Little Bird (The Tangled Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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Lee smiled, raising his head to kiss her. It was a soft kiss, a little tentative, but it was sweet and charming and melted Savannah’s heart when he tenderly tugged her lip between his teeth. His hands moved on her back again and Savannah moaned when they pushed lower, cupping her bottom and holding her tightly against him. Lee pulled his mouth from hers, holding her gaze.

“Savannah, can I make love to you? I need…” He trailed off but didn’t sound uncertain or bashful. Instead, his voice had been soft and a little gruff, confident as always. But something had made him stop.

Savannah closed her eyes, burying her face in his neck before she murmured, “Can I tell you something?”


“Remember when you asked me what I fantasized about while you were gone today?” She nibbled on his neck, kissing him and tenderly nipping with her teeth.

“Yes.” Lee’s answer came on a moan as her lips moved over his neck.

Savannah took a deep breath, tracing the line of his beard with her tongue before telling him something she’d never planned to share. “I tried to imagine what it would be like if you made love to me.”


That was all he said, just that one word, and Savannah watched his Adam’s apple move in his throat as he swallowed hard. Tipping her head back, she studied him as he lay there with his eyes closed. Lee must have known she watched him, because he opened his eyes, finding hers. Reaching for the bedside table, he got a condom without ever letting his gaze waver. His hands behind her back, he tore open the packet and then shifted beneath her to put it on.

Savannah started to scoot down his body, but Lee stopped her, both arms banding behind her back as he shook his head. “I promise you can ride me another time but I need you under me now.”

Savannah nodded but he hadn’t waited for her response, holding her tight against him as he rolled them over. Holding himself above her on his arms, he looked down between them, watching as he slid his cock back and forth, his breath catching on a low rumble that made her whimper when his swollen tip wedged against her entrance. Savannah moaned restlessly, her hips lifting to take him. Looking up again, he locked his gaze with hers and he let himself sink into her, penetrating her slowly, deliberately, as he lowered his body on top of her.

Every nerve in Savannah’s body was afire with need and he was going so slowly, tormenting her with his measured entry. This morning when he’d slowly entered her, giving her time to adjust to him, it had been reassuring but now she just needed him, all of him.

Finally Lee was fully inside, his cock rigid and throbbing, and Savannah gave a loud strangled cry, her hips rocking up instinctively. He restrained her hungry movements with a hand on her hip, letting his weight press her into the mattress. His voice was hoarse and strained. “Be still. Just lay here with me.”

Her body vibrated with desire. She ached to move beneath him but Lee ignored the needy little sounds she made. With her face buried in his neck, their bodies pressed together from head to toe, the scent of him filled her nose and Savannah thought she might drown in him.

“Would you like me to take you out on a date, Little Bird?”

Savannah blinked, surprised by his question. He raised his head to look at her, one hand in her hair, tenderly brushing it away from her face. “Yes.”

“Would you like me to take you to your friend’s party tomorrow night?”

“Oh.” Savannah hadn’t expected that and she shook her head, her brows furrowing. “No. Mike and Ginny might stop by. But we could do something Friday night.”

“Mike and Ginny are going to find out eventually.” Lee cocked a brow at her, a searching look on his face.

Savannah frowned, trying to focus her thoughts but the feel of him throbbing deep inside of her was so distracting. “I know. But they’re going to be mad and I’m not sure I’m quite ready to deal with that yet.”

“They will be mad, yes. But they love us both and they’ll get over it.” Lee dipped his head, his lips brushing across the bridge of her nose. “Why don’t you let me worry about them, Little Bird?”

Savannah sighed and nipped playfully at his chest. She did want him to take her to Joni’s opening. That he wanted to take her out, and specifically to a place where they’d be surrounded by all her friends, that meant something to her. He wouldn’t do that if all he wanted was sex. “It would be kind of nice to show you off to all my friends. In case you didn’t know, you’re really fucking hot.”

“So I’ve been told.” Lee’s chest rumbled with laughter and he kissed the top of her head. “It’s a date then.”

He fell silent again, his eyes closed and his face in her hair. She tried to squirm, to coax him to move with her, but he was bigger and stronger than she was, his weight holding her firmly in place. She whined with frustration.

“You’re so impatient.” She could hear the smile in his voice, felt the curve of his lips on her shoulder.

