Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) (3 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)
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What was I to say to that? He seemed like a fucking lunatic
to me but she had obviously seen something to be worthy of her wanting Polar to
be her old man.
"So what is it that makes him so attractive, I'm intrigued? Is it his
charismatic personality and that wicked sense of humour?" I asked
April swatted my arm, "He has a very caring side but he doesn't show it to
everyone." She gushed and I knew that he'd won her over completely.
"So how come you ended up here?" She seemed bright enough to be able
to do something other than lay on her back.
"I didn't do well at school so my options were limited. A friend of mine
was working as a stripper in a local club which the guys frequented, we got
chatting and one thing led to another and they offered me a job. I accepted and
haven't looked back since."
I nodded understanding her story, I'd seen it before and now she had the added
predicament of falling in love with one of the arseholes.
"Can you do me a favour?" I asked rising to my feet.
April looked at me puzzled, "Depends!"
I shuffled a little uncomfortably, I'd never blown a bird off and I couldn't
believe what I was about to ask her. "Could you pretend that we've
April raised her brows and chewed on the inside of her mouth trying not to
I sniggered and shook my head, "I know what that sounds like."
"Do you?
"Yeah I do, now will you cover for me?" I asked intrigued as to what
she might say.
"Am I so abhorrent that you wouldn't want to shag me?"
"You know that's not the case, you're gorgeous but I've got a lot going on
without muddying the waters further."
April rose from the bed, "Yeah I'll cover for you. Were you a good or bad
shag though?" she asked me humorously.
"Cheeky bitch!"

I enjoyed the banter with April, she was a breath of fresh
air and I was hoping that I at least may be able to have an ally between these
walls although she loved the man that I was going to kill. I spent the next
half an hour listening to her stories about certain club members and the do's
and don'ts that may just save my life long enough for me to be able to carry out
my plan. I didn't want to like her, building relationships in this place would
only make matters worse but she was very likeable and told it how it was.

"Okay, I think we've been in here long enough." I
said glancing at my watch.
April sniggered, "It's been a pleasure Saviour, you're a true gentlemen."
I smiled as I opened the door and glanced quickly over my shoulder,
"Thanks April."
She winked, "Any time Saviour."

I closed the door behind me and walked down the corridor
towards the bar smiling to myself at the thought of how well April and I had
got along. Strolling into the room, I felt the full force of Polar as he
punched me clean on the jaw sending me skidding across the floor. It fucking
stung like a bitch but I stood quickly knowing that I needed to show what I was
capable of. Polar looked psychotic, glaring at me with large eyes as I surged

"What the fuck's going on?" Onyx roared from
across the bar. The music was quickly muted as he stomped towards us.
I ignored Onyx as I reached back to take a swing at Polar, catching him
perfectly on the nose. My ring grazed the skin which bled instantly giving me a
feeling of satisfaction from him taking me down earlier.
Polar stepped back grimacing at the contact before he stood tall ready for
"That's enough, don't make me tell you two again." Onyx stood between
us and pushed us apart roughly as Polar and I eyeballed each other. He glared
at us both before turning to Polar, "What's your problem with
Polar didn't take his eyes from mine, "He just fucking annoys me." He
stated as he clenched his fists.
Onyx scoffed, "You don't even know him."
"Or do you!" Polar stated coldly.
I noticed Onyx's eyes widen slightly as he folded his arms across his chest,
sizing up to Polar as the party goers fell silent.
"He's just upset that I shagged his old lady," I stated trying to
goad Polar further.
It was easier than expected as my comment made him surge forward and try to
grab me again.
Onyx grabbed Polar's arm and yanked him back, and nodded towards Slick to help
get him under control as Polar was like a mad man possessed trying to claw at
"Oh yeah sorry, she's not your old lady is she. Maybe I could have another
go then or maybe claim her for myself."
"You fucking cunt, I'll kill you."
"That's enough Prospect, know your place." I knew to stand down and
hold my tongue. I'd succeeded in winding Polar up and shown that I wasn't
scared of him or a physical altercation.
Slick and Priest now had hold of Polar but he wasn't letting down in his
pursuit to get to me.
"He has a point though Polar," Onyx rubbed his chin and glanced
towards April as she walked into the bar. "Are you ever going to make
April your old lady?"
I saw the embarrassment cross April's face as all eyes turned towards her, as
Onyx's question hung in the air.
"I could never take a whore as my old lady." He spat shaking from
Slick's hold. As he stepped forward April caught his eye, I could see the hurt
on her face as he glared with no emotion registering.
"Well then, if she's fair game you can't stop anyone from shagging her
including me." Onyx turned on his heels and walked towards April, she stared
at Polar with pleading eyes as a tear trickled down her face but he looked torn
between his feelings for April and his principles. Onyx smirked and grabbed
April's hand as she smiled sweetly but I noticed that it didn't reach her eyes.
Onyx winked at Polar before he led an unwitting April from the bar and into the
corridor at the back of the room.

