Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) (24 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)
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Let me know if you need anything. Stoney x

"Was that him again?" Declan asked as we sat in
the hospital waiting room.
I let out a loud sigh as I turned off my mobile and quickly placed it back into
my handbag. I glanced in Declan's direction, "Yes it was. Have you got a
problem with that?"
"You know I have!"
"Shhh! Keep your noise down, I don't want the whole waiting room knowing
my business," I berated him.
Declan rolled his eyes and crossed his legs dramatically before he leaned
closer, "Locke was taken from you four months ago, you'd think that Stoney
would've got bored with you by now."
"And what are you implying?" I asked as I folded my arms across my
"That you're boring!" Now it was my time to roll my eyes. Declan
placed his hand on mine, "He's made contact with you every single day
since Locke's death. Don't you think that's a little strange?"
I moved my hand from his, "He's just looking out for me, that's all. I
haven't told him where I am but he just wants to stay in contact, something
about Locke's last words." And that's all it was. I hadn't met with
Stoney, I didn't even know who he was until the night of the fire but since
that day he'd made it his duty to look out for me and the feelings that it had provoked
were good. It was as if Locke knew that he was going to die and had made sure
that someone was around to look after me although he couldn't.

Declan looked at me sceptically, "He's a man Keira, and
the only thing we think about is sex."
I sniggered, "Declan no offence but your more feminine than me so I don't
think you're able to speak honestly on this."
Declan pretended to flick his hair from his shoulders, "I don't know what
you mean?" We giggled which was nice as the last couple of months had been
really tough. I'd discharged myself from hospital two days after the fire. The
guys from the club were smothering me and I couldn't handle the constant
reminder, I needed to find a way to grieve and couldn't do it publicly.

I continued to giggle and placed my hand on my growing
stomach, "Stop making me laugh or I'm gonna piss myself." I was
waiting to have my twenty week scan and was excited at the prospect of finding
out the sex of the baby.
I turned to the sound of the door opening, "Miss Keira O'Flaherty."
The lady called as she stepped into the waiting room.
I took a deep breath and glanced at Declan before I stood. This was a momentous
time in the pregnancy and I was upset that Locke couldn't be here to be
involved in such a joyous occasion.
Declan saw my discomfort and reached out to hold my hand, squeezing it reassuringly
as he guided me towards the room. I was nervous, I wanted to know that
everything was going to be okay and put my mind at rest because of the pains
that I'd been having recently.

"Hello Miss O'Flaherty, please make yourself
comfortable and slip your trousers down so that we can get to your tummy."
I pulled my joggers down under my stomach and made my way onto the bed. "Dad,
if you want to sit down on that chair you can also see the monitor." The
nurse said looking at Declan.
I laughed hard as Declan kept his composure and sat on the chair crossing his
legs, "Do I look like I have the ability to produce children." He
winked at the lady and I swatted his arm playfully.
"I'm sorry, I should've introduced you to my extravert brother
The lady blushed, "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have presumed that you were an
item." She busied herself getting her equipment ready while Declan gave me
a sly wink.

"Prepare yourself this will be cold," the lady
squeezed the cold jelly onto my stomach sending shivers through my body.
I glanced at Declan and gave him a small smile as nervous tension filled my
body and the lady moved the ultra sound around my tummy until she saw the
little heart beat on the screen.

"Oh Declan," I raised my hand towards my face to
wipe the tears that had started to stream down my cheeks.
"Come here," I leaned into Declan's embrace as he wrapped his arms
around me tightly. "I know it's overwhelming and certainly not the same as
it would be if Locke was around but I promise to look after you babe."
I smiled, "And I'll love you always for that."

I knew that it would be difficult bringing up a baby on my
own but that was the sacrifice I was prepared to make.

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?" the
Nurse asked. I moved from Declan's embrace and nodded as the nurse continued to
prod my tummy.
"Hold on nearly there," she said concentrating. "It's a boy,"
The nurse said before the trickle of tears I already had turned to full sobs.
Declan scooped me up into his arms again and allowed me to cry. I was sick of trying
to be brave putting on a mask to hide my true emotions. I needed this, I needed
to let everything out and I couldn't think of a better person to hang onto for

Declan wanted me to move back to Ireland so that I had the
support from my family but I wouldn't be able to look at my father's disapproving
face of being an unmarried mother but on the flip side Epping held too many
painful memories so I couldn't stay there either.
For the past four months we'd been renting a house in Southampton but I'd
decided to use the money from the insurance company to start a new life for me
and the baby far away from the memories. I vowed that I would tell my son every
day that his daddy was the kindest, most thoughtful person that I'd ever known
and that he did everything within his power to make sure that the two of us
were saved.

Amy - Aces MC Series Book 3.5

Please enjoy a preview of Book 3.5 from the Aces MC
Series, available on February 28th, 2016.


I pulled on the cuffs as I screamed in ecstasy. The metal
dug into my skin and the pinching sensation around my wrists caused me
discomfort but I rode the wave of my orgasm feeling the intense pleasure
between my legs.
I squirmed, bringing my thighs together around Recon's head as I writhed trying
to prolong the sensation.

