Little Miss and the Law (9 page)

Read Little Miss and the Law Online

Authors: Loki Renard

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Fiction, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lesbian, #Lesbian Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Little Miss and the Law
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“I see. Your bottom has been feeling neglected, has it? Well, we shall remedy that.”


Stephanie writhed in place. Mackenzie was not so much as laying a finger on her, yet her body was aflame with shame and anticipation of the punishment she was being promised.


“Come along, little one,” Mackenzie said briskly.


Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief. She was not going to be spanked in her office.


“Thank you Ma'am,” she said meekly.


“Thank me when I am done with your behind,” Mackenzie replied, holding the door open for Stephanie to go out before her. It was all Stephanie could do to leave the office without succumbing to the powerful urge to cover her bottom with her hands.


Mackenzie strode out of McMevil Publishing trailing Stephanie behind her like a puppy on a string. Stephanie's usually buoyant features were wide eyed with a girlish sort of fear as trailed along after Mackenzie dutifully, her held hand firmly in Mackenzie's strong grip which removed any possibility of escape. Being led that way out of the building and into the car park was embarrassing, but Stephanie was not silly enough to try to pull away, instead she did her best to keep up with Mackenzie's long strides and to smile at the people they passed by in the halls. It was bad enough knowing that you were going to be punished without everyone else in the building surmising as much. She breathed a sigh of relief when they reached Mackenzie's car.


“In you get,” Mackenzie released Stephanie's hand and gestured to the passenger door.


Stephanie obeyed quietly. She wanted to moan and pout and complain about how unfair it all was, but one look at the thunderous expression on Mackenzie's face dissuaded her from taking that action. She was in so much trouble. Her stomach fizzed with a queer excitement as Mackenzie slid into the driver's side of the vehicle and slipped the keys into the ignition.


“Seat belt on, little girl,” she said sternly.


Stephanie hastened to put her seat belt on, then sat stock still, facing forwards with her hands clasped in her lap. She had been naughty, she knew that. If Mackenzie prized anything, it was professionalism, and Mackenzie had just watched Stephanie not only miss a deadline but nigh throw a tantrum at her boss in justification of missing it.


“I am disappointed in you Stephanie,” Mackenzie lectured as they began the drive home.


Stephanie's tummy sank. “You're disappointed in me?” she asked, her voice tremulous.


“Yes. You are an adult Stephanie, and you have had ample time to talk to me about the issues you are concerned about. However instead of speaking with me, you've decided to take a passive aggressive route and put your career on the line to do so.”


Stephanie thought she was going a bit over the top. “I'd hardly say that it was putting my career on the line, Mackenzie...”


She was cut off abruptly. “It most certainly was. Did you see the way your boss looked at you? He thought you were quite mad. You will go in tomorrow and you will make a personal apology to him. Tonight, I will make sure that you mean it.”


“I am sorry now, Mackenzie, truly, I am sorry I didn't talk to you. I didn't know how to bring it up without sounding as if I didn't like Jake.”


“So the sensible thing to do was to miss a major deadline and yell at your boss?”


“Well, no...”


“Precisely. When we get home, you will go to the bedroom, slip off your pantyhose, shoes and skirt and you will get your nose in the corner. I intend to deal with you very thoroughly this evening, my girl.”


Mackenzie's tone was controlled, but undeniably stern. On the receiving end of her girlfriend's ire, Stephanie found herself feeling very small and very naughty indeed.


“Yes Ma'am,” she replied softly.


When they arrived, Stephanie wasted no time in complying with Mackenzie's orders, fleeing to the bedroom as soon as she stepped in the door. She kicked off her shoes, ripped down her pantyhose, laddering them beyond repair and put her nose into the corner of the room.


Outside the bedroom, she could hear Mackenzie moving around, pouring a drink, calmly relaxing. She wished with all her might that she could be out there relaxing with her, but instead of a cocktail, she was merely enjoying a very close view of a right angle.


Her nerves began to grow as time drew on. How long had it been? A quarter of an hour? Longer? Was Mackenzie going to just leave her in here? She'd almost made the decision to leave the corner when the bedroom door opened and Mackenzie's soft footsteps entered the room.


“I want you to know, Stephanie, no matter what happens over the next few hours, I love you and I want the best for you. Do you understand?”


Stephanie trembled at the words and the mournful way in which Mackenzie had spoken them. How bad was this going to be?


“Please, I am so sorry,” she exclaimed, turning around out of the corner. “I will be good, I promise. Oh my god!” she gasped, seeing that Mackenzie was carrying a rather solid looking paddle in her right hand. It was round and wide, like a table tennis paddle, only bigger and thicker and much meaner looking.


“Oh god please no, not with that,” she begged.


Mackenzie quirked a wry smile at her. “I haven't even touched you yet, I suggest you save the begging for when you need it.”


Stephanie's jaw dropped. She was seriously going to spank her with that thing. She was seriously going to punish her.


“Mackenzie, please, come on,” she tried once more.


“Hush, little girl,” Mackenzie placed a finger over Stephanie's pouting lips. “The time for you to talk is over. Understand?”


Silently, Stephanie nodded, wringing her hands and squirming on the spot.


“Now, little one, you have been naughty, and you will be punished. I do this not to be cruel, but to be kind. You cannot be allowed to act out simply because you feel ignored. Do you understand?” As she spoke, Mackenzie put one hand on her hip and caressed Stephanie's hair gently.


Stephanie nodded, biting her lower lip as she fought back tears that were already threatening to burst through her defenses. “Yes Ma'am.”


“Good. Now, you are going to pull your panties down and come and lay over my lap,” Mackenzie said, seating herself on the bed and beckoning Stephanie with one crooked finger.


