Line of Scrimmage (21 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

BOOK: Line of Scrimmage
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Chapter 21

RYAN PARKED IN ALMOST THE SAME SPOT IN FRONT OF THE bank he’d scored the day before. He sat there for several minutes reminding
himself that Susie had forbidden him to kill Henry. When he decided he was ready to face the other man without harming him,
he got out of the car and went inside. He was so focused on his mission that he missed the stares he received from several
bank patrons.

Holding his Stetson, he stepped off the elevator on the second floor and walked into Henry’s outer office.

His assistant’s mouth fell open when she recognized Ryan. “Um, good morning, Mr. Sanderson. May I help you with something?”

“I’d like to see Mr. Merrill, please.”

“Ah, let me check to see if he’s available. Would you like to have a seat?”

“I’ll stand. Thank you.”

She got up and scurried into Henry’s office. Several minutes passed before she returned. “Mr. Merrill will see you now.”

“Thank you.”

Ryan walked into the spacious office and closed the door behind him.

“What do you want?” Henry asked.

“Before I say anything else you need to know the only reason I’m not here to kill you is because Susannah asked me not to.”

“That’s a huge relief. Thanks for clearing that up.”

In a flash, Ryan tossed his hat onto a table, crossed the room, and hauled the smaller man out of his leather chair. With
his face half an inch from Henry’s, Ryan said, “I’m only going to say this one time, so you’d better listen up. If you
lay a hand on her again, I
kill you, and I’ll make sure it’s a slow, painful death. You got me?”

Henry’s face was red from rage and the chokehold Ryan had him in. “What are you talking about? I never touched her!”

The hell you didn’t!
She’s at the doctor right now finding out if her wrist is broken from what you did to her yesterday!”

“I didn’t mean to hurt her,” Henry said, but the coldness in his hazel eyes told a different story.

“I don’t believe you, and neither does she. So I’m going to make this really simple. Stay the fuck away from her, or you’ll
be dealing with me, and the next time I won’t be
as friendly as I’m being now. Am I clear?” When the other man didn’t answer right away, Ryan tightened his grip.

“Yes,” Henry croaked.

Ryan released him, and Henry sagged into his chair, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “You’ve really got the macho man act
perfected, don’t you?”

“I’d rather be macho than passive aggressive, which is your preferred method. At least my way is honest.”

Henry’s eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Give me a break. You know exactly what I mean.

Your goal in life has been to fill her with doubts about me and to undermine our marriage. Ironic, isn’t it, that the one
she should’ve been watching out for was you.”

“I’ve never been anything but a good friend to her.”

“That’s the biggest bunch of bullshit I’ve ever heard.”

“You may’ve won this round, but this is not over, Sanderson.”

“Oh, yes it is. It ends right now. You’re out of her life—out of both of our lives—for good.”

“You’re fooling yourself if you think she won’t come to her senses and realize what a big mistake she’s making.”

come to her senses. The mistake she made was thinking she could trust you.”

“You’re playing way out of your league with her, and you have been from the very beginning. But of course you know that.”

The comment was a direct hit to one of Ryan’s deepest insecurities—that despite all his success, he had married up. “Sure
I do,” he said with bravado he didn’t really feel. “But she doesn’t seem to be complaining. What did this morning’s paper
say I was worth? Was it forty million?” He scratched his chin. “Or forty-five? I can’t remember.”

Henry’s smirk faded. “Too bad all that money can’t buy breeding, and it sure as hell can’t buy class, two things you’re sorely
lacking. She’ll wise up to you. She did before, and she will again. And when she does, good old Henry will be there to pick
up the pieces, just like always.”

It took everything Ryan had not to pummel the guy.

“Stay the fuck away from her. I mean it. You do
want to screw with me.”

“You’ve made your point. I think you know the way out.”

Ryan picked up his hat, but before he left he turned back to Henry. “Why don’t you just go back to New York or wherever you
were before? There’s nothing here for you anymore.”

“Oh, I disagree. I’m giving it a month, two at the most. You’ll screw it up. You always do. And when you do, I’ll be waiting
right here to clean up your mess. It’s what I do best.”

Ryan glared at him. “Leave us alone, or you’ll be very sorry.”