“This is torture.” Savannah laughed huskily and kissed his neck, her hands on his back, holding him against her.

“Maybe, but I enjoy lying here with you like this.”

Savannah started to say something but the words stuck in her throat, choking her, when at last Lee began to move against her, his hips grinding languidly. She cried out, unable to stop the tears she hadn’t realized were threatening. He had both hands in her hair, holding much of his weight on his elbows, freeing her to move with him as he made love to her, his movements unhurried, almost lazy. Sobbing against his chest, she hooked her leg over his hip, rocking to meet his leisurely thrusts.

Lee was so reverent, so tender. It was like he was worshiping her with his body and Savannah had never felt so cherished before in her life. In five years Flynn had never once made her feel anything close to this. How could Lee, who she’d only known such a short time, make her feel this way?

Lee tipped her head back, his eyes finding hers, his voice a rough whisper. “Don’t cry, Savannah.”

She tried to get control of herself, to suppress her convulsive weeping, but realized it was futile so she gasped haltingly in response, “Can’t…help it.”

“Take a deep breath, Little Bird. Relax.” He was smiling at her, his fingers stroking her cheek as he maintained his relaxed pace. When she took two deep ragged breaths he gave her a reassuring smile. “Why are you crying, honey? Are you still upset with me? Do you want me to stop?”

“No, no.” Savannah shook her head, wiping at her face with the heel of one hand.

“Then why?” Lee pulled her hand away from her face, bending to kiss her cheeks, taking her tears on his lips.

Savannah took another steadying breath, frustrated that her voice was still shaking. “No one has ever touched me like this before. I feel, you make me feel special.”

Lee groaned, pushing one arm under her shoulders and holding her against his chest. “You are special, Savannah. And you deserve to have someone tell you that, show you that, often.”

Savannah mewled as she registered the subtle quickening of his pace. “Please, God, don’t stop, Levon.”

“I won’t.” Savannah saw the flicker of amusement in his eyes but it was gone as quickly as it had come.

Savannah moaned blissfully as he gradually thrust faster. The ache inside her intensified and she parted her lips, uttering a startled gasp.

Lee dipped his head, his lips brushing hers. “Are you going to come already, sweetheart?” She nodded and he gave her a lopsided smile that laid waste to her heart. “I love the feel of you when you come on my cock. That’s what I meant earlier. I don’t know how you do it, but you squeeze me so tight when you come, God, it’s amazing.”

His words washed over her and Savannah cried out, her fingers digging into his chest, as her climax came with them. Even through the haze of her own orgasm she could hear Lee moan as she contracted around him, gripping and releasing him with each tremor of her body.

Savannah thought from the sounds he was making that Lee was going to finish with her but he didn’t, instead thrusting urgently against her and dropping his head to kiss her. It was the most soul shattering kiss of her life, the way his mouth moved over hers while he made love to her, her own body still quaking from her climax. It fascinated her that one kiss could be so hard and demanding yet affectionate and tender all at the same time.

Lee groaned against her mouth before rising up to look at her. He shook his head, a bewildered look on his face.


“I’m just trying to figure out how the fuck you do this to me. Hell, do you even know what you do to me?”

Savannah raised a brow at him and looked down to where their bodies joined, biting her lower lip as she concentrated on gripping him as hard as she could. “Yeah, I’d say it’s kind of obvious what I do to you.”

“Oh, fuck, don’t do that, sweetheart. Jesus, fuck. Stop. I mean it, Savannah, stop.” He buried his face in her neck, groaning incoherently as he fucked against her harder. Savannah ignored his request, instead gripping and releasing him with every thrust. All those stupid sex articles in the women’s magazines got most everything wrong, as far as she could tell, except the tip about doing your kegel exercises. That one seemed to be paying off.

Lee shouted, burying himself deep and biting her shoulder as he came. His hand found her neck, squeezing her nape with his fingers, gripping so hard it hurt. Lee was still grinding against her, coming long and hard, when he raised his head, his eyes finding hers as he growled, “Mine.”

Lee lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, with Savannah nestled against his side. She had one arm thrown over his chest, her head on his shoulder, and her legs tangled with his. They’d been lying there for some time, both of them catching their breath and trying to recover from what had been, at least in Savannah’s mind, life altering sex. She shivered just remembering the way he’d looked at her and the sound of his voice, fierce and possessive, when he’d told her she was his.

