Linc's Retribution (5 page)

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Authors: Brair Lake

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Linc's Retribution
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Chapter 6



Cassie is beautiful. Even more so when she is riled. I want to step closer to her. To take her in my arms. Hold on to her and let her know that everything is going to be OK. I want to come home and I
am going to agree to whatever it is she wants.


Getting rid of the stripper will not be a problem. Maybe I should have done it sooner. The baby thing. I am not too sure about. Do I really want to go to counseling? I have repeatedly said I am sorry over what happened back at the club. I refuse to say it again.


“OK Cassie we do it your way. I’ll speak to Tabby about firing the stripper. And when you’re ready for the baby. We will take it from there.” Taking her hands into mine, I pull her body close to mine, molding her frame into my larger one. The pressure of her breasts as they push against my body has me hard. Unable to resist, I smell her hair as I take hold of her face in my hands, to lay a swiping kiss across her plump lips.


Five days without touching this luscious body has me letting go of her face to drop my arms down to her sides. Swiftly, I glide my hands under the top she is wearing, seeking my bounty. And when my hands find her tits. I eagerly push the bra away, taking the weight of her full tits into my hands. My dick has become painfully hard and large. And I am thankful that I decided to wear my combat pants instead of jeans.


The way Cassie’s breathing has changed tempo, and her nipples have become hard little nubs as I fondle her tits. Indicate to me, that she is affected by my touch. Casually I lean back to watch her face. Studying her expression as it changes from sorrow to sensual. Without dropping my hands from under her vest I continue to play with her nipples. There are times when I would prolong Cassie’s pleasure just holding her like this. Today is not going to be one of those days.


For the last six weeks Cassie has let me hold her and fondle her. But she has not taken my dick inside her. Today is the day I take back what is mine.




“What Baby?”


“You really think you’re about to get laid?” Cassie’s voice is a breathless whisper. Heavy with arousal.


“Honey I’ve waited patiently for six weeks for this. You bet your sweet fucking ass I’m getting laid.”


“Really Linc. Patience is not the word I would use. I remember you having several orgasms in those weeks.” she laughs, as she steps away from me, while pulling her bra back into place, shaking her head.


The seductive swagger of her hips and the tumbling hair does not ease the pain in my cock. Yeah, my Cassie is one hot babe. I do not bother to hide my appreciation of the body standing in front of me as I blatantly drop my eyes down to her full lush breasts. The only obstacle I encounter in my appraisal is the dam vest she is wearing.


The longer I study Cassie, the more pronounce my cock becomes as it tents against my pants. Just to make sure Cassie is aware of where this will be leading to, I openly slid my hand into my pants to rub my dick. As I cup my cock, my eyes travel down her body, taking in the flare of hips until I rest my gaze at the junction of her legs.


Cassie is wearing the shortest shorts I have seen her in and the short cloth draws my gaze to the exposed, long tanned toned legs. Legs which have gripped me in her passion. My gaze resumes its study of Cassie’s body. For a moment, I let my gaze linger on her slender calves. Before moving down to her feet, which are bare of any covering, apart from the orange polish on her toes.


“I will have sex with you Linc. But you’re not moving back and it does not mean that I have either forgiven or forgotten what you did.”


“What the fuck does that mean?”


“It means from the moment we met you took over my life. We never dated Linc, and that’s going to change. It’s what I want, and deserve. I fucking earned it.”


Shit, my head is spinning, what the hell does she mean? I am not moving back in.


“Oh and Linc. One more thing. Move out of the club. There’s an apartment over the studio you can live in.”


“Whoa. Back up Cassie. What the fuck do you mean I’m not moving back in?”


“It’s simple. You move out of the club into the apartment above the studio. You then date me and we get to have sex. Which part do you not understand Linc?”


“If we’re having sex, I don’t understand why I cannot move back in?”


“I have told you what I want. You know where the door is.”


