Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition) (22 page)

BOOK: Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)
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,” she whispered.

Wetting the head, he rubbed himself back and forth against her pussy, applying pressure on her nub.

“Stop teasing me and give me your cock,” she growled.

Ever the gentleman, Nolan gave her what she demanded, perhaps a little more forcefull
y than he meant to. He slammed his dick into her and she yelled. Not in pain. Not in shock. No, his Clarice yelled for more.

“Harder, Nolan. Give it to me. Oh
, God. Give it to me hard.”

o he did, pounding into her willing flesh, each slap of his body against hers a rhythmic music that brought his own pleasure spiraling higher and higher. His balls tightened and his cock swelled so large it threatened to burst, but he held on, held on until her sex convulsed and spasmed into an orgasm that had her screaming. Screaming his name and her delight. He joined her, roaring her name as his dick spurted.

But his climax was short
-lived. The door to his apartment banged open as the men stationed as guards just outside poured in. Whipping around, Nolan, not one hundred percent man in that moment, roared again. “Get out!”

Lucky for them, they did. He snarled in annoyance at his climax cut short.

A giggle had him whipping back around. Clarice stood there, biting her lip, but she couldn’t stop a snicker.

“This isn’t funny.”

“Oh yes it is. You should see the look on your face.”

“And what look would that be?”

“The cat who lost his canary.”

Then she burst into outright la

Chapter Fifteen

Okay, so maybe Clarice should have tried harder to control her mirth, but who could blame her? The look on his face when those guys barged in? A girl could only hold in so much. She howled with laughter. His perfectly shaped brows drew together in annoyance.


Poor, frustrated kitty,” she choked.

“I’ll show you who’s frustrated.”

Nolan stalked toward her with all the feline grace of a predator and she backed up, not out of fear, but because she wanted to prolong the moment. He probably had no idea just how sexy he appeared. His hair crowned him in a wild golden mane, his eyes glowed with irritation—and lust—while his luscious body—with all those glorious muscles—bristled. As for his cock, lo and behold, it stirred, apparently ready for round two. Lucky her.

joying the visual tease, she didn’t pay attention to where her retreat led and her heel hit the edge of the air mattress. Teetering, she might have kept her balance, but he took that moment to pounce, his body tackling hers to the bouncy surface, and Clarice braced herself for a balloon pop. To her surprise, the mattress survived, and a good thing, too, given Nolan’s body pinned her to it, his hard dick trapped against her lower body, a clear indication of what would come next.

Is this your way of saying we’re not done?” she asked in between his ravenous kisses.

“Not by a long shot
,” he growled, tugging at her lower lip.

“Good. Get on your back.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said get on your back. You’ve had your turn to explore my body, twice now
, I might add. It’s my turn to do the same to yours.”

She didn’t need to ask again.
With an ominous creak of plastic, he flipped them on the inflatable bed until she perched atop him. Up she sat, her fingers digging in to the hair covering his chest. Not a hairy beast, he nevertheless possessed a light golden down for her to run her fingers through. He closed his eyes and a rumble shook him as she stroked him.

No way.
She paused. “Are you purring?”

He opened one eye to
peer at her lazily. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

“No. It’s just different.”

“Get used to it. A happy kitty purrs.”

Her lips
curled at his announcement, but he thankfully didn’t see as he’d already shuttered his eye. He continued to make his contentment audible and though she would never admit it, it pleased her. But she wanted Nolan more than happy. She wanted to drive him wild. Make him buck and moan her name. Yell at the top of his lungs as he came inside her. Speaking of which…

“You forgot to cover your soldier.”

He went still under her. “I did, didn’t I?”

Odd how he didn’t sound too perturbed. But then again
, he’d read her file, which contained her medical records and prescriptions. “I assume you’re clean.”

“As a whistle.”

“Guess it’s a good thing I get the shot.” As in birth control shot. Clarice didn’t indulge in the horizontal mambo often, but when she did, she preferred not to worry.

Guess so.”

“So we’re good to go without a hat?”

He sighed noisily and his purring stopped. “Are you just going to talk until you put me to sleep or are you going to do what you promised?”

She tweaked his nipple.

He yelped. “Ouch!”

“Saucy, kitty.”

“So punish me.”

“I intend to.”

The purr came back louder than ever. The vibration shook his entire body, which meant her sex, pressed against his hard lower belly, also felt the effect—and quite enjoyed it. She caught his lower lip between her teeth and nibbled as his hands spanned her waist. Slender-fingered and smooth at the tips, his digits tickled her skin instead of abrading it. No wonder they felt so good when they touched her lower parts. The lack of callouses an advantage to his being a doctor instead of a tradesman.

As she kissed him, savoring the roughness of his tongue and the lingering taste of her own body, she let her hands stroke up and down his muscled arms. She skimmed every part of him, learning his shape, the nuances of his skin, where he caught his breath, what made him twitch.
She explored all of his upper body, pinching his nipples lightly and laughing softly into his mouth when his hips jerked.

She felt the hot prod of his dick against the crease of her buttocks. Insistent and ready, he tried to subtly guide her over it, but she held him back. She’d not finished her exploration quite yet.
With one last suck of his lower lip, she broke the kiss so she could crawl backward down his body until she straddled his thighs.