Lee must have felt her shiver because he lifted his head, looking down at her. “You cold, Little Bird?”

“No, I’m fine. A little warm actually. I was just thinking.” Savannah kissed his chest, flicking her tongue against his nipple. She liked lying with him like this, both of them spent and satisfied.

Laying his head back against the pillow again, closing his eyes, he asked, “About what?”

“Oh, just that if that’s your idea of make-up sex you can piss me off anytime you like.”

Lee snorted, amused, and gave her bottom a playful swat. “You know you’re not going back tomorrow morning, right?”

Savannah sighed and rolled away from him, pulling herself up on her knees and grabbing the top edge of the headboard. Lee was watching her with a raised brow as she leaned forward and banged her head on the headboard several times.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

She sat back on her heels and looked at him with narrowed eyes, rubbing her forehead with one hand. “What does it look like I was doing? I was banging my head on your very hard headboard, which, for the record, is eerily similar to talking to you sometimes.”

Lee rolled on his side and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her down next to him again, her back to his chest. “Is that so?”

Savannah nodded, snuggling back against him. “Maybe you could try saying, ‘Savannah, I don’t want you to leave in the morning. Would you please stay?’ or ‘I’d like you to stay, if you’d like that, too?’ or even ‘Savannah, I couldn’t possibly live without you. Please stay so I don’t have to join a monastery and spend the rest of my life celibate and pining for you.’ Any of those would be preferable to ‘You know you’re not leaving, right?’ I mean really, didn’t we just argue about what a bossy bastard you are?”

Lee chuckled, nuzzling her neck, his voice gruff. “Savannah, would you please consider staying so I can be inside you every waking moment we don’t have something else we absolutely have to be doing?”

Savannah sighed with a grin. “That’ll do, Levon. Maybe next time you’ll remember to try that route first.”

“Maybe.” He nipped her shoulder before adding, “I’m kind of disappointed though.”

Savannah craned her neck to look at him, her brows furrowed. “Why?”

“Well, I was sort of angling for more make-up sex.”

Savannah laughed and elbowed him between the ribs. “Oh, is that what you were doing?”

Lee grunted when she elbowed him, an exaggerated sound of pain, before shrugging. “I can’t quite seem to get enough of you and I won’t apologize for that.”

“Nor should you.” Savannah bit her lip, trying to suppress her giddy smile. Even after their tumultuous evening, arguing and then sharing deep painful secrets, she felt so safe, so happy, lying in his arms while he spooned her. Savannah thought she could lie there with him like that forever.

Chapter Seven

avannah sat at Lee’s kitchen table eating a piece of toast and reading her e-mail. There was a note from Joni asking how things were going in the country with the smokin’ hot asshole. Savannah ignored that one. What could she say? Things were going great, he was sort of an asshole and sort of not and she’d already slept with him? Yeah, that didn’t really seem like a good e-mail to send. Besides, Joni was going to get to meet Lee tonight; she could draw her own conclusions then.

Skimming the rest of her email, Savannah was disappointed she hadn’t received a response from any of Cara’s co-workers. She was frustrated and annoyed that they appeared to be stuck at a dead end, at least until Sunday when they could go to Richmond and stalk Cara’s parents.

Savannah was about to sign out of her e-mail, her cursor already hovering over the button, when a new e-mail appeared in her inbox from someone named Paul Martinez at
The Washington Post
. The subject line read, “I can help you.” With a racing heart, Savannah opened the e-mail, her excitement building as she rushed to the end.

Ms. Alderton,

I have the information you need. I will only share in person. Can you meet me this afternoon, say 5:30, at the Lincoln Monument?

Paul Martinez

Savannah looked at the clock on her computer. Yes, there was enough time for them to get ready and be in the city at five thirty. It would work out perfectly, actually, because they could go straight from the mall to Joni’s opening. Not wanting to waste any time, she quickly replied.

Mr. Martinez,

See you at 5:30!


