Livvy's Devil Dom (2 page)

Read Livvy's Devil Dom Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Livvy's Devil Dom
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"What the hell
was that for?" She glared at him, and was rewarded by the soft wave of red
that hit his cheeks. Yes, she might like it, and she knew he knew it, but why was
he so angry?

Every night.
You feel this every night. It's real. You
choose not to remember it." He kept up his relentless thrusting, and
kissed her neck. It stung, and he grinned as he pulled back to stare at her.
"My mark.
Every night."

He was in her dreams every night? What planet was he from? She'd
surely remember a tall, dark, ask-me-and-I'm-yours man in her bed?

"You know what
planet I'm from. You just heard me. And yes, you
it's every night.
I allowed you not to remember most nights, but now? Now,
wake up and fuck time."

Suddenly, she was
blazing angry. Who the hell was he to mess with her mind like that? Didn't he
know it was bloody rude to answer her thoughts? They were her
for fuck's sake.
If she'd wanted him to know
what she was thinking, she'd have spoken aloud. He needed to butt out. However,
she thought she'd just let them both come first! Before she chewed his balls
off and told him to go to hell.

His grin
was devilish.
But remember, not only
can I read your
I give as good as I get, and
more. So be careful what you decide. You chew my balls; I chew your pussy. I go
to hell, you join me, and I'll tell you now, you won't like it, not one little
bit. Take heed, Livvy, my love, wherever or whatever, I will be your

His thrusts became
faster, more demanding, as he pinched and soothed her nipples, before
descending on her mouth again.

His last words before
their tongues tangled sent her over the edge and spinning into sexual

"Come now,
Livvy. Come for us. And we'll fly." She flew.
long, and perfect.
He followed her over the edge. She felt him spill,
and fill, and… "Fuck."
Felt him fill me.
No protection.
"Fuck." She hammered at his shoulders with her
"Asshole, moron.
Fuck." Now he'd
reduced her to moronic, childish language.

"We did."
He grinned, and she saw a glint of something sharp in his mouth. "Fuck.
You ready to go again? Give me five minutes. We Saffaulians are good, but not

His grin was wicked,
his fangs sharp, bright, and …
Holy hell.
did see something.
All thoughts of condoms and safe sex went straight out
of her mind.
You're a fucking
Oh hell, what does that mean for me?

"Wrong. I'm a
fucking Devil." His voice was full of hurt.
bloody good, fucking Devil, who's been fucking you this past year without any

a year?
In your dreams, mate.
I'd know if I felt
that every night."

"You did.
In your dreams.
You follow instructions beautifully."
He slapped her ass again.

Livvy yelped.
is it with this ass slapping? I'll thump him if he doesn't stop.

He answered with two
more slaps, one to each cheek. They stung. "You do as I say. I'm the
master in this situation. Don't forget that. Survival depends on it."

Oh, shit, now he's
talking in riddles. Ah, and rubbing my ass where it stings. He really is…


Hellfire and
damnation, why did humans always react like that?

A Devil.
Devil Within."
What is it with humans and
their stupid, rigid, preconceived ideas?
Sael retracted his fangs, proud he
hadn't succumbed to the urge to plant them firmly into one lush breast and
openly mark her as his. Next time, though, just let her spit out some sass, and
he'd fang her as well as fuck her. His cock began to grow hard at the thought.

C'mon, Livvy-love,
give me some cheek. Let me show you who's in charge. Better the Devil you know
and all that.

"You're so full
of yourself. Who are you, anyway? What are you doing here, and why the hell
aren't I on the phone to the police reporting you for rape?" Her eyes
blazed at him. He could see the fire within. Did she even know what a turn-on
those flames were? He might not be
Devil, but all Devils had some
pyrokinetic tendencies.

"Why? Because,
my dear, you're mine. Your mind knows it. I know it, and your body knows it.
Why else are you marked?
My cum
is your stain.
Look at you. You wear my sign." He waved his
hand in the direction of her body. "Mine, all mine."

"Crap." She
turned away as she spoke, all stiff-backed and indignant. "I'm my own
person. No bloody dream machine is going to tell me otherwise."

That's enough.
lying, Liv. At least own up to this, even if you delude yourself over other


This time, he smacked
her bare ass harder. He watched the red mark glow and grow with satisfaction.

She rubbed at it, her
glare belligerent.

"Next time you
lay a hand on me, mate, it will be your bollocks.
Up your

Sael spoke patiently,
well, as patiently as a Devil with yet another hard-on and no immediate way of
softening it could. She was magnificent in a snit.

"Listen, Livvy,
and listen well. You're mine, and however much you try to avoid it, you know
you are. Why else would you let me come to you, come in you and over you every
night? I
your master, and your body accepts this. Hellfire and
damnation, how can I be lying when your body shows I'm not? Your mind also
accepts it, when you let it. Well, love, time to let it. Or I'll show you how I
can make you accept it. Show you how I can dominate and push you to limits
you're not yet ready for."

How many times do I
have to tell her I am in charge? Can't she see that, feel it? Women!
don't think you're quite ready for that yet. Do you? Pushed to the edge and
left to rely on me to decide where you fall. You still have obedience issues,
and wouldn't believe I was in charge. We need to work on that."

Her jaw dropped and
then snapped shut as she spluttered. Sael laughed. His Livvy
had problems
with her attitude. She stared at him as if he had three heads. He let his fangs
out, just enough to make her eyes widen.

