Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) (8 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)
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Chapter 9


Present Day

It had been a busy morning, we'd secured another deal with
the Costello family which had put Onyx in high spirits. The Satan's Wrath had
been distributing drugs for them for the past three months on a trial basis but
today it had become official.
"Pass me the bottle Hustler." Polar was downing drinks like there was
no tomorrow, it was only a matter of time before things got out of hand. Polar
took a quick swig and went to hand it back to Hustler but he declined. Polar
simply shrugged, "More for me."
I noticed April stroll into the room and walk over to the bar where Wes poured
her a drink.
Polar also noticed, "April, come here babe." He shouted with an
unreadable expression.
That was the thing with Polar, you never could tell what mood he was in even if
he was smiling.
I could see April roll her eyes at Wes before she took a sip of her drink and
sauntered towards us.

"What's up?" April asked as she snaked herself
onto Polar's lap and rested her head in the crook of his neck.
"I want you to suck my cock."
Her smile soon dropped but she tried to put on a brave face as she brushed her
hand across his chest before getting to her feet. April wiggled her fingers
towards Polar encouraging him to take her hand, "Come on, let's go in the
Quick as a flash he stood and pulled back his fist, pushing through to make
contact with April's cheek. She let out a scream as she skidded across the
floor from the force.
"Now do as you're fucking told and get my cock out." Polar said
calmly as he settled back down in the chair and took a swig from his bottle.
I clenched my fists at the sight before me but the most shocking thing was that
no one reacted. April didn't created a fuss and knelt brushing herself down,
she moved her jaw from side to side probably making sure that nothing was
broken before she stood. April glanced at me quickly as she made her way over
to Polar, I felt for her and quickly tried to think of a way I could stop this
without creating a scene.

April positioned herself between Polar's thighs and
unfastened his belt buckle as he looked at her arrogantly. It fucking annoyed
me, how he controlled her in this way, if he took her as his old lady she would
give him everything he wanted and more but his pride got in the way of
April pulled down his zip and slipped her hand into his boxer shorts to pull
out his cock.

"I know the outcome was what you wanted today but how
did the meeting go?" Poet asked. I was thankful that a conversation was
now flowing as I couldn't bear sitting here watching the spectacle in front of
Onyx nodded, "Hector's still a prick but he can help generate a lot of
money for the club."
"Yeah, sometimes we have to work with pricks." I glanced in Polar's
direction as he lifted his bottle in appreciation of my comment towards him, as
April continued to suck his cock.
Onyx sniggered, "I'll drink to that."
"He's still gonna review it each month but we'll just have to be better
than everyone else." Hustler stated.

"For fucks sake woman, can you suck it properly?"
Polar shouted and flicked his hand to clip April around the head.
April stopped what she was doing and raised her head, "My lip's swollen
Polar, cut me some slack it hurts."
Polar stood abruptly, pushing April out of the way before grabbing a clump of
her hair, "Don't get fucking lairy with me."
April put her hands on top of her head to try and stop Polar from ripping out
her hair, she instinctively kicked and screamed trying to get free as he
dragged her past the seating area with menace on his face.

"Leave it. It has nothing to do with you."
I glanced from April to Onyx who was now staring at me. "What? Are you
gonna sit here and let that shit go on?" I pointed in the direction that
April had just been dragged. Her screams could be heard and the guys looked
between themselves probably wondering if Polar had taken it too far by their
"I'm not letting this go on." I stood abruptly and stalked towards
the back room as the screams become muffled.
Pushing open the door I saw Polar on top of April with his hands firmly around
her throat. She thrashed around on the bed and tried to loosen his grip but he
was too strong.
I rushed over to the bed and wrapped my arm around his neck and yanked him
back, he was like a man possessed and it took me two attempts to pull him off
and get him to the floor. I threw myself on top of Polar and punched him
repeatedly in the head. He moved his arms to cover his face revealing his
torso, I caught him in the ribs and chest as my blows rained down on him. He
wasn't so brave now as he grunted and tried to recoil.

"That's enough!"
I continued my onslaught ignoring Onyx's orders until I was forcefully pulled
from his chest by Slick.
"You fucking prick!" I fought aggressively trying to get back at
Polar as he rose to his feet.
He reached into his cut and pulled out a blade before charging towards me. I
could see the fury on his face and he would have made contact if it wasn't for
Onyx's boot kicking the knife from his hand.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked turning to Onyx. "He
punched me I deserve retribution."

