Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition) (27 page)

BOOK: Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)
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“Well, you can’t expect my boy to live in sin. We’ll announce it by the weekend
, as soon as I can get the announcement to the
Shifter Times

You will do nothing of the sort,” Clarice growled.

Brenda went on as if she’d not said a word.
“I’m thinking of a pastel-colored theme. Lots of pink. What do you think,

“No one said anything about a wedding.” Clarice must have shown signs of flight, because Nolan’s hand gripped her
tight, grounding her.

Brenda smiled an evil
, catty grin. “Now, now, Tweety. Don’t you worry your pretty little bird brain about a thing. Mother will take care of everything.”

Oh yeah, that harsh panting was her hyperventilating.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said no. Nolan, do something. I am not getting married. Why can’t we just nest together? I’m okay with shacking up”

“I know, but
love me, have to put up with my mother. Congratulations. Welcome to my world. You’re now part of the pride. You’ll be glad to know they serve homemade cookies.”

“She can’t do this.”

Nolan patted her hand. “Just go with the flow. It’s easier.
And hey, if she’s planning a wedding then at least she won’t be hassling us to make a baby.”

She blanched. “Oh pigeon poop. I’d not even thought of that.”

“Babies? Did someone say babies?”

Before Clarice could fend off the overwhelming attention of a mother
-in-law bent on making her into the daughter she never had, they fled, commandeering a FUC vehicle, which wasn’t as nice as his Audi, and smaller. Not that Nolan seemed to care. He still managed to curl on his side and lay his head in her lap. He also closed his eyes.

“Do not tell me you’re going to nap now

He opened one lazy orb. “
You’re here. We’re safe. I’m horny. And once we get to my place, I don’t intend to let you sleep until we’ve both come at least a half dozen times.”

With that kind of logic, she hummed him a lullaby as she stroked his massacred mane.
She also broke a few speed limits getting them back to his condo where he put his nap to good use until she promised to never leave him ever again. And to love him forever.

Scary or not, she’d not only fallen in love with a lion, she now had a family.
Damned dust in the air.


When Brenda’s wedding frenzy got to be too much—the last straw being the eighteen-tiered cake topped with a giant lion wearing a falcon on his back—Nolan enacted his secret plan, which Clarice thanked him for in a most orally satisfying fashion.

hey eloped and ended up on a beach in Hawaii. Minutes before sunset, they got married, just the priest, him, Clarice, the surf, sand, and three hundred of his mother’s closest friends. How she managed to get them all out there on such short notice and without Clarice spotting them, Nolan never figured out, but in the end, he got what he wanted.

A wife.
And Clarice got what she needed, love—in the form of a dysfunctional feline family who took to their new avian family member with gusto. What his poor falcon didn’t expect when she fell in love with a lion, though, was the advice.

A male lion needs a firm whack on the nose every day to keep him in line.”

“No, you ninny.
Just keep him fed and he’ll be the best pussycat around.”

Lazy feline bastards. You should have never married him. It’s much more fun to live in sin.”

I can’t believe you don’t intend to share.”

His poor Clarice, she appeared quite overwhelmed.

“How do you stand it?” she moaned when they finally escaped their well-meaning—and occasional poultry-stuffing—advice.

For the most part, I ignore them.”

“I tried that. I don’t think they noticed because they kept on talking.”

“Count yourself lucky. It means they like you.”

“Couldn’t they like me a little less?”

“Doubtful. It’s your own fault for being so darned lovable.”

And she was. On the outside and to others
, she might present a rude and sometimes crude façade, but when it was just the two of them, the real Clarice let her hair down and showed him over and over again why he fell in love with her.

Under the stars and the moon shining through their honeymoon cottage skylight, they indulged in their passion as man and wife
. At the height of her orgasm, she roared in pleasure. He then, of course, roared louder, just to prove a point. Then she made him purr, proving her own point. A lion and a falcon, together forever—

“So now that the wedding
is over, when are you getting started on making babies?” His mother’s interruption couldn’t have happened at a worse moment.

Nolan napped as his new wife chased his mother down the beach, her falcon form swooping and diving at the bounding lioness.
But as he dozed, he smiled. Married life with his falcon would definitely never be boring.




Meanwhile, miles away from FUC headquarters…


Out she ventured from the edge of the woods with dainty steps that still crushed the foliage underfoot. Bleary-eyed, he tried to make sense of what he saw, but couldn’t, his injuries too great, his mind not working at full speed.

He tried to speak, or at least let her know who he worked for. He croaked a feeble
, “FUC.”

The timid creature
recoiled and bounded back into the forest.

A groan left him as he realized he’d just tried to speak with a plain old woodland creature.
It seemed his sense of smell was shot, right along with his poor body. That didn’t bode well.

Half in, half out of the water, he managed to roll to his stomach and claw his way further up the muddy embankment, a few feet of torture that left him panting.

