Lily's Secrets [Elk Creek 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Lily's Secrets [Elk Creek 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

“Wyatt, I don’t want to get rid of you.”

“Are you sure?”

She saw him cut his eyes at Dakota, who still knelt nearby. She cupped Wyatt’s face with one hand. “I love you. You’re my husband.” She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. When Wyatt teased the seam of her mouth seeking entry, she parted her lips, gasping as he thrust in his tongue. He tasted of hard liquor and tobacco with a hint of the pure, appealing him just beneath, enough to tempt her hunger and make her pussy wet.

Wyatt cupped her face with both hands, rough and possessive as he stroked her tongue with his, demanding and primal in his need.

Lily closed her eyes and moaned deep in her throat, vaguely aware of Dakota’s presence in the room. She squeezed her eyes tight, but couldn’t shut out the kiss she had shared with him so many hours ago, different, but just as pleasing and wanted as Wyatt’s. Worse—or was it better?—she couldn’t shut out her newfound knowledge of his identity. She remembered how he’d lifted her from the litter once they’d arrived to his people, how his arms had felt around her—at once solid and tender. Those memories merged with her memories of him in the woods when she and Wyatt found him, and how he’d looked at her, his blue gaze stark and…hungry.

How long had he wanted her like that? Why had he not said anything about their history? More importantly, how did he come to be near their property and who had shot him? Did it have anything to do with her attack? Had the same savage that harmed her hurt Dakota, too? Did Dakota know what had happened to his people and where any possible survivors had settled?

Lily felt Wyatt’s hand on her, slowly skimming down her body, from her throat to her breasts, to her belly. She panted into his mouth, so aware of his fingers in that spot where their child had once dwelled, their precious baby boy, Little Wyatt.

They never had a chance to know each other!

Lily launched herself into Wyatt’s arms, taking him off-guard when she straddled him and buried his mouth in desperate kisses.

Wyatt cupped her face and breathlessly pulled away, and when she opened her eyes to look down at him, she saw the shocked expression in his blue eyes.

“Tarnation, woman, what’s chapped your hide?”

“I want you, Wyatt,” she whispered. “Don’t you want me?”

“Of course I do!”

“Then…” Lily paused and followed her husband’s wary gaze, glancing over her shoulder to see Dakota now standing behind her.

His blue eyes burned bright in his face, his desire washing over her skin like a lake of fire, making her underwear even wetter. She involuntarily clenched her pussy muscles and became aware of Wyatt’s cock hardening as he lay still between her legs.

Boldly she let her gaze travel down the length of Dakota’s body, settling on the large bulge between his legs.

They both wanted her. What was she supposed to do about it?

She turned back to Wyatt and gasped at the heated look in his eyes.

Was he angry with her, at the idea that she wanted him
Dakota? Did he think any less of her for desiring, much more, wanting to entertain two men?

As if to answer her silent questions, Wyatt reached up both hands to cup her face, his touch light yet firm. “You are so beautiful, Lilybelle. Do you know just how
I want you?”

Her cheeks heated at his soft words and beneath his caress. She remembered how things used to be in the early days of their marriage, before the savage took everything away from her.

Had he really taken everything from her, though? Hadn’t she come back to more than she deserved in Wyatt, an embarrassment of riches in Dakota? She had two men, two decent, handsome men who wanted her. How many women had one decent man who wanted her?

She moved against Wyatt and listened to the satisfying sound of his breath hitching in his chest. The deep sound emboldened her and she rubbed her ass against the hard ridge of Wyatt’s cock beneath her. She closed her eyes, sighing as she carelessly arched her neck, feeling wicked and free for the first time in her life.

Like most women in the territory, Lily had been brought up to be chaste, virginal, and a proper wife for her future husband. What she didn’t know about pleasures of the flesh, she’d learned in their marriage bed with Wyatt, who knew quite a lot more than Lily where a female’s anatomy was concerned. He had been Lily’s teacher, pleasing her while also helping her discover the parts of her body that could make her melt and sizzle. He helped her discover the parts of his body that would make him melt, too, totally unshy in the security of their bedroom. Out of the bedroom, however, Wyatt was the sweetest, most quiet gentleman.

