to her mouth and clamped down. Gareth responded with fierce thrusting, but she held as he drove into her. When he shuddered and sighed, Sky released his arm and stretched her jaw. A metallic taste lingered on her tongue, and as he pressed his arm into her chest to pull her close, he painted her with blood and saliva.

They fell asleep together, Gareth wrapped around Sky like a muscular shell around a delicate bird.


- -


Sky woke to daylight and the sensation of someone playing with her hair. She turned over and smiled at Gareth then closed her eyes tight and burrowed into his chest. Gareth turned away and propped himself up on his arm.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He slid on a pair of pants and disappeared.

When Gareth had left the room Sky invaded the warm place he’d left behind and breathed in the scent of him. She ran her hand along the sheet where he had been and slid it under the pillow to rest until he returned.

When he came back, he sat on the edge of the bed. Turning toward Sky he whisked the covers off, all the way down to her feet, leaving her exposed. She tried to sink further into the warm mattress and wrapped her arm around her for warmth.

“I have a little surprise,” he said smiling at her while he waved a small piece of silver metal in his hand. He pulled her foot toward him. With a twist of his hand he unlocked the anklet. He held it out to her in his open hand. “You’re free to go,” he murmured.

Sky stared at him with wide eyes. She sat upright as a swell of water filled her eyes. She shook her head. “You’re letting me go?” she said, frowning.

Gareth nodded and Sky pushed away tears. She shook her head and wiped her eyes. “No!” she said through sobs.

Gareth put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her, baffled.

She jerked away from his hand, furious. “Fuck you!” she shrieked as she started slapping him with both hands. Her right arm hit him with a thud and he winced.

Gareth held his hands out to stop her.

She stood to face him. “Fuck you and these games you play. I’d rather be locked in a cage than be jerked around like this! I’m a human being, not a mechanical thing!” she shouted.

Gareth shook his head and moved toward her, still kneeling on the bed. “I don’t understand. I thought this is what you wanted,” he retorted.

Sky sniffed back her sadness to glare at Gareth as black eyeliner ran in streaks down her face. “You make me fall in love with you and then you discard me!” She picked up a pillow and threw it at him. She turned to march out of the room but Gareth grabbed her and pulled her down onto the bed. Sky screamed, kicking and thrashing, while he struggled to subdue her. When he had managed to pin her down, he stared into her eyes. Gareth wiped away a tear that had begun to trace its way down her cheek.

“I’m not getting rid of you,” he said, “I’m giving you your freedom.”

Sky stared back at him and blinked as another surge of tears filled her eyes. “I don’t want freedom,” she whispered and sniffled.

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