“You’re the one who’s going to be sorry.”

Ryan decided to give him the last word. He’d said everything he had come there to say, and he was proud of himself for letting
the little worm live. He decided to get out of there before he forgot he’d promised Susie he wouldn’t kill the bastard. But
damn, he

His heart beating hard and his breathing heavy, Ryan rode the elevator to the first floor. The little worm had gotten off
a few well-aimed shots, but Ryan believed he had won the battle and the war. He checked his watch and discovered it was two
Why hasn’t
Susie called me yet?
In the car, he tried to reach her, and when she didn’t answer, he was filled with irrational fear. Some of Henry’s barbs had
hit too close to home, and Ryan was desperate for some reassurance that everything was all right. Hearing her on the voicemail
message made him feel better. He hung up without leaving a message, certain she’d call him the minute she left the doctor’s

“Does he think I don’t know I married up?” Ryan said out loud as he pulled into traffic. He had a meeting at three with his
attorneys to figure out how his retirement would affect his endorsement deals. “He’s in for a rude awakening if he thinks
he’s going to get another shot with her,” Ryan muttered. “The only way that’s going to happen is if I’m dead.”

Susannah finally called as he pulled into the parking lot at his lawyers’ office. “Hey, baby, what did she say?

Is it broken?”

“No, just a bad sprain.”

“Oh, good,” he said with a deep sigh of relief.

“She wants me to wear a brace for a week or two until it feels better.”

“I know just what you need. I’ll pick one up for you.”

“That’d be great. Thanks.”

“Is everything else okay?”

“Everything’s fine. Where are you?”

“Heading in to see the lawyers, but I can do it another time if you need me.”

“No, go ahead. I have a few errands to do. When you’re done there, will you meet me at The Brown Palace?” she asked, referring
to one of the city’s most luxurious hotels.

“What’s at The Brown?” he asked, confused.

“You’ll see.”

“You’re being very mysterious.”

“Will you meet me?”

“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

She chuckled. “Ask at the desk. They’ll tell you where I am.”

“I’ll do that. Susie?”


“I love you. You know that, don’t you?”

“Of course I do. Why would you ask me that?”

“Just making sure.”

“I love you, too, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Yes, you certainly will.”

A liveried doorman dressed in hunter green greeted Ryan when he arrived at The Brown Palace just after five thirty.

“Good evening, Mr. Sanderson.” The effort to maintain his professional demeanor was clearly a challenge for the star-struck
young man. “It’s an honor to welcome you to The Brown Palace. May I take care of your car for you?”

With a glance at the young man’s nametag, Ryan said, “Thank you, Tom.” He grabbed a plastic bag off the passenger seat and
handed Tom his keys and a twenty-dollar bill. “Take good care of it for me.

It’s new.”

“Yes, sir!” He whistled for a valet and issued strict instructions to give the car VIP treatment.

Ryan chuckled when he heard Tom excitedly whisper, “
That’s Ryan Sanderson!

“What brings you to The Brown tonight, Mr. Sanderson?”

“I’m meeting my wife. Can you help me track her down?”

“Right this way.”

Ryan followed him inside where high tea was being served in the lobby.

“Give me one minute,” Tom said, gesturing Ryan toward a chair.

While he waited, Ryan acknowledged the stares—and gawks—from staff and patrons alike with a friendly nod that discouraged
anyone from approaching him. It was a routine he had perfected over the years, and it allowed him to venture into public without
being mobbed everywhere he went. Susannah loved to poke fun at the fact that he only needed “the nod” in Denver, where he
was a local celebrity. During their separation, however, he had needed security to get through LaGuardia Airport. He’d have
to tell her about that one of these days.

Tom returned with a key card for Ryan. “Your wife is waiting for you in one of the Top of the Brown suites on the ninth floor.”

Perplexed, Ryan said, “She is?” He had expected to meet her at the bar or in one of the restaurants.

Tom rattled off the room number as he pointed to a bank of elevators next to the front door.

“Interesting.” Ryan shook Tom’s hand. “Thanks for your help.”

“My pleasure. Enjoy your evening.”

“I believe I will,” Ryan said with a grin and a wave.

Holding his coat and hat, he rode the elevator with growing curiosity.
What is she up to?

