Lily in Bloom (25 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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She nodded, glad to just be in his arms. She had just drifted off when a loud bang cut through the night. She jerked awake. From their limited view, she could see nothing but she could hear another wagon rolling down the street. Kurt's voice boomed out the front door. “You're loitering. If you don't leave, we will be forced to call for the police.”

A soldier responded. “We have reason to believe you are hiding slaves on the premises.”

The wagon Lily had heard rolled by them and she could clearly make out the faces of the sailors from the Anna Marie. Eric pulled her up, and the two dashed to the crew members, hopping onto the wagon. The wagon continued on but before it could reach the drive the Colonel's men halted its path. Lily's heart pounded in her chest as she saw Colonel Kingsley and Lieutenant Colonel Andrews step into view behind the men.

She was surrounded by sailors but she could see Andrews and Kingsley searching for her. Eric held her tighter. “Step aside. You're blockin' the street,” one of the sailors called.

Kingsley smirked, his eyes had finally found her. “Well, hello, Miss Carter. It's lovely to see you again. As always, you are a difficult woman to track down.”

Lily said nothing and she looked down as Andrews studied her face. It was Eric who spoke, not to the Colonel but to Kurt. “Have you sent for the police?”

“Yes, sir,” Kurt said as he moved down the driveway with several men behind him.

“I want to know the game.” The Colonel had not taken his eyes off of her. “Is it still Miss Carter or have you become Mrs. Sampson?”

Lily still did not respond but looked back at her husband instead. “You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out,” Eric casually answered. The soldiers had not moved and Lily could see they would soon come to blows.

“Do you want to end this now Kingsley?” Eric looked at the other man levelly. Kurt and what looked like seven other men, holding guns of some sort, reached the end of the drive. The soldiers were flanked on two sides.

“You are prepared, Sampson, I'll give you that. I think you have the advantage here.” Kingsley had barely taken his eyes off of her and she felt herself growing restless under his gaze.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrews had also fixed his eyes on her and she shrank back into Eric. Tracker had taught her not to speak to her attackers and she thought the lesson was appropriate now. It might only provoke them.

“She ain't normally this quiet. She's kind of a yapper. Most women are, I guess.” Slim spit and shrugged. It was the first time Lily had had a chance to see and be seen by Slim and she felt the bile rise in her throat. If she had a gun in her hand she knew what she would do with it.

It was then that she broke her silence. “You should keep better company, Colonel. It can't be good to have men who double cross you in your employ.”

A cold smile touched the Colonel's lips. “I should like to hear more about it. Perhaps you could tell me sometime.”

“Slim can tell you himself. I hear it isn't the first time.” She turned her gaze toward Slim who had gone pale.

“But it would be so much more interesting coming from you.” Eric's arm came down over her shoulder and wrapped around her torso while she held onto his arm. She rubbed her hand up his arm and gave it a squeeze. His other hand touched her cheek and she leaned into it.

It was Eric who then responded, “If you would excuse us, Colonel. It is late. As fun as this is, perhaps we should continue it some other time.”

Andrews was staring intently at her and he took a half step closer. She wondered if he had made the connection between her and Billy.

“Another time.” Kingsley nodded and the wagon began to back away as the soldiers melted into the night.

Kurt approached them then the group proceeded up the driveway. Eric hopped off the wagon and Kurt began to furiously whisper in his ear. She saw Eric's shoulder's drop and she began to worry—first about her own safety then about that of her family. Finally, she could no longer stand it. “What is it?”

Eric grimaced as he looked at her. “My mother is here.”

“Oh.” For a brief moment she was relieved that it was not serious. She looked down at herself, however, and realized she was dressed in very plain clothes and had been awake all night. Eric had told her that his mother was extremely tough and that she had not liked Caitlin. What would the sister of a duke think of the woman her son had married on a boat after a kidnapping? This was horrible.

Eric helped her down from the wagon and held her hand as they approached the door. The look on her face said it all and even Eric chuckled slightly. “Is it as bad as I think?” she asked softly.

“Worse.” His brow furrowed. “Don't worry. She'll love you.”