Pressing send, Savannah leaned back in her chair with a satisfied grin, wondering exactly what kind of information this guy might have. He worked with Cara, did that mean this was related to her job? Had she gotten in too deep on a piece of investigative journalism and gotten in trouble? Or maybe it wasn’t work related. Lots of people were friends with their co-workers. She would know soon enough. If Lee wasn’t back shortly she’d have to call him and hurry him along so they weren’t late.

Savannah got up to pour another cup of coffee and found herself thinking about Lee again, her thoughts drifting back to the events of the previous evening. When he’d fucked her, he’d left her thoroughly satisfied, but the love making last night had been different. She felt weak in the knees remembering it. Savannah wasn’t completely inexperienced; she’d had her fair share of partners. But what Lee had done to her last night, the way he made her feel, had been like nothing she’d ever experienced before. It affected her in ways she’d never imagined sex could affect a person.

When she’d woken up this morning, she found herself alone in his bed. She was huddling lazily under the covers when Lee came into the room. He was naked, his hair still dripping and his skin damp from the shower, his cock standing hard and erect. When he noticed she was awake, he moved to the side of the bed, grabbing her upper arm and hauling her up on her knees. He told her to suck his cock and she did, enthusiastically. Her pussy ached, her thighs slick and glossy with her arousal but when she released him, begging him to fuck her, he’d just smiled and shook his head, his hands in her hair, pulling her mouth back to him. It wasn’t long after that when he came, his shaft twitching in her mouth as she greedily swallowed him, the rich male taste of him on her tongue only making her pussy throb more. When he’d finished, he’d tucked her back into bed, softly kissing her as his hand strayed between her legs, a ridiculously smug look on his face when he felt how wet she was. He’d told her he had to go do chores, that he would be back later and he wanted her to wait for him instead of getting herself off. She hadn’t waited though. The second she heard the front door slam behind him she’d taken care of business. She had still been able to taste him in her mouth when she came on her own fingers.

Savannah laughed quietly to herself as she leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping her coffee. For a man who was nearly forty his libido was stunning. She would have liked to think she was the reason for that but she was pretty sure, based on his reputation according to Mike, it was just him. He liked sex and he liked to have a lot of it. Not that she would complain about that.

She was still leaning against the counter smiling when the back door opened and Lee came in, Toby following close behind. Coming to stand in front of her, he ran his lips along her neck. “Having a good day, Little Bird?”

“Yes.” Savannah got that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach again. She nuzzled his collarbone before tipping her head back to bite his chin. “Mm, you smell like sweat. Yummy.”

Lee laughed as he moved away and sat down at the table, bending to unlace his work boots. “It’s hot as fuck out there today. Thank God Frank will be back later this afternoon.” As he kicked off his boots he looked up at her. “What were you smiling about when I came in?”

“Oh, I think I figured out why you’re such a womanizer.” She laughed, giving him a teasing look.

Lee leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed. “Were, not are.”

Oops, that had been the wrong thing to say. She’d been teasing but he didn’t appear to think it was funny. After their intense conversation the night before it was probably a little soon to jest about this. Apologetic, she said, “Right, were.”

Lee winked at her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into his lap to straddle him. Evidently once they’d agreed on the proper verb tense, he was all right with the teasing after all. “So, why was I such a womanizer?”

Settling herself in his lap Savannah felt his erection beneath her and she looked up at him with disbelief. “Really?”

Lee’s brows drew together with a confused look. “What?”

Savannah rolled her hips in his lap and he groaned. “That. Again? Now? We’ve had sex, hell, I’m not even sure how many times, in the last day and a half. How could you possibly be hard again?”

Lee laughed loudly, reaching out to stroke Savannah’s throat with his knuckles before letting his fingers wrap around the column of her neck. “Well, to be fair it’s been like eight hours since I came straight down this lovely throat.”

She shook her head, giggling. “This actually proves my point anyway. You were such a man-whore because one woman couldn’t keep up with you!”

“Man-whore?” Lee lightly pinched her nipple, giving the ring a slight tug through her clothes. “Are you telling me you can’t keep up with me?”

Savannah grinned, shaking her head. “What I meant was, one woman couldn’t keep up with you except me.” She watched as his eyes darkened and he shifted in the chair. Shaking her head, she said, “But not right now. We should call Mike.”

Lee pushed his hand under her shirt, cupping her breast and rubbing his thumb over the nipple. Somehow the silk of her bra between her skin and his made the caress even more arousing. “Oh?”