Fuck. This is not my Cassie. Thinking fast. OK at the moment I need to play it her way, and if this is what she wants. Then this is what she will get.


“Upstairs now and make sure you’re stripped by the time I get there.” I order her. I want to take her long and slow. Although my dick has other ideas. Before following Cassie to our room, I check that the house is secure. Cassie may have won this battle. But I am the one who is about to receive his reward. After all I am about to have sex with a living Siren.


It’s being six weeks since I was last in this bedroom. Before entering I pause by the door, hesitant to go in. When I do finally enter, my uncertainty disperses as I find Cassie laying on the bed naked. No shy poise from my girl. Her arms are stretched above her head holding on to the headboard. Cassie’s eyes are heavy with lust. Her glorious globes are rising up and down, quivering with each breath she takes.


When my eyes fall to her deliciously open moist pussy, my mouth becomes dry. Her legs are spread just enough for me to see my brand. Oh yeah my baby is marked with my name. If anyone saw Cassie naked, they would know who she belongs to. Leisurely I stroll into the bedroom to stand at the bottom of the bed. As I stand there. I let my eyes drift back up her body. Only for them to be captured by a set of hazel eyes. Whilst I strip for my baby I never lose contact of her gaze. Yeah, my baby likes to watch. 


It does not take long for me to get naked and for my dick to be standing straight. The head is leaking with my pre-cum and as I climb on to the bed, to crawl up her sexy body, my shaft bounces gently between our bodies. When I reach the junction at the top of her legs, I stop and kiss her softly, before continuing up her body. Now with my body covering hers, I bend down to kiss her hard. Cassie’s head meets mine to deepen the kiss. Now that I have Cassie where I want her, I collapse over her, and begin to tickle her hips.


“LINC!” her shriek and giggles vibrate in my ears, sending a tingle of arousal down my spine. Yeah Cassie Davies is ticklish. Her body curls underneath mine as she desperately tries to evade my touch. To protect her body from my attack. The sound of laughter quickly fills the room. A sound I miss deeply, and still I continue to tickler her.


“Linc, stop it, Linc please” she gasps out between her laughter, her tits bouncing as the breath escapes from her lungs. “Linc please. I’m going to pee myself.”




Cassie’s laughter fades as she reaches up to my mouth with hers. “Yeah Babe I surrender.” My heart has just gone in to kilter and I am not sure if I can or will ever be able to breathe again.


With ease I deepen the kiss as I stretch her body out underneath mine, spreading her legs to fit my body in between. My hips are against hers. We are chest to chest. And her face is cupped in my hands, whilst Cassie hands are on my arms.


“Arms back up Babe.” Time for me to get to my favorite part of her body. Her large tits. I have never denied that I am a tits man, and I love to play with Cassie’s.


Eagerly I straddle Cassie across her hips as I gather her tits into both my hands. And so my play begins. Gently at first, I push the plump pillows together. Only to let them fall. Then I begin again. With each touch and push the nibs become hard, begging for my touch. Each time I pull on her nipples, Cassie’s body quivers beneath mine. The harder I play, the shorter Cassie’s breath becomes.




Without moving my eyes or lips from her tits “Yeah, Babe”


“I missed you.”


Cassie’s declaration has my dick going from hard to rock solid. Shuffling forward I lift and gather her tits and slide my cock in between them. Thrusting my hips. Soon I have a rhythm going. Squeezing her tits harder. While I continue to thrust between the soft flesh. Sweat is gathering on her body. Sweat which begins to coat my cock. Cassie’s stomach gives a quiver under my thighs. A signal telling me, it will not be long before Cassie will let her body go as she finds her release.




“Yeah?” The sound is distant.


“Do not be coming yet girl. Not until I’m inside you.”


“Fuck Linc!”