Lily knew he was lying and she braced herself as they entered through the front door. It was a strange feeling. She had only been here once before but it was technically her home. The entry was quiet and she felt herself breathe a sigh of relief. Perhaps she had been granted a reprieve until the morning.

At the top of the stairs, two people appeared— a younger man, who looked strikingly like Eric, and an older woman who, even in her night dress, appeared extremely regal.

“Hello, Mother. Chris. Wonderful to see you both. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Eric held her right hand in his and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“What the devil is going on?” His mother's voice pierced the entry hall as she began to descend the stairs.

“What do you mean, Mother?” Eric looked at his mother levelly.

“I get a letter no more than three sentences long that you are engaged and getting married at the end of the summer and I arrive to find you gallivanting all over the East Coast with a parcel of soldiers to greet you? Explain yourself.” She stopped on the last step so that her eyes were level with her son’s.

“Mother, I would like you to meet Mrs. Lillian Carter Sampson, my wife.” Eric nodded toward her. “Lily, this is my mother, Mrs. Mary Greystone Sampson.”

“How do you do, Mrs. Sampson?” Lily curtsied, feeling herself blush under the woman's scrutiny.

The other woman did not respond but turned back to her son. “Well?”

“Mother, I am a grown man, I owe you no explanation.” Eric began to steer them both down the hall. They entered what was clearly his office and his mother was forced to follow. Eric poured himself a drink, then sat in his chair, motioning for Lily to take a chair just off to his right. She obliged. Mrs. Sampson stood in the doorway for a moment. She appeared to be surveying the situation then she too crossed the room and sat in a chair directly in front of the desk. Chris followed behind them, sitting as well and finally, Kurt brought up the rear, standing in the back of the room. Mrs. Sampson turned to see who else had entered the room and for the first time addressed someone other than Eric.

“Wonderful to see you as always, Kurt. Were you on board with my son?” Kurt nodded. “Will you be heading back to the boat this evening?” Mrs. Sampson stared directly at the man. While Eric had moved them into his office, his mother still controlled the conversation.

“No, ma'am. I reckon I'll be staying on dry land for a bit anyhow.” Kurt, never one to mince words, did not do so now.

“Why is that?” One of Mrs. Sampson's eyebrows arched up but Kurt only nodded toward Eric.

“What do you want to know, Mother?” Eric sighed and took a large swallow of his drink.

“Who is this girl? Why have you had a wedding that defies all social convention? Why did you not do me the courtesy of explaining any of it before?” Her lips pursed and Eric sighed again.

Eric ignored her questions. “First, Mother, Lily's family will be arriving shortly and I beg you not to voice your concerns about our marriage. James is disgruntled enough with me...”

“Disgruntled with you, whatever for? Any woman would be extremely lucky to marry into my family. Who is James?”

“James Carter is Lily's brother and guardian and he feels, not without good reason, that I am to blame for many of Lily's current difficulties. He is also extremely unhappy with the timeline, that was my choice, and feels his sister would have been better off married to someone else.”

“I see. You have mentioned 'current difficulties.' Is there a child on the way?” Mrs. Sampson pursed her lips.

“Any child will be nine months after our marriage, Mother.” Eric’s jaw clenched and his fists tightened.

“Then why would you marry such a woman—” Eric lightly slapped his hand on the desk.

“Mother. Lily is from a very respected family and I am lucky to have her hand over her many other suitors. The accelerated timeline is due to the interference of Colonel Kingsley.”

First surprise then an inkling of understanding crossed her face. “What does he want with a respectable girl?” Lily noted that Mrs. Sampson's word choice about her had changed dramatically.

“To marry her, of course. “ Eric paused taking a deep breath. “Lily, on top of her many virtues, is an heiress. Her mother was Regina Lafeyette.”

Mrs. Sampson looked abruptly at her then back at her son.

For the first time, Chris spoke. “Who was that?”

Eric nodded at Lily. “My mother came from the Lafayette family of Boston and New York. She defied her father's wishes and married my father but she still retained much of her dowry. My father already had a successful business so some pieces of it he retained for my brothers and myself.”

