Little Bird (The Tangled Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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When he stopped, setting her on her feet again, they were standing next to a chair a few feet away from the St. Andrew’s Cross where Slut was still bound. As Lee took off his belt, he met Savannah’s eyes and said, “Take off your panties. Give them to me.”

His voice was so firm, so certain. It compelled her to do as he asked. After the way he’d carried her over here, she didn’t know what he would do if she resisted now. Besides, she wasn’t going to pretend she wasn’t curious about what he intended. Trying not to flash the whole room, she took them off and offered them to him.

Lee was stuffing her panties in his pocket when a man in the crowd called out, “Hey, can I have those?”

Laughing, Lee called back to the guy, “Sorry, pal. That cunt is mine, along with anything that touches it.”

The crowd laughed and Savannah gasped with miserable embarrassment.

Turning back to her, he said, “Do you remember what you did yesterday morning, sweetheart? I told you that I would punish you for it, didn’t I?”

Savannah nodded meekly but didn’t say anything. She stared at the floor, hoping with all her might it would open up and swallow her.

“At the time, I didn’t think I would have such a perfect opportunity as this but now that I have it, I can’t pass it up. And, since you decided to get yourself off this morning, after I explicitly told you not to, you can consider this punishment for that, too.” He sat down on the chair, setting his belt on the floor next to him. Holding out one hand he said, “Come here.”

Savannah approached, cautiously asking him, “How come I’m in trouble for giving you a blowjob while you were on the phone, but it was your idea to fuck while you were on the phone and that’s just peachy?”

Lee laughed, grabbing hold of her wrist and pulling her down on her stomach, taking a moment to settle her across his lap before answering. “Because the first was your idea and the second was mine.”

Savannah didn’t really know what to say to that, so she remained silent instead. She could feel his hard-on pressing against her belly as she laid there, the blood rushing to her head and her hair hanging around her face. Bunching the leather skirt in his hands, Lee yanked it up around her waist. With his left hand on the small of her back, he massaged her ass with his right hand. Suddenly he raised it, spanking her hard with his open palm.

Savannah cried out and squirmed, trying to get free. Her corset was caught between her stomach and his thigh, and as she wriggled against him, her breasts burst out the top. With horror, she tried to cover herself with her arms, but Lee reached down, grabbing her wrists and bringing them behind her. Holding them both in his left hand, he pressed them into the small of her back.

Lee rubbed her bottom with his right hand again, his voice gruff when he said, “This would be over a lot faster if you would just sit still.”

She quietly willed herself to obey. If she had to do this, she wanted it over with quickly.

He reached down and a moment later she felt the sharp crack of his belt against her ass. It stung and she yelped loudly. The impact was shocking but truthfully, it hadn’t hurt as much as she expected. He’d hit her harder with his bare hand. But when the belt connected a second and third time in quick succession she screamed. Lee used a little more force with each snap of the belt and her bottom was already throbbing and tender.

Time seemed to have slowed. She was oblivious to the rest of the room and the people in it. Yet, she was painfully aware of Lee and her body. The fabric of his pants rubbed against her stomach, irritating her. His hand holding her wrists against her back steadied her and calmed her. Her skin burned, not just on her ass as she would expect, but everywhere. She was feverish and trembling but worse, she felt empty. She was wet and aching, desperate to have him inside her. Against all logic, she’d never been so aroused before in her life.

When the belt landed a fourth time, she felt his erection jerk against her stomach and it pleased her she wasn’t the only one getting turned on. She was crying, sobbing really, but it was as much from need as it was from the pain. She hoped he knew that.

The fifth smack of the belt still stunned her. But the sharp pain sent a bolt of lust straight to her core. She arched her back, lifting her hips from his lap, eager for the next kiss of leather.

To her disappointment, it never came. She was distantly aware of the jangle of the buckle as Lee dropped the belt. He released her wrists and it didn’t even occur to her to try and cover herself. With both hands, Lee massaged her aching bottom, his rough hands cool on her tender skin. It was soothing but wasn’t what she really needed and she squirmed impatiently, trying to direct his touch between her legs.

When, at last, he pushed one hand between her thighs, she heard him chuckle and her hips bucked against his fingers. He knew exactly how turned on she was, despite her pitiful crying.