"Get out of my fucking way." Polar shouted as he
pushed through the crowd making his way out of the building.
Slick let out a low whistle, "Well, you know how to make friends." He
sniggered as he left my side in the same direction as Polar had gone.

Someone cranked up the music and I was relieved that I was
no longer the centre of attention, as people went back to talking in their
Letting out a loud breath I composed myself and made my way through the bar,
I'd already outstayed my welcome and I was more than ready to turn in for the
night. I walked through the yard deep in my own thoughts when I felt the
presence of someone behind me. I swung around ready to attack should I need to
but stopped when I saw Poet leaning against the wall that surrounded the yard.
He threw his fag onto the ground and used his boot to stamp it out, "You've
made quite an impression already." He pushed off the wall and slowly made
his way over to me.
I shrugged, "I only did as I was told, I didn't realise that April was
Poet sniggered, "She's not and that's where the problem lies. April's a
sweet girl and would make a perfect old lady but Polar won't claim her."
"He's such a prick."
"That may be true but he's our VP, and you better start building bridges
or he'll make your life hell."
I nodded, knowing that I'd made my job more difficult by making him an enemy
"Are you okay finding your way home from here?"
I nodded, "Yeah I think so." I made my way over to my motorcycle and
glanced around the yard pleased with myself that I'd finally got one foot in
the door before I headed into the night in the direction of my bedsit.

I removed the note pad from under the sofa cushion and
positioned it on the coffee table so that I could enter my most recent
findings. I drew the layout of the inside of the clubhouse, it wasn't as big as
the Aces but I needed to have a good understanding of the entrances to the
building. I didn't know how I was going to get revenge on the three men yet but
any information that would give me an advantage would be a godsend.

Now that I had infiltrated the group I would need to be
careful of my movements so that I didn't raise suspicion or lead the Satan's to
the Ace's.  This was my vengeance and I didn't want the Aces to be involved as
people could get hurt. Once I had documented everything, I moved the stool towards
the wall so that I could stand on it to reach the air vent. Using my blade I
unscrewed the vent and placed the book within, making sure that I fastened it
securely afterwards. I didn't want this book falling into the wrong hands but
it would be safe tucked away nicely in there.

I yawned, it had been an exhausting but successful day but I
needed to get some sleep. I remember the days well of being a prospect and new
that I could get a call at any time to run menial errands.

Chapter 3


Six years earlier

"Whoa, what do we have here?" Polar asked as he
rubbed his hands together.
I sat at the bar on my own but turned to follow his gaze in the direction of a
group of young girls that had been led into the clubhouse by Slick. They looked
young, barely legal I just hoped they weren't brought here to service the club.
I glanced towards the new prospect and nodded my head in the direction of the
girls asking a silent question, he simply nodded and looked away confirming my
worst fears.

The guys visibly got excited as the girls were brought
further into the room. They whimpered and held onto each other for support but
there was nothing I could do without causing a scene that could backfire.

"You! Come here." Polar selected the prettiest
girl and beckoned her over with his finger.
She didn't move at first but Slick gave her a nudge that moved her forward out
of the line, she dropped her friend's hand and cautiously looked around the
room as she moved slowly in the direction of the leering men. Tears steadily
flowed down her panic stricken cheek as she walked between the sofas. The young
girl glanced around the furniture to see Onyx and Priest on one side, and Hustler
and Fix on the other before she looked past them and her gaze met mine at the
bar. I could see the pleading in her eyes and I cowardly looked away otherwise
I would've rushed to her aid and blow my cover completely.

"Slick's done well, you're a pretty one." She
stood before Polar physically shaking but his eyes were firmly on the prize as he
looked her up and down like a lion assessing his prey before he pounced. Polar
moved forward perching on the edge of the sofa cushion and reached up to take a
strand of her hair between his fingers. The girl instantly flinched and
recoiled as the panic showed inside her tiny body.
"Come here babe, it's going to be okay." Polar said softly trying to
gain her confidence.
She slowly stepped forward and Polar put out his hand again to reach for her
hair but I saw a flicker of evil cross his face as he grabbed a handful and
pulled her down to the floor.
She let out a yelp which encouraged the other girls to scream and huddle
together thinking that they could possibly be next.
"Shut the fuck up!" Onyx shouted as he turned in the direction of the
girls. "You're giving me a fucking headache with all the crying and
screaming." The group instantly fell silent and Onyx turned his attention
back to Polar and the young girl as he pulled on the edge of his moustache.

