Lily's Secrets [Elk Creek 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Lily's Secrets [Elk Creek 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Let’s start over,” Wyatt murmured, resting his head against her bosom as she turned her body into his and threaded her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes at the gentle feel of her fingers against his scalp. He took a deep breath, inhaling her appetizing scent. His mouth watered for her, his cock growing, clamoring to be inside her. He wanted to bury himself in her moist heat, lose himself in her arms.

The silence that loomed in the air was like a living, breathing thing sitting between them, stifling, a chasm waiting to be crossed.

Wyatt knew who wanted to cross it.

Even though he wasn’t in the room, Dakota’s presence was still as palpable as if he was lying in the bed with them, cuddling close behind Lily.


“Can you forgive me for wanting you both?”

He lifted his head and pulled away to see her eyes squeezed tight, face scrunched up in a wince as if expecting a blow.

Wyatt couldn’t help thinking of Lucy Peyton from town and how her own husband used to sell her favors to the cowboys and businessmen in town. He remembered one such an occasion when he’d visited Rance’s saloon and the man had offered Lucy to him for a “fair price.”

It had sickened him to watch a man treat a woman the way Rance regularly treated his wife, like she was a piece of property with no more say or rights than an animal. It sickened him to see a woman cowed like that.

Wyatt had promised himself he’d never treat his woman like Rance treated Lucy.

What made this situation with him, Lily, and Dakota any better, though, any different?

Can you forgive me for wanting you both?

It was Lily’s choice. That was the difference.

If he agreed to go through with this, with a clear, sober mind to boot, he would be fulfilling
wishes, not just his own. Lily was acting of her own free will, something Lucy had never really had from what Wyatt had seen.

Did this make Lily less of a victim? Did this make the situation with him, Lily, and Dakota any better, more moral?

A sound at the door broke the pin-drop silence.

Wyatt and Lily both turned to the door where Dakota stood on the threshold brandishing a container of Thayne’s miracle cure.

“I do not wish to disturb you. I will just leave this.” Dakota placed the infamous brown bottle on the table beside Lily and turned to leave.

Wyatt cleared his throat. “Don’t go.” His headache and nausea seemed a long-forgotten memory. In their place remained a strange, burning need, a desperate, painful lust that mushroomed inside him when he saw his hunger mirrored back at him from Dakota’s face once the Indian turned back around.

“Is there something else you wanted?” Dakota asked, his tone quiet and…hopeful.

“Yes.” Lily glanced at Wyatt, waiting for his nod of approval before silently reaching for Dakota’s hand.

He stepped forward without hesitating and took her hand in his, waiting.

“I want you, Dakota, you and Wyatt.”

Chapter 12


Maybe it was the frank discussion she’d had with Maia earlier. Maybe it was the hot wave rushing through her loins, flooding her sex with moisture. Maybe it was just the overwhelming energy of the two men in the room with her, pulling her like a magnet.

Lily didn’t know what emboldened her so, but she found herself lying on her back, in just her ivory cotton bloomers and camisole, not remembering how she got that way and waiting for either man to grab the bull by the horns and finish taking off her clothes.

Since she’d usurped Wyatt in the center of the mattress, he and Dakota now perched on the bed at either side of her, expressions voracious as they watched her. Neither man, however, made a move to undress her further and finish what she’d started.

Now that the moment was upon them all, her men seemed at a loss at what to do.

Lily would have laughed at the irony of such big, forceful men, under any other circumstances, now floundering before her except she was too perturbed to care what they thought or felt. Otherwise, she would never have precipitated what happened next.

She took Dakota by the hand again, slowly guiding it until his palm rested on her cloth-covered breast. She sighed at the contact, feeling wanton but needing more, so much more as her chest heaved against his fingers.

Like she knew he would, Wyatt took the hint, reaching for the buttons of her camisole and slowly undoing them, leaving a languorous trail of kisses upon every inch of skin he revealed.

Lily shuddered as he kissed her belly, dipping the tip of his tongue in her navel.

She was so sensitive in that area, her core so wet and hollow, her belly mourning the loss of their boy and the father-son union that had never been.