"If I choose to
master you now, you'll hurt. When I take you, when I let my fangs run over you
and into you, you're going to be sated, ready, willing, and begging. Then, and
only then, will we be truly us." He licked his lips and widened his smile,
just enough for her to see that extra row of tiny, razor-sharp incisors he
occasionally, very occasionally, let free.

Once more, he slapped
that delectable ass, this time lightly, just to get her moving.


Livvy moved so fast
he hadn't seen the thump to his jaw coming. His head flipped back, and he saw
stars. Not good, not good at all.
Stars, for fuck's sake.
She couldn't have the decency to let him see the dark side of the moon.

He saw her decision
to run expressed on her face the minute she realized what she'd done. His Devil
took over, and his fangs were primed and at the ready before she'd even taken a

Control yourself.
Hold it in. Control it. Breathe deeply, slowly, and carefully. Just one little
, okay, no more.
Just a tiny, tiny
No punctures, no bites, just a warning.

He switched off the water, and
pushed her out of the shower. The towel he flung in her direction was caught
one handed, and Livvy wrapped it around herself tightly. That annoyed him, and
he flicked his wrist to unwind it. It dropped to the floor, and she gasped.

"Do not
move." He knew his voice would be harsh, guttural, and not easy to
understand. Talking with a mouthful of fangs and extra teeth wasn't the easiest
thing in the world. "Not one step. Don't pick it up. Don't do

"Make me."
Livvy stood with her arms on her hips, and her fingers twitched. The stance was
one hundred percent defiant, even though he could smell her fear. It rolled off
her in waves, and mixed as it was with the sweet smell of her arousal, it
intrigued him. She was such a mass of contradictions, and if he had more time,
he'd show her how to let them loose them one at a time.

Oh, Livvy-love, thank
you for saying that. Just what I wanted: permission! Do you know what you've
unleashed? Do you realize you are giving me all I need to be your Dom, now and

"Say it
again." He needed to be sure. Even though he wanted to rush her before she
changed her mind, his Devil warned him to use caution—
yeah. Okay, maybe I am being too literal, but hey, I'm taking my chances, and
I'll pay the price later.

But that cautious imp
made him add, "Do you know what you're asking me, Liv? We will be as one,
and I will be your Dom. You will submit to me, defer to me, and accept all I
Not only in your dreams, but in your reality."

Why am I giving her a
get-out clause? I'm the Dom. She wants me and all we do. Why am I holding back?
For all he second-guessed himself, Sael had to be sure Livvy knew
exactly what he meant.

She stood stark
naked, her hands still on her hips, with his mate-marks standing out proud and
defiant, reddish and
. He knew the color of her
ass would match them.

"Be careful what
you ask of me," he said. "Remember who I am, what I am, and what we
will be. You'll see what you release in me. I
give you a Saff, as opposed to a safe, word first. You may
choose to use it, but there will be no second chance if you do. Saff-words are
my honor and my curse. Safe words are ours to use as and when. We'll discuss
those as well."

Her face went white,
and she stared at him as if he had grown horns. Did she understand any of it? It
was all he could do to stop himself from checking his horns weren't on show.
That would definitely be a step too far for her at that moment. Did the woman
still not realize he wasn't
Devil, just

remember." She swayed, and Sael caught her before she fell. "I
remember. It's like fitting all the bits of a jigsaw into the right places."
She gulped. The skin over her throat rippled. Even that unhappy gesture sent
his pulse racing. "Oh shit, bits in the right places, you, me, bits
. "
He held her firmly as she struggled in his arms.
chance of grazing is fucked for now, then.

He held her tight,
not unkindly, but in a manner he hoped would calm her, and used one hand to
stroke her back, a bit like you'd do to a skittish horse.
Maybe I'd best not use that analogy to
. Not many women would be pleased to be likened to an animal like

"Oh shit and
shoot, I remember. Not everything, but…" Her voice trailed off, and she
stared at him in horror. "Oh grief, maybe I do remember everything. No
wonder I decided it was a dream.
You, me, us, and—oh

not hell, our reality."

Chapter Two


He almost felt sorry
for her, except his cheek throbbed in a most un-arousing manner. A slap on the
ass was one thing. A thump on the jaw was something else. She looked lost and
bewildered. As he watched, she choked back a sob and swiped angrily at her

Her forlorn actions
were enough to melt his anger. His incisors dipped, and his fangs retracted.
Damn, he was a sucker for tears.
Especially when, like now,
they were involuntary and unwanted.
He pulled Livvy close and cuddled
her, and let his chin rested on top of her head.

"Shh. Okay,
Livvy-Love, I'm sorry, but you wake the Devil, and you pay. You should know
that, if not in your reality, in your mind. I've a devil of a temper when
roused." He grinned. It was maybe not the best analogy to use. "Sorry,
but you know what I mean. Remember what we've done? What I've said to

She hiccupped and nodded.
"I remembered bits and pieces here and there—not everything. Now you've
opened up my mind, and
info-dumped everything on
me." She didn't seem too happy about it. "Well I don't know if it
is everything. I guess I'll find out. I'm
trying to sort it all out, but it sounds like a porno film.
me as Miss Porno in chief."
She glanced down at his cock. "And
you as the male lead."

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