The young girl was now kneeling between Polar's thighs, he
was frantically trying to free his cock from his jeans but proving difficult as
he still had hold of the girl. She let out a gasp when she saw his manhood,
"Ah you like that babe, well you'll like it even more when I'm fucking
your face." Polar grabbed the girl's hair roughly at the back of her head
as she thrashed around trying to get free but Priest immediately sat on the
coffee table behind her and held her firmly. The sight sickened me, this was a
well rehearsed manoeuvre which made me wonder just how many times this had
taken place before.
"Now you better suck my cock and suck it good otherwise I'm gonna let
everyone of these men fuck you every which way. Do you understand what I'm
The girl took a deep breath as the tears continued to fall, she simply nodded
and looked down at the ground. "Good now put my cock in your mouth like a
good girl and don't even think about biting it."
She placed her small hand around his dick and positioned her mouth above it
hesitantly. "Come on, I haven't got all day," Polar said to the roar
of laughter from the other men.
He let out a sigh at her further hesitation and grabbed her head with both
hands, pulling her onto his cock. I could see the panic on her face as he
rammed his cock into her mouth and she gagged at the intrusion as the group
cheered louder at the sight before them. The young girl tried to pull away several
times to free herself but Priest continued to hold her firmly from behind as
Polar fucked her face.

I wanted to leave, this was beyond anything that I'd seen
before but if I left now I would raise suspicions. Fuck!
I glanced around the room and was surprised to see that not all of the group
were enjoying the floor show, there were at least three other guys that looked
as disgusted as me which was interesting.

"That's it babe, I'm nearly there." Polar shouted
over the hysteria of the group. "Ahhhhhggggg," he roared as he came
in her mouth. The young girl gasped for air finding it difficult to breathe as
Polar continued to pump into her mouth.
I couldn't handle it anymore, I stood abruptly and the stool fell over which
drew attention to myself.

Onyx turned in my direction, "What's up Saviour, you
not enjoying the show?"
"Not my scene man, I like my women to be a little more compliant." I
stated trying to keep the anger from my voice.
I could see a flash of annoyance on his face, "Select one of the more
compliant girls." He waved his arm towards the group that were still
huddled together.
"No, I'm okay man, thanks all the same." I turned and made my way
towards the door.
"But I insist."
The room fell eerily quiet and I felt his eyes bore into my skin, taking a deep
breath I turned on my heels to see the group staring at me, waiting for my next
I placed my hands on my hips and thought of how I could possibly get out of
this situation but I was running out of time, I was dammed if I did and dammed
if I didn't.
As I stalked towards the group I saw a flash of excitement on Polar's face, he
didn't think I would go through with it but I needed to prove him wrong to save

I stood before the group of girls who'd begun to whimper
again at the fear of being subjected to what they'd just seen their friend
Slick dispersed the group and rounded them so that they stood in a line. I
needed to string this out for as long as possible until I had a plan, I placed
my hands in my pockets and strolled up and down until I selected the youngest
looking girl from the group, hoping that if I took her then these animals
wouldn't be let loose on her.
"Come and sit here so we can all have a good look." Hustler stated to
the agreement of the group.
The young girl tried to recoil and break free from my grasp but I held firm
unsure of what I was going to do, I needed to think of an excuse and fast.

"Ah babe, I was hoping to shag you tonight." I was
pulled from my thoughts as April sauntered into the room. "Can we have a
threesome instead?" she asked excitedly standing beside me running her
finger down the young girls face.
April gave me a wink before she walked around the young girl as if assessing
her, then lightly grasped her hand to entice the petrified young girl towards
the backroom to the cheers of the group.

"Nah man, you do it out here so that we can all
watch." Polar stood clearly annoyed by what was going on.
Onyx shooed me with his hand clearly ignoring Polar's protests, "Go and
enjoy yourself. I'm sick of watching, I need to have some fun myself."

April continued to hold the weeping girls hand as she led
her down the corridor towards one of the bedrooms that was free to use by
anyone at the club. I casually glanced behind me to see that we weren't being
followed but that didn't stop my heart lurching, feeling like it was trying to
find a way to escape my chest as my adrenaline pumped.
April opened the door and dragged the young girl inside, I glanced down the
corridor one last time in the direction of the bar before entering the room and
closing the door firmly behind me.

"What the fuck!" I ran my fingers through my short
hair and paced back and forth trying to work out what I needed to do.
April walked over to me and placed her hands on my upper arms trying to calm me
down, "Come on Saviour, you need to keep it together and work something
out. What are we going to do with her?" she asked pointing in the
direction of the girl who was now standing in the corner of the room looking
between us as she listened to our conversation.