Lily closed her eyes when he nuzzled her stomach, his beard stubble scuffing the tender skin of her belly but not in a disagreeable way. She liked the friction, the roughness. It made her feel alive—inside and out—something she hadn’t felt in a long time.

Dakota got into the act, separating the front folds of her camisole, his hot mouth instantly latching on to her breast.

Lily gasped at the warm contact and had a flash of her suckling babe. Wyatt’s nursing son had been the last male to taste her breasts. She writhed now as Dakota laved and sucked an already hard nipple into his mouth, sensually supplanting the memory of her and Wyatt’s boy.

She buried her hands in his rich, soft hair, had almost forgotten how responsive this part of her body was, too. She had forgotten so much, but it was all coming back to her in a fiery rush of vibrations. Wyatt and Dakota’s tandem assault detonated small explosions in her body, the warmth spiraling from her chest down to her quivering, drenched pussy.

Wyatt undid the drawstring to her bloomers before reaching for the lacey top edge to slide the garment down. As he had with her camisole, he kissed a trail over every inch of exposed skin. He lingered at her pussy just long enough to make her buck her hips against his mouth, swiping his tongue up her moist folds before relentlessly moving on.

He kissed the insides of her thighs, his hot breath raising the hairs on her sensitized flesh. When he lifted first one, then the other leg to rest on his shoulders as he positioned his face between her thighs, Lily almost cried in relief.

Not to be outdone, Dakota had intensified his own oral attentions on her breasts, sucking, nibbling, and fondling each until Lily found herself squirming beneath her two men, ready to scream her frustration to the heavens.

“Oh please….just…please…” She would have asked,
, they put her out of her misery, but she couldn’t voice anything more eloquent than imploring, pitiful mewls.

She remembered the first time Wyatt had put his mouth on her all those years ago on their wedding night, how utterly scandalized she had been. Her shock had quickly given way to ecstasy as her new husband had buried his tongue where no other man ever had and, before today, she had firmly believed no other man ever would.

Dakota’s ministrations changed her mind on that last part. His tongue and mouth on her breasts were so acutely attuned to what Wyatt did to her pussy, she could barely wait for them to switch places so that she could experience Dakota’s tongue licking her core.

At the thought, she pressed her hand firmly against Dakota’s head, fisting his hair and turning her body into his mouth to feed him more of her. His cedar-woodsy scent wafted up, setting her imagination to run wild with memories of the forest, her rescue…

Lily was thus so engaged that she almost leaped off the bed when Wyatt slid two fingers inside her, simultaneously teasing her swollen clit with his thumb as he delved deep. For a long moment the wet
of his fingers pumping in and out of her drowned out the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears, merging with the noise of Dakota’s sucking.

Lily clamped her inner muscles around those two digits as if her life depended on it, and Wyatt indulged her desires, probing deep, turning his fingers to brush long-ignored nerves and tissues inside her. He finally curved his middle finger, questing, stretching until he touched a spot inside her that made Lily see stars blast against her closed eyelids.

She screamed, violently quaking as her men converged.

Dakota lifted his head from her breasts and slammed his mouth down on hers so hard their teeth collided. His tongue darted out as she parted her lips—coaxing and insistent. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging tight as Wyatt squeezed her hips, bracing her while her shudders subsided.

Panting for breath, she opened her eyes, minutes, hours later, she couldn’t tell. She speculated it had been long enough to cause Wyatt and Dakota concern when she saw the intense, wide-eyed expressions on their faces as if they thought she rested at death’s door and they were her saviors.

Lily reached up her hands, placing one on Wyatt’s face and one on Dakota’s. The contrast trilled through her—Wyatt’s unshaven cheek rugged, Dakota’s smooth. Both men’s chiseled jaws clenched beneath her fingers and she petted them as if trying to calm down an animal. Their tangy masculine scents floated on the air, wrapping around her head to mingle with the piquant wild musk of her completion. The unique aroma excited her so much Lily thought she’d need calming herself very soon.