Stephanie shivered, but obeyed. The first time Mackenzie had spanked her, she had been unable to remove her own panties, but this time she pushed them down willingly. She had been naughty and she needed absolution over Mackenzie's lap.


“Good girl,” Mackenzie praised Stephanie, settling her into position, raising her bottom a little higher, her head and shoulders a little further down the bed. Instead of laying over Mackenzie's thighs, Stephanie found herself positioned over one, with the other wrapped around her lower legs. There would be no escaping this spanking once it started.


Fingernails trailed over her bottom, a gentle scratching that calmed her.


“I don't think we need to go over why you are here again. I think you know why. Don't you, little one?” Mackenzie said, laying her palm lightly over Stephanie's lower cheeks.


“Yes Ma'am,” Stephanie sniffed. Tears were already beginning to well in her eyes. She'd never not wanted a spanking so badly, yet deserved one so much. Caught between the desire for absolution and the urge to fight her punishment, Stephanie could only whimper miserably.


“There there little one, it will all be over soon enough,” Mackenzie said, raising her palm and bringing it down firmly on Stephanie's bottom. From the first slap, she gave no quarter, peppering Stephanie's jiggling cheeks with short, hard slaps that stung deeply into her flesh.


Whimpering and wiggling, Stephanie did her best to endure the spanking. As much as Mackenzie's hand stung, there was more to come. There was that ominous large paddle that Mackenzie had seen fit to lay at the end of the bed, right where Stephanie could see it and contemplate it as her bottom was spanked to a bright pink color.


“I am sorry, Mackenzie, I am sorry,” she repeated over and over.


“I know, dear, I know,” Mackenzie replied gently, pausing the spanking for a moment to rub her bottom and stroke her hair.


“Your little bottom is very hot, I am sure that you are learning your lesson very well,” she said, her voice gentle and kind as she reached for the paddle.


“No!” Stephanie begged, but without wasting another moment, Mackenzie brought the paddle up high into the air and brought it down in a sweeping arc. It cracked into Stephanie's bottom with a sound that echoed off the walls, and Stephanie stiffened, then howled loudly as the searing pain spread across her bottom.


“Stop! It hurts It hurts!”


“Of course it hurts, little girl,” Mackenzie replied calmly, pausing a moment to allow Stephanie to regain her composure.


“It hurts too much!”


“Believe me, it does not hurt nearly as much as losing your job because you acted like a spoiled little brat,” Mackenzie replied firmly, bringing the paddle down once more, sending Stephanie into a squirming, squealing fit.


“I won't do it again! I won't!”


“Of course you won't.”


Once again, Mackenzie brought the paddle down against Stephanie's naughty posterior, sending the woman into gales of tears. If it were not for the strong thigh restraining her legs, she very likely would have bucked entirely off Mackenzie's lap.


Holding her naughty girlfriend firmly in place, Mackenzie delivered another five powerful swats of the paddle to Stephanie's behind, noting with satisfaction the way her cheeks were fast turning a deep cherry red color from mid cheek to top of thigh. Naughty Stephanie would be feeling this spanking for a few days, and that was a very good thing indeed. Though she was undoubtedly a delightful submissive, she had not received anywhere near the discipline she needed to thrive properly. Mackenzie set to work correcting that problem with gusto, laying aside the paddle and returning to spanking Stephanie by hand.


Stephanie's cries were a chorus of pain punctuated by tears and muffled pleas for clemency, but Mackenzie ignored them all. The girl needed a sound spanking, and a sound spanking she would get. It was not until Stephanie's bottom was a uniform mass of deep red that Mackenzie ceased spanking and soothed her contrite girlfriend by rubbing her bottom and lower back gently.


“There there, it is all done now, sweet girl,” she said comfortingly, easing Stephanie up into her arms. Stephanie buried her head in Mackenzie's hair and sobbed against her neck with great heaving cries.


“Shh, sweetheart, you did very well, all is forgiven,” Mackenzie reassured her, rubbing her back and kissing her cheek.


“I'm sorry I am such a bad girlfriend,” Stephanie cried.


“What? You are not a bad girlfriend. You are a little brat sometimes, but I know how to correct that,” Mackenzie smiled, gently curling her fingers in Stephanie's hair and softly tugging her out from her hiding place so that she would be forced to look at Mackenzie.


Stephanie emerged, her face wet from tears, her eyes rimmed red. “I am a bad girlfriend, I am always being naughty and messing up.”


“No you're not. You're a very good girlfriend. If you say that again, I will have to spank you, and I don't think you can take another one of those right now, can you?” Mackenzie's tone was light and it made Stephanie smile just a little and shake her head emphatically.


“I didn't think so. I didn't think my naughty girl would want another spanking right away,” Mackenzie said, cupping Stephanie's bottom gently and pulling her close so that her thighs were spread around Mackenzie's waist as she half knelt on the bed, relieving the pressure on her poor throbbing bottom.


“I don't want another spanking ever,” Stephanie announced.


“Really?” Mackenzie arched her brow. “Well you will have to be very, very good then won't you?”


Stephanie shook her head and giggled. As the pain eased, warmth and a sense of lightness was sneaking over her body.


“I think my naughty girl could do with a hot chocolate and then bed,” Mackenzie announced.


Stephanie giggled and nodded. That sounded divine, she was suddenly very, very tired and though her bottom was sore, the heat in her cheeks was also a source of comfort. A few weeks ago, nobody would have cared if she missed her deadline. Now Mackenzie cared, and she was prepared to do something about it.


“Up we go!” Mackenzie announced, standing up with Stephanie in her arms.


“Oww!” Stephanie cried out as her weight was suddenly forced onto her sore bottom where Mackenzie was supporting her with strong hands.

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