Using his key in the door, Ryan walked in to find the elegant sitting room bathed in candlelight. Soft music filled the air
and a bottle of champagne chilled next to a table set for two. He had just noticed a pair of beautifully wrapped gifts when
Susannah appeared at the doorway to the bedroom.

“I thought you’d never get here.”

Still absorbing the rest, he finally glanced over at her and almost swallowed his tongue. She was in black from head to toe:
a lace teddy that left nothing to the imagination, garters, thigh-high fishnet hose, spiked heels, and a flowing silk robe
she’d left open to ensure maximum effect, which was instantaneous and painful.

He was speechless.

Chapter 22

SHE SAUNTERED OVER TO HIM AND TOOK HIS HAT AND COAT. Laying them over a chair, she looped her arms around his neck. “Cat got
your tongue, baby?” she asked with the amused lift of an eyebrow.

“You could say that.” He molded her to him and leaned down to capture her mouth for a deep, sensual kiss. He found it hard
to breathe as her tongue met his in an explosive burst of passion, like she hadn’t seen him in days rather than hours. With
his hands encircling her waist, he lifted her against his instant erection. Her lips were moist and slick as they slid enthusiastically
over his.

When he finally came up for air, he managed to ask, “To what do I owe this most amazing surprise?”

“We’re celebrating.”

He wanted to feel her everywhere, and then taste her, and then, well . . . Forcing himself to bring his eyes back to hers,
he asked, “Celebrating what?”

“Your retirement, of course. What else would it be?”

“I thought we were just meeting for a drink or something.”

“We are.” She took him by the hand and led him over to where champagne awaited them. “Care to do the honors?”

“Sure.” He handed her the plastic bag. “I brought you this, but I can see I should’ve put more thought into my gift.”

She chuckled when she opened the bag to find the wrist brace he had promised her. “Thank you. I’ll treasure it always, but
you’ll understand if I don’t put it on right away. It’ll clash with my outfit.”

He untwisted the wire covering the cork. “Just so I’m certain they gave me the right key, are you the same girl who was telling
me only this morning that we needed to find something else to do besides have sex all the time?”

With a look of pure innocence, she asked, “Who said anything about sex?”

He threw his head back and laughed. A moment later he sent the cork flying across the room.

Susannah was ready with two crystal glasses. She handed one of them to him. “Here’s to my husband, the retiree, who not only
went out on top but did it with tremendous grace and a great deal of class. I’m very proud of you, and I can’t wait to see
what happens next.”

As he touched his glass to hers, Ryan wanted to say, “Take
Henry.” Instead, what he said was, “Thank you, baby.

I’m just overwhelmed. I can’t believe you did all this.”

“I had a little time to kill this afternoon.”

“I’d hate to see what you could come up with if you had a
of time to kill.”

“Since we have nothing but time these days, maybe I’ll show you.”

Amused and amazed, he could only stare at her.

“You’re so incredibly beautiful. I seriously almost swallowed my tongue when I saw you in that get up.”

“Don’t do that! I might have a use for it later.”

“Susie . . . ” He reached for her, but she took a step back.

“Not so fast. We have an agenda.”

“Oh, really?”

She held a chair for him at the table. “Have a seat.”

“Do I have to?”

Her stern expression answered for her.

“All right. If you insist.”

She served him caviar, pate, and crackers.

“Where did you get all this?” he asked.

“I had to run into Nordstrom to pick up my gown for the ball, so I hit the gourmet shop—and the lingerie department—while
I was there.”

Reminding himself to chew and swallow, he took a long drink of his champagne. He was hard as a rock, and she expected him
to sit here and eat crackers and make small talk? “What’s next on the agenda?” he asked, shifting in his seat in an effort
to find some relief.

“Don’t be so impatient.” She spooned some of the black caviar onto a delicate cracker and handed it to him.

“Remember the first time you tried caviar?”

“In Paris, after my first season with the Mavs,” he recalled. “You tricked me into eating it before you told me what it really

She grinned at the memory. “I wish I had a picture of the face you made when I broke the news to you.

It was priceless.”

“I’ve learned to like it as long as I don’t think too much about what it is I’m actually eating.”