With Wyatt, Lily had become a woman, but even then she’d had her limits, still inhibited and demure about her body around her new husband. Now, she felt like she had something to prove—to herself, to Wyatt, to the world.

Was this what it was like for women like Rebel and Maia? Was this what it felt like to take what she wanted and claim her womanhood? Reclaim her husband?

“Ah, Lilybelle…” Wyatt’s words were strangled as his hands circled her waist.

She thought for a moment that he meant to stop her gyrations, but he didn’t. Instead, he braced himself as he arched his hips and ground his cock against her scorching, throbbing core. She felt him pulsating, too, his arousal heavy and hard between her legs, like a living thing.

Lily leaned forward and put her hands on his shoulders to support herself as she circled and rocked her hips against Wyatt as if she was riding his Gambit. She bit her lip, working up such a head of friction with her movements that delicious warmth spiraled from her belly and spread down, finally settling in her core. She released a needy, unrecognizable cry, quivering as she tumbled head over heels into blinding completion.

“Lily!” Suddenly Wyatt jerked up to a sitting position, his arms curving around her and tightening as he thrust against her once, twice, three times.

Lily burrowed her fingers through his hair, reveling in the silky softness of the wavy blond strands as Wyatt buried his face against her breasts. She wrapped her arms around his strong, wide shoulders and held him through the climax that stampeded through his body like a herd of startled cattle.

After a long moment Wyatt slowly lifted his head, his stare slightly dazed and unfocused when he looked at her, the pupils of his eyes enlarged. “You are

The ferocity of his words surprised her, but she found her voice to say, “I…yes.”

Wyatt glanced over her shoulder again to look at Dakota, but Lily was afraid to do the same, afraid of what she’d see shining out of her Indian’s eyes. She was also faintly ashamed by what she had just done—while she was fully clothed no less—in front of Dakota. Yet, she was thrilled at the idea that he had witnessed what she’d done to her husband, that he knew the sort of passion of which she was capable.

When Wyatt brought his gaze back to her, his expression had changed, softened. He cupped her face with one hand. “I’d do anything for you. I’d do anything to make you happy.”

She nodded, too choked up to speak.

Wyatt glanced at Dakota again and Lily couldn’t help herself this time. She glanced back to see Dakota standing almost as still as a statue, his hands fisted at his sides as his jaw muscles furiously worked.

He looked like he was champing at the bit and Lily wondered what it would feel like to have all the fervor she saw blazing out of his eyes turned on her in the throes of passion. Would he be as gentle and quiet as was his usual manner, or would he be as unbridled and wild as his kind was, wrongly, reputed to be?

Wyatt caught her by the chin and turned her to face him. Lily met his gaze and thought his look could melt steel. “Do you want this, Lilybelle? Do you want…the two of us, me and…me and Dakota?”

How was she supposed to answer that without sounding like she was dishonoring her wedding vows? How could she be true to her heart without violating Wyatt’s faith, his love?

How did Maia handle this situation without hurting anyone’s feelings? Lily wondered and vowed to ask the other woman this very question the next time she saw her. Maybe she was overdue for some neighboring, indeed.

In the meantime, she had two aroused men to deal with.


She took a deep breath and got to her feet, holding out her hand to Wyatt.

Wyatt smiled, if grimly, and put his hand in hers to let her help him up. Once he was on his feet, however, she didn’t release his hand. She held on tight and led him over to Dakota, who didn’t take his gaze off her the entire time.

“This is something different and new to all of us.” She looked at each man and both nodded their agreement. “I don’t know how either of you feel about the three of us moving forward, but I know how I feel about you both.” She searched each of their faces and when neither man answered, Lily pushed forward, feeling like she was addressing her students in the classroom and introducing some new theorem to them. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid and confused by all this.”

“Lily, we do not want to pressure you into doing something that you do not want to do.”

She looked from Dakota to Wyatt and back again. “That’s just it. I want to do it. I’m just…nervous. And I don’t want to hurt either of you.”

