Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power (61 page)

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p. 15; G. W. Caldwell to AL, 25 April, J. G. Nicolay to G. W. Caldwell, 1 May, ALP; N&H 4:329–31;
p. 628.



Lincoln may also have been influenced by St. Louis correspondents who cast Harney as the dupe of secessionists. T. Woodruff to AL, 1 May, S. T. Glover to AL, 24 May, ALP.

N&H, 4:215–22.

For a recent dissenting analysis, see Louis S. Gerteis,
Civil War St. Louis
(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001).


Lowell H. Harrison,
Lincoln of Kentucky
(Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2000), pp. 133–34; J. M. Johnson to AL, 26 April, ALP;
p. 19.

Political Essays,
pp. 88–89; R. Anderson to AL, 19 May, A. A. Burton to W. H. Seward, 24 May, J. F. Speed to AL, 27, 29 May, G. B. McClellan to AL, 30 May, B. W. Ballard to AL, 7 June, L. Combs to AL, 14 Aug., B. Magoffin to AL, 19 Aug., ALP;

p. 24.


J. F. Speed to AL, 1, 3 Sept., G. Adams and J. Speed to AL, 2 Sept., L. Combs to AL, 6 Sept., J. Holt to AL, 12 Sept., J. F. Bullitt et al. to J. F. Speed, 13 Sept., R. Anderson to AL, 13 Sept., ALP;

J. C. Frémont to AL, 8 Sept., W. R. Prince to AL, 20 Sept., ALP;
pp. 164, 506;

pp. 12–13, 19, 22;
Northwestern Christian Advocate,
12 June, 4 Sept.

War for the Union,
1:340; J. G. Roberts to AL, 17 Sept., J. Allen to AL, 21 Sept., H. Jones to AL, 24 Sept., O. H. Browning to AL, 17 Sept., ALP.


5:37, 50; T. S. Bell to AL, 6 Dec., ALP.


The description is Sumner’s. D. P. Crook,
The North, the South, and the Powers, 1861

(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974), p. 84.

T. Weed to AL, 7 Dec., T. Weed to W. H. Seward, 4, 11 Dec., ALP;
Diary of Browning,

p. 570; John Niven, ed.,
The Salmon P. Chase Papers,
vol. 1:
Journals, 1829

(Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1993), pp. 318–20; Howard K. Beale,
The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859

(Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933), pp. 201–2, 215. Ex-president Fillmore also advised Lincoln to avoid the “double calamities” of two wars. M. Fillmore to AL, 16 Dec., ALP.

Diary of Bates,
p. 216;
pp. 399, 433;
Diary of Browning,

J. G. Randall [and Richard N. Current],
Lincoln the President,
4 vols. (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1945–54), 2:41.

Diary of Bates,
p. 216.

A. W. H. Clapp to M. Blair, 31 Dec., R. W. Thompson to unknown, 1 Jan. 1862, H. Greeley to AL, 29 July, A. Shuman to W. H. Seward, 9 Aug., J. W. Forney to AL, 16 Aug., ALP.

J. Miller to W. H. Seward, 1 Aug., G. Davis to AL, 4 Aug., J. A. Hamilton to AL, 11 Aug., ALP.

L. Trumbull to AL, 1 Oct., F. P. Blair, Jr., to M. Blair, 1 Sept., 1 Oct., S. T. Glover to M. Blair, 2 Sept., M. Blair to AL, 3, 4 Sept., 7 Oct., S. T. Glover to AL, 20 Sept., ALP. See also T. Ewing to AL, 17 Sept., C. Beasley to AL, 27 Sept., R. K. Brown to AL, 29 Sept., S. R. Curtis to AL, 12 Oct., ALP.

J. C. Patterson to AL, 21 Sept., J. M. Biscound to AL, 12 Sept., T. A. Miller to AL, 20 Sept., J. Knox to AL, 3 Oct., “A True Friend” to AL, 5 Oct., J. R. Conner to AL, 17 Sept., E. C. Hurst to AL, 19 Sept., J. Butt to AL, 19 Sept., anon. to AL, 19 Sept., G. P. Koerner to AL, 8 Oct., E. S. Fife to AL, 18 Sept., J. D. Willers to AL, 21 Sept., J. Knox to AL, 3 Oct., S. T. Glover to AL, 20 Sept., F. P. Blair, Jr., to M. Blair, 1 Oct., ALP;
Lincoln’s Journalist,
p. 120.

J. H. Jordan to AL, 9 Oct., ALP; Allan Nevins,
The War for the Union,
vol. 2:
War Becomes Revolution
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1960), pp. 383–84.

Lincoln’s Journalist,
p. 129.

Stephen W. Sears, ed.,
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan: Selected Correspondence, 1860

(New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1989), pp. 106–17, 113–14;
pp. 32, 286.

pp. 25, 28–29;
p. 136.

