Livvy's Devil Dom (4 page)

Read Livvy's Devil Dom Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Livvy's Devil Dom
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She touched her wrist
and rubbed the tiny image, its black whorls a mirror image of the one inked
onto him. "What does it mean?"

"You're mine.
This is our link."

He hesitated, and
Livvy thought she'd never seen someone look so lost or alone. She deliberately
hardened her heart. If he read her, then let him know it took more than a sob
story to win her around. She might have agreed he was her Sir, but it took a
lot more to help her understand everything. The amount of information she had
to take in was enough for a PhD at least.

Livvy-love, no sob story, just fact.
You let me out, and now
we pay the price."

That remark sparked a
thought in her. "Talking of which, you ass—" He looked bewildered, as
well he might. How on earth could he know what she was talking about? That
thought hadn't even formed coherently before she'd spoken.

"Paying the
price," she said. He still looked at her blankly. "You didn't use a
condom. If I'm pregnant, I'll do more than clock you one on the face. I'll make
sure you never get the chance to father any more children. Or sing anything but

He covered his cock
protectively and half-laughed. "Yes, well, let's hope it doesn't come to

"Oh, let's hope
it does."
He's purring
, she thought,
bloody purring

"I haven't ever
used protection. There's been no need."

What? I've been daft enough
to let him in me bareback. Never…
However that nasty little seed of thought
was digging into her mind.
Ah seed, shut
up, not to be imagined.

"But up until
my cum
was clear. I told you," he said, and
she blinked.


and when you let yourself, you'll remember. It's
different now though. From today on, it's sperm-filled and virile. That's the
way it works. We will make beautiful children. Proper little Devils full of
spark and feistiness."

mad." She shook her head
. How the hell does he know that? Has he had a
snip reversal or something? This has got to be another surreal dream.
Got to be.
I'll wake up and realize my dreams have gone up
to a new level of weirdness. Should I pinch myself?

"Ouch." She
glared at the figure beside her. There really was someone with her, and he'd
pinched her. She could see the red mark on her arm.

"I did it for
you, the pinch," he said in an “aren't I helpful” tone of voice. "I thought
it might be more effective if it came from me."

Livvy leaned toward
him and pinched him back.
He blinked and gave
the most theatrical wince she'd ever seen.

Okay. There's no need to retaliate."

"Ha, there so is."

She moved away and
sat across the room from him. Doing so made her feel strangely lonely. There
was a tug, deep inside her, a connection she wanted to deny but couldn't. What
was going on?

"This will get
us nowhere fast. Start talking, so I can sort memories and dreams from memories
of reality. Firstly, no way did you just spring out of me last year. So?"
I sound like a complete brat
. She
decided she didn't care. She needed information, and fast.

course not.
What a stupid idea. My name as you well know, if you chose to
acknowledge it, is Sael. I am Saffaulian. I was born many moons ago there.
In our world.
Which, if humans weren't so
insular and so sure they knew everything, would be obvious to see.
Behind Orion.
And my mother would be most upset if you
denied her existence.
Come to think of it."
His voice
filled with humor. "I don't think my father would be overly impressed

Livvy waited for

Instead, he closed
the distance she'd put between them and began to nuzzle her neck. Tingles and spirals
of heat radiated out from where he touched, and her clit clenched in an effort
to direct the erotic stings towards it.

she said. "Let's stop buggering about." She giggled at the
speculative look that came into his eyes. "No, we're not even going to go
argh, that
so doesn't sound right."
Damn, I've forgotten the Sirring bit again.

Sael laughed openly,
and even though she felt ready to thump him again, and was worried about what
was might happen, and—
Oh shit.
To her dismay, her knickers were more
than damp—how many times could that happen before they were wrecked?—and her
clit throbbed in time to the tiny erratic pulse in her neck. A wave of heat
suffused her body, and the muscles in her pussy sent a new gush of arousal to
coat her thighs. However Livvy found
able to
laugh with him, as the tears streamed down her face.

"Oh, Livvy-love,
let's go there. Anytime," he said, as his eyes twinkled, and blue and
silver lights shot from them. Sparks of fire glowed in their depths, and she'd
swear she saw a rainbow flash overhead.

"Stop it."
She wiped her eyes and sobered up.
"No, thank you, Sir.
No appeal to me."
Liar, liar
… She
blocked that thought out, just in case he'd tuned into her like he said he
could. “So, you have parents? Who come from a planet behind Orion?

"You don't mean it,
you know, about the buggering. You love it, really."

She lifted her hand,
and the fire in his eyes seemed to reach out to her. Livvy lowered it hastily,
and he rewarded her with a smile.

"Good girl. Be
warned, though. I
remember that, and you
pay for it
later. Now, where was I? Yes, okay, explanations now and fucking later. I get
you. Well, it's a story that is so familiar to
forget I need to spell it out. And to be honest, I thought you'd realized what
was going on from our activities this last year."

"No." She
was going to make him explain everything. "Start at the beginning, and
don't stop until the end."

He raised one

"Um, please,
Sir." She'd get the hang of this Sirring if it killed her.

"If you don't
it'll more than likely kill me,
Yes, I read your
mind. Deal with it. Remember
who's in charge, my love
You can say what you want, but each infraction will be remembered and recorded
in here." He tapped his head. "And we'll resolve them as is right and
proper later. Okay."