“We’re made of sturdy stock. We can take a little revolution,” Wyatt said.

Lily thought “revolution” was certainly a good word to describe what was going on between the three of them. “Scandalous” and “unconventional” were others.

She knew her husband. He had a big heart and was generous to a fault. His earlier declaration, however, stuck in her mind and only confirmed her husband’s possessive nature and what they would all be dealing with.

When Lily didn’t respond to his assurance, Wyatt continued. “Besides, my papa used to say courage ain’t the absence of fear. Courage is taking action in the face of fear.”

“Your papa was a wise man,” Lily whispered, still not convinced.

Wyatt raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her wrist. “I can’t guarantee how I’ll feel about this once we…once we get started, but I’m willing to try. I want to make you happy, Lilybelle, whatever it takes.” He moved his gaze to encompass Dakota.

Dakota firmly nodded.

They were really going to do this then, weren’t they?

Lily’s chest tightened at the idea of the sacrifice the men would be making for her, putting their egos aside to make her happy.

She wondered if it would be worth it, to any of them, in the end.

Chapter 10


Wyatt couldn’t believe that he had agreed to this, but here they all were, walking up the stairs to his and Lily’s bedroom to do…this.

He felt like a man on his way to the gallows instead of one about to engage in a romantic tryst with the woman he loved. Of course, he wouldn’t be the only man in the room and he wasn’t the only one who loved Lily.

Wyatt couldn’t quite decide whether Dakota’s loving Lily made this easier or harder for himself to do.

At the thought he glanced at Dakota walking beside him. His profile was determined, seeming to be chiseled from granite. A muscle visibly ticked in his jaw and Wyatt reckoned he was gritting his teeth. Besides his obvious desire to be with Lily, Wyatt wondered what the Indian thought of all this. Was he as nervous as Wyatt felt right now? What were his expectations once they did this?

Come to think of it, Wyatt wasn’t quite sure what his own expectations were. He wasn’t at all sure how he was supposed to handle the aftermath. Once they did this did it mean Dakota would become a permanent fixture in their house, on the farm, in their lives? What would his function in their household be? Would he even want to stick around afterward, or was this just a one-time occurrence, the Indian taking advantage of the opportunity that Lily and Wyatt had presented to him, a way to scratch a savage itch?

One step at a time, Wyatt.

He shook his head at all the thoughts going around in his brain and tried to focus on the important facts.

Despite his feelings about the Indian, Dakota didn’t strike him as particularly opportunistic, or even savage. No, Wyatt didn’t sense selfishness in him, which was something he couldn’t rightly say about a lot of other men he knew. The Indian’s feelings for Lily were decent and pure. This made Dakota more of a threat than if all he wanted was sex with Wyatt’s wife.

In addition to Dakota’s love for Lily, Wyatt grudgingly admitted that the Indian was an intelligent and capable protector who brought out the best in Lily. It was a job that used to belong exclusively to Wyatt, and if he weren’t already married to Lily, he would have said that Dakota was the perfect man for her.

Over my dead body.

Trying to check his jealousy, Wyatt comforted himself in the idea that the Indian’s heart was involved. This encounter wouldn’t just be a physical transaction for him. It wasn’t something he could or would easily walk away from. Lily wasn’t some
he could easily walk away from. But then, what did Wyatt know? If someone had told him a couple of weeks ago that he could ever entertain the idea of sharing his wife with another man, an Indian, he would have called them plumb crazy, if he didn’t outright punch them silly.

They reached the bedroom, Lily leading the way. She paused at the closed door and took a deep breath.

Wyatt watched her back muscles ripple beneath the material of her nightgown as her lungs expanded and deflated with the effort as if she was gathering her courage.

He guessed she was just as nervous as he was, maybe more so. He wondered what was going through her mind and thought the only one who didn’t seem to be nervous, the only one who seemed certain about his course in all this, was Dakota.

Wyatt turned to look at him, the Indian poised at the door’s jamb, staring straight ahead at Lily, before he felt Wyatt’s gaze on him.

Dakota turned to face him, nodding his head in acknowledgement.

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