War for the Union,
2:385, 402;
Lincoln’s Journalist,
pp. 158–59;
5 Dec.; Beale,
Diary of Bates,
p. 220.

Diary of Browning,
p. 328.

2 Jan. 1862;
Northwestern Christian Advocate,
8 Jan. 1862.

Earl Schenck Miers, ed.,
Lincoln Day by Day: A Chronology, 1809

3 vols. (Washington, DC: Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, 1960), 3:87.

The Purposes of Power (1861


In the notes for this chapter all newspaper and manuscript citations are for 1862, unless otherwise stated.


Lerone Bennett, Jr.,
Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream
(Chicago: Johnson Publishing Company, 2000).

7:282. For Lincoln’s subordination and neglect of his potentially progressive and humane Indian policy, see David A. Nichols, “Lincoln and the Indians,” in Gabor S. Boritt, ed.,
The Historian’s Lincoln: Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988), pp. 149–69.

p. 113.

p. 135.

R. W. Thompson to AL, 22 Nov., ALP; A. G. Curtin to AL, 3 March, ALP.

William B. Hesseltine,
Lincoln and the War Governors
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955), p. 178.

F. B. Carpenter,
The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln: Six Months at the White House
(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995; originally published New York, 1866), pp. 230–31; Robert S. Harper,
Lincoln and the Press
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951), pp. 96–97, 184–87, 308;
p. 41;
Lincoln’s Journalist,
pp. 160, 177.

Lincoln Observed,
pp. 1–12.

Harold Holzer, comp. and ed.,
Dear Mr. Lincoln: Letters to the President
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993), pp. 5–35;
pp. 19, 39; William O. Stoddard,
Inside the White House in War Times: Memoirs and Reports of Lincoln’s Secretary,
ed. Michael Burlingame (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), pp. xi, 13–17.

Inner Life,
p. 245; Mark E. Neely, Jr.,
The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982), p. 220.

Inner Life,
pp. 95–96, 281;
20 Oct. 1864; Holzer,
Dear Mr. Lincoln,
p. 12;
Lincoln Observed,
pp. 99–103, 254;
Lincoln’s Journalist,
pp. 158, 160.


S. Camp to AL, 17 Sept. 1861, A. Harris to AL, 17 Sept. 1861, J. G. Roberts to AL, 17 Sept. 1861, H. C. Garst to AL, 18 Sept. 1861, S. W. Coggeshall to AL, 18 Sept. 1861; J. L. Williams to AL, 19 Sept. 1861, W. McCaully to AL, 20 Sept. 1861, A. Williams to AL, 11 Oct. 1861, ALP.

A. Peck to AL, 19 Sept. 1861, E. Wright to AL, 20 Sept. 1861, T. H. Little to AL, 17 Sept. 1861, ALP;
Lincoln’s Journalist,
pp. 159–60, 166, 189;


Stephen W. Sears, ed.,
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan: Selected Correspondence, 1860

(New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1989), p. 128; Hans L. Trefousse,
The Radical Republicans: Lincoln’s Vanguard for Racial Justice
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969), p. 184.

pp. 684–85;
p. 430.

pp. 5:30–31, 144–46; N&H, 5:205–8.


N&H, 5:211–14.


N&H, 6:106–7. Cf. Cleveland Congregational Conference to AL, 18 April; New York City 16th Ward Republican Association, 6 May; H. H. Van Dyck to William H. Seward, 9 May, ALP; Allan Nevins,
The War for the Union,
vol. 2:
War Becomes Revolution
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1960), p. 32.

War for the Union,
2:117; R. Johnson to AL, 16 May, P. Sturtevant to AL, 16 May, H. Ketcham to AL, 16 May, S. P. Chase to AL, 16 May, C. Schurz to AL, 16 May, ALP.

A. T. Stewart to AL, 21 May, A. Johnson to AL, 2 May, J. M. Wightman to AL, 23 May, C. Schurz to AL, 19 May, ALP; CW, 5:222–23.

Mark E. Neely, Jr.,
The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 218–21; Sears, ed.,
Papers of McClellan,
pp. 344–45.

War for the Union,
2:146–47; border-state congressmen to AL, 15 July, E. M. Norton to AL, 14 July, ALP.

T. Ewing to AL, 2 June, A. E. Carroll to AL, 14 July, ALP;

J. H. Bayne to AL, 3 July, ALP.


Diary of Gideon Welles: Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson,
3 vols. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911), 1:70–71.


John Niven, ed.,
The Salmon P. Chase Papers,
vol. 1:
Journals, 1829

(Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1993), p. 343; N&H, 6:126–30; Carpenter,
Inner Life,
pp. 21–22.

pp. 38–39.

Donald, pp. 373–74; Bennett,
Forced into Glory,
pp. 469–503; Nicholas Parrillo, “Lincoln’s Calvinist Transformation: Emancipation and War,”
Civil War History
46 (Sept. 2000), pp. 242–43.