He stared. Livvy
looked away first. The idea of resolution intrigued, excited, and scared her.

Every time she said it, it got easier.

His tone changed from
seductive and commanding to brisk and businesslike.

"My name is Sael
De Laphouresse. In human age, I'm thirty-five.
On Saffaul?
Add thousands. I come from a long line of Saffaulian Rulers. We control the
Devils within the recess of a person's soul. Each of us has a soul we take care
of, cherish, nurture, and eventually live within. Once, many eons ago, we ruled
all Devils, both the Devils Within and the Inner Devils.
types of Devils, light and dark, good and bad.
Sadly, not everyone
chooses to have a good Devil within them. For centuries of your world's time,
we tempered the good with the bad.
Managed to keep peace and
harmony both on Saffaul and Earth.
Now, until we reach the age of
Saffaulian maturity, we guard our chosen soul from afar. The elders will do all
that is necessary if any human needs Saffaulian help. This is our way. Once we
are mature, we begin our life's work. If the rulers decide that both our soul
and we are ready, we move in. Then, after we show our human how we need to
interact, we appear. Take charge—"

She interrupted him with a sweet—and innocent—grin.

"I distrust that
look, love. And be warned, if you don't stop butting in, I'll show you how
effective a ball gag is. Remember? You shouted blue heaven, and I had to
explain the traffic light system. Red, ‘no not now’, orange, ‘hold on let's
talk about this’, and green is ‘go, go, go, all is
Then well, after I knew I had to slow down, I sort of made you forget all that.
Now we need to get up to speed, so it's traffic lights, okay? And we can always
try the gag again."

Livvy was darned sure
she was the color of the walls, and they were pale grey. That was something she
hadn't remembered. "Er no,
Red then."

He laughed. "Oh
Livvy-love, you're so transparent. How can you call red when your cream coats
your legs and you're so wet you want to make yourself come? Oh, and you're not
to do that, unless I say so. Accept it."

Sael waited until at
last she gave a brief nod. Then he smiled, damn him. He knew she'd do as she

"Thank you, pet.
To continue then this has worked for all time. We are born, lead Saffaulian
our history and our future. Always,
humans are given the choice between good and bad. Most choose good, and this
caused problems." His eyes darkened, and Livvy could see how troubled he

She almost leaned
over and kissed him.
"Carry on."

"The Inner
Devils rebelled. Left Saffaul and began to do The Devil's work here on Earth,
and for more time than any human could comprehend, there was war between the
Inner Devils and the Devils Within. Yes I know it sounds complicated. That's
half the problem. When some people choose, they get our names mixed up. The
Inner Devils wanted to use their souls for evil, while we wanted to protect
ours. For
, you understand, do not make pacts with
The Devil. We bring peace of mind, happiness, and sexual satiation. If allowed.
The downside is that to allow us to live in the body that belongs to us, the owner
of that body has to totally and utterly give themselves to their Devil.
If they refuse, after it has been offered to that
person openly, with all facets explained, it gives an Inner Devil a chance to
take over and rule. Which is so not good news, believe me!"

neither is his stupid thought that my body belongs to him.
as for coming in my ass?
He can bugger off, not in. What?
Never, ever, ever.
Not there.

"Oh, yes, there.
You have such a sweet ass, perfect for me, and you love that sweet sting. Your
cries of arousal are perfect. However, that's for later. Oh, yes, it is."

He stopped her with
an imperative wave of his hand, as she was about to rush into speech. She shut
her mouth and glared at him.

"You might need
to temper those icy stares a bit. No one will believe I'm all and everything to
you, if you keep freezing me out like that. However, when you remember your
sweet subservient 'yes, Sirs' it’s a start. Saffaul demands instant obedience.
I'm not quite so dictatorial, although, I confess, I can have my moments.
However, when it comes to sex, I
in charge."

Livvy stayed silent.
It was either that or
major, painful violence.
He seemed to interpret her silence as agreement. "Good girl."

She still stayed silent, though.

As he'd talked, he'd
paced the room. Now, he nodded and sat down in a seat near—but not too near, fortunately—her.
When she'd decorated this room, she hadn't realized just how erotic it could
be. The swirls of grey, mauve, and silver in the curtains shimmered in a rich,
silky splendor. The cushions were big and squashy, perfect to sit, or put your
head on. The carpet, thick and soft, invited you to stretch out on it. The bed
had metal ornately carved head and footboards, and the seat, now occupied by
the man from her dreams, was deep, and wide enough for two people to squash
into. Looking at it now, she suddenly thought how perfect the carved arms would
be for tying something, or someone to.

Where did
come from?
With a sinking feeling, Livvy thought that chair seemed designed
with him in mind.

"So, let me try
to get this straight," she said. "Last year, I somehow unleashed my
Inner Devil?"
Humor him.
She smiled in what she hoped was a
reassuring, "Oh, I believe all you're saying" manner.

"No." His
fangs appeared again.

"No? And put
your fangs away. It's rude to flash in public."

He growled, but to
Liv's relief, the fangs began to disappear.

"So?" She
prompted. "If I didn't do that, what did I do?"

the Devil Within.
Like I've told you, that's something quite different. You have
either-or, not both. Be glad you have me. I'm one of the good guys. That's why
you need to save me. And incidentally, save yourself."

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