Her nipple hardened beneath his touch and she moaned quietly, grabbing his wrist. “Stop that so I can concentrate.”

He chuckled but didn’t stop, waiting for her to continue.

Savannah sighed, trying to ignore his rough hand on her breast. “I got an email from one of Cara’s co-workers. Some guy named Paul Martinez.”

“Don’t know him.” Lee grunted, nudging her off his lap and nodding toward his bedroom. “Go fetch a condom, sweetheart.”

“What? No, we don’t have time; we have to meet this Paul guy before Joni’s party. We need to call Mike and then get ready to go. You need a shower, too. You can’t go to Joni’s party smelling like horse and sweat.” She stood between his knees, torn between her own desire for him and the clock.

“Did you get yourself off after I left this morning, Savannah?” The tone of Lee’s voice made her shiver and she blushed. How had he known she’d had her hand between her legs the second he was gone?

“You did. Naughty little bitch, I told you to wait for me. Well, you’ve got two choices now. Go fetch a condom as I asked and I promise we’ll be out of here on time. Or, refuse and I’ll get it myself but you might be late to Joni’s party.”

Savannah gasped, pissed that he’d threaten to keep her from Joni’s party when he knew how important it was to her. Then again, she ached for him badly and he had promised if she cooperated she would make it on time. Still, she had a point to make before she gave in. “No, I have three choices, the third being not to have sex at all right now.”

Lee nodded, agreeing with her, but he had that smug look again. “Of course, but we both know you’re not going to choose that one so why mention it?”

Well, he’d neatly called her bluff hadn’t he? With a sigh of surrender, she turned and went to his bedroom.

On her way back to the kitchen with a condom in hand, she heard Lee’s voice and it took her a minute to figure out he was on the phone, with Mike from the sounds of it.

“No, I’m not sure. I just got back from the barn. I figured she could tell us both at the same time. Oh, here she is, just a second.” Lee pulled the phone from his ear, setting it to speaker and laying it on the table next to him. Giving her a wicked grin, he grabbed her waist, tugging at the belt loop of her jeans, indicating that he wanted her to take them off. “It’s Mike. Now, what were you saying about one of Cara’s co-workers?”

Savannah took a deep breath, stripping out of her jeans and panties with shaking hands. She was trying her damnedest to keep her voice steady, which became an even bigger challenge when Lee took out his erection and sat there stroking himself while he watched her undress and talk to Mike. “Oh, well, I got a response to the email I sent to Cara’s co-workers last night. He wants to meet.”

“From who?”

At the sound of Mike’s voice Savannah blushed hotly. She was doing exactly what he’d told her not to do and she was doing it while she talked to him. She felt guilty but there was something about it that aroused her, too. Did that make her a freak?

“What did you say his name was, Savannah?” As Lee spoke he looked at the condom and then down at his cock before meeting her eyes again with a raised brow.

“Paul Martinez.” Savannah tore open the packet and leaned over, rolling it over Lee’s erection, chewing her lower lip with concentration.

“You know him, Lee?”

“Nah, don’t think so. If he worked there back then, she never mentioned him. Or if she did I’ve forgotten.” With one hand on her hip and the other on his cock, Lee pulled her into his lap, bringing her down in one smooth motion. Savannah’s eyes went wide and she bit into her lip to keep quiet, but despite her best efforts she made a small squeak as he buried himself. Lee laughed silently, grinning.

“What was that?”

Fuck, Mike had heard her! She panicked as she tried to think of a plausible explanation.

“Sorry, Hoss. She had to sneeze. I think she’s allergic to the country.” Lee squeezed her hips, rocking her against him, his eyes locked with hers. “She makes the funniest faces when she sneezes.”

Mike snorted, apparently buying Lee’s story. “Everybody looks funny when they sneeze. So did you set up a meeting with this guy?”

Great, he was talking to her again. How was she supposed to carry on a conversation, as if nothing at all were happening, when Lee was lifting his hips, pressing his cock deep inside her? She closed her eyes, thinking maybe it would be easier if she wasn’t looking at him.