S. H. Gay to AL, Aug. [n.d.], T. Weed to W. H. Seward, 23 Aug., O. H. Browning to AL, 17 Sept., ALP.


J. W. White et al. to AL, 24 July, B. Bannan to AL, 24 July, T. A. Marshall to AL, 27 July, H. G. Blake to AL, 28 July, N. S. Berry et al. to AL, 30 July, J. R. Doolittle to AL, 4 Aug., Z. Chandler to AL, 8 Aug., Westchester Co., NY, War Meeting to AL, 12 Sept., S. L. Casey to AL, 4 Aug., ALP.

Boston Park Street Church to AL, 27 Aug.; B. H. West to AL, 27 Aug.; Milwaukee Wisconsin Congregational Church to AL, 5 Sept.; W. D. Love to AL, 5 Sept.; Miami Conference of Wesleyan Methodist Connection to AL, 6 Sept.; Cincinnati Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church [MEC] to AL, 8 Sept.; General Conference of the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts to AL, 12 Sept.; Indiana Conference of the Wesleyan Methodists to AL, 12 Sept.; The Congregation of Milburn, Lake County, Illinois, to AL, 14 Sept.; Lamoille (Illinois) Citizens to AL, 14 Sept.; North Illinois Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church to AL, 14 Sept.; North Ohio Annual Conference of the MEC to AL, 15 Sept.; W. C. McCarthy to AL, 16 Sept.; West Wisconsin Annual Conference of the MEC to AL, 18 Sept.; Genessee, NY, Presbyterian Synod to AL, 18 Sept.; R. D. Owen to AL, 17 Sept., ALP.

Diary of Gideon Welles,

Diary of Gideon Welles,
1:142–45; Niven, ed.,
Chase Papers,


N&H, 6:357–66;
5:370–75; Benjamin F. Quarles,
Lincoln and the Negro
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1962), pp. 108–23.

W. B. Lowry, H. Catlin, and J. F. Downing to AL, 23 Sept., ALP. Also J. W. Stone to AL, 23 Sept., T. Tilton to AL, 24 Sept., J. M. McKim to AL, 27 Sept., G. Smith to AL, 9 Oct., F. A. Hoffman to AL, 25 Sept., I. Harris to AL, 2 Oct., J. K. Porter to AL, 27 Oct. [enclosing
Speech of John K. Porter at the Union Ratification Meeting at Glens Falls, Oct.
21 (Albany, NY, 1862), p. 11], ALP.

p. 220.

N&H, 6:179–81; G. B. McClellan to AL, 7 Oct., W. D. Kelley to AL, 23 July, R. Smith to R. Yates, 13 Oct., D. Davis to AL, 14 Oct., J. W. Forney to AL, 26 Sept., ALP;

C. Sumner to AL, 8 Nov., J. K. Dubois to AL, 3 Dec., ALP.

R. P. L. Baber to AL, 22 Nov., I. N. Morris to AL, 20 Nov., C. Sumner to AL, 8 Nov., C. Schurz to AL, 8 Nov., 20 Nov., S. W. Oakey to AL, 5 Nov., W. H. West to AL, 20 Oct., M. Delahay to AL, 6 Nov., ALP;
Lincoln Observed,
p. 14.

D. S. Dickinson to AL, 9 Nov., ALP.


Michael Vorenberg,
Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 31.

5:462–63; Donald, p. 397.



S. P. Chase to AL, 28 Nov., ALP.

F. P. Blair, Sr., to AL, 18 Dec., T. T. Davies to AL, 20 Dec., ALP;
p. 104;
pp. 199–200, 496.

W. H. Gaines and H. S. Rowland to AL, 21 Dec., R. P. L. Baber to AL, 22 Nov., Great Falls, NH, citizens to AL, Dec., Boston Residents to AL, 5 Dec., F. Wood to AL, 8, 17 Dec., J. Barnaby et al. to AL, 8 Dec., New Bedford Massachusetts Citizens to AL, 12 Dec., Rockland Maine Citizens to AL, 15 Dec., T. D. Eliot to AL, 17 Dec., G. W. Cochrane and J. M. Forbes to AL, 24 Dec., J. G. Whittier to AL, 24 Dec., 1860 Electors to AL, 24 Dec., C. Russell and S. A. Fenton (Prairie Grove Society of Friends) to AL, 27 Dec., S. Cobb to AL, 27 Dec., ALP.

5:338, 431, 6:28–30; L. Tilman to AL, 8 Apr., C. Schurz to AL, 19 May, J. Leavitt et al., Petition to AL, Aug., O. Browning to AL, 11 Aug., T. A. Jenckes to AL, 11 Sept., W. Sprague to AL, 26 Sept., ALP; Quarles,
Lincoln and the Negro,
pp. 153–54.

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