Black spots danced before his eyes. He could feel the dark nirvana hovering over him, waiting to grab him in its embrace. He needed to fight it. Needed to…

The next time he woke, which surprised him greatly, he did so under a
wooden slatted roof, on a bed covered in a blanket smelling oddly enough of lilacs. He knew the scent because his mother liked to grow them when he was boy on the farm. He could still hear his father grumble about the darned things taking up valuable farmland space, but despite that, he allowed them just because they made his mother smile.

Do the lilacs mean I’m home?
No. Because home had white plaster ceilings and the mincing steps approaching did not belong to his mother. Not to mention, his mother never tied him to a bed.


The end…for now.

More Books by Eve Langlais

Published by Amira Press:

Alien Mate
Alien Mate 2
Alien Mate 3

Broomstick Breakdown

Dating Cupid

Pack Series:
Defying Pack Law
Betraying The Pack
Seeking Pack Redemption

Taming Her Wolf

His Teddy Bear

Scared of Spiders

The Hunter

Mated To The Devil


Published by Liquid Silver Books:

Princess of Hell series:
Lucifer’s Daughter
Snowballs In Hell
Hell’s Revenge

Hybrid Misfit

Last Minion Standing


Wickedest Witch


Published by Eve Langlais

The Geek Job

Furry United Coalition:
Bunny And The Bear
Swan And The Bear
Croc And The Fox

Freakn’ Shifters:
Delicate Freakn’ Flower
Jealous And Freakn’
Already Freakn’ Mated

Human and Freakn’
, Jungle Freakn’ Bride

Alien Abduction:
Accidental Abduction
Intentional Abduction
Dual Abduction
Mercenary Abduction

Cyborgs: More Than Machines:

Welcome To Hell:
A Demon And His Witch
A Demon And His Psycho

Sneak Peek

Accidental Abduction – A Sci-Fi  Alien Romance


Chapter One

Maybe drowning won’t be so bad.
Megan’s numb arms and legs agreed. Yet, despite the fact her whole body wanted her to stop moving—screamed it actually—she kept fluttering, moving her hands and feet just enough to keep her face above the waves. Every now and then she got a mouthful of salty water that made her choke and did nothing to cure her thirst. At least she didn’t have to contend with the burning sun. Chances were she’d succumb to fatigue before the dawn arrived with its warming rays.  Her sarcastic side—which was begging for a slap—piped in that she should also show thanks that she’d stopped shivering a while ago, her body acclimatizing itself to the Pacific waters she floated in.

Megan never intended to go for a swim when she set out for an evening cruise. She had her boyfriend—
stupid, freaking jerk
—to thank for her situation. And to think, she’d thought Cameron was “the one.” He’d certainly said and done the right things in his wooing of her and she’d enjoyed his company well enough, most of the time anyway, a rarity for her where men were concerned. She should have smelt something fishy when he’d immediately pushed for them to make everything joint soon after they moved in together—the whole cohabiting thing again, his idea. His claimed, “Don’t you trust me?” should have rung warning bells.

There was nothing as foolish as a woman in love, though, or in her case, like. She’d fallen into the trap he laid, and not just the trap of a con man, but a death trap.
I wonder if my grave stone will say “Here lies Megan, screwed by a man, yet again.”

In her defense, no woman ever expected the man she loved—or liked—to betray them—even if in her case, her track record with men should have provided a clue. She’d blithely agreed to go on a nocturnal jaunt with him, the moonlight cruise a celebration of sorts, the anniversary of their six month dating mark. A record for her. It would now also mark the date of her death. At least the bastard toasted her with champagne before hip checking her off the boat with an exaggerated “Oops.” Then, he’d had the nerve to laugh when she’d asked him for help as she treaded water, incredulity not making her see the obvious at first.

It didn’t take her long to clue in, and then she unleashed a litany of curses that would have made most seamen blush. Of course, the way she screamed in glaring detail the way she’d maim him when she got her hands on him might have factored in Cameron’s decision to go through with his deadly plan—or precipitated it? She should have probably left off the gruesome details about how she’d emasculate him. But still, what other reaction did he expect given his action?

Megan heard his derisive laughter for a long time after he steered the yacht away in the dark with only the stars to guide him. Hours later—or so she assumed given the numerous scenarios she’d had time to run through her mind where she survived and got her revenge—she floated at the ends of her endurance and strength, fighting to live even though she knew she had no hope of surviving.

A large wave rolled over her head and she floundered under the water for a moment, almost giving up, too tired to care. Then she saw it.

A light!

Disbelief made her stare under the water at the bright beacon hovering just above her head.
She didn’t question the improbability of it, just strained toward the brilliance using her last ounce of strength. Her head broke the surface of the ocean and she blinked in the bright glare, then blinked again as her body began to rise out of the water.
Did I die? Is this how my journey to heaven begins? Sopping wet and pissed?
Not to mention she’d always expected a much,
warmer reception when she finally did kick it. A poster child for pure living she wasn’t.

A flopping fish lifted from the water in front of her and rose rapidly, slapping her in the face with its thrashing tail in passing.

What the hell?

BOOK: Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)
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