“I think you’re very close to coming.” Savannah could hear the smile in Lee’s voice and she mewled in response, rolling her hips. “Not yet, Little Bird.”

Lee withdrew his hand and told her to stand up. In a daze, she pushed herself to her feet but she started to sway and wobble on those impossibly high heels. A woman toward the front of the crowd caught her, one arm around her shoulders to steady her. Whispering against her ear the woman said, “You’re doing great, honey.”

Surprisingly, Savannah took comfort in the woman’s words and her steadying arm. She stood there for a moment, while she waited for the world to stop spinning around her. As she came back to herself again, she realized her skirt was still hiked up around her waist and her breasts were still hanging out the top of the corset. She started to push the skirt down over her hips when she felt another sharp crack on her ass.

Whipping her head around to look at Lee, she saw he was holding his belt loosely in his hand. “Leave your clothes as they are and come here.”

He sat back in the chair, his legs spread wide as he pointed to the floor between his feet. She moved to stand between his knees and he cocked a brow at her, reaching out to put one hand on her hip, gently pushing her to the floor.

Once she was on her knees between his legs Savannah knew exactly what it was Lee wanted. Reaching up she tugged his shirttails from his pants and, suddenly feeling brave, started unbuttoning his shirt. When she had finished, she pushed it aside, baring his chest and muscular stomach. Her hands moved to the button on his pants and Lee trailed his belt along the length of her back, a slow teasing stroke of leather. Savannah shivered, moaning and looking up at him. His gaze met hers, his expression inscrutable, as she unfastened his pants, pushing them open. Tugging Lee’s boxer briefs down to expose his hard cock, erect against his abdomen, she leaned forward, darting her tongue out to flick against the swollen head.

Lee brought the belt down on the top of her ass and her head jerked up as he growled, “Don’t be a tease.”

Savannah was crying again, tears streaming down her face, and she didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded. Licking her lips, she leaned forward again, taking him into her mouth, her tongue stroking his length as she eased him deeper. But apparently she was still going too slowly because Lee fisted his hands in her hair, dragging her mouth onto his cock. Savannah gagged, desperate for breath, as he rammed himself into her throat, holding her head there. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore, Lee pulled her head back, giving her room. Savannah managed two big gulps of air before he pulled her back to him, but this time he guided her mouth up and down his shaft, establishing a hard, fast rhythm. She sucked and licked, stroking him with her tongue. He groaned, his hands relaxing a little in her hair, and she knew she was pleasing him so she did her best to maintain the rhythm Lee had set for her.

Savannah’s pussy throbbed and ached with need as she worked. She needed to come so badly, wanted him inside of her. She had forgotten all about where they were and all the people in the room around them; all she could think about was pleasing him and her own aching need for release. Lee’s cock jerked against her lips and she knew he was close to finishing. Savannah sucked greedily, redoubling her efforts and focusing all her energy on getting him off.

“Well, I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

Lee’s head snapped up, his eyes opening, to find Cara standing directly behind Savannah. As he tightened his fists in Savannah’s hair, holding her head still against his stomach, his cock still deep in her throat, it occurred to him that this situation ought to feel awkward. In fact, having your ex-wife watch, for god only knows how long, while you receive the perfect blowjob seemed like the very definition of awkward. But he didn’t feel awkward. Instead, he was pissed—which was par for the course since Cara was involved.

His voice was low, threatening, as he looked at her with an arched brow. “You couldn’t have waited five fucking minutes, Cara?”

Savannah struggled to get away from him now, so she’d clearly figured out what was going on. Lee released her hair and she fell back on her heels, looking up at him before glancing over her shoulder at Cara. The wounded, vulnerable expression on Savannah’s face only made Lee angrier. Cara would be lucky if he didn’t kill her. The few bystanders they’d attracted, sensing that the show was over, were already beginning to dissipate. Perfect, fewer witnesses if he did decide to strangle his ex-wife.