“You’ve learned to like a lot of things you’d never tried before. Escargot, pate, paella . . . ”

He fiddled with the stem of his wine glass.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, taking a sip of her champagne.

“Do you ever feel like you, you know, married down?”

Her eyes narrowed with confusion. “What do you mean by that?”

“You had money growing up. You were even a debutante. I was just a hard-knock kid from Dallas who could throw a ball farther
than anyone else. I didn’t even know what a debutante
until I was your date to your coming-out thingy.” He laughed. “Hell, I don’t even know what you call it.”

She stared at him with disbelief. “Are you

You have more money than anyone I know.”

“It’s not the same as growing up with it.”

“Where’s all this coming from?”

“I was just wondering.” He had decided not to upset her by telling her about his visit with Henry. “Forget about it. I didn’t
mean to ruin the mood.”

She got up and came around the table to straddle his lap. “I don’t know where you’re getting these foolish ideas, but let
me set you straight.”

He took advantage of the opportunity to reach inside her robe and fill his hands with soft buttocks.

“Now, you have to promise me this won’t go straight to your fat head . . . ”

His chuckle died in his throat when she ran her tongue up his neck.

“I’m the envy of every woman I know. Not only did I land a rich, successful football player for a husband, but he also happens
to be
magazine’s most recent pick for sexiest athlete alive.”

He winced. “You saw that, did you?”

“Oh, yes, I saw it. I was sorry I wasn’t with you to bring you back down to earth—”

“As only you can.”

“As only I can.” She turned her attention to his ear.

“So I don’t want to hear any more talk about marrying down or any other such craziness.”

“How about no more talk at all?” he asked with a hopeful smile.

She moved provocatively on his lap, drawing an agonized groan from him. “While I can see—and feel—the merits of that suggestion,
next on our agenda is gifts.”

He brightened. “Can I pick which gift I want?”

“Unfortunately, no.” She got up and went over to where she had left one very large and one very small gift.

“Let’s see, which one first?” She picked up the larger of the two and brought it to him. “This one.”

“That would
have been my first choice. I’d like that to be reflected in the minutes.”

Her throaty, sexy laugh only added to his discomfort.

“So noted.”

The package, wrapped in shiny gold paper, was three feet tall and two feet wide. He couldn’t begin to guess what he’d find
inside. Since she was all but bursting with anticipation, he decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. He shook the
present lightly.

it, will you?”

It’s my present. I should be able to open it any way I want to.”

She sighed with frustration. “You won’t get any others unless you hurry up.”

He tore off the paper and found the front page of the day’s newspaper framed and matted in Mavericks’ yellow and purple. “Susie!
This is
How did you get it done so fast?”

“I have a few connections of my own in this city.”

“I can see that.”

“I figured you’d want it for your collection.”

He nodded. “I love it. Thank you.”

“Where is all your football stuff? I thought you would’ve taken it to the cabin.”

“It’s at my place across town.”

“I never did anything with that room after you moved out, so you can bring it all home now,” she said with a shy smile. “If
you want to, that is.”

“I want to.” He reached out a hand to her. “I want to very much. Thank you for my present. There’s nothing you could give
me that I’d love more.”

“Oh, we’ll see about that,” she said with a coy smile.

He turned her hand over and pressed his lips to the palm. “Not only is she beautiful and incredibly sexy, but my wife is also
very mysterious this evening. She’s got me so turned on I couldn’t tell you my own name right now, and still she torments

She glanced down at his lap, which only served to make his situation worse. “That looks kind of uncomfortable.”

“Do you
” he asked in a strangled tone.

“I’m reluctant to deviate from the agenda, but I want you to relax and enjoy your celebration.” She urged him to his feet.
“Why don’t we take care of your little problem so we can get back on schedule.”

He raised an eyebrow. “

“I meant
problem,” she giggled. “


She reached up and began unbuttoning the light blue shirt he’d worn with khakis for his meeting with the attorneys. “You’re
overdressed for this party anyway.” Pushing the shirt off his shoulders, she nuzzled his chest hair and dropped hot kisses
along his collarbone.

He groaned. “Is that supposed to be helping? Because it’s not working. My problem seems to be getting bigger by the second.”