"She's not breathing!"
We all turned towards Poet to see him on the bed next to April with his fingers
in the crook of her neck trying to find a pulse.
"What do you mean that she's not fucking breathing?" Polar asked
joining him on the bed.
I shook my head, "You're fucking unbelievable." I shrugged free from
Slick's hold so I could tend to April, she deserved better than this.
Polar leaned over April and tipped her head back to give her mouth to mouth.
"Fuck this shit!" I couldn't do this, I couldn't stand here and watch
how this shit played out.
How many people was this man going to hurt before
he was finally stopped?

I stalked from the room slamming the door behind me before
making my way over to the bar.
"Do you want one?" Wes asked holding up the bottle of whiskey.
"Make it a double."
Wes sniggered, "For a man who never used to drink, you're been hitting it
a little hard lately."
"When I want advice I'll ask for it." I took the drink from the bar
and knocked it back.
"Don't take it out on Wes," Onyx stated as he sat beside me on a
stool. He pulled out his cigar tin from his pocket and offered me one. I
declined and stood from the stool, I wanted to go home and get cleaned up.
"She's breathing, barely but she's breathing." I nodded my head and
turned heading for the door.
"Why don't you take yourself off for a couple of days? Go and visit that
aunt of yours."
"That sounds like a good idea." I stated walking from the clubhouse.

I breathed heavily and moved my neck from side to side
trying to loosen the tension that was mounting before I straddled my
motorcycle. I needed this break to get my head together and come up with a
plan. I was too busy living from day to day but had no set time frame or
anything prepared.

I rode home in a daze contemplating what had actually gone on
this evening and how long I'd like to stay away in order to clear my head. I
needed company, I needed CJ. He was the only person on this earth that actually
got me, he knew about family values and we'd become friends from the very first
day we met. I smiled at the thought reminiscing, if there was one thing I
missed from doing all of this shit it was him.

I entered my bedsit and went about quickly stuffing the
essentials into a rucksack making sure I had enough for at least a couple of
days. I still had clothes at my flat in Waltham Abbey which made it easier to
travel light on occasions like this but there were still a few items that I
wanted to take.

I started the long stretch of my journey by joining the M1
and made sure that I travelled at a steady speed. What would usually take two
hours in a car would take more like three on my motorcycle but I wasn't in a
hurry, I loved the feel of the road beneath me it made me feel free. This
journey was giving me time to think, April had survived this latest attack from
Polar but how many more beatings would she be able to live through before it
went horribly wrong.

The closer I got to London the busier the roads become so I
decided to move into the slow lane. As I did I noticed a motorcycle do the same
thing further down the motorway. I'd clocked it a couple of times during the
journey but it had stayed at the same distance behind me for the past thirty
minutes. I couldn't see who was riding or be sure of what bike it was, and it
could be totally innocent but spending so much time with the Satan's had made
me suspicious.

To put my mind at rest I decided to take the next exit and
find a service station. I needed fuel anyway but this act could possibly
confirm my suspicions. I indicated giving the rider enough time to see what I
was doing and eased into the services. The motorcycle continued its journey
down the motorway, the rider didn't even turn his head to look at me. I
sniggered at the thought of becoming so paranoid, this had become my life and
would continue to do so until I finished what I'd set out to achieve. The
problem I had was the longer I spent with the Satan's the more I worried of
becoming one of them, and would find it difficult to break all ties once I had
my retribution.

I spent half an hour in the services and managed to grab
something to eat and take a piss break. It was hard going, on the body during
such a long run and I was looking forward to a nice hot shower once I arrived
back at my flat in Waltham Abbey.
CJ didn't know that I was coming back, none of the Aces did as I hadn't had
time to contact them before I left. I was hoping that he didn't have much on
over the next couple of days so that we could hit the town. I needed a beer and
most importantly a mate, not that I spoke much I just needed to listen to
someone moaning and CJ was really good at that.