The girl was petrified and rightly so as she didn't look
much older than fourteen.
"We need to get you out of these clothes." April said walking over to
the young girl aggressively tugging on her jumper.
The girl held firm trying to hold the material tightly in place so that April
couldn't lift it any further.
"What are you doing April?" I asked unsure as to why she was making
the young girl even more distressed.
April continued to wrestle with the girl, "If one of the guys come in here
and she aint at least down to her underwear, they'll start asking
She was right, that's why I loved the fact that I had an ally in April. She
didn't know what I'd planned for the club but she knew that I was different and
had my own agenda. April knew her role within the club well, her insight had
helped me out on more than one occasion and I was grateful of our friendship
although unconventional.

"Look, we're not going to hurt you babe but we need you
down to your underwear. You can either fight me on this or be a good girl and
do as you're told to thank me for saving your arse out there earlier."
She peeped through her hair that was hanging in front of her face and her large
brown eyes quickly flickered from April to myself and back again.
"Okay but please let me do it." The young girl said quietly as she
swatted April's hands away and slowly reached down to the hem of her jumper to
pull it up and over her head.
April stepped back giving her the room needed to remove her clothes and briefly
glanced in my direction with a tight smile at the whole situation.
We didn't want this young girl to strip but we needed her to, should one of the
guys choose to come into the room.

The young girl held her clothes tightly to her chest and I
could see her physically shake as she looked at the floor. I briefly glanced at
her body and could see by her shape that she was barely a teenager. What the
fuck were the club playing at?
She was just a fucking child!

"Thank you, now sit on the there." April took the
young girl by the hand and walked her over to the bed, making sure that she
quickly pulled the sheet up encouraging the girl to get in. She placed her
clothes on the floor beside the bed and shimmied on to the mattress and snatched
the cover from April to cover her body.

I sat on the bed making sure I wasn't too close as I didn't
want to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was. "What's your
name?" I asked hoping that the girl would now feel a little more
comfortable in our presence.
She glanced between April and myself and pulled the cover tightly so that it
was under her chin.
"Chay, my name's Chay."
I nodded my head still trying to think of what I was going to do with her, if I
knew a little more about Chay maybe I could possibly take her home. "How
did you end up here?"
Chay remained still but her eyes moved so that she wasn't making eye contact, "All
of us are from the same children's home. The man with the glasses promised us a
job and our own apartments."

Fucking hell, I'd been with them a year but even I didn't
realise that they were into children. This was wrong, when I was done here
today the club needed to be reported in order to protect these girls. I didn't
want my cover blown but I wasn't about to sit back and watch children be
"Okay babe, sit tight and let me speak to April." I stood and made my
way towards the window. April followed and I could see that she was mulling
over what Chay had just said.
"She's young, I didn't realise they were into children!" I stated
feeling the anger building inside me. I was annoyed that over the past year
April hadn't mentioned anything to me. We'd had plenty of time for pillow talk
over the last year but not once had she hinted that they were trading young

"Don't look at me like that Saviour, I know what you're
thinking and it's not like that!"
"No, well tell me what it's like then April, because from where I'm
standing I see the club rounding up young vulnerable girls and raping them,
possibly turning them into strippers or prostitutes."
April let out a long sigh and placed her hands on her hips. "Yes, they
take in young girls but they're usually runaways. They're not put into the club
but usually become house mouse's." April glanced around at Chay who was
watching us intently probably trying to work out what we intended to do with her.
"Onyx was looking for a house mouse to help Trix run the home and look
after the kids. She's been getting on his case lately and he wanted to shut her
"You seem to know quite a bit about Onyx's plans." I raised my brow
slightly trying to encourage her to talk further.
She scoffed, "Saviour, I'm a fucking club whore. I lie on my back and do
what I have to do then listen to the shit that they want to share. I know so
many secrets, I'm surprised they haven't done me in already."
"She's only a baby twelve possibly thirteen, if she stays you're gonna
need to look after her."
April raised her brows, "Why are you so concerned about a girl you've just
"Because I have a fucking heart."

Over the next hour we spoke to Chay, she gave us some
insight into how they were groomed into coming away with Slick. They'd all been
promised a job, which was a good prospect for these girls as they weren't going
to school and therefore wouldn't gain any qualifications. They were all told to
pack a few belongings and meet him at the entrance of the park, this would make
it look like they had all planned to run away together. They were all teenage
girls that had ran away in the past so the police wouldn't worry too much,
thinking that they'd eventually turn up.

My brain felt like it was on overload, I needed some fresh
air. This really wasn't my scene and I most certainly was going to rectify the
situation, this couldn't possibly go on. I left the room and stalked through
the building needing to get out of the putrid smelling room as I felt like I
was suffocating. The rest of the group were nowhere to be seen and I only hoped
that the guys had a change of heart and had let them go. I scoffed, who the
fuck was I kidding, they were fucking animals.

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