Lily in Bloom (26 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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Mrs. Sampson interrupted. “It would be good for us to be seen out together. It is a show of solidarity.”

“I agree. We just have to make sure you are safe. In addition, James has provided us with a story for the public. You left to visit your favorite aunt. Her dying wish was to see you married so we decided to marry in Maine before her death.”

Lily nodded. She was feeling amazingly hungry and tired but she tried to focus. “When will we be shopping?” If they said today, she might cry. She was not sure that she was up for such a busy day.

“In a few days.” Eric squeezed her hand as she went limp with relief. “I have a great deal to do today but your family is staying for a few days. My mother will help you settle into the house.” He kissed her forehead and turned to sit behind his desk as James pulled his chair closer. She had been dismissed. She walked out the door and glanced back to see James and Eric poring over some papers. Kurt fell in line behind her and she returned to the dining room where she ate breakfast. Elise and Ann chatted and she did her best to participate.

The day passed in a blur, ending with a large dinner. Lily excused herself shortly after to go to bed. She felt she needed to try to catch up on sleep. Her exhaustion seemed to be affecting her entire outlook. She had barely spoken to Eric and the large crowd of people seemed to command his attention. She felt disconnected and alone. She lay down on the bed to collect herself before undressing and fell sound asleep.


She had no idea how much time had passed when she felt someone roughly shaking her. “Lily, wake up.”

She lifted her head trying to figure out where she was and why Eric was shaking her. “What's the matter? Where am I?” Her voice sounded slurred even to her. She was trying to clear the cobwebs in her mind but she couldn't.

“You’re home.” Eric's face was only inches from hers and she blinked confused. “At my house,” he corrected.

“Oh.” She tried to reason out his concern. “Why are you shaking me?”

“You are sprawled out on the bed completely dressed. Your maid attempted to wake you and you were unresponsive.” Eric looked frightened.

“I'm just tired.” She lay back down but Eric pulled her up and began unbuttoning her gown.

“I know you went to bed late but you slept until almost noon and you went to bed at eight o’clock. Are you feeling ill?” Eric had worked at the rest of the layers of her clothes. He pulled a nightgown over her head and she began unpinning her hair. He started pulling pins out when there was a knock at the door.

“Is everything all right?” Chris called.

“Fine,” Eric said tersely.

Chris poked his head in the door and Eric scowled at him as he pulled another pin out of her hair. “What was the problem?” Lily heard James call.

“For heaven’s sakes! I was just tired, I fell asleep. It has been an exhausting month!” She stood up.

James walked into the room. As he saw her standing, looking annoyed, his whole body relaxed. He walked over and kissed the top of her head. “I love you,” he said simply and turned to leave.

“No lectures?” Lily was irritated.

“I don't think I need to do anymore lecturing, I will leave it to your husband. Besides, I think he is doing enough worrying for the both of us.”

James and Chris left and she turned to Eric. “How is it going to be?” She was exhausted and she couldn't mince words or pretend.

“What are you talking about?” Eric was clearly not in the best mood either.

“Before we left, I mean before I was kidnapped, we barely spoke or looked at each other. You didn't seem to like me very much. Are we going back to that?” She turned to look at him.

“How could you think that? Everything I am doing, including having both of our families in my hair, I am doing for you. I am only trying to keep you safe.” Eric gave her a black look.

Feeling instantly guilty, Lily wrapped her arms around her husband. “I'm sorry. I am feeling tired and irritable and I missed you today.”

Eric smiled his beautiful smile and whispered, “I missed you, too.” Eric scooped her up in his arms and carried her to bed. They made love intensely and desperately. Lily snuggled into her husband afterward and once again fell soundly asleep.


Two weeks passed in much the same routine. Lily was worried that she was getting ill. The stress of the past few months seemed to have finally caught up with her. With so much family around, she and Eric rarely spent any time together. She slept late, went to bed early, and ate ravenously. She was sure that she must have put all the weight on that she had lost.