Bending over her I take her lips again, sucking her tongue into my mouth. Without saying a word to Cassie I am demonstrating to her, what I will be doing with her body soon. With each suckle of her tongue, the blood gathers in my balls as they start to draw up. For the first time in six weeks my body is where it belongs. And because of this I do not want to cum on Cassie’s body, but inside it.


Reluctantly I withdraw my cock from her tits to stretch my body over hers once more. With my hand I guide my cock in to her pussy, and in one deep thrust I am home.


“Fuck Cassie I’ve missed this.”


Never letting go of the kiss I thrust in to Cassie again.  Her muscles clamp on to my cock, pulling me in. After several more thrust, Cassie arch’s her body up in to mine.


“You ready to cum baby?”




“Me too Babe.”


With one last hard thrust I release my semen. For a moment disappointment assails me. At Cassie’s insistence we are not flesh to flesh.




With a final throw of her neck. Cassie finds her own release “Linc!”


Laying on top of her with my cock still deep inside “I love you.” Every word I utter is true.


I love Cassie.


Chapter 7



Now that I
am back in Cassie’s bed, it is with great reluctance that I leave it. I want to keep her close to me. However there’s business to be taken take care of at the club, and I must leave the sleeping body lying beside me. In need of a shower before I head out, I collect my clothes off the floor and turn towards the bathroom. My eyes linger on Cassie’s sleeping form and for a moment I am tempted to wake her and ask her to join me. 


Cassie still has not moved when I return to the bedroom. Her exposed flesh has my cock twitching again. Her arm and hand stretched out to my side of the bed, partially covering her squashed tits. From the way she is sleeping, it appears the last six weeks have being just as rough on my baby, as it has being on me. Unwilling to disturb Cassie from her peaceful slumber, I lay a quick kiss on her forehead before quietly closing the door.


By the time I arrive at the club, it is dusk, and the prospects have the cage loaded. While we do the final preparations for our meeting with Sinbad and the Scarlet Runners. Dec, the MC’s Sergeant at Arms crosses over to me.


“Everything sorted with you and Cassie?” Although they try not to make it to obvious that they are listening. The yard has gone quite as the rest of the crew wait for my answer.  


It is impossible for me to prevent the satisfied beam from spreading across my face. Or to stop the warm glow that is simmering in my heart. “Kind of.”


“What the fuck does that mean. Kind of?”


“Simple. I’m moving out of the club, and into the apartment above the studio while Cassie and I date.”


“Date?” I can hear the snigger in his voice.


“Yeah date.” The expression on my face forestalls whatever he is about to say.


“Don’t fuck up VP. She may not be as lenient next time.”  This comes from Fudge, our Road Manager.


“OK ladies less of the chat. Let’s get going. It’s going to be a long night.”


With a firm slam of the back doors to the Cage, I check with the prospects, Trax and Fraggle that everything is secure. Trax, who happens to be the President’s son. Is well into his prospect year, and it will not be long before he become a full pledge member of Devil’s Comfort. Fraggle is new and has only been a prospect for a matter of weeks. He still has to earn both our respect and trust and tonight will be one way for him to show what he is made of.


The sound of several Harley’s coming to life, and the command “Ready to roll boys?” Breaks into the silence of the night. The sweet sound of raw power and the smell of exhaust fumes rapidly fills the night air. 


As we ride on the empty Louisiana roads it’s not long before we have left a moonless Comfort Springs behind us. Thankful for the black night and with the aid of our dim lights on the Harleys. We become silhouettes against the sky line. Blending into our surrounding.


This is a run we have done countless times. On a road we are familiar with. However this does not mean we are complacent about the journey. We are in a business where the need to avoid errors is essential. There is no speeding. No full throttle of the Harley’s. We have no intention of drawing attention to ourselves.


We have being on the road for a couple of hours before we reach a familiar turn off. With a turn to the right, we leave the main fairway, turning up a dirt road. Riding the last twenty miles in silence. So far the evening is going well. As vigilant as we are, in the back of our minds is Black County Stewards and Tats. Each of us wonder when and what form their retaliation will be. We never stop scrutinizing our surrounding area.


In the distance we see the flames of a fire. The Scarlet Runners have arrived, and it looks as though they are here to party.


Parking our bikes, Inferno and the rest of the officers make their way over to Sinbad and his men. As we greet each other with the affection of friendship. The sound of man hugs, slaps and fist thumps fill the air


Scarlet Runners road Manager, Dill, is handing out beers to everyone and we haul up some old crates to sit on and relax. There’s a party atmosphere about us and we are enjoying the camaraderie. Sinbad is not in any rush to do business tonight. To anyone passing by, we are just a group of bikers partying and getting drunk, some may even be getting high.


What they do not suspect or know, is that there are guards surrounding the property. All of whom have their eyes peeled in to the darkness, watching for outsiders. Ready to aim their guns at anyone whose intentions are to cause trouble. Yes, Sinbad’s security is tight.


“Fuck, I missed doing the run.” Turning to the voice that is complaining, I see that Crabby has placed himself beside me, swallowing a small swig from his beer bottle.


“How did the babysitting go?” I ask, not bothering to hide the laughter in my voice.


“Fuck Linc, like I said I missed the run. Why the hell did Tabby put me on babysitting duty? The girl had me doing all sorts of shit. Fuck. I think she mixed up with a fucking prospect.”


For a few moments we stare in to the flames, thinking of the girl who has Tabby by the balls. “You think he’s ever going to forgive her?”


“Would you? If it had been your Harley that she had crushed?”  


I observe Crabby as he stares at Tabby. “No. But I think it’s more than that. You are aware she’s out of bounds to everyone. And that he collects and drops her off. He watches every move the girl makes. Hell if that man ever has a daughter I’m going to feel sorry for her.”


Crabby’s remark has me laughing. It also reminds me of the problems that are waiting for me back home. Fuck it. If I ever get myself a daughter. The first thing I am going to do is teach her to fight, and it’s going to be dirty. And if any little bastard comes sniffing round her. He will have to deal with me. To hide my pain, I swallow a mouth full of beer. I cannot bear the thought that I may never be a father.


Tonight I need to make good on one of my promises I made to Cassie. “Round up the brothers. Its time to unload the Cage and leave this place.” I instruct Crabby. Whilst I make my way over to Tabby. I am about to make him a little disgruntled with my request. Fuck, the knot in my neck is back.


Grabbing a couple of beers from the cool box, I hand one to Tabby “Good Run?”


From beneath lowered eyelids, Tabby’s focus is on me. Undaunted, I watch as he takes a slug of the cool amber liquid. “Something on your mind VP.”  Tabby is not a fool.


“Fire Lacey.”


“That the whore you fucked?”


There’s no point in lying. Instead, to bide myself some time. I swallow some of my own beer before I answer “Yep.”


“Fuck it Linc she’s a good worker and brings good money into the club. I’m not going to fire her just because you fucked things up with Cassie.”


“This is not a request Tabby. She has to go. And I don’t care how you do it. Relocate her for all the fuck that I give. Just get her out of Tie Me Down.”


“And what about her loss of earnings to the club until we get someone else?”


“No problem. I’ll cover the costs the first month she’s gone.”


“Three months.”


“Two. And get rid of her as soon as. OK.”


Tabby tosses his empty beer bottle into the metal container as he strides over to Inferno and Sinbad.




Satisfaction rolls through my body as I finish off my own beer. The cool liquid sliding down my throat as I close my eyes. One problem solved. This leaves me with just two to solve. Moving back home was proving to be more difficult than I had anticipated. The other one I was still not ready to face, and I am not sure if I ever will be.


More handshakes and back slaps are exchanged as we finish our business with the Scarlet Runners. And after I finish at the club, I am going home to my bed where a sexy woman is waiting for me. That kind of knowledge puts a man in a good frame of mine.

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