Quickly rearranging his clothes, he refastened his pants before taking Savannah’s hand and pulling her to him. She climbed into his lap, straddling him, her body trembling against his chest, as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and buried her face in his shoulder. He knew she was embarrassed and didn’t blame her, but he could feel the wet heat of her through his pants and he found it difficult to concentrate. He took a deep breath, trying to focus his anger on Cara when he heard Geoff speak.

“Cara, you know it’s bad form to interrupt play in progress.”

Cara turned to Geoff with a bemused look, leaning close to whisper, “This is my ex-husband.”

Geoff stared at Cara for a moment before saying. “I don’t give a fuck who he is. This is still my club.”

Cara had the good grace to look repentant. “Point taken. It won’t happen again.” Turning back to Lee, she said, “I apologize for interrupting. I was just so surprised. I thought you might track me here eventually but I didn’t expect to see you enjoying your visit quite so much.”

Lee leaned back, tenderly stroking Savannah’s back with one hand as he studied his ex-wife. Cara wore a black vinyl dress that fit her every curve, her breasts overflowing the top. Her short black hair swung around her chin in a severe bob and she wore more make-up and jewelry than he had ever seen her wear before. He could tell she was uncomfortable under his steady stare. She had never been a patient woman and it would infuriate her that he wasn’t saying anything, just watching her.

Finally, Cara snapped, “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Lee shrugged, his voice calm but hard, as he said, “You’re the one who interrupted me. I figure you must have something you wanted to say.”

Cara turned and looked down at the man kneeling by her feet. “Go get a key for a private room.”

As the man stood up to do as she commanded, Lee noticed for the first time it was Paul. Although he shouldn’t have been, Lee was surprised. Of course Paul was a member here. How else would he have arranged the guest passes? But until now Lee hadn’t even thought about it. When Cara turned back to him he grinned.

“What are you grinning like a fool about?”

Lee laughed. “I’m just glad to see you finally found a man who actually enjoys being emasculated on a regular basis.”

Cara was stunned and looked like she might spit nails. Savannah, on the other hand, seemed to be amused. Her face was pressed to his neck and her lips curved in a big smile against his skin.

Finally, after a long silence, Cara said, “You know, having to admit you’re wrong every now and then doesn’t really count as emasculation.”

Savannah giggled then and Lee gave her a gentle swat on the bottom. She promptly went still and Lee looked down at her as he said, “You think that’s funny, Little Bird?”

“Of course she does. Anyone who has known you for more than an hour knows you’re an obstinate prick who’s never wrong, at least in your own pig-headed mind.”

Lee was ready to tell Cara he was aware he’d been wrong at least once, when he asked her to marry him, but Paul returned then, pressing a key into Cara’s hand. She smiled benevolently at him as he resumed his position kneeling by her feet. Her hand on top of his head, she murmured, “That’s a good boy, Paulie. Now, you stay here and keep Lee’s little toy company. He and I need to have a talk in private.”

Did she really expect him to leave Savannah out here alone? He had no doubt she’d be safe with both Paul and Geoff keeping an eye on her, but the way she clung to him, there was no chance he’d abandon her right now. “She’s coming with me.”

Cara sighed, obviously annoyed. “That’s very sweet, Lee. Really. But no harm will come to her with Paulie. And the things we have to talk about aren’t meant to be heard by strangers.”

“She’s not a stranger.” Lee gave her a level look. “She works for Mike.”

Cara laughed loudly, her voice heavy with sarcasm. “Oh, I’ll bet Mike just loves that you’re fucking his secretary.”

“She’s actually Mike’s assistant. And no, he’s not really wild about our…relationship. But it’s mostly because of her we were able to track your devious ass down. She deserves to know what’s going on. And frankly, even if we did leave her out here, I’d just tell her everything you said afterward anyway. So really, what’s the point?” He glanced at Paul and then added, “You may keep secrets from your toy but I don’t.”

Cara stood considering for a long moment before finally saying with a sigh, “All right, come on.”

“Hold on, Little Bird.” Lee stood up and felt her arms and legs tighten around him. He had both hands on Savannah’s bottom holding her securely against him as he followed Cara and Paul across the room to the stairs. When Cara first interrupted them, Savannah had been embarrassed and frustrated. But now, he could tell from her soft little sighs and the way she snuggled against his chest the excitement was wearing off and she was getting sleepy.

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