The family was attending a ball that evening, one of the last of the summer, and Eric had asked her to try to make it down for breakfast so that he could talk to everyone about their plan for the evening. While the Colonel had fled the city, Lieutenant Colonel Andrews had stayed behind, and Eric feared it was to once again capture her. They had attended a limited number of social events to announce their marriage and publicly have the support of their families but each affair had been exhausting for Lily and she was not looking forward to tonight.

She entered the dining room, as everyone was taking their seats, still feeling sleepy. Eric rose to kiss her forehead. As his lips passed over her head she inhaled the distinct odor of eggs Florentine, which was placed at the end of the table. She felt the nausea rise in her chest. Her whole body went suddenly hot then cold. She covered her mouth and nose. She was sure she was turning absolutely green. Eric pulled back from her, a look of concern passing over his face.

“Lily, what is wrong?” His brow furrowed as he looked at her but all she could gasp was, “Bucket!” As she doubled over.

James grabbed an empty bowl and stuck it under her face as Eric supported her torso and she emptied the contents of her stomach. She heard the groans and gasps behind her but she couldn't care.

Finally, Lily was done. Eric grabbed a napkin and swabbed her face. She felt immediately better but dared not smell. “Take the eggs away,” she gasped through her mouth, holding her nose.

“Are you all right? What's the matter?” Eric was scowling but everyone else at the table seemed to be smiling.

“Don't you know?” Mrs. Sampson smiled angelically at her son and Elise had tucked her head down to giggle. What was going on?

A servant started carrying the eggs away but Chris stopped him. “We're not going to waste perfectly good eggs, are we?”

Eric gave his brother a black look. “Take them away,” he barked. Eric held her close but she could feel him smiling on top of her head.

“Why is this so funny?” It was her turn to look less than amused.

“How are you feeling now?” Eric asked.

She looked at the table of food and her mouth began to water. “Hungry,” was all she could say when the whole room burst into laughter. Only Toby seemed to share her ignorance.

“Is Lily all right?” he asked, a look of concern on his face.

“She's fine.” Eric patted his son on the head. “You are going to have a little brother or sister.”

Lily looked at her husband, completely stunned, as the pieces fell into place in her mind. He stroked her cheek and then whispered into her ear. “You had better go eat!”

She smiled back and headed down the table to dig in.


After the family had finished eating, they discussed that night's ball. While Eric would spend most of the evening with Lily, one of the three brothers would always be with them, in case Eric had to step away. In addition, two women would go with Lily whenever she needed to use the powder room. They would take several carriages, all looking alike, so that it would be difficult to tell which one Lily and Eric were in.

After lunch, she was feeling sleepy. Now that Lily knew why she had been so tired, she decided to take Toby for a walk, instead of retiring to her room. Kurt looked relieved, he was clearly tired of standing outside her room all afternoon.

They spent a pleasant afternoon identifying flowers in the garden, Lily taught Toby the Latin names of several of the plants. He was a charming boy to be with and she found herself laughing a great deal. Finally, he was called in by his nanny and Lily sat on a nearby bench, exhausted.

Her eyes began to close and she thought she had better go inside and lay down. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and her eyes snapped open.

Mrs. Sampson was standing above her. “Are you all right?”

Lily smiled weakly and said, “Just sleepy.”

“You should lie down before tonight.” Lily nodded as her mother-in-law sat down next to her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes “Neither of my other sons are married. Chris seems to despise the idea and Nate is completely indifferent. I was excited when Eric first told me he was marrying, but I didn't see eye to eye with Caitlin. I always thought she was more interested in Sampson money than Eric. You will have to forgive me for the way I acted the first night I met you. I was afraid you were cut from the same cloth. It is obvious that you are not and that both my son and grandson love you.”

Lily did not know what to say. It was very gratifying to hear, but she wasn't sure Mrs. Sampson was right. “Thank you. I appreciate your kind words and support. I...I love them more than anything.” She answered honestly and Mrs. Sampson squeezed her hand before she departed.

The sun began to set in sky but Lily sat pondering Mrs. Sampson's words. She wanted so badly to believe that Eric loved her, that she was as important to him as he was to her. She had lost track of time when another figure approached. In the sun, she would have sworn it was Eric. The broad set of his shoulders, the particular way that he moved. She smiled with her whole heart and stood to greet her husband.