I joined the M1 and continued to travel south, I was nearly
home and my stomach flipped at the thought. I couldn't wait for all of this to
be over, then I could return home and think about starting a normal life. I
laughed to myself, normal, I didn't know what normal was. My childhood wasn't
exactly rosy and after the death of my family I'd drifted from one foster home
to another looking for something to fill the void but nothing ever did as my
desire for revenge was too strong.

Something caught my eye ahead and pulled me quickly from my
thoughts, there was a lay by further in the distance and the motorcycle that I
had suspicions of following me was parked up. I didn't have enough time to pull
in and confront the rider because of the speed I was travelling at but I
managed to slow down enough to try and see who it was. I didn't recognise the
motorcycle and the man turned away as I drove past.
I now knew that I was being followed but by who and why I didn't know. I needed
to come up with a plan, I couldn't go back to my flat through fear of him
following me, I needed to check into a hotel and preferably not in Waltham
Abbey or Epping as they were too close to home.
Think Jake think!

The club thought that I had an elderly aunt with dementia in
a home, I had used this excuse to get me out of a hole on more than one
occasion. It would confirm my story if I managed to lure them to an old
people's home but where could I take them? I vaguely remember dropping Kathy
off at a nursing home after one of her shifts from the club. Her mum worked
there and made a point of making me a hot drink for my troubles of dropping her
daughter off safely. I'd explained that I was going that way anyhow but she
still wanted to thank me all the same. The problem being I couldn't quite
remember where it was, I'd have to take a flier on it and when I did arrive I
hoped that they'd let me in.

I turned off the motorway and headed for the nursing home in
Enfield. If I was being followed I'd need to make it look authentic as someone
obviously had their suspicions of me. I pulled up outside Sunnydale and removed
my helmet. The rider hadn't followed me directly into the car park but I knew
he would be waiting to see if I entered the building and stayed for a while.
Walking to the door my heart raced, I didn't know what the protocols were but I
knew I wouldn't be able to just turn up and be allowed in if I wasn't visiting
I pressed the buzzer and waited for someone to respond as I looked through the
window to see the hustle and bustle of the nurses behind the work station
simultaneously stop what they were doing, as they stared at me through the
protective glass. I sighed loudly and knew that I should've removed my cut so I
looked a little friendlier.
I pressed the buzzer again and waited for the women to answer as I heard the
low rumble of a motorcycle behind me. "Come on, open the door. Please open
the goddamn door." I whispered under my breath.
In the distance I saw Kathy's mum and knocked on the glass. Her bright smile
gave me hope as I saw her mutter something to the ladies that stood behind the
desk and walk over to the door to let me in.

I sighed with relief, "Hi darling, you're a sight for
sore eyes."
"Well this is a pleasant surprise but something tells me that you haven't
come back just to see me after all these years." She sniggered and
directed me up the hall, "I'm taking my break now." She shouted to
the ladies that looked at us with their mouths wide open.

"Please take a seat, can I get you a drink?" she
asked reaching into the fridge and offering me a coke. I nodded my head and she
brought it over along with her lunch box.
She placed the drink onto the table, "So why are you here? Is there
something wrong with Kathy?"
"No Kathy's fine, well she was the last time I saw her. No, I just needed
somewhere to go for an hour."
She looked at me confused, "So you choose here?"
I sniggered, "I needed somewhere not associated with the club."
"Has it got anything to do with the two bikers outside?"
"Yeah, another one pulled up as I let you in. I suppose you
had other things on your mind not to realise." She took one half of her
sandwich from her lunchbox and pushed the container towards me, "Cheese
and pickle."
I smiled and took the sandwich, "Thank you."
"So what can you tell me?"
That's what I remembered about Margaret, she was a good old straight
talking lady from the east end of London. What you saw is what you got and I
appreciated that. "I need to stay here for about an hour. If you need to
return to work I can help out or simply stay in here but I'd appreciate your
"Oh, a man in distress," she stated lifting her
sandwich to take a bite. "I've got a half hour break and then I've gotta
get back to work."
I smiled, appreciating her hospitality and the fact that she'd just saved me
from a fucking awkward situation.
"If I remember rightly, Kathy told me that you're a locksmith."
I nodded my head as I ate the sandwich, I found it difficult to make small talk
but I knew that I needed to out of politeness. "So how's business?"
"That's the other thing I remember, you're a man of many words." She
stated sarcastically with a large grin plastered across her face.

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