“Yes. This afternoon in front of the Lincoln Monument. It’s perfect because I can meet him on the way to Joni’s party.” As she spoke, her eyes closed tightly, Lee pulled her shirt up with one hand and pulled her bra down with the other. Savannah tried to ignore him, rolling and sucking her nipple between his teeth.

“I don’t like it. It could be a set up. We don’t know anything about this guy. Just because he says he’s on Cara’s side doesn’t mean he really is. I don’t want you meeting him alone, Savannah. Why don’t you stop by the office first? I’ll go over there with you.”

Savannah knew she should say something, but she just couldn’t come up with anything. All she could think about was Lee’s mouth on her breast and his cock moving inside her as he raised his hips rhythmically. If she opened her mouth now, Mike would know exactly what they were doing.

Lee rescued her, releasing her nipple, his breath warm on her wet skin as he said, “One step ahead of you, Hoss. I’m going with her.”

Savannah fisted her hands in his shirt, grinding against him helplessly. She knew she should stop, try to get some kind of control over herself, because if Mike asked her another question she’d be sunk. She couldn’t though and while she was horrified by the idea of getting caught, of Mike hearing them and figuring out what they were doing, it was also really hot in a dangerous sort of way.

“Ah, you don’t need to make the trip, Lee. I’m already in the city, it’s no trouble for me to go with her.”

“I appreciate that but I’m going to go. I want to hear what this guy has to say for myself.” Lee scraped his teeth over her breast between words and Savannah shivered, her lungs stinging with the need to scream. “Anything new on your end?”

“Fair enough. And unfortunately, no. I pulled that credit card again. She’s still using it but she’s all over town, it’s no help pinning her down. I spent all morning looking up current Treasury assets here in the DC area and searching the Internet for pictures of them but I haven’t been able to come up with anything yet.”

“All right, well, I just came up from the barn and I need to grab a shower before we head for the city. So if that’s it, I’m going to let you go.”

Savannah surged with relief that Lee was wrapping up the phone call. She ground against him desperately, her clit rubbing over his pubic bone every time he lifted his hips. She was vaguely aware of Mike’s voice again, telling them to let him know how it went with Cara’s co-worker, and then Lee reaching over, disconnecting the call.

Turning back to her, Lee had a dangerous look on his face, his hand fisted in her hair as he growled, “You liked that didn’t you, Little Bird? Knowing at any moment you could be caught. That he might hear you.”

She nodded frantically as she cried out loudly, releasing all the pent up tension of trying to be quiet.

“Fuck, I love that you’re such a dirty girl. I bet you get off on public sex and being watched, too.”

“Don’t know.” Savannah gasped just as her orgasm crested, her body convulsing against him.

Lee wrapped both arms around her back, holding her securely to his chest as she came, and then the next thing she knew, she was on the floor, flat on her back with Lee’s weight pressing her against the cold tile. Pushing himself up and hooking his arms under Savannah’s knees, he lifted her bottom off the floor as he drove into her.

“God, that’s fucking hot. You’re a nasty filthy girl but you don’t even know it. And I’m the lucky bastard that gets to show you how much you fucking love it.”

“Holy shit! I’m going to come again. How the hell do you make me come like this?” Savannah was astonished.

“Not yet, you wait for me this time. Like I told you to do this morning.” Lee looked like he’d been about to say more when his phone rang. He grunted, annoyed. “The ringtone, it’s Mike again.”

Savannah groaned with frustration. “You going to answer?”

“Fuck him.”

“No, fuck me.”

“Right.” Lee pulled her legs up over his shoulders and leaned forward. He drove into her so hard, so deep, she could feel him bumping against the back of her pussy. The first time it happened, she let out a startled yelp. It hurt when he bottomed out like that. When it happened again, she was over the shock of it and she realized that it hurt in a perfectly lovely way that made her inner muscles spasm. Sex with Lee always seemed to be filled with surprises.

“Fuck, I said not yet.” Lee’s voice was a deep growl, rasping and thick as he fucked into her faster.

“You better hurry up then.” Savannah’s voice was halting as she gasped beneath him, wanting to wait for him, but unsure how long she’d be able to keep her orgasm at bay.

“Don’t get pushy, Savannah, or I’ll come down your throat again. And this time I won’t leave you unsupervised afterward so I can be certain you don’t get yourself off until I want you to come.” Lee groaned, his fingers digging violently into her ass.

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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