She skimmed her hands down from each man’s face to their necks, feeling the pounding beat of their pulses. Fascinated, she moved her hands lower, reveling in the groans she elicited before she rested a hand on each man’s chest. Their hearts pounded against her palms, in concert with her own heartbeat.

Lily was obviously not the only one who needed to be put out of her misery.

Wyatt took her hand, and like she had guided Dakota’s hand to her breast, he now guided her hand to his neediest piece of anatomy. The bulge behind Wyatt’s underwear was hot and heavy. His cock leapt against her palm, as responsive as Lily’s breasts.

She curled her fingers around him, moving down from the outline of his hard shaft to the confined heaviness of his balls. Lily licked her lips, hungry to feel him and Dakota inside her as she reached for the buttons of his long johns. Her fingers shook so bad Wyatt reached to take over and hurry the process before he got up from the bed and began pulling off his underwear.

Lily had a moment to devour his sleek-muscled body before she felt Dakota get up from the other side of the bed and turned to watch as
began to undress himself.

She bit her bottom lip as Dakota reached for the buttons of one of Wyatt’s borrowed shirts and undid them, one by one, never taking his eyes from hers.

Feeling singed, she lowered her lashes, averting her eyes to again take in Wyatt standing on the opposite side of the bed, as naked as she. If she hoped to find refuge in the act of undressing her husband, there was none to be found. Here lay only more tension, more fire…more finely carved, inviting skin upon which to feast.

Wyatt came closer to the bed and Lily got up on her knees to meet him halfway. She reached for him, ran her hand down from his chest, over the ridged muscles of his abdomen until she reached his hard cock jutting toward her, thick and proud. She parted her lips and sucked in a breath at the pearl of liquid that seeped from the slit like an offering.

Lily closed her eyes, acclimating to her surroundings, the knowledge that she and her husband were naked in their bedroom with a third party sending tingles up and down her back.

Despite her unwillingness to turn from Wyatt, she circled around on the mattress and opened her eyes to look at Dakota again. Her heart skipped at the sight of the light copper-brown skin of his torso. No matter how many times she had looked upon him shirtless, his flawless sculpted beauty never failed to take her breath away. The idea that she was free to touch him, to enjoy the feel and smell of him, sent a new surge of heat spiraling down from her belly to her core. Her inner muscles tightened in anticipation, breath caught in her chest as Dakota reached for the buttons on his pants as if he had waited for her to turn, as if he wanted her to see him take off his clothes. A tremor of pleasure rode her body at the honor he had bestowed upon her.

It didn’t take Dakota long to strip down to his skin, and once he was done, she finally got a good look at him, at his fully aroused cock. It was slimmer around than Wyatt’s, and just a couple of centimeters longer. Her pussy muscles automatically spasmed at the thought of him mounting her from behind.

Dakota stood silently, letting her get her fill. When she dragged her gaze back up to his face, she noticed the small grin, as if he took pleasure in her perusal. Finally, he came back to the bed, bending a knee and resting it on the mattress as he leaned in to kiss her again. This time he was slow and gentle, but no less hungry. She tasted his caution and restraint, the sweet nectar of his hankering as intoxicating as a dream.

Behind her the bed dipped with Wyatt’s weight and she felt his arms circle her waist, drawing her back against him as Dakota climbed fully onto the bed, following them.

Lily felt so right surrounded by them both, as if she had come home, as if she had rediscovered her heart and soul. She felt that anything was possible, that they could both love her hurt away and she would love their hurt away, too.

How would she feel once they both breached her? Would she survive the act?

Lily turned for the moment it took her to cup Wyatt’s face with one hand and bury his mouth beneath hers. He opened to her and she slid her tongue inside, eager for comfort, eager for release…eager for forgiveness.

“Oh, my Lilybelle…” His voice was hoarse, a throaty white flag of surrender.

Lily heeded the call, reaching down to grasp his cock. She thumbed the cream from the head and brought it to her mouth, acquainting herself with his taste—slightly sweet and salty, bold and all Wyatt.

Lily groaned at his flavor, wanting much more.

She gripped Wyatt firmly, began pumping her fist as his cock hardened and grew even more inside her hand, but Wyatt caught her around the shoulders to stop her.

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