Erect, thick
, and long, his cock lay against his lower body amidst a nest of golden curls. She grasped it and stroked its silky length, brushing her thumb over the tip and rubbing the glistening pearl into the head. He rumbled. “Now who’s driving who crazy?”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she drawled before dipping down to take him in her mouth.
Clarice didn’t give head often, but she might just make an exception for the man beneath her. Oh, how he made it into a treat. Every suction of her mouth, every lick of her tongue, every slide of her lips up and down his length evoked a reaction. He moaned, groaned, thrashed, and bucked. He showed such enjoyment in her touch, such pleasure she couldn’t help but enjoy herself too. Her pussy moistened, then ached, her own arousal pulsing in time to his cries. Responding to his evident excitement.

For a moment
, she thought about taking him all the way, of letting him come into her mouth, but selfish need stayed her ravenous lips. She released him, slick and erect, to poise herself over him. His eyes opened, his lids at half-mast. Oh, how sexy he looked. And at the same time, so hungry.

She meant to ease herself onto him slowly, to impale herself on his length, inch by inch. But he grabbed her about the hips and yanked her down, sheathing himself in a fluid motion that had her head flinging back and her fingers digging into his chest.

“Oh hell yeah!” she cried. He filled her to perfection. Stretched her and pulsed within her channel. Every slight movement, every grind of her hip, rotation of her pelvis, every twitch of his cock, went through her like a jolt. And the entire time she ground herself against him, rocking in a slow rhythm that had her pleasure mounting, he hissed, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me. Come for me. Squeeze me.”

She gave it to him all right. With a shattering cry, she came on his cock, the waves of her climax gripping and milking his shaft until spent
. She would have collapsed on him, a heaving and boneless mess, but he wasn’t done.

Hands still spanning her waist, he took his turn, lifting and dropping her on his hard dick. Each slam made her cry out. Spasm. Shudder. Up. Down. Up. Down. Over and over he pushed into her, hitting a sweet spot inside, her
oh-so-sensitive g-spot, which in turn, made her sex tighten once more, to want…to prepare for…

“Oh. Dear. God.” She screamed as she came for the third time, or meant to
. Her orgasm came upon her so powerfully she opened her mouth wide, but couldn’t find the breath to actually release it, the moment proved so intense. Nolan, on the other hand, had plenty of lung capacity left and he roared. God, did he roar, the vibration of it prolonging her orgasm.

This time
, no one interrupted them and he got to fully enjoy himself, so much so that his claws popped out and pricked her skin. Not for long. He must have realized what he did because he released her waist and dug at the sheets beneath them.


The hiss of escaping air
as their temporary bed deflated brought on the giggles again. Twice in one evening. It had to be a new record for her.

“Don’t laugh.”
He sounded so disgusted.

She snickered.

“This isn’t funny.”

She chuckled.

Nolan sighed. “You know, I’m really usually much more suave than this.”

“What, you mean you don’t usually have people barge in
during the middle of sex and have mattresses go flat? I guess that makes me special.”

The arms
he wrapped around her squeezed tight. “Very special.”

His words took her by surprise, especially since she heard the sincerity in them. But then again
, they’d just had great sex. Still, though, she wanted to ask what made her special? Was it something he said to all his conquests?
Or am I different?

“I can feel your mind whirling
,” he said.

“You cannot.”

“Can too.
For once, just relax and enjoy yourself.”


“Go to sleep, Clarice.”

“I don’t know if I can.”
She’d never felt more alive. Happier. She didn’t want the feeling to end. Didn’t want the moment to end. She wouldn’t examine the reason why. She didn’t want to ruin it. Not when she feared what it meant.

This means nothing. It was just good sex.
Just ask her body, which still thrummed from the pleasure. Pressed against his chest, she didn’t move to get off, even if she wasn’t usually much of a cuddler. He nuzzled at her hair, and lo and behold, if he didn’t start to purr again. She thought about making a comment, but the sound soothed her, lulled her, and slumber swept her into its grip.

Chapter Sixteen

Waking up with her cheek pressed to Nolan’s chest, the steady thud of his heartbeat a smooth, soothing cadence proved a new experience. Clarice didn’t sleep with her bed partners. She didn’t cuddle. And she most especially didn’t lie splayed across them like a downy eiderdown, so relaxed and content she didn’t want to move.

What is happening to me?

They’d had sex. Great sex. So why did a part of her long to kiss the stubble on his chin? Why did she want to wiggle her hips and see if something would wake up and give her a
good morning
? Why did she want to stay pressed against him, cozy and warm when there was a job to do?

The conclusion stole her breath.

Oh no, I’m starting to care for him.
Just the mere thought, the frightening idea, caused her heart to flutter in panic. No. She couldn’t fall for the lion. They were too different. He was too high maintenance. His mother was a nut job—a fun nut job, but still, crazier than a loon. Clarice didn’t belong with him, in his world. She had a job, an apartment, a life—of sorts—back in her own city.

But nothing to really prevent me from staying. No one to care if I never went back.
She could remain here, start a new life, if she wanted.
If he wanted me to.

What total, utter insanity. Nolan wasn’t about to ask her to stay and become his what? Girlfriend? Bedmate? Occasional hop
-in-the-sack-buddy? The guy was a slut and like an idiot, she’d allowed great sex to make her think she felt something more.

She wanted to slap herself
and then shake herself silly for falling for his act. Rolling off him, she heard him mumble, his arm reaching for her to draw her back in. She evaded it and whispered, “I have to go to the bathroom.” And she did. For a cold shower and a dose of reality.

No matter how pleasurable the sex, Clarice needed to remember she was only here temporarily. Once
she’d completed her mission, her time with the lion would end.

BOOK: Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)
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