“Wait.” Chris's eyebrows shot up. “The Lafayette family?”

“What is your dowry?” Mrs. Sampson asked but her voice had softened.

“A piece of land on the harbor,” Lily answered directly.

“And why did her brother agree to allow you to marry her so quickly?” Lily was shocked at Mrs. Sampson's change in attitude.

“He is not happy about it. The Colonel forced my hand by first degrading her reputation with rumors, then, when I stepped in, attempting to kidnap her.”

“He is a man who will use any means necessary.” Mrs. Sampson nodded. “Why didn't you explain any of this before?”

“There has not been much time. I actually have a letter I wrote to you a short time ago with specific details and instructions. Perhaps tomorrow you can read it to fill in any other gaps. For now, Mother, we are exhausted and, tomorrow, I have much to do.” She stood and Lily did the same but she was beginning to feel lightheaded from the complete lack of sleep. Eric looked over at her and reached for her, tucking her next to him. She closed her eyes, wishing to collapse into bed. She pried her eyelids open to see Mrs. Sampson giving them a long look.

“Goodnight,” she said, then turned and left the room.

Chris turned to his brother. “How did you do that?”

Eric merely smiled as the butler entered, amazingly in complete uniform, and announced that the Carters had arrived.



the next morning, still feeling completely exhausted. She could have slept for another three hours but she knew that everyone else was awake and that they wanted to speak with her.

Eric had already left but another Sampson popped his head into the room. “You’re back. I missed you.” Toby bounced to the bed and she scooped the boy up in a hug.

“I missed you, too.” Tears glistened in her eyes as she held the small boy.


After a bath and being dressed, she felt slightly better but a knot of dread filled her at the thought of facing Mrs. Sampson and James at the same table.

She entered the dining room to find most of the family already through eating. The company seemed surprisingly cordial. Even James and Kurt seemed deep in conversation. Elise jumped up from the table and Lily felt her heart soar. The two women embraced.

“Thank goodness you are all right.” Elise held her close.

“I missed you. How is Tom?” Lily felt herself drawing strength from her sister-in-law.

“Better. He and Danielle should be here shortly but we have scarcely seen them since he and James returned.” Elise smiled and winked and Lily understood completely.

Ann stepped around from the table and Lily motioned her over, embracing the other woman as well. “I am so sorry that you couldn't find your aunt.” Lily held her hand sympathetically.

“Thank you,” Ann whispered. “I am lucky, though. At least I found you and your family.”

“I am sorry to interrupt.” Eric cleared his throat. “Lily would you accompany me to my office?”

Lily nodded and fell in line behind Eric, hopeful to have a few minutes alone with her husband. They had collapsed into bed last night and Eric had obviously gotten up a good deal earlier than she had. She was disappointed, however, when first Kurt, then James, and finally Eric's mother fell in line behind them. Her shoulders drooped. This couldn't be good.

The group stepped into the office and Lily was struck by the magnificence of the room. While not overly large, there were subtle touches everywhere that spoke of the wealth of the owner. For some reason, it made Lily's mood more melancholy. She preferred the small room they had shared on the ship that was simple and intimate. She worried that here, the gap between them would be as large as it was before they had left.

Eric leaned against the desk and took Lily's hand, drawing her up beside him. Kurt stood in the corner while James and Mrs. Sampson sat in the wing back chairs on the other side of the desk.

“How was your honeymoon?” James smiled tightly, clearly on his best behavior.

“Very nice, thank you.” She smiled tensely back.

“I must say, dear, you look lovely this morning. Although we must take you shopping for some additional clothes.” Mrs. Sampson was also on her best behavior if she was offering to take her shopping. This was not the conversation she had expected.

“Precisely what we are here to talk about.” Eric turned to her. “Kurt will be attending to you, much as he did on the ship, about the house. The police have been notified that the Colonel is an outlaw and his ship has left the harbor, but I am assuming this is not over. I don't think he will give up now. You are to go nowhere unescorted and keep trips as limited as possible. We will be attending a few social engagements to announce our marriage and put to rest any rumors about it. You shopping with my mother...”

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