“No wonder my brother is so crazy about you. That is quite a smile.” Lily instantly realized her mistake. It was Chris, not Eric, who approached. She sat down again, blushing with embarrassment.

“I'm sorry, I thought you were Eric.” She floundered, unsure of what to say.

“No harm in smiling, although I knew you must have thought I was him. I have to warn you, Nate looks even more like him than I do.” Chris smiled an amazing smile of his own.

“I don't believe it,” Lily shook her head. “I must be careful who I smile at.” Chris chuckled in return.

“I'm glad you and my brother are so happy. After Caitlin, I thought he might give up. It's nice to see him in love again.” Chris stretched out relaxed but Lily felt her whole body tense. This was the second family member who had mentioned love.

“I thought your mother told me you were opposed to love or is it just marriage?” Lily was not usually so forthright and she bit her lip at her words but Chris only smirked.

“My mother would think so but I am not opposed to either. I'm just waiting for the right girl. When I do meet her, I'm sure I'll act as crazy as my brother.” Chris glanced at her but stopped to stare and she realized she must look pained. “What's wrong?”

“I just... I didn't think our marriage... why do you think he's in love?” Lily finally just asked the question directly.

“Why, do you not feel that way?” Chris sat up looking stunned.

“Of course I do. I just didn't think...” Her voice trailed off.

Chris suddenly rolled his eyes. “The man can't keep his hands or his eyes off you. He's been up and down the Eastern seaboard to protect you. He spends every waking hour attempting to keep you safe. If he were any more in love, I think he might keel over and die. Why wouldn't you think he was in love?”

“He seemed to court everyone but me and he only married me to save my reputation.” She wasn't sure if it was pregnancy that had her answering so honestly, but she couldn't seem to stop herself from saying exactly what was on her mind.

Chris laughed long and hard until tears ran down his face and Lily began to get annoyed. She stood to leave but Chris pulled her down. “Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sure Eric is having a difficult time sharing his feelings because of his first wife but sometimes I am amazed at how absurd he can be. I am sure, once all of this is behind you, he will be very open about his feelings. But you have to know that they are there.”

Lily said goodbye to Chris, her head full of what he had said. Kurt escorted her inside, it was time to get ready for the ball. Eric was waiting for her.

“There you are. I expected to find you sleeping.” He smiled at her she did not return it. She had something she wanted to say.

“Eric, I just want you to know, I love you and I am so glad we've...” He interrupted her before she could finish.

“Nothing is happening to you. I won't let it.” He gave her a squeeze then let her go as a soft knock came at the door. Her maid had arrived to help her get ready for the ball.


The entourage of carriages pulled out of the Sampson home and made their way the short distance to the home of Senator Graham. Lily was to claim she had hurt her ankle so as not to dance with any one and never be parted with her family. She understood the need but Lily rather liked dancing and was sure this was going to be a tedious night. They entered the ballroom and worked their way through the crowd.

It was mid-August and the heat of the night, coupled with the mass of people, made it incredibly hot. Lily felt herself getting dizzy and nauseous and prayed she would not be sick in the middle of a crowded room. She turned to tell Eric she needed to leave when a figure squeezed his way through the crowd and grabbed her arm.

“So nice to see you again, Mrs. Sampson. It has been too long.” Lieutenant Colonel Andrews smiled, his eyes running up and down her in a way that made her extremely uncomfortable. “You are even more beautiful than I remembered.”

Eric's hand clamped over the Lieutenant Colonel's. “What do you want?” His voice came out in a low growl.

“Just to ask your wife to dance.” Andrews sneered at the word wife.

“Lily is not dancing tonight. She has hurt her ankle.” Eric leaned closer to the other man. “Besides, I don't let her dance with kidnappers.”

“You have me all wrong. I thought I was saving the Colonel's niece. If I had known what a criminal he was...” Andrews shrugged his shoulders as if to emphasize his innocence.

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