I opened my eyes as I felt Recon's rough hands prize my legs
apart and looked down to see his cocky expression as he wiped his chin.
"That gets you going every time babe." Recon stated as he moved up my
body to lie on top of me.
I rolled my eyes at his brashness, Recon was so self assured and he knew that I
couldn't resist him not that I wanted to. We'd been seeing each other for the
past six months and as hard as I'd tried to fight my feelings towards him by
telling myself that it was just sex, deep down I knew that I was only kidding
myself as I was slowly falling in love with him.

"Any chance you can release me?" I asked tugging
on the cuffs attached to the headrest.
Recon sniggered, "Oh now that you've got what you wanted you're gonna fuck
off!" He stated sarcastically as he leaned on his elbows taking his weight
off my body.
I sighed, "The birds started singing hours ago babe, I've already outstayed
my welcome." I always made sure that I never fell asleep when I came back
to the clubhouse with Recon as I wanted to leave before anyone else woke up.
Not many of the brothers stayed here as they had their own places but I didn't
want to run into Viper as I didn't know how he'd react. 

Recon reached over to the bedside cabinet and took the small
key in his hand before climbing up my body so that he straddled me.
I sniggered as his semi erect cock landed between my breasts as he reached
towards the cuff on my right hand. Recon smiled, "Oh, you find that
amusing do you?" he asked as he unfastened the lock to release my wrist
and quickly turned his attention to the other cuff.
"This is a compromising position," I raised my brows looking at his
cock as it became fully erect.
"Don't start something you can't finish Vixen." Recon winked before
he cocked his leg and moved from the bed.
I loved it when he called me Vixen, he didn't use the name in public but saved
it for when we were alone in the bedroom which made it even more special. We
had established a routine that suited us and he knew that I needed to leave
shortly, and wouldn't allow me to touch him if I couldn't see it through.

I rubbed my wrists to get the blood pumping and moved so
that I was sitting on the edge of the bed as I watched Recon busy himself
collecting my clothes from various places around the room.
He placed them onto the bed and caught me staring, "What's up with
you?" he asked with a confused expression.
I shrugged, "Nothing."  I stated as I grabbed for my clothes and
began to dress myself. How could I tell him that it was the simple things when
he wasn't even trying that made me want him more?

I stood to secure my dress and brushed my hands gently
across the material to make sure everything was in place.
"I'll call you Vixen."
I glanced across the room at the rugged man that just took my breath away, he
meant so much to me and if I was honest I didn't want to leave him like this. I
wanted to wake up in his arms each morning not to be sneaking around in case I
was seen.
"Yeah, see you soon." I said quietly before sauntering from the
bedroom. I took a deep breath to prepare myself before running the gauntlet
through the clubhouse without being caught.  

 "Take a seat."
I glanced around the shadows and could just make out an outline of someone
sitting in the far corner of the room. My heart rate accelerated as I slowly
made my way over to the seating area and I could feel the panic slowly build
when I realised it was Viper telling me to sit.

My tight smile couldn't possibly hide my discomfort as I
perched myself on the chair opposite him.
"This is turning into a regular occurrence Amy." He grasped the neck
of a glass bottle and took a long swig as he continued to hold my gaze.
It wasn't a question, it was a statement so I remained silent waiting for him
to either make his point or dismiss me. Viper was a bad arse in every sense of
the word. He had to be ruthless in order to run such a successful club and I
couldn't help but feel nervous under his scrutiny and leering eyes.

"Is he going to make you his old lady?" he asked
placing the bottle onto the table before wiping his mouth with the back of his
I shrugged, Recon and I had never discussed the future so I didn't know what he
was thinking but had secretly hoped that he would want our casual fling to turn
into something more serious, although I wasn't ready to let him know exactly
how I felt.
"You've been sneaking in and out of here for the past six months."
I swallowed hard, I knew that Diesel and Spike were aware of my fling with
Recon but not Viper.
"What's the matter, you think I don't know what's going on in my own clubhouse?"
he leaned forward and rested his chin on his grasped hands. 
I didn't want to say something that may antagonise Viper but I was at a loss of
what to say, Recon and I weren't in a relationship we were just shagging.
"I'm waiting Amy."
I shrugged my shoulders, "What do you want me to say? I can't force him to
take me as an old lady but if you want me to stop coming over I will." It
was his club and I needed to respect his wishes although it would be difficult
to stop seeing Recon as my feelings were far beyond the friendship stage.
"It's not that I want you to stop coming over, it's that I think you
deserve better. You shouldn't be someone's booty call Amy."
"It's not like that," I answered back quickly.
Viper laughed, "You're kidding yourself babe. If you've been seeing him for
the past six months and he hasn't claimed your arse, then it's never gonna
I chewed the inside of my mouth as I contemplated what he'd just said,
"Have you finished with me, as I need to get ready for work." I
didn't want to hear this, I didn't need him to spell everything out.
Viper nodded his head and I stood ready to leave. "Amy!" I turned to
glance in his direction, "I can't tell you what to do, it's your life babe
but if you're that desperate to be an old lady, you know where I am."
Viper gave me a cheeky wink and lifted his bottle to take another swig.

I smiled briefly before I turned and eagerly walked from the
clubhouse. I wasn't desperate to be anyone's old lady, I was just hoping that
Recon would see just how good we were together but obviously people looking
from the outside in, could see that it wasn't going anywhere at all.


End of sneak peek.

To continue reading, be sure to read Book 3.5 from the Aces
MC Series – Amy, available
February 2016.

You can also follow me on my website, facebook and twitter,
for all the latest updates:




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