When she tugged on the button to his pants, he had to grit his teeth to keep from exploding on the spot. He grasped her hand.
“Give me a second, baby,” he said with a deep breath.

She gazed up at him with eyes so blue he could drown in them. “You look like you’re in pain. I wanted you to enjoy this.”

“Oh, trust me, I am.” He held her tight against him. “I don’t ever recall enjoying a celebration more.”

“And we’re just getting started.”

“Am I going to be able to walk out of here under my own steam when you’re through with me?”

She cracked up. “I guess we’ll find out. How’s it going down there?”

“The crisis has passed. Feel free to proceed.”

She quickly divested him of his pants and backed him up to an easy chair.

“Let’s go to bed,” he pleaded.

“Not yet,” she whispered, kneeling down in front of him.

He almost launched out of the chair when she dragged her tongue over his inner thigh. “
. . . ” he gasped.

“What’re you doing?”

“While I was waiting for Pam today, I read the new issue of

“Oh, sweet
” he groaned. “What did you learn this time?”

She stroked him through his boxers.

He closed his eyes, rested his head against the back of the chair, and exhaled another long deep breath.

“Did you know,” she asked, as she freed his straining erection, “that men are most sensitive right here?” She used her tongue
to make her point.

” he hissed.

“I had no idea. I would’ve guessed it to be more sensitive here.”

Ryan broke out in a sweat as his heart hammered in his chest. “Susie, please . . . ”

“Is this what you want?” While continuing to stroke him with her hand, she took him into her mouth.

He clutched handfuls of her soft hair in a futile attempt to regain some control over an out-of-control situation. Hanging
by a thread, he almost lost it completely when she added her tongue to the mix.

He bit down hard on his lip in an effort to detract some attention away from the fire building in his lap. “Susie, that’s
enough . . .
” The orgasm hit him hard as one tidal wave after another pounded through him until he was so spent it was all he could do
to breathe.

She kissed her way up his belly to his chest. “Feel better?”

“Yeah,” he panted, his eyes still closed and his fingers still buried in her hair. “I need to retire more often. You’ve never
done that before . . . the whole thing like that . . . ”

Her cheeks turned to a fetching shade of pink that was in sharp contrast to her sex goddess outfit. “Did you like it?”

“No, I hated it. Couldn’t you tell?”

Laughing softly, she asked, “Can we get back to my agenda now?”

“You’ve wiped me out. I might need a nap first.”


She sounded so crestfallen that he forced himself to rally. “Nah. Just stay here with me for another minute.

Since I have no idea how long it’ll take to get my hands on you again with this damned agenda of yours, I’m afraid to let
you go.”

“We have just a few items left before we get to new business.”

“Is that when I get to take a closer look at what you’ve got on under that robe?”

“If you’re good.”

“You missed your calling as a dominatrix.”

Her face lit up with what might’ve been pleasure. “Do you think so?”

“I’m terrified to answer that question.”

She chuckled as she got up to get the other present.

When she returned, she snuggled onto his lap.

“What’ve you got there?”

“Just something I found today at the Sixteenth Street Mall.”

“You got around this afternoon, didn’t you?”

She became serious. “Open it, Ry.”

He tore off the paper and found what had to be the tiniest Ryan Sanderson jersey in all of Colorado. “Very cute, but I don’t
think it’ll fit.”

“It’s not for you.”

“Then who . . . ” He stopped and stared at her. “Susie?”

She nodded.

“Really?” he asked, his eyes filling with tears. “Already?”

“It probably happened that first time at the cabin.”

Tears rolled down his face as he clung to her. “I told you my boys were well rested.”

She laughed through her own tears. “Now we know the secret: no sex for a year, and then bam, pregnant.”

He rested a reverent hand on her belly. “If that’s what it takes, I hope this guy doesn’t mind being an only child, because
no way
I’m ever again going without for a year.” He held her tightly as he struggled to absorb the news. “Is this why you had the
doctor’s appointment today?”

“Uh-huh. I’ve been waking up every morning starving and was feeling some other signs that reminded me of when I was first
pregnant with . . . Justin.” Her voice had faded to a whisper by the time she said his name. “Just